Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

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Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

Disclaimer: Moonlight is not mine and no copyright infringement is intended.

three and four

Darling I’m Lost

Everything was so different, so new. Morning sunlight streaming through the window at the end of the hall, Beth’s hair turned to warm gold, the look in her eyes when he touched her hand. Beth, her voice gentle and kind, saying you’re not a monster and meaning it with every part of her being. What did she see when she looked at him? As Mick left her in the hall, as he went down the steps of her building and crossed to his car, he knew that she was watching. From the cool dark shade of the car he looked up at her window and saw her standing there, looking out between the blinds. He remembered his despair when she’d discovered what he was, his conviction that from then on she would always see the monster within him, that she would never look at him again the way she had before. But that had not happened, and instead. . . Mick was not quite sure what was happening instead.

He was halfway home when he realized, suddenly, that he believed her words almost as much as she did. He had been a monster once, and when Beth knew more she would agree with him, but now . . . what am I now? Still a vampire, there was no help for that. But somehow it felt different.

The things Beth had said to him at the Pollocks’ house had brought back so many memories, wonderful and terrible but mostly bittersweet. You must have had a normal life before you became a vampire. A job, friends, family. He touched his chest, feeling the cool metal of the fleury cross beneath his shirt, thinking of the family he had lost so long ago. Were you married? Remembering Coraline.

He moved his hand away from the cross and touched his shoulder cautiously. The bullet wounds had healed over, but they still hurt, and the fight with the rogue hadn’t exactly helped. Nor had getting staked. Hell, he’d probably been staked because of the silver; his reflexes were still off . . . He traced a path from his shoulder to his heart, resting his fingers against the spot where the stake had been. If Beth hadn’t been there to help, what would have happened? He might still be lying there, unable to move, trapped in that house along with the decomposing body of the doctor’s wife. Or he’d be in another city, with a new name and a new identity, after having been discovered, apparently dead, by the police. Or he’d truly be dead, if an enemy or a hunter had found him first.

But Beth had been there, and she hadn’t abandoned him. She’d pulled the stake out, and later, she had hesitantly touched the wound in his chest. And the way she’d looked at him . . .

Mick hadn’t been able to sleep this morning, thinking of Beth. Thinking of all the questions she’d asked that he hadn’t answered, of her hurt expression when she’d thought he hadn’t trusted her. He’d been filled with the conviction that he had to open up to her and share more of his secrets. After all she’d done for him, she deserved better than what he’d given her. And he wanted, desperately, to feel closer to her. To stop hiding from her. After he’d told her about Coraline turning him, he’d almost wanted to go on, to tell her more, even though he had no idea how to find the words. My wife turned me into a vampire on our wedding night was hard enough to say; how would he ever manage I killed my own wife or I was the one who saved you when you were little?

And if he ever did manage to say those things to her, how would she look at him then? Would she still believe in him so absolutely? Or would there be fear in her eyes?

Six days passed, and the wounds in Mick’s shoulder finally stopped hurting, but however many times he checked his phone and his e-mail, he never heard from Beth. It’s only been a few days. No reason to worry. But he couldn’t help wondering if he ever would hear from her again, after all she’d been through in his company. He wondered if it had been a mistake to tell her about Coraline. Between what he’d told her and what she’d seen, he’d dragged her terribly far into the vampire world, so much farther than he’d ever intended. A stake in the heart, God. What a thing for a mortal to have to see. And the incinerator had been even worse – he wished she hadn’t seen that. He wished he hadn’t seen that.

In his freezer on the seventh morning, he lay back and closed his eyes, soothed by the dark and the cold even as he missed the feel of cold, missed the time he’d spent huddled on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him. In a strange way he even missed the pain – it had made him feel more human. It had made him feel closer to Beth, who slept in a soft warm bed at night, sometimes with her boyfriend’s arms around her. I’m never telling her about the freezer, Mick thought, and slept.

He woke in a panic, gasping for air, and sat up so fast he crashed into the lid of the freezer. He flung the lid open and sat leaning out over the side, trying to catch his breath. The dream images faded, quickly and mercifully, into scattered fragments, but he still remembered much more than he wanted. Recurring dreams could cling to memory even in the freezer, and this was the same damn nightmare again, the same one he’d had every day this week, no matter where he’d slept. Well, it was no wonder; the rogue hadn’t been the first vamp he’d staked and burned to death. No surprise that this would trigger memories of Coraline. Stop carrying her, Josef had said, but how was he supposed to do that? She was too huge a part of his life for him to put her down, and ever since he’d fired the crematorium he hadn’t been able to stop seeing her burn.

Because of me.

He’d never thought of anything else he could have done, any other action he could have taken, but that didn’t make any difference to the way he felt.

Mick got up wearily, showered and dressed, and went to look out the window. The sun was low in the sky; he’d slept for a few hours, at least, but it didn’t feel like he’d slept at all. Just as well he had no open cases -nothing but the one address he’d so painstakingly tracked down. He was still tired – he needed more rest - but he couldn’t face climbing back into the freezer. He thought about the address he’d found. Would she want him to come to her? Her last message had said stay away, but what was he supposed to think when she came back to his own city and moved in? He picked up his coat and went out.

His directions took him across town, to a shabby neighborhood near the beach, and he pulled the Mercedes up in front of a small house with peeling paint and a dead lawn. Mick sat in the car and stared at the house, a cheap rental where Elaine now lived. It had been almost twelve years since he’d last seen her. Why had she come back to L.A.? Why now? He wondered if she was at home - he didn’t see a car, and the house looked abandoned. He could go to the door, and then he’d be able to tell if she was there whether she acknowledged him or not, but if she was there . . . No. He shouldn’t have come at all.

He started the engine and pulled away from the curb, but there was a sudden flash of movement across the lawn, and he hesitated, touching the brake for an instant. The passenger door opened and closed and a girl was there in the seat beside him, her dark hair half concealing her face, her legs tucked under her. She didn’t turn toward him, and he couldn’t see her expression. Was she glad to see him? Angry that he’d come? Mick wasn’t sure. He’d never known anyone else who could so completely hide what she was feeling; when she withdrew into herself there were no clues, not even for him.

He swallowed, and tried to steady himself. Elaine said nothing, and he stole a glance at her, slowing down as he approached the stop sign at the end of the street.

“Where to?” he asked, his voice a little unsteady. He’d known something like this might happen . . . he’d hoped it would happen, wanted it to happen. But somehow he still hadn’t been prepared.

“The beach,” she said.

“We could walk.”

“Come on, Mick.” She pushed back her hair and finally met his eyes, though she quickly looked away. “I missed this old car, you know. I want a ride.”

Mick shrugged and drove the short distance to the beach, looking sideways at Elaine from time to time. She watched the houses passing by, watched the road, examined the dashboard. She never glanced his way. But he could feel her starting to relax; she was slowly letting go of the stiff shell of withdrawal. She’s not angry that I came to her. It’s just been so long, for both of us. In all that time she hadn’t aged, of course - she still looked about seventeen. So young. Too young. How old was she now, really? Almost sixty? She would never look it. Her face was round and plain, her long hair muddy brown and straight. She still parted her hair in the middle, like a flower child. A gold wedding band glinted on the ring finger of her left hand. Mick had been there on her wedding day. He hadn’t seen her since.

He parked the car and they walked down to the ocean in the gathering gloom of evening. There was a chill in the air, and the beach was nearly empty. A family passed them, headed home, a young couple with a small boy and a picnic hamper. The little boy looked about six; he was tired and fussy, and each of his parents held one of his hands. Mick glanced after them, unable to stop a surge of longing, and he saw Elaine stare at them too.

“Cute little boy,” Elaine said, turning to walk on. “He doesn’t want to go home.”

“I know how he feels.”

“Did you like the ocean when you were little?”

“Yeah, I did.” Mick remembered being that small, on a beach not far from this one, out for the day with his parents, with his brother. At that age he’d never wanted to go home. Sam had laughed at him, telling him they’d be coming back again soon, but soon had always felt like forever when he was little. Time, Mick thought, had turned upside down around him, years now passing in what seemed days.

“Chloe loved it out here,” Elaine said, kicking idly at the sand. “I didn’t like it at all. I was always pale, and I hated swimsuits, and I sunburned. Chloe wore bikinis, and got this golden tan. She dyed her hair blond, though. It wasn’t natural. Did you know that?”

“No. I didn’t.” A breath of salt air brought back a memory, the smell of the sea overlaid with incense and marijuana, the murmur of flutes and the steady beat of bongo drums, Elaine’s guitar overpowering the background noise and Chloe’s voice ringing out like a bell. Chloe, seventeen and blond and beautiful, had sung like an angel. And like a devil. No one so young should have been able to sing like that. He’d known her for how long? An hour, two? It hurt as much as ever to remember her.

“God. I miss her.” Elaine trudged on through the sand, picked a spot near the waves, and sat down.

Mick sat beside her. He didn’t know what to say. He’d barely met Chloe and she haunted him – he couldn’t even imagine what Elaine felt. After a moment he said, “Elaine – I did what you wanted. I never followed you. I don’t know where you went.”

“I know.”

“It’s just – when I heard you’d come back to town, I thought – well, I didn’t know what to think.”

“I did mean to get in touch with you. I would have sooner or later.”

“Why’d you come back?”

“Kevin’s here.” She glanced at her wedding ring, then looked up at Mick. “You remember him.”

“I remember.” He thought of Elaine in her white dress of satin and lace, so happy on her wedding day that everyone, not just Mick, thought the plain plump girl looked beautiful. Mick didn’t remember Kevin as clearly - a very young man, nineteen or twenty perhaps, who normally lived in T-shirts and jeans and looked out of place in his wedding suit. Elaine had met him somewhere in the computer gaming world, but their love had been no fantasy. Mick had seen the way Kevin watched Elaine; he’d seen the adoration in the young man’s eyes. Mick had said nothing, that day, about his belief that their marriage would fail. He’d said congratulations and good luck instead.

“He came back to L.A. a few weeks ago.” Elaine bent to pick up a handful of sand, and let the grains slowly fall. “He’s sick. In the hospital.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Melanoma. Isn’t that unreal? He always lived like a vampire; he never went out in the sun if he could help it. And he’s only thirty-one! But it had already spread everywhere by the time they diagnosed it.”

“Oh, Elaine. I’m sorry.”

“He has good doctors here, and they’re doing what they can, but he isn’t getting better. He’s getting worse.” She dropped the rest of the sand, with finality. “Well. They’re still treating him, so I guess things might change.”

It didn’t sound likely. Mick said, “Have you been to see him?”

“I’ve seen him. But only when he can’t see me. You know.”

“I know.” Elaine’s marriage had lasted only seven days. On the seventh day, Elaine had disappeared. She’d left Mick a note, but hadn’t said a word about what had happened. Don’t follow me, don’t watch me, just please stay away. I need to be alone. As hard as it was for him, Mick had done what she’d asked. He’d let her be. But he had looked into Kevin’s whereabouts, and he’d learned far more from that investigation than he had from Elaine’s note.

“So,” Elaine said, “are you still watching over that little girl?”

“Not exactly. And she’s not a little girl any more.”

Elaine frowned thoughtfully. “Oh. Yeah, I guess not. What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?”

“I’ve met her.”

“Oh.” Elaine looked dismayed. “Oh, Mick, be careful. It doesn’t work. Believe me, I know that now.”

“It’s not like that. She has a boyfriend.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. Kevin had a girlfriend, when I met him. You know, I can’t stand saying this, but that creep Kostan was right after all. Do you still hang out with him?”

Mick smiled faintly. She was never going to stop hating Josef. “Yeah.”

“And you have the nerve to tell me that I make bad decisions. Don’t you ever tell him I said he was right.”

“I won’t.”

“You told me too, but I just couldn’t believe you. Kevin and I, we loved each other. I thought that would make all the difference. I couldn’t believe it when it didn’t. Maybe if I’d told him the truth at the beginning – but no, then I would have lost him sooner.” She sighed. “I was so young.”

And you still are, Mick thought sadly. In her mind she could grow and change, up to a point, but emotionally she would always be seventeen. That part of a vampire, like the physical body, always seemed to freeze at the moment of turning.

“What happened?” Mick asked gently.

She took a breath and looked out at the sea, pushing back her hair. “Kevin told me everything about himself. Everything, good and bad. He was so open. And it started to feel so wrong that I was hiding from him. I wanted to tell him everything about me.” She glanced at him, her eyes downcast. “I guess you remember all my plans.”

“Yeah, I do.” She’d had everything worked out, in her mind. How to explain why he never saw her eat, how to sleep in a freezer and drink blood without him ever finding out. She’d already told Kevin about her food phobia, that she couldn’t stand to have anyone watch her eat, and he’d accepted that complacently enough. She’d had further plans, detailed and elaborate, about renting the apartment next door and keeping a refrigerator and freezer there. She would feed and sleep while Kevin was at work. Mick had told her she was crazy, that there was no way to stay married to a human who didn’t know her secret. He knew from Josef that nothing like it had ever succeeded. There had been a few vampire/human marriages over the centuries, but the human had usually known the secret, and even then things had never ended well. Marriage between humans and vampires always ended with heartbreak, turning, or both. Both, in my case, he’d told Elaine. This is different, she’d answered stubbornly. It’ll work for years. Until it’s obvious I haven’t aged. And then I’ll just leave. As if that wouldn’t have been heartbreaking in itself . . . but Elaine hadn’t been able to see it.

“All those plans suddenly seemed crazy,” she said. “All that hiding! I just couldn’t bear the thought of keeping so many secrets from Kevin. And he loved me. I was sure he’d understand. So – I told him. I showed him. And – and – “

Kevin had not been able to deal with what he’d seen. At all. Mick thought of Beth, seeing his vampire face for the first time. She’d been shocked, she’d been frightened, but she’d gotten past that so quickly. She’d tried to help him - she’d stayed beside him, she’d caught him when he fell. What would he have done, what could he have done, if she hadn’t been able to accept what he was?

And what would he have done, if Coraline hadn’t turned him that fateful night? What if, after seven days of marriage, she had showed him what she really was and asked him to accept her?

“He thought he’d gone mad,” Elaine said flatly. “So did everyone else. He ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a while. I guess the only way he could accept what he saw was for it to be insanity.”

Would I have run screaming, like he did? I don’t know. God help me, I don’t know what I would have done if I’d found out that way. I loved Coraline more than life, back then, but I still don’t know.

Mick said, “What did you do?”

“I stayed away. I hoped he’d be able to heal if I wasn’t anywhere near him. And he did - he went on with his life. But then this cancer happened, and I couldn’t stay away any more. But I don’t ever let him see me. I don’t want to hurt him again.”

“You still love him.”

“Of course I do.” She rubbed her eyes, then glanced at the ocean. “Damn, this place is depressing. Why did I want to come here? Take me home, Mick, okay?”

“Sure.” He got to his feet and reached out a hand to her, feeling a faint twinge from his shoulder. That was odd; he hadn’t felt any pain at all yesterday. But Josef had mentioned that there might be lingering after-effects . . . Elaine took his hand doubtfully, frowning at him as she rose.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure. It almost looks like you’re hurt.”

“Oh. Yeah.” He touched his shoulder. “Silver bullets.”

“No way! Somebody really shot you with silver?


Elaine slowly shook her head. “Well, it serves you right.”

“I know.” She knew well enough that he’d had no choice, but she’d never really been able to forgive him. And he couldn’t blame her for that.

“How did it happen? Was it hunters?”

“No. It wasn’t.”

“So were you trying to rescue some poor mortal?” She raised an ironic eyebrow.

Mick couldn’t help smiling at her expression. “Yes, actually.”

“Did it work?” Her voice was suddenly very cool.

“Yes.” Mick’s smile faded in the chill. “She’s fine.”

“Well, that’s good. It’s nice when it works.”

Mick stayed silent.

“You haven’t changed, have you?” she said. “Playing the hero, getting into trouble - I’m kind of surprised you’re still alive.”

I'm surprised you are too. Oh, Elaine. She was such a lost soul, and there had never been anything he could do to help her.

He dropped her off at the sad little house, drove aimlessly through the city for hours, and finally found himself driving past Beth’s place. He parked a few blocks away, walked to her apartment, and crept up the fire escape to her balcony. Her room was all in shadow, and she slept alone tonight. But not peacefully. She moved restlessly in her bed, her head turning from side to side. Mick could guess what troubled her sleep. She’d seen Coraline burn, too.

Sooner or later, she was probably going to remember. Especially if he stayed in her life, an everyday reminder of the past.

And once she remembered everything, what would happen?

Mick leaned back against Beth’s bedroom wall, troubled, thinking of what she’d already had to endure because of him. Learning his true age, the stake she’d pulled from his heart, the rogue vampire going into the flames. She’d been able to handle all of it. But there were still so many things hiding in the back of her mind. She didn’t remember it now, but she’d seen Mick kill Coraline. She’d watched him set the fire. And there was no telling what Coraline had told her. What if Coraline had told Beth that she was meant to be their child? If Beth found that out, how could she possibly deal with it? Too many secrets, and they’re not safe to tell.

When morning came, and Beth stirred, Mick went back to his car and drove home. Morning, and Beth would be getting up, getting dressed and ready for the day, even as he stripped off and climbed into the freezer. Some couples just aren’t meant to be together. Beth had a very real boyfriend. Her life was full and complete without him. And what could he offer her in its place? All the pain and heartbreak, he suspected, that Kevin and Elaine had experienced. It wasn’t meant to be.

He took off his necklace and held it in his hand for a moment, tracing the pattern of the fleur-de-lis with one finger. Sometimes, the best thing you could do for someone you loved was to simply stay away from them. He’d made such a decision once, and had left his family behind forever. But he’d never done anything harder. How could he ever bring himself to do it again? How could he ever possibly make the decision to stay away from Beth?

He opened the small wooden box on the shelf outside the freezer room, and gently put the fleury cross inside. He set his ring beside it and closed the box. With a sigh he entered the room, pulling off his shirt and coat as he went through the door. From the pocket of his coat his phone rang; he pulled it out and looked at the display.


He hesitated for an instant, torn between reason and joy. Reason whispered you’re not meant to be together, it isn’t meant to be; but it was Beth, and with her he was lost to reason. He’d lost his soul to her long ago, and once he’d met her he’d lost his heart. He couldn’t help himself; he couldn’t stay away.

Not from Beth. Everything was different when it came to Beth.

He picked up the phone, and answered it.

Last edited by Shadow on Thu May 19, 2011 9:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by lorig »

Awe, that one made me all teary... :hankie: And I am more then curious about this mystery woman. I loved it!! :clapping:
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by allegrita »

Oh, Shadow... this series is amazing. I ache for Mick, and for Beth and Elaine as well. The way you've pulled the episodes together so far is spectacular, and you're weaving in a story that has a perfectly Moonlight feel. I'm so touched by this! I look forward to seeing how you deal with the end of Fever and the lead-in to Arrested Development next. This is a beautiful work, thank you!
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by francis »

I so love this series! You give us Elaine as a kind of foil to see what else can go wrong if you take different decisions that Coraline and Mick took. It didn't work either. Elaine is an elaborate character, and I see so much friendship between them. Did Mick turn her? Being so in need to contact her might be because of that strange relationship of fledgling and sire. She's in so much pain, and he feels for her.
He showed Beth a part of his world, and questions that. After all the time I know the show by heart, but I have a hard time remembering how it was at first when we (and Beth) hardly knew anything at all, had to put the pieces together. You take me back to that time, and I thank you.
Poor Mick dreaming of killing his wife, triggered by burning the rogue. We always focus on how the nightmares must have been for Beth, but it wasn't easy for Mick, either. I love that you include that.
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

lorig wrote:Awe, that one made me all teary... :hankie: And I am more then curious about this mystery woman. I loved it!! :clapping:
:thanks: Great to hear you're enjoying this series ... and that you're interested in the mystery woman as well! ;)
Thanks so much.
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

allegrita wrote:Oh, Shadow... this series is amazing. I ache for Mick, and for Beth and Elaine as well. The way you've pulled the episodes together so far is spectacular, and you're weaving in a story that has a perfectly Moonlight feel. I'm so touched by this! I look forward to seeing how you deal with the end of Fever and the lead-in to Arrested Development next. This is a beautiful work, thank you!
Wow, thank you Alle .... :flowers:
The next interval, after Fever, seemed really jarring to me at the time - the emotional tones were so different between the end of Fever and the beginning of A.D. Should be extra challenging .... :chin:
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

francis wrote:I so love this series! You give us Elaine as a kind of foil to see what else can go wrong if you take different decisions that Coraline and Mick took. It didn't work either. Elaine is an elaborate character, and I see so much friendship between them. Did Mick turn her? Being so in need to contact her might be because of that strange relationship of fledgling and sire. She's in so much pain, and he feels for her.
He showed Beth a part of his world, and questions that. After all the time I know the show by heart, but I have a hard time remembering how it was at first when we (and Beth) hardly knew anything at all, had to put the pieces together. You take me back to that time, and I thank you.
Poor Mick dreaming of killing his wife, triggered by burning the rogue. We always focus on how the nightmares must have been for Beth, but it wasn't easy for Mick, either. I love that you include that.
it is so hard to remember what it was like during the first few episodes ... how little Beth knew, and how far apart she and Mick still were then. I hadn't realized quite how far we'd come until I started on these stories .... and I was surprised how very difficult it was to get back into that frame of mind. It's wonderful to know that this could take you back there.
Love that you see so much of interest in Elaine ... though I can't really say any more about her just yet .... ;)
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by wpgrace »

Best In-Between yet!

So we get to meet Elaine... but now I want to know more!

And I agree with you... from Fever to AD is interesting. All we know is, she called him, he ignored her calls. :shrug:
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Grateful to Alex for Mick, Andy, and McG. :)
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

wpgrace wrote:Best In-Between yet!

So we get to meet Elaine... but now I want to know more!

And I agree with you... from Fever to AD is interesting. All we know is, she called him, he ignored her calls. :shrug:
Thank you Grace! I will tell more about Elaine .....
And Fever/A.D. is another time where it's very specific that Mick and Beth didn't have any actual contact ... a common theme during these first few episodes, sigh.
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by wollstonecraft61 »

Oh, Shadow, I so love the filler of these episodes. You have intrigued me so with Elaine and what she is to Mick. This is just wonderful!!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

wollstonecraft61 wrote:Oh, Shadow, I so love the filler of these episodes. You have intrigued me so with Elaine and what she is to Mick. This is just wonderful!!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Thanks so very much! I'm really glad I could get a new character to intrigue you..... :hearts:
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by HotMicks »


Really enjoying these, Shadow. Thanks so much! I can't wait to see what you do with the next one. Image

:offtopic: Owing to my fears of 'Fledgling' abuse, please excuse my Image WoW COUNTDOWN: 6 :slingshot: :evillaugh: :corn:
now, could someone explain WoW to me?!? :dunce:
~ Hot Mick's Mistress of Chill
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by AussieJo »

'A small house with peeling paint and a dead lawn'
What a discriptive sentence!
Despair written in every letter.
Ms Moonshadow, I'm late to the event, but have caught up.
These stories are excellent! :clapping:
Ok, next course.......... :eat: (please)
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by helloeeze »

This was wonderful! We got to glimpse Mick's thoughts during that week Beth didn't call. I guess Mick isn't the only vampire filled with self-loathing and regret. I wondered if Mick turned Elaine. You've written Mick so true. I love this. Please do more! :rose:
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Re: Darling I'm Lost (In Between 3 and 4, PG)

Post by Shadow »

HotMicks wrote:Image

Really enjoying these, Shadow. Thanks so much! I can't wait to see what you do with the next one. Image

:offtopic: Owing to my fears of 'Fledgling' abuse, please excuse my Image WoW COUNTDOWN: 6 :slingshot: :evillaugh: :corn:
now, could someone explain WoW to me?!? :dunce:

Thanks, I'm glad you've liked them! I'll have the next one up as soon as I can manage it .... :biggrin:
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