Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

This is another story from the old website. I'm going to try really hard to recall this one.

Moonlight Fanfiction
Lights, Camera Action
By Ella713
Rated PG

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

It was really by accident that Colin came across the book. He and his fiancé’ were shopping for an antique wardrobe at the Melrose Trading Post when he saw it. The most magnificent writing desk he had ever seen. It was beautiful dark cherry wood with gothic style wrought iron fixtures. To say it was steal was an understatement. The man who sold it obviously had no idea if the item’s true worth. When he asked for $400 Colin almost laughed out loud. So he and Rebecca loaded the desk up and took it home.

Collin had just gained a lot of notoriety for his documentary on the slaves of Thomas Jefferson. Critics were saying that it was one of if not the best documentary of the decade. He had won the top prize at Sundance and Cannes and now Miramax had just handed him an $80 million budget for his first feature film.

Since history was his first love he knew that his film would be based on past events. And when he found the book tucked inside of a hidden drawer in the desk he was certain. The book was written by Thomas Edgewaters in 1899. Although when Collin sought more information on the writer he could find nothing. He even contacted the publishing company in New York and they had no record on the author. After going over all of the legalities with his attorney, Collin decided that he would adapt the book but he would give credit to this unknown author.

The book takes place in New York City and tells the tale of Lawrence Thedobore. A rich bachelor with unusual habits. Of course now we would realize that the character suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder, but in 1899, those things were not known.
But Lawrence lived alone with his servants and never went outdoors. His shades were always drawn and he kept to himself. He was a strict and exacting man in his life and his habits. Everything was done on time and the same way. Once a month his servants went out to purchase food and supplies. He lived a quiet simple life. As he was a man of means with particular habits he saw no reason to marry. He actually found women displeasing. Their shrill voices and questionable motives. Not to mention that the thought of lovemaking actually turned his stomach. No. he was perfectly content to live as he had always lived.

And then he met Sylvia O’Doole. She was the niece of his housekeeper who had come from Ireland to find work. Mrs. O’Doole brought her to the townhome one gray afternoon after picking up the supplies for the month.
She was a beautiful girl. Average height, with long golden hair that shone like spun silk.
She spoke quietly and dressed modestly.

He agreed to bring her on as an extra kitchen hand. Every night she brought out his dinner and gently laid his napkin on his lap. She never spoke unless spoken to and she did whatever task at hand with remarkable skill and ease.

One night unable to sleep he went into the library to retrieve a book and when he opened the door he saw Sylvia sitting quietly in a chair reading Chaucer. She jumped up when she saw him and bent her head down.
“My apologies sir!” she said in a beautiful clear voice that sounded like Gaelic angels.
“What are doing in my library?” he asked.
“I could not rest sir and thought that a book might help me”
“And you were reading Chaucer?” he asked in surprised.
“Yes sir. I find The Miller’s Prologue to be exceptionally intriguing”
Lawrence stared at the young girl in surprise. This beautiful ethereal creature read Chaucer and actually understood it! He was dumbfounded.

He made Sylvia his personal secretary. She helped him with his correspondence and helped balance his accounts. She joined him for dinner though she never took a morsel for herself saying that she did just fine on her breakfast meal. Beauty, intelligence and frugality. All of the traits that Lawrence admired most.

Lawrence found himself falling in love for the very first time in his life.
And when he proposed marriage to her she simply uttered a quiet yes and said she would do her best to make him happy.

They had a small quiet ceremony in his parlor with just his servants and the clergy.

Mr. and Mrs. O’Doole were excused for the evening allowing the wedded couple to have their privacy on this most intimate of nights.

After finishing his toilette he came into his bed chamber to find her already waiting. She wore a white sheer robe that hung to her feet. Her hair was undone from its usual bun and hung in beautiful waves around her shoulders.
He stood staring at her not knowing how to proceed.
She untied her robe and let it fall to her feet. There she stood in front him naked and unafraid. Never had he seen such a vision. She slowly walked up to him and helped his with his buttons. And when he was as naked as she, they walked to his bed together.
Thomas’ hands shook violently as he laid her down. He kissed her and felt his like he was on fire. She gently slowed him down and guided him until they were one heart beating at the same time. And when that final moment overcame him he felt teeth piercing his neck and the blood flow from his wound.

Collin showed the book to Rebecca who agreed that this book should be his first film. And now here he was on the set of his very first film. He had managed to obtain and very worthy cast. Ewan McGregor had signed on to play the part of Lawrence and a hot new young actress named Vivian Caldwell would be playing the role of Sylvia.
He had everything in place. And now he was ready to shoot his very first scene.

“Okay everyone places!” he shouted. “This is the first scene, Lawrence’s mother dies. And action!”

Josef and Isabelle pulled into the movie studio lot.
“We don’t have to stay long. I just want to make sure that these producers aren’t wasting my investment” Josef said straightening his tie as he opened the door for Isabelle.
“Do you think it’s wise to invest in this movie? They seem to think that this director is a bit young and inexperienced.” She said with worry.
“Steven Spielberg’s first film was Jaws and he’s still raking in the revenues from that movie” Josef said calmly as they walked through the doors of the movie studio.
People were running all around and crying and someone yelled out
“Call 911!” Josef and Isabelle saw that the commotion was coming from the lot where they were supposed to meet the producers. As a security guard quickly walked passed him, Josef grabbed his arm.
“What’s going on?” Josef demanded.
“There’s been a murder. Someone killed that actress. Vivian Caldwell!” he said as he ran out.
“Isn’t that the star of my movie?” Josef asked in surprise
“Not anymore Josef” Isabelle said quietly.
Last edited by Ella713 on Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »


Are Lawrence and Sylvia still around, and if so how do they feel about this story being told.

Josef is, as always, right on top of the possibe threat to the tribe.

Looking forward to more.
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Oh my, very intriguing start. Can't wait. :heart:
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Collin sat in his director’s chair with his head in his hands. He couldn't believe this was happening! And on the set of his first feature film!
“Mr. Drake. Do you have any idea who may have done this?” Carl asked.
“None. Vivian wasn’t even supposed to be here. She wasn’t scheduled for shooting until Thursday.” He said.
“Any idea why she was here?”
“I don’t know. Maybe she had a fitting in costume” he said becoming exasperated.
“Where were you?” Collin looked up at the detective.
“I was here! On the set!” he said with anger. Carl nodded.
“That will be all for now. We need to process the scene and we need all those people to say put until they’re questioned.” He said walking away. He pulled out his cell phone and called Mick.
“Hey Mick, it’s Carl. How fast can you get to Hollywood?”
“Fast. Why? What’s going on?
“Famous actress murdered in her trailer. I got a line of suspects that need to be questioned and only two uniforms. Can you help us out?”
“Be there in 15 minutes”

Mick was let onto the lot and he quickly found Carl.
“Mick, great you’re here!” Carl said with relief.
“Alright. What do you have?” Mick asked
“The victim was Vivian Caldwell. Strangled in her trailer. The ME puts time of death between 8 and 10 this morning. The director said she wasn’t even supposed to be on the set until Thursday.”
“Where’s Felix? I need to speak with him first.” Mick said.
Felix Hawthorne had been the medical examiner for over 20 years. He was obnoxious, loud and crude. But he was also the best in his field.
“What’s up St. John?” he asked looking up from the body. “Pretty hot isn’t she? I mean wasn’t she?” he laughed.
Mick ignored his comments.
“Carl said she was strangled. How with bare hands or something else?”
Felix lifted up a red silk scarf.
“Here’s your murder weapon. The unsub came up behind her and lights out. No sign of sexual assault or any other bruising. Pretty straight forward as far as murders go. You gotta wait if you want a tox report” he said covering body.
“Thanks” Mick said. He walked over towards the cast who were standing in a line by the exit and he spied Josef and Isabelle.
“Hey what are you guys doing here?’
“Someone died on the set of my movie!” Josef said with grimace.
“Your movie?”
“Yeah. I’m one of the investors of this particular movie”
“Since when are you in the movie business?”
“Its all about diversifying Mick. And now as I see it with filming being delayed this is costing me somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000 a day.” Mick chuckled.
“This coming from the man who lost a million bucks on a Super Bowl game!”
“Focus Mick! I need you to clear up this little murder business as quick as possible. Find the bastard who’s stealing my money!” Josef said and walked away. Mick rolled his eyes.
“You always hurt the ones you love.” Isabelle said to Mick with a smile as she quietly walked away.

Stacey Foster wasn’t exactly happy that someone murdered Vivian, but she certainly wasn’t going to shed any tears over her either. The role of Sylvia was hers until Vivian had her agent call and arrange a meeting with Collin. After she most like slept with Collin to get the role Stacey got bumped down to the role of Margaret the freaking laundry maid! Now she was dead and Collin would see like he had at first, that she was perfect for the part of Sylvia!

“Hello Miss. I’m Mick St. John, I’d like to ask you a few questions” Stacey heard a man say to her. And what a man he was!
“Well, I’m not really giving interviews right now, but if you’d like to make an appointment…” she began
“Uh, I’m not a reporter” He said with a smile. “Private Investigator. I’m helping the LAPD with questioning everyone.”
“Ah, I see. Well what do you want to know?”
What did you know about the victim?”
“Vivian Lee Caldwell. You get it? Like Vivian Leigh? She actually came up with that herself.”
“Oh. Scarlet O’Hara” Mick said,
“Well, that was V alright. Anything to get her name in the papers.”
“I take it you didn’t like Vivian”
“And you’d take right. I didn’t hate her, but I thought she was a self serving bitch. She didn’t care about anyone but herself, so I’m not surprised that her life ended the way it did.”
‘Is there anyone in particular that she upset?”
“Mr. St. John. That’s going to be a very long list!” she said and walked away
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

The first chapter was rife with the romance and ambiance of another time. In contrast this one shows us the harsh realities of the movie business.

Interesting start!
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

After interviewing everyone who was on the set, Mick was ready to meet with Carl at the station and compare notes. He spotted Beth and Steve right outside the studio. She was covering the murder for ActionNews which should have been no surprise for Mick, but he was still shocked as to how their paths always seem to cross. When she had finished, he walked over towards her.

“Hey babe, we gotta stop meeting like this” he joked as he nodded to Steve.
“Well this is a very big story! Hollywood starlet dies on set of new film. This has all the making for a movie of the week” she said.
“Between you and me, I think it’s someone on the set. M.E puts the time of death somewhere between 8 and 10 this morning. The set is completely closed. So no one is allowed in during filming, so the perp had to already be here.”
“What’s Josef doing here?” Beth asked as she saw both him and Isabelle walk towards their car.
“Josef is one of the producers of the movie”
“You’re kidding?” Beth said in astonishment.
“Come on babe. Its Josef” he laughed.

With filming canceled for the day, Colin sat in his trailer and thought about what would happen. Something like this could make producers nervous. Nervous enough to pull all funding. Then there went his first feature film before it even began. How could this be happening? Who could he find on such short notice to replace Vivian? There was always Stacey but to be honest, she was only a so-so actress. When he was first casting for this film, she seemed liked an adequate choice that is until Ewan McGregor signed on. With the addition of him, Collin knew that he needed a much better actress for the role. Vivian was the logical choice. She had been quickly making her way up the ranks of Hollywood with each film she stared in. There’s no way he could cast Stacey in the lead. She wasn’t the right body type for the time period and she was brunette and the thought of her in a blonde wig would be way too obvious. Even dyeing her hair wouldn’t work. She had the exotic complexion of an Italian. The whole look would be wrong. He stepped out of his trailer meaning to ask the officer when they could resume filming and that’s when he saw her. She was beautiful. Her figure was perfect as was her golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was standing next to that private detective fellow. When he saw the microphone in her hands it dawned on him that she was a news reporter. Perhaps he could work with that.
He started to walk towards them.
“Who’s that?” Beth asked seeing the man walk in their direction.
“That’s Collin Drake. The director” Mick replied.

“Excuse me. You’re Mr. St. John right?” Collin asked.
“Yes and this is my wife Beth” Mick said.
“ActionNews. I thought you looked familiar. Uh, Mr. St John, I’d like to speak with you both. Some place quiet. There’s a coffee shop across the street.” He hinted. “Say about 10 minutes?”
“Ok.” Mick answered.
“I wonder what he wants?”. Beth asked.
“Looks like we’re going to find out”

Mick and Beth waited patiently for Collin to show up. He came rushing into the shop about 5 minutes late..
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I had to speak with Lieutenant Davis briefly”
“Alright Mr. Drake what can we do for you?”
“You come very highly recommended by Lieutenant Davis. I’d like to hire you to find the killer”
“I think the police can handle that” Mick said.
“You don’t understand. Actors are exclusive people. They won’t be honest with the police even if it means catching a killer. I’d like to hire you both to try and find out who is sabotaging my movie”
“What makes you think it’s sabotage?” Beth asked.
“Well, I don’t know if you know this or not, but this isn’t the first death associated with this film.”
“Excuse me!” Mick said looking up suddenly.
“Richard Finch. He was the first producer to offer financing for this project. Three weeks ago he was in a car accident. The police said his break line was cut.”
“Why wasn’t anything mentioned about this?” Mick asked.
“The movie studio wanted it to keep it hush-hush. And he was in Madrid when it happened so the news didn’t even make it to the states.”
“Why do you think someone doesn’t want this movie made?”
“I don’t know Mr. St. John, but that’s what I’d like you and your wife to find out”
“These actors have already seen me. They know I’m working with the LAPD” Mick said finally.
“But they haven’t seen your wife. I’d like to give her a part in the movie, that way she can ask questions and look around without arousing suspicion.” He said.
“Uh….I’m not sure about that” Beth stammered. But Mick was looking directly at her.
“Babe, that just might work” he said.

He stood across the street watching her from below. What a crude exhibitionist she was. She had neither drawn her blinds or walked away from the window as she took off her clothes. She wanted to the world to see her, no matter how brazen and disgusting her actions.
He felt sort bad for killing the first girl. While she was also a promiscuous tart, she was not as bad as this one. But he would take pleasure in this kill. He could not think of any other woman who deserved to die more.

Stacey went into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. This was her usual routine. After a tough day of shooting, she would take off her clothes as soon as she was inside and then pour a glass of wine. And while she stood over telephone checking her messages, she didn’t notice the figure that stood below watching her.

Beth showed up at the studio lot the next morning. She was reading lines in front of Collin, Josef, the rest of the producers and the cast. Collin had given her the script the night before and she stayed up all night reading it. It was an amazing story. And the role of Sylvia was the most powerful. And even though this was just an undercover job, she felt like she really wanted to succeed at it.
After reading the part where Sylvia reveals to her husband that she is a vampire, she waited to hear what they would say. Josef stared at her with his mouth open. Everyone applauded and Collin came running towards her.
“Beth!! That was amazing! That was even better than Vivian could do!” he said hugging her quickly. Josef walked over to her.
“Beth. I really thought you were a vampire.” He said with a smile.
“So did I!” said Collin. “Well, it looks like we just filled the role of Sylvia!”
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Love this!

Beth is going undercover and what an undercover assignment it is!

She is going to play a vampire! I don't know if this is true or not, but it seems reasonable to me that any role in front of the camera involves a certain amount of acting (playing a part) and she has acting experience going all the way back to Buzzwire. Also, she can act out a fantasy--to say nothing of the inside knowledge having taken Black Crystal and being married to a vampire gives her.

Yikes! I just thought that she could accidentally earn herself a one way trip to La Brea here without intending to!

Maybe a loong talk with Mick and Josef is in order.

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick chuckled when Beth told him.
“My wife the actress” he said with a smile.
“Not quite honey. I’m pretty sure you’ll find the killer before I get to shoot a single scene”

Stacey was furious when she heard. A freaking television reporter with no acting experience whatsoever now had her role! First Vivian and now this. Once the press got a hold of this, she would be forever stuck in Lifetime TV movies and ridiculous Sci-Fi channel monster flicks.

He peaked into her trailer. She was upset. But he had something that would make her forget. Something that would take all of her pain away. Forever.

Colin watched Beth carefully but he could not fault her in any way. She played the role of Sylvia in a way that made it not only plausible, but believable. It was like she really understood what it was like to be a vampire.
Beth and Ewan were a cinematic match made in heaven. This movie was going to be a blockbuster!

Mick watched as Beth filmed her scene. He had to admit, his wife was amazing. One would have thought her a seasoned actress, but then she really wasn’t acting. She knew first hand what it was like to a vampire and all that came with it. He was so wrapped up in watching them film the turning scene he lost track of time and snapped out of it when he heard Collin say.
“And cut! That was great guys! We’ll meet back here at 7am sharp. “
Everyone was rushing to the costume room or their trailers to slip out of the uncomfortable costumes for the comfort of jeans and t-shirts.
“Babe, you were wonderful!” Mick said as Beth came rushing towards him.
“Really? I’m still trying to get the hang of it all”
“You were perfect” he said bending down to kiss her lips.

“Hey Beth! Are you coming?” a voice called out to her.
“We’re all headed to the Derby for drinks!” Beth looked at Mick with apprehension, but Mick nodded.
“Go ahead. This is your chance to get close to them. See what you can find out.” he said kissing the tip of her nose.
“Alright. It you insist. But swing by later” she said and walked out with the other cast members.

The Brown Derby was an old Hollywood mainstay. Huge portions and stiff drinks were the specialty. They all sat together at two long tables that had been pushed together to accommodate their numbers.
Bridget who was a tall voluptuous beauty was in charge of costume design was on her third cocktail and it was beginning to show.
“So Beth are you all ready to become rich and famous?” she asked.
“Oh, no. This is a one time gig. After this I’m back with Action News”
Everyone snickered when she said that.
“Sure you are!” Simon the prop guy said. Melissa the supporting actress nodded her head.
“Yeah. Been there done that.” She said taking a sip of her drink. “We’ve all said that at one time or another. You know I started on Broadway. I was intent on being strictly in theatre. But after one play, I couldn’t find any more work. I was waiting table like everyone else in New York. Then my agent calls me with an offer of a role on Melrose Place. I told him to drop dead. I’m a serious actress, but the rent needed to be paid and you need food, so I took the job. Next thing you know I relocated to Hollywood and never thought twice about NYC again”
“You don’t miss it?” Beth asked.
“Are you kidding? I shared a studio in the East Village with three other girls. Now I have my own home in Beverly Hills!” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“So it’s too bad about Vivian? I saw her in Hector and Ramon. She was really good Beth said.
“She was lucky!” Scott Marsh said. “Come on, she always happened to be in the right place at the right time. Her talent was marginal”
“Scott don’t be mean!” Simon said who had always had a crush on Vivian. “She was great in The Lesson” he said. Bridget nudged Beth.
“I think Simon was in love with her.” She snickered.
“Everybody knows she slept with Collin to get her part” a meek voice said
Everyone turned to look at Sarah who played one of the maids.
“How do you know that?” Simon said. Sarah held her head down.
“Because I saw them. It was the day before she got the part. He was coming out of her trailer” she said.
“That’ doesn’t mean anything. They could have been discussing the role” Bridget said. “Anyway, Viv never would have done anything like that. Not to mention that Collin is revolting!” she slurred.

“I agree with Bridget” Henry one of the extras said. “There is no way Vivian would have gone there!”
“Yeah it’s not like Collin looked like that man over there” she said as they all turned to see a tall gorgeous man walking towards their table. Bridget started to fan herself. “Good lord who is that?” she exclaimed. Melissa and Sarah giggled.
“That’s Beth’s husband!” they said in unison.
Mick slowly approached the table and then bent down to kiss Beth.
“Hey babe, how’s everything going?”
“Great. Let me introduce you to everyone” Beth said as she made the introductions. Every woman put on their brightest smile when being introduced to Mick. Beth always found it amusing to see women behave that way when Mick was around.
“You’re the private eye right?” Simon said.
“Did you find out who whacked Vivian yet?” Henry asked
“We have a few leads that we’re working on” Mick said evasively.

After a couple of more rounds everyone started to say their goodbyes. When Mick was alone with Beth in the car, Beth told him everything they had talked about.
“So the general consensus is that Vivian slept with Collin for her role, but a couple of people said it was bull”
“Who didn’t believe it?”
“Well Bridget the costume designer and Simon the prop guy. Bridget also said that Simon was in love with Vivian. What about you? What did you fine out?”
“Well, the security guard at the gate swears that everyone who was supposed to be on the lot was admitted between the hours of 6:30am and 7am. But I also found out that anyone with access can be on the lot 24/7. In fact some actors sleep there just to stay in character.” Mick said
“So you mean that Vivian’s killer was already on the lot?”
“Yeah. There’s no other way”
“That’s great! All we have to do is find out who never left!”
“That’s the plan” he said as they headed towards home.

Rosalita loved working the night shift. None of the actors were around treating you like their personal servant. She entered Stacey Foster’s trailer.
After she took out the garbage and made sure everything was cleaned up, she peaked in the wardrobe. She pulled out a dark green velvet robe. She tried it on. Then she tried on one of the lovely hats. She paraded in front of the mirror pretending like she was movie star. She suddenly tripped over something. She stood up to turn on the light overhead and that’s when she saw her. The body of Stacey Foster. Naked with belt tight around her neck.
Rosalita screamed and ran out of trailer.
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Sophia would have had a wonderful time with this role. Playing an actress playing another role would probably be a lot of fun.

We know now that the killer is male.

He peaked into her trailer. She was upset. But he had something that would make her forget. Something that would take all of her pain away. Forever.

I'm impressed by the way the actors and crew relate so well. I expected things to be a bit more...cutthroat, because of the tension and probably a healthy dose of paranoia.

It was cute when Mick walks in.

So Simon, the prop guy was possibly in love with Vivian but there wasn't a flicker of attraction to Stacey. Hmmm. Looking forward to more!

Thank you!

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick and Beth were just pulling into their apartment when Mick’s cell phone rang.
“Hello” Mick answered.
“Mick, I need you to get back to the studio. We got another dead body” Carl said.
“On my way” Mick said turning the car around.
“Did Carl say who?” Beth asked anxiously.
“No but we’ll find out soon enough”

Mick and Beth pulled up to the studio lot in record time. Mick hurried over to Carl.
“Stacey Foster” He said. “Strangled in her trailer”
“You’re kidding!” Mick said.
“I wish I were. M.E. puts this time of death at 9pm-11pm judging by the body temperature. She was found by one of the cleaning women. She’s over there” he said pointing in the direction of a young woman.
“Same M.O.?” Mick asked as he glanced at the woman’s body being taken away.
“You caught that? No it’s not the same. The first victim it appears knew the unsub even had drinks with him. This victim was caught off guard. There’s bruising around her neck and arms where he restrained her. This was violent.”
“So you think a different guy all together? A copy cat?”
“Either that or the unsub wants to throw us off course by changing the M.O.” Mick looked around for Beth who was not far off talking to Collin.
“Who called him?” Mick asked. Carl looked over at the director.
“He was already here.”
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by jen »

Makes sense that this crime would be violent.

Earlier, we overheard the killer's thoughts and while they were warmer toward Vivian than Stacey, there were things he had against Vivian, as well. He just would enjoy killing Stacey more.

So, we have someone here who enjoys brute force and inflicting trauma. Ewww.

What about Beth! Beth is now in a position to catch the killer's eye. Mick should have already figured that out. Maybe he has, but it is putting Beth in a very precarious position.

Looking forward to more!

Thank you!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Mick walked over to Beth and took her hand.
“Babe can I talk to you for a moment?” he asked quietly. He led her to a secluded spot. “I want you to drop out of the movie. I don’t like what’s going on here. Something’s not right”
“Mick you do know that nothing is really going to happen to me. Maybe if the killer comes after me we can finally put and end to this” Mick knew that Beth was making sense, but the thought of having her in the sights of deranged killer made his blood boil. But it could very well be their only shot.

Collin was pleased. After many stops and starts they had finally come to the last day of shooting. There were no more murders and it seemed like the danger that surrounded the set had disappeared.
“Alright everyone! I know that this has been a very long and tedious shoot, and tensions were running high, but this is the final scene. I want to thank you all for your patience. I know it wasn’t easy” he said. “So let’s wrap this movie up!”

The final scene was the death of Sylvia.

Ewan and Beth took their places. Mick stood nearby watching everything and everyone around him. The scene went well and when Ewan had the stake in hand Mick felt himself tense up. So much of this scene reminded him of what had transpired between him and Coraline. Mick saw Ewan step towards Beth with the stake. He pushed it into her stomach. Beth’s mouth opened and blood poured from the wound. Real blood. Ewan’s face contorted in horror and he backed away from her. Mick realizing that the stake was not a prop and was indeed real ran to his wife’s side.
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Ouch! She's still human, isn't she? I hope she won't end up terminally dead.
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

People screamed and ran towards Beth. Mick quickly scooped her into his arms and fled the studio at lightening speed. He placed Beth gently into the backseat of his car and pulled out the stake.
“Stay down babe.” Mick said as he drove quickly away for the police station.

“You want me to do what?” Carl said in disbelief.
“I want you to tell everyone at the studio that Beth died. Look we’re the only ones who know that Beth’s alive; I say we keep it that way. Carl I know who the killer is”
“You know? Then tell me so I can arrest the bastard!” Carl said.

Carl and Mick entered the lot and saw that all of the actors were still milling around waiting to hear news. They all held their breaths when they saw Mick approaching.
“How is she?” one actor asked. Mick said nothing but Carl stepped forward.
“Beth St. John died en route to the hospital from massive blood lost” Carl said staring at each and every face. “I want to know how this happened!” Cal yelled. Ewan was sitting in a chair still trying to comprehend what had happened.
“It wasn’t supposed to be real” he muttered.
“What wasn’t supposed to be real?” Carl said standing in front of him.
“It was supposed to be a retractable stake.” He said almost to himself.
“So someone switched the prop for a real stake?” Mick said.
Simon who was in charge of all the props stood next to Mick,
“I personally checked that stake myself! Matt and I were even demonstrating its use on each other before we started shooting.” He said
“Well, who had access beside you?” Carl asked.
“Matt, Bridgett and Collin. That’s all.” Simon said.
“So sometime after you and Matt tested the prop someone came into the prop room and switched it out?”
“And they would have to have a key” Simon said.
“Wait! Are you telling me that the prop room is kept locked? Well who else has a key besides you?” Carl asked loudly
“Collin has a key” Mick said turning towards the director. “Isn’t that right?”
The director stared at Mick trying to think of what he could say.
“Carl, I knew there was something not right about this from the start. These murders were an inside job. Someone who already had access to this lot and the studio. So why’d you do it Collin?” The director shook his head.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” he said with indignantly.

Mick walked towards the back of the studio.
“You see, you’re not only one with 24/7 access to the studio. Last night I came to the lot and placed three little video cameras in different locations.
One on the pole by the trailers, another one on the rafters directly above you and the third on is in the hallway by the prop room. So, Carl would you send a uniform down there to retrieve that camera?” Mick said.

Collin jumped up out his chair and made a run for it. Mick easily caught up with him.
“Look on the bright side Collin. The courts will only be charging you with two counts of murder” Carl said. Collin looked over at Mick.
“Yeah. My wife’s alive. I didn’t mention that?” he said with a smirk as the police took him away.

Six Months Later
“$56 million over one weekend! Can you believe that?” Josef said with a wide grin.
“Well Collin got the blockbuster he wanted.” Mick said sadly. “And all he had to do was murder two people to hype his film”
“Any publicity is good publicity Mick and this movie is proof positive of that fact. And the best part is I didn’t lose anything on the deal. I even managed to net a profit”
“Oh yeah Josef, because that was the best part” Mick said sarcastically.
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Re: Lights Camera Action By Ella713 Rated PG

Post by francis »

Hmmm. So Beth was a vampire already? And Collin did it just to hype the movie? I don't really get it yet.
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