Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

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Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by GuardianAngel »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Picking Up the Pieces

(First paragraph written by francis)

She ran out of reasons to stay inside. It was way too early but she couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. Putting a stray strand of hair back into the clasp she pushed the sliding doors to the garden open and carefully stepped barefoot over the rough tiles of the patio.

Leaning her hip against the railing she drew his letter from her pocket and read the last paragraph again just to make sure she understood it correctly. Yes. He was coming; he wanted to talk to her. She couldn’t even begin to fathom why he wanted to see her. But she couldn’t deny the anticipation that had her wringing her hands and the hope that had her heart nearly beating through her chest.

It had been 40 years since she’d last seen him. She never once regretted the choice she’d made that day as she was carried away from him. True, she’d meant to go back, to return for him. But life had not worked the way she had wished. She laughed softly to herself. It rarely did.

Just as she slid the folded promise back into her pocket her head snapped up. A scent that should have been long forgotten drifted to her on the light breeze. He was early. She lightly leaned over the balustrade, searching for his figure.

* * * * * *
As he approached the house he could detect her scent. It hadn’t changed in all these years. He hoped she had. He needed to know. Rounding the garden, he followed the path to the patio.

There she was, waiting for him. “Hello, Coraline.”

She walked forward to meet him and kissed him lightly on the cheek, her hand brushing his arm. “Mick.”

Taking his hand she led him to a small grouping of chairs. “Let’s sit out here. The sunset is spectacular from this angle.” She gracefully folded herself into a seat and indicated that he should sit beside her. She was pleased, if a little surprised, that he did.

“Not that I’m not pleased, Mick. But I was surprised to receive your letter.”

A slow nod and a warm smile. “I’m sure you are.”

She couldn’t help but return the smile. This Mick was reminiscent of the man she had first met. Easy. Comfortable.

Coraline adjusted herself to face him and leaned her head on her shoulder; soft brown waves cascaded around her. “So, what did you want to discuss?”

“Us. I wanted to make us...okay.” His smile had turned a bit embarrassed but his eyes were direct, entreating.

Coraline gave a soft laugh. “Beth must be rolling in her grave.” She regretted the words as soon as they were out and braced herself for his retreat. To her surprise he merely raised a brow and laughed.

“No. Actually I can almost hear her yelling at me for taking so long.” He looked off to gaze a moment at the sunset that blazed over the treetops, the streaks bleeding pink, red and gold. This had been Beth’s favorite time of the day. He could still feel her with him, just as if she sat beside him, even now, 20 years after cancer had taken her from him.

Coraline looked down at her lap, smoothing the impeccable material with graceful fingers. “Why would she want you to come to me? Have anything to do with me?”

Mick reached over and clasped her hand and waited for her eyes to meet his. “Because, above all else, Beth wanted me to be happy. And I have been. Beyond anything I could have imagined.”

His taking her hand surprised her but not nearly as much the look of peace in his hazel eyes. “You adopted a daughter. You had the family you wanted.”

“Yes. Yes I did. Our daughter is turning 41 this year. She has a son in college. It hasn’t always been easy but we made it work.” She could hear the trace of wonder in his voice as if he still could not believe he had a family of his own.

She sighed and rubbed his hand holding hers. “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you that, Mick. I had no idea how important it was until it was too late.”

“I know.” He moved closer. “But, you know, in a way you DID give it to me, Coraline. You brought Beth to me.” He laughed. “She was never meant to be my daughter, but she WAS meant to be my family. Once I got past thinking I was a monster, being a vampire wasn’t nearly so awful.” Mick swallowed and dipped his head. “Being a vampire isn’t all I am.”

The elegant beauty leaned back. These were words she’d never expected to hear from her ex-husband. Especially not directed at her. Her hand fluttered over her heart.

“Surprised?” He teased. She drew back further. He chuckled and shook his head. “I’ve surprised myself.”

She teased him in return. “It takes some getting used to.” She studied his grin, and absorbed his calm spirit. “It’s nice. It suits you.”

Mick twisted to take an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket and handed it to her. Coraline took it, tentative. “What is this?”

“Open it. It’s a ticket to my grandson’s graduation. I’d like you to come.”

Confused, she struggled for something to say and simply settled on “Why?”

For the first time since he walked up the path, Mick struggled. “Because I want you to see that you did some good, Coraline. Because you’re a part of me. The last piece of my life that I’d been missing. And I want to find a way to make it work. So, will you come?”

She couldn’t resist his hopeful expression. “I’d like that.” And it was true, she thought, amazed.

“Good.” Mick felt relieved. Mentally, he picked up the last piece of himself and fit it into place, making him whole.
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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by redwinter101 »

*loves GA for re-posting this here*

I adored this the first time I read it at ML4E and I have a copy nice and safe that I regularly dig out and re-read. The whole scenario just *works*. Mick and Beth get a full, happy life, with both being able to cherish her humanity. And Mick is at peace with that - so at peace that he finally, finally casts off his shroud of regret. It's beautiful - really beautiful.

And your Coraline is divine - continuing the evolution from crazed kidnapper, via Morgan, to finally becoming a three-dimensional person, capable of regret, hope, friendship and maybe, just maybe, love.
GuardianAngel wrote:“No. Actually I can almost hear her yelling at me for taking so long.” He looked off to gaze a moment at the sunset that blazed over the treetops, the streaks bleeding pink, red and gold. This had been Beth’s favorite time of the day. He could still feel her with him, just as if she sat beside him, even now, 20 years after cancer had taken her from him.
Every time, this makes me tear up. It's so touching and heartfelt.
GuardianAngel wrote:She sighed and rubbed his hand holding hers. “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you that, Mick. I had no idea how important it was until it was too late.”
I love you for this. She loved Mick - but lost him by not taking the time to work out who he really was and what he really needed. Finally she realises the magnitude of her mistake - and regrets it. Beautifully done.
GuardianAngel wrote:“Good.” Mick felt relieved. Mentally, he picked up the last piece of himself and fit it into place, making him whole.
There's just such a sense of peace here. Mick is a real, honest-to-God grown-up. He knows himself and knows enough to see what he needs - to give her the gift of forgiveness - to finally put the last piece of the puzzle in place.

I. Love. This. Like. Burning.


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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by SirenSong »

Wow, that was all kinds of awesome, GA. This is my first time reading this and I have to say I have a few tears in my eyes right now. Such an awesome chapter in their never-ending lives. Loved it and didn't want it to end.

And thanks too to Red for directing me here, not sure I would have found it otherwise and that would have been a shame.
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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by coco »

Yes GA this is truly an exceptional piece of writing. I loved it when I originally read it and I still love it today :D
I have an overall sense of peace as you see that in the end Mick is happy and content. He had his full and happy life with Beth and although she is no longer with him, she still lives on for him which I absolutely adore and now he is reconnecting to his past with Coraline and wiping the slate clean.
Just perfect GA :)
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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by eris »

Wow. Those challenges turn out some wonderful pieces of writing and this is one of the best ones I've read. Very nice.
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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by GuardianAngel »

I am moved by the response to this fic. I'm a MickBeth Shipper all the way. But the relationship between Mick and Coraline fascinates me. Mick won't feel whole until he works things out with her.

Red: When you first told me that you actually copied this I was floored. Truly, that is one of the best compliments I've ever received. Coraline is old and I think she has been many different things at different times. She made mistakes with Mick and she needs to let him go so he can sort out his own stuff. Mick needed Beth. It put him in a place where he could better understand Coraline - without the cloud of resentment. Thanks, Red, for puting this in the recommendation thread. :*

SirenSong: So glad you gave it a read and enjoyed it. I like for everything to end happy.

coco: Peace is exactly what I was after - glad that it came through. You got what I wanted to convey. Beth will always stay with Mick. She changed him, helped him accept himself. And now he's ready to clear away all the old pains. Of course that would lead him back to Coraline.

eris: I take a nod from you as a high compliment indeed. Thank you.
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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by starbucksjunkie »

This really is an amazing piece of work.

I choked up. I don't do that very often.

Bravo, GA. Bravo.

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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by jen »

This is wonderful.

The growth it shows in both Mick and Coraline is very positive, very life affirming.

Coraline shows that she has learned from her dealings with Mick. About him and also about herself.

Beth's influence is very much here.

Fabulous story!!!

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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by jen »

This shows a possible future for Mick and Beth. They marry, adopt and Beth remains human and dies.

Mick continues to grow and change. He even tries to bury the hatchet with Coraline (notice I say WITH Coraline and not IN Coraline).

And she has changed and grown, too.




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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by jen »


Just read this classic again.

To be brutally honest, the first couple of times I read this story, I admired your technical skill in conceiving an outcome other than one I would choose, and crafting it into a fine fic, but enjoy it.

Not my cup of tea.

When I read this story tonight, it is as if I saw it through different eyes.

This Mick clearly learned the lessons a lifetime with Beth taught, and he obviously learned them very well. Could any of us see Mick make an overture of peace to Coraline DuValle in the time of the canon episodes? Don't think so. But here he is, and Coraline also has grown. Over time, I have come to see change in Coraline, as well. Here, she has reached a point where she can acknowledge her mistakes.

Nicely done.

Thank you!


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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by maggatha3 »

oh my, oh my... damn it , I do not like Coraline. Not at all. This though was the best Coraline I have ever encountered.
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Re: Picking Up the Pieces (PG)

Post by jen »

Positive and ultimately redemptive, this shows us a possible future where Mick has lived a fulfilling and happy life with Beth and achieved a bit of closure. The knife edges of grief have lessened and he has learned the lessons of family and moving on well.

For him to be here, in this place==emotionally and geographically----means he is ready to take the next step.

I hope Coraline has found a way to learn and grow, as well

Thank you!
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