All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

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All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Post by jenstc2003 »

All Hallows Eve
Rating- PG 13
Notes- This story developed from the basic situation that has been created on the Willing Freshies Forever threads, which have taken the characters and realities from Moonlight, and gone in an alternate direction with them.
Synclaire Smythe is my alter ego in the WFF and this is the continuation of her story.

The FOS was conspicuously empty when I walked in. I guess it’s the fact that everyone’s away for the Halloween weekend, or else out partying- maybe just running later than usual. Whatever the reason, they’re gone, and it’s not a bad thing. I’d spent the day working unloading the moving van and was not in a mood to chat, truth be told. I just needed to be away from the house for a while. I wrote a bit on my novel, but the mood wasn’t right for that. Then I decided to make myself a drink and try to unwind.

As I was sitting there, nursing my amaretto sour, I noticed a bowl of candy on the bar- obviously, Mick was expecting some trick or treaters to come by… or else he just wanted us to have something to nibble on. Then I heard the doorbell. Before I could even think of answering it, Mick dashed downstairs, wearing a black suit and a cape. “Hey Synful!” He said as he grabbed the bowl, ruffling my hair in greeting. I grinned at him as he vamped out before opening the door, candy in hand. Two little ghosts stood there in the doorway, with a well- dressed woman that I could only surmise was their mother. Mick greeted her with a hug, and spoke to her for a moment, then they were gone.

Mick headed back over to me, not bothering to take off his “mask”, settling on the couch and pulling me onto his lap. I couldn’t help but smile- I’d never seen him having so much fun. “So- what are you up to this evening, Synful? Want to help me with the Trick or Treat deluge?”

“Deluge huh? I was just trying to come up with something to do- but that sounds like fun.”

“Let me go up and see if I can find you a costume to wear- I’m sure I have a few things in the closet that might fit you.” With that, he moved me to the side and ran upstairs, coming back a few minutes later with a second cape and a black dress. “Here you go- I think you can probably wear this…”

I quickly headed to the bathroom to change- sure enough, a perfect fit. How he managed to have exactly the right thing, I’ll never know… but I’m glad. I went back out to the living room, and he greeted me with a big smile. “That looks great on you, Syn!”

“Thanks! I think so too!” I brushed a bit of extra make up on, and we waited comfortably on the couch, though not for long. For the next two hours, the door was rarely closed for more than a few minutes. Mostly mothers and their young children, with an occasional grandmother thrown in- all greeted with a hug. Finally, the last little ghouls left, and Mick and I settled down on the couch, his face relaxing back into its human form. “So- whence comes this big deluge of trick or treaters… somehow, I don’t think you’d show your vamp side to just any adult, and the building is pretty private for just anyone to get in.”

“I should have known you’d figure that out, Synful. They’re all former Freshies who have gone on to retirement- mostly Josef’s girls that I’ve known through the years, but a couple of mine from way back who come by with their grandbabies. I always have treats for the kids- and its’ a good chance to see them all again.” The wistful tone in his voice is obvious.

“It must be hard to see them every year.” I curled closer to him, hoping that it would be some comfort.

“Yeah- but I try not to focus too much on it. At least I get to see them a couple of times a year. Besides, I have all you girls- that helps more than you’ll ever know.”

“Then I’m doubly glad I was here.” I laid my head back on his shoulder, contentedly. He wrapped his arm around me, and I could almost feel his smile.

“Me too, Synful- me too.” He massaged my shoulder a bit as we sat there, just enjoying the peace and quiet. “And now- I have to head out. St. Anne’s has a late All Saints Day Vigil that I always go to- want to join me?”

That one took me off guard- but the offer is too good to pass up. “Sure! Let me change real quick.” So I did, and a few minutes later, we were at the church.

We had a short walk in, as the parking lot was full already, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked- almost an instinct with him, as I’d noticed before. You’d never guess we were anything but another couple here for the service, which I suppose is the goal. He opens the door for me, and I can’t help but smile. The man is too good to be true. After we stepped inside, we found the founts, and I smiled as he blessed himself with holy water. I whispered, just low enough for him to hear. “Guess the old legends aren’t true, huh?”

He laughed and squeezed me tighter. “Nope, they’re not.” He found us an empty pew halfway up the main aisle, and we both genuflected as we entered it. He pulled down the kneeler, and we both knelt to pray before the service began. It seems like such a strange situation- the vampire, in church- but he seems perfectly at ease. He wrapped an arm around me and I leaned against his shoulder a bit as we listened to the readings and the homily and the litany of the saints. I couldn’t get over how sensuous his voice is- never could, really. But when we sang the hymns, it was really startling.

Finally, the Priest finished up the blessing the wine and breadk, and it was time to go forward to receive communion. I’d never imagined Mick would do that but he stood just as the rest did, and we filed through the line. The priest nodded at him and gave him the tiny bit of wafer, which Mick took reverently and carried over to the server who offered him the chalice full of wine. He quickly dipped his wafer in the wine, and then crossed himself as he turned back towards the pew, where we knelt together. I could hear him, praying a decade of the Rosary after saying the thanksgiving prayer that is traditional at that point in the service, and I joined in quietly.

We settled back into our seats after we had finished our prayers, and he smiled at me. “I’m glad you’re here tonight.”

“Me too. It’s never fun to go to Mass alone.”

“No, it’s not.”

The service ended quickly after that- a final song, a final blessing and then we head for the car again.

Back at the apartment, which is still surprisingly empty, Mick smiled at me. “You know- why don’t we head to the balcony? I know you like it out there- and…”

There was no question what he had in mind. “That sounds absolutely wonderful.” So he led me out there, and we settled on the couch, me in his lap, and his arm around my shoulders, supporting me. He brushed my hair out of the way, taking a moment to take in my scent. Then, he trailed a few kisses down the length of my throat, exactly on top of the vein that he favors. When he reached the tiny scars that are forming there, he kissed them, which sent a thrill all through me. I swear, there is nothing that will ever compare to his bite, and even such a small reminder is almost too much. He waited for a few more moments, then his face blanched and I could feel his teeth elongate against my throat. I could imagine his eyes shining silver, the full moon reflecting in them as he held me. Then he struck, and the familiar sharp sensation woke me from that reverie, sending me into another dream. He drank from me for what must have been only a few moments in reality, but it felt more like forever in a bottle. I could hear him growl as he pulled away, kissing the wounds and making sure that they were thoroughly sealed before he settled back and pulled me against his chest, whispering a thank you in my ear.

“Are you OK, Synful?’ He asked at full voice, as if he needed to.

“I’m fine, Mick. And you know I should be thanking you.” I reached up and kissed his cheek. “You don’t have to worry. Tonight has been great, you know.”

“I’m glad.” He ran his fingers through my hair, and we talked for a few minutes about nothing in particular- just enjoying the company. Finally, he grinned. “You know- you girls made those beautiful jack o’ lanterns the other night- why don’t I light them? Some of the other girls just came in- maybe we could all go up on the roof deck and have a true Halloween party… some dancing… maybe some bobbing for apples… maybe spend a bit of time in that hot tub Little Bird was so anxious to have?”

I couldn’t help grinning. “Sounds great. This is turning into a terrific Halloween after all. Thank you!”

“No, thank you, Synful. You’ve made this a terrific Halloween for me, too. Thank you.” He led me inside, got a glass of cider for me, and we all headed up to the roof deck, jack o’ lanterns in hand.


Mick's Synful One
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Re: All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Post by francis »

Just a little bit of fluff that is appreciated today.
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Re: All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Post by jenstc2003 »

*smiles* Thanks Francis! I'm glad you enjoyed on a day when you needed a smile!
francis wrote:Just a little bit of fluff that is appreciated today.


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Re: All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Post by cassysj »

Another little gem I never read. I love the idea of freshies coming for Halloween. I also liked him going to church and sharing that with Syn.
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Re: All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Post by jenstc2003 »

*Hugs* Thanks Cassy! This is one of my favorites!
cassysj wrote:Another little gem I never read. I love the idea of freshies coming for Halloween. I also liked him going to church and sharing that with Syn.


Mick's Synful One
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Re: All Hallows Eve- a Syn Freshie Fic PG 13

Post by jenstc2003 »

*Bumping for your Halloween pleasure*


Mick's Synful One
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