Challenge 102, My Bloody Valentine - His - PG 13 (02/08/09)

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Challenge 102, My Bloody Valentine - His - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by nutmegger911 »

Author's note: In response to Champaign Challenge No. 102. No pairing, but a one shot, if you will...
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

My Bloody Valentine - His

by Nutmegger911

Mick swung the door open surprised to see Guillermo standing before him with a satchel of fresh A positive. He had called to say he was stopping by, but Mick had just stocked up. He took the gift and headed for the kitchen. His buddy was going to ask a favor.

Guillermo followed behind Mick as he went to put the blood bags away. “Hey man, I want to hire you. I need your help with something. Short term. You can do it in one night.”

“Sure man, what's going on?”

“I need you to help me remove something.”

“What do you mean ‘remove something’?” Mick leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his chest.

“Look man, I’d do it myself, but I can’t reach.”

“Guillermo, I’m a P.I., not a surgeon. Why don’t you ask Terrance?”

“I can’t. The County laid him off, and he decided to relocate. Besides, you were a medic and I know you took stuff out of yourself before.”

Mick’s shoulders heaved as he sighed. His skills were rusty and he didn’t like the idea of performing surgery on anyone other than himself. But he owed Guillermo for patching him up when he was human. He walked over and withdrew a scalpel and a bottle of rubbing alcohol from a drawer in the island. He held the blade over the sink and poured alcohol over it. “OK. Where is it?”

Guillermo placed a large manila envelope on the counter. Mick set the scalpel on the counter with the blade hanging over the sink. He gave his guest a suspicious look as he picked up the envelope and unwound the red string that had been wrapped around two cardboard buttons holding it closed. He reached in and pulled out a stack of x-ray films. One by one he held them up to the light. It was a complete skeleton, both front and side views. There must have been two dozen bullets in Guillermo’s body, sprayed throughout his torso and upper arms.

Mick’s eyebrows shot up. He didn’t know much about Guillermo’s background, the man never talked about it. He must have lived on L.A.’s streets for quite a while to accumulate that much metal. “This is you?”


“So why now? What brought on the sudden urge for spring cleaning?”

“They’re sending me to an M.E. conference in New York. I can’t get out of it and I can’t get through airport security.”

Mick nodded his head. He looked at the x-rays again and was glad he had made a practice of removing foreign objects as soon as reasonably possible. “Maybe we should do this in a few sessions.”

“No man, let’s just get it over with.”

“You sure?"

“Yeah… Where do you want to do this?”

“Either the counter or the table…your choice.” Mick poured a tall glass of blood and set it on the counter. “Here, drink this before we get started.” Guillermo took a few gulps and set the glass on the far end of the counter. He unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off, placing it over the back of a chair. Guillermo was stocky, of a thicker build than Mick but not fat. He stretched his body over the counter and grabbed the edge across from him with both hands. “OK man…”

Mick started with Guillermo’s arms. The other vampire winced as he cut and hissed in air through clenched his teeth as Mick reached in with the forceps and grabbed the hunk of lead. He pulled it out and inspected it before dropping it into the empty jar. “.45 caliber… That had to hurt.” Mick thought.

Mick pulled two more bullets from Guillermo’s arms – again, both .45 caliber – before starting to work on Guillermo’s back. “OK, the vamp must have seriously pissed someone off that time.” he thought.

Mick started with the more shallow rounds and worked his way up to the more deeply set slugs. When he was about half way through they took a break long enough for Guillermo to drink another glass of blood. There were tears glistening in the vamp’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything. He finished the glass, clenched his jaw and laid back over the counter. “Come on, man, let’s finish this up.”

Mick poured another glass of blood and set it on the counter. “Are you sure you don’t want to do this another time?”

“Just do it.” Guillermo said. He didn’t want to continue any more than the younger vamp did, but he also wanted this over with. Once more he curled his fingers around the far edge of the smooth stone countertop and laid his head on the cool surface. Mick looked at his friend sprawled across the counter, shook his head and then continued.

Guillermo clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. The scalpel was bearable, but as the forceps dug deep into his flesh his body remembered. It wasn’t long before his consciousness cascaded down to another place and time.


He and Pete and the boys were talking business while they waited for the shipment. Johnny’s legs were sticking out from under one of the trucks and his dog, tied to the bumper, was curled up by the rear tire. The guy was trying to go straight, but with a wife and seven kids he still took jobs fixing trucks for Bugs on occasion. The dog sat up and whined as the cops came busting into the joint.

Great, another cheap bust to make the old ladies and the top brass happy. They all knew the game, nobody would squawk and the truck hadn’t arrived yet, so everyone would go home and the cops had a picture for the paper. Johnny was the only one who seemed concerned as they lined up and put their hands against the wall. “Don’t worry, Johnny boy, you’ll be home before your wife sets out dinner.” That’s when all Hell broke loose. They heard the click but didn’t have time to react before the deafening rat-a-tat-tat tore through the air. His face slammed against the brick wall as the hail of bullets hurled him forward. Each hit felt like a new fire tearing through his flesh... The dog was barking wildly and didn’t stop till the next wave of cops arrived.

Somehow he didn’t die right then and there with the others. A couple of the cops from the second group took him to the hospital, shooting questions at him like they was Tommy Guns the whole time. They wanted to know about the hit and who done it, but he wasn’t talkin’. It was there at St. Alexius where he met his fate, a gorgeous nurse with dark hair and a business like attitude. This dame was deadly. She cleared the room with a look then closed the door and drew the curtain. She leaned over him, there was one more white-hot flash of pain, and it was over.


Mick looked down at his friend in wonder. Through the whole ordeal Guillermo’s tightening grip on the counter was almost his only reaction. He never spoke, but towards the end, he let out a few gasps and moans as Mick dug out some of the deepest shrapnel. The counter was smeared with the other vamp’s blood and a small puddle of tears pooled beneath his face. Mick wet a washcloth and wiped the blood from Guillermo’s back. He rinsed it out and handed it to Guillermo so the man could clean up his face and chest.

All in all, Mick fished twenty-two bullets out of Guillermo’s body. Every one was a .45 caliber round. This wasn’t decades of accumulated mishaps, it was one hellacious experience. Mick couldn’t imagine that much pain at once. “Who the Hell did this? Who shot you up like this?”

The being before Mick responded but it wasn’t Guillermo. His body language was defiant and his eyes were focused elsewhere. Gone was the soft Spanish accent, replaced with hard street-talk of a wiseguy. He sounded like something out of a bad gangster movie. “I’m not gonna talk – nobody shot me.” He barked out. Guillermo grabbed the glass and drained it with one gulp before pounding it back down on the counter.

Mick’s eyes grew wide. He’d heard that line before, as a kid. He was little at the time, but the story was big. Every newspaper in the country covered it and folks talked about it for weeks, no months, afterwards. It was the stuff that legends were made of. “Tight-Lips? You’re Tight-Lips Gusenberg?” Mick’s hand covered his mouth, and he drew it along his face as he pulled it down.

The vamp closed his eyes and focused on his composure. The pause was pregnant, but he pulled himself together. He slipped back into the affable persona known as Guillermo, picked his shirt up and looked down at his fingers as he buttoned it. “Thanks man. Hey, you mind if I take those?” He pointed to the collection of lead slugs. “I’ll give you the jar back.”

“Keep it.” Mick said. “It’s yours.”

“Thanks, man. I owe you one.” Guillermo picked up the jar as if toasting Mick and gave him a smile as he headed out the door.


Guillermo sat on a stool peering in at the contents of the steamer trunk. Miscellaneous trinkets from a prior life… He picked up an old photo. He hated that it was a mug shot, but still, not many vamps had human photos of themselves. There was even less left of his brother. He peered down at the old Chicago Daily News… February 15, 1929... the masthead of a memory. “MASSACRE 7 OF MORGAN GANG” screamed the headline. Text surrounded the photos, “Victims Lined Against Wall; One Volley Kills All.” A wistful smile crossed Guillermo’s face as he ran his finger over the yellowed image. “Hey, Pete, I brought you something.” He placed the glass jar into the trunk, tucking it neatly next to the paper. “Happy Valentines Day – from the boys at the garage.”

Epilogue: If you would like a look into the events from his sire's perspective check out my companion story
"My Bloody Valentine - Hers"
Last edited by nutmegger911 on Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:28 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - Posted 02/08/09

Post by Fleur de Lisa »

nutmegger~what an interesting idea and so beautifully detailed. I love when you writers give us glimpses to the vamps previous human lives, and this is simply amazing. What an intricately woven piece.

Guillermo, suffering in silence, not just when Mick is removing the bullets, but for so many years.

Very well done.
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - Posted 02/08/09

Post by francis »

Oh, nutmegger, your very first story, and you are so good at this writing thing I wonder why you waited so long.
This story is amazing. You give Guillermo a whole intriguing backstory, you don't explain too much, but just enough to make it interesting. I love Mick's role in this, and their emotions while he does his gruesome task. Very well done. Now I can't wait for what you post next.
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - Posted 02/08/09

Post by coco »

nutmegger I liked this very much. I'm so impressed that this is your first story :D
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - Posted 02/08/09

Post by wpgrace »

Well done... and hoping we can induce you to write another!!!!!
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - Posted 02/08/09

Post by nutmegger911 »

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.
Fleur de Lisa wrote:What an intricately woven piece.
Fleur - You can't begin to imagine how highly prized this comment is for plot person such as myself. (Also, I guess you never forget your first... Review that is. :lol: ) Also, thanks for commenting on the emotional side. It is hard to guage the life in one's own work.

Francis - Thank you for explaining what you like about the story. That will help me become a better writer.

Coco and Grace - Thanks for commenting. I'm starting to feel the pull of feedback addiction already. (Translation, you may be creating a monster.) :lol:

Just one bit of clarification, though, this is my first posted story. I have one done and another in the works (my first multi chap), but have not posted those yet.
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - Posted 02/08/09

Post by darkstarrising »


this is your first? Wow! It's not only well written, but the originality of Guillermo's past life and of his turning is quite good. Is that why he's in the profession he's in today? Please, continue writing!!
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by mitzie »

Wow--a stunning and believable look into Guillermo's past! I really love this one!! So much detail. He's a tough cookie!! Apparently tougher than everyone thought!!! Excellent writing!! Sooo creative!! Please write more!!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by Catmoon »

Congratulations on your first post! Good story, well written and a very interesting take on Guillermo to have him one of the men "killed" in the St. Valentine's Day massacre! I was just reading about that this weekened while looking to come up with ideas for my own story. I went with the Saint instead because I couldn't think of anything good for the massacre -- but you did!
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by nutmegger911 »

DSR - Thanks for reading and reviewing! I just know how he became a vamp at this point. He's had eighty years with fangs that we could explore. (Yikes! my first personal canon.) Hmmm. Why does someone choose to work midnights in the morgue? *hop plotbunny hop*

Mitzie - Thank you for your very nice comments! His work with the other vamps in Sonata convinced me he's a lot more than folks might see.

Cat - I knew if anyone would know that story it would be you! I was out surfing and stumbled across Tight-Lips' mug shot and saw Guillermo. This happened because of your great advice (waaaayy back when). You were right. Trust the Muse.
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by moonlight_fan »

Wow Nutmegger911! That was simply amazing, I loved the way you explored guillermo' background and basically everything!
No wonder you do such a good job on my fanfic, when you can write like this! Please don't hold back from us any longer, I would love to read more of your storys. :hug:
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by nutmegger911 »

Glad you liked it, Moonlight_fan. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I may post another. :snicker:
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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by one.zebra »

Oh, you've been holding out on us!

Every Vamp needs a bullet jar it have G slip back into a previous persona, that was something.

Loved tha he came to Mick, for help and trust and silence.

Excellently done. Thank you.

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Re: Challenge No. 102, My Bloody Valentine - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by nutmegger911 »

Thanks Mary - I'm glad you enjoyed it. After researching the historical accounts I figured he would never spill so long as he was himself. It couldn't happen without a stressor.

Keep your eyes peeled, you never know what might be coming next. :whistle:
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Re: Challenge 102, My Bloody Valentine - His - PG 13 (02/08/09)

Post by allegrita »

NM, this is a fascinating look into the past of one of my favorite characters. you did a great job of incorporating Guillermo into a historical event. i especially enjoyed the way G. "broke" under the stress of the pain andd blood loss, reverting to his true persona.

Really nice work.
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