Music in the NIght-Freshie fic PG13

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Music in the NIght-Freshie fic PG13

Post by JosefsRose »

Rating PG13
Disclaimer-No I don't own them, wish I did though.
A/N This was especially written for my friend Lynette.

Mick didn’t know why he stopped at the club, he felt the need to unwind. He pulled into the parking lot, there he sat and watched. The door opened as a patron exited, and for the briefest moment her heard the music playing with in. The music made his mind up for him. He left his car and entered the building. The atmosphere hit him, the air was dank and smokey. The smell of it was full of smoke, alcohol, and sweat. The lights were dim, but he had no problem seeing. The music came from a band set up upon a small stage to the left of the bar. At the moment they were playing an acoustic set, but the presence of a mike showed him, there was a singer. He crossed to the bar and ordered a scotch. He found a seat in one of the booths, and sat down closing his eyes and letting the beat wash over him. He opened his eyes and brought his drink to his lips, the burn of the scotch reminding him of his un-death. The lack of sensation from any other food or drink, a stark truth in his being. He signalled to the bar for a refill, and sat back. He watched the room, taking in the minutiae of the patrons movements. He followed the progress of a woman dressed in a long flowing purple coat. Her hair was dyed magenta, but under the lights it appeared a dark purple, matching her coat. She stopped briefly at the bar, and spoke to the barman. He poured her a drink, and also handed her a pitcher of water. She smiled and took both, heading to the door at the rear of the stage. Mick had only seen her in profile, but there was something about her. A waitress brought his drink, and took the empty. “Thanks.” he handed her five dollars and she left. The band had become silent, as the set finished, and they left the stage.

A few minutes later, they retook the stage, this time with a female singer standing at the fore front. With a nod the music restarted, and her melodious voice filled the bar. Mick lent forward, watching her. Her voice filled a cold part of him. The music moving him. It had been many years since he had felt the urge to play or sing. Yet he found himself singing too. Her eyes caught his, and she smiled at him. There was a break in the set, and he made his way down to the stage. “Can I help you?” she asked him. He listened to her accent, it had a slight Scottish lilt.

“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed you singing. You have a very strong voice.” He smiled at her. “I’m Mick. May I buy you a drink?”

She eyed him warily, and then face the bar. “Lynette. It’s nice to meet you Mick. Vodka, on the rocks.” The barman brought her drink, and Mick ordered another for himself. Leaving the money on the bar. “I saw you singing along. Do you sing? I imagine you have a deep tenor to your voice.”

“Umm, I used to, but it’s been awhile. I got caught up in your music. You’re a bit of a siren.” he studied her face, it was slim, with a straight nose, full lips and captivating eyes. She wore layers of make-up, but it was for the stage. She appeared to be around 25 years old. She was slim without being skinny, unlike so many other woman in LA, she actually had curves, where a woman should have them.

“Well I have to get back to work. Are you staying till the end?” She really didn’t know why she was asking him. He was easy on the eye, and he had a charm about him.

“Sure, I don’t have anywhere else to be tonight.” He wondered if his luck might be in. Instead of returning to his booth, he took up a place at the bar, closest to the stage. He tapped his foot in time to the beat, sometimes mouthing the words of the songs. He watched her move about the stage, and pause to take a sip of water, during a interlude. She came to the end of her set, and thanked the patrons of the bar for being a great audience. There were cheers and calls for another song. Swiftly she turned to the members of her band and then stepped back up to the mike.

“Thank you, ok were gonna do one more song, and I’m sure you all know it well. So now I would like to introduce, and welcome up to the stage Mick. So please put your hands together and give him some encouragement.” She looked towards him and the whole bar started to cheer and clap. Mick was shocked, to taken by surprise to do anything. “Come on up here Mick.” She held her hand out to him. Finally he shook himself out of his stupor, and made his way up.

“You might regret this you know.” He whispered in her ear. “You don’t really know if I can sing.” He smiled against her neck, taking in her scent, feeling his fangs press against his gums. She stepped back, and smiled.

“You know the track, Don’t go Breaking my Heart?” Mick nodded and the band started up. The two of them interacted on the stage playing the parts with gusto. At the end, the crowd gave them a standing ovation with cheering and whistling, as they made their way off the stage. He followed her back stage, where it seemed deathly quiet. “I knew you had a great voice. When was the last time you sang?”

Mick was unsure about what to tell her, and stayed silent. He watched as she removed her stage make up, revealing two small scars, at the nape of her neck. “Um, it was back in the fifties.” He left his comment there, so to gauge her reaction to him. She turned to face him, as her fingers went to the marks on her neck. She nodded, and walked to him. She looked deep into his eyes, and saw a world of pain and regrets there. Then she pushed up and brushed her lips over his. Allowing him a small taste.

“Why don’t we sit Mick. You came here to relax, so relax.” He moved over to the couch, and lowered his form into it. She turned to face him. “What do you want Mick? I don’t think this is your usual haunt.” She had poured two shots of whisky, and handed one to him. He downed it in one go, and she then handed him the second glass. He placed it on the side, out of the way.

“I don’t know what I want. I was just out, trying to clear my head. I ended up here. The music brought me in.” He shifted over to give her more room to sit, but she had different thoughts, and sat on his thighs. Mick gave a moan, at her proximity. She shifted herself, running a hand through his dark wavy hair. Twisting tendrils of it through her fingers. Gently kneading his neck, as she brought her lips to his again. She search his face for any sign, he wanted her to stop, but found none. The kiss deepened, and she felt his fangs press out. Mick tried to pull away, but she held to her. She shook her head at him.

“No Mick, don’t pull away. I know what you are, and what you need. I offer it willingly.” She tilted her neck, to offer him the vein. He lent in and took her scent, trailing his tongue over the pulse point. He placed a light kiss on there, and pulled back.

“No, not there. Give me your wrist.” She lifted it, and he took it with one hand. With his free hand, he wrapped it about her slim waist. Holding her to him. Then with a practiced movement, he took the first taste. She gasped as his fangs sank into her flesh. The momentary discomfort, turning instantly to pleasure. Her head went back and she sighed. The ecstasy of sensations almost bringing her to orgasm. She whimpered at the loss of his fangs, but opened her eyes to stare into his. “Thank you Lynette. You taste divine, just like you sound.” He placed a kiss over the healing wounds.

“Your welcome Mick. That was the most intense…..” She swooned from the blood loss. Mick lifted her from his lap and laid her on the couch, kneeling next to her.

“Sleep well Lynette. You have given me more than you know.” Then he turned to leave. Her soft voice carried to him as he reached the door.

“Will I see you again Mick?” her eyes on him, but unfocused. He turned to face her.

“Maybe. Our paths may cross again.” Then he left, and she fell back to sleep, and dreamed of him.
What Josef want's. Josef gets!

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Re: Music in the NIght-Freshie fic PG13

Post by francis »

Mmmmh that was nice. I'm swooning too. :flirt:
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Re: Music in the NIght-Freshie fic PG13

Post by JosefsRose »

:hug: :hug: :hearts: :flowers: :hyper2: :hyper: I think that says everything, but just incase. Thank you.
What Josef want's. Josef gets!

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Re: Music in the NIght-Freshie fic PG13

Post by cassysj »

I think music will always have an appeal for Mick. I really liked the use of the wrist over the throat. Normally you think of the throat as more sexual but Mick made this quite an evening for her.
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