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One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:02 pm
by Ella713
This is a new story that I am currently working on. It's not finished yet but here is the beginning. Any input would be great!

The Vegas Hit
Ella713 Rated PG

Mick looked out over the horizon from the balcony of his apartment. He loved days like this. Huge pillowy white clouds covered the sky, partially hiding the sun from view.
He smiled to himself thinking of Beth. She had confessed her love for him shyly, like a schoolgirl. Staring at him waiting for the words he could not bring himself to say. The funny thing was that he did love her. He had always loved her. But why was it so hard to say?

He knew. Fear. He was a vampire and she was human. Warm and sweet and fragile. Everyday she would grow older and he would remain forever 30 years old. He knew that Beth would never want to be turned, so where did that leave them? He sighed heavily and turned to go back inside his apartment. The phone started to ring and he was grateful. Maybe a case would get his mind off the situation at present.

“Mick St. John” he answered.
“Mick, this Josef. I need you to get to my house as quick as you can” His friend Josef replied in a hurried tone.
“Why….” He started to ask but Josef had hung up. His 400 year-old friend had a problem with manners and boundaries but Mick always overlooked those small things and thought of Josef as a very dear friend. His best friend.
So he grabbed his keys and headed out.

Josef lived in a sprawling high rise penthouse. Being a vampire definitely had its perks and Josef had accumulated the kind of wealth that would make Bill Gates look like a pauper. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.
Josef appeared at the door looking amused.
“You’re slipping Mick. You used to be a lot faster in your younger days”
“Bite me Josef. What’s so important that I had to risk getting a speeding ticket?”
Picking up an envelope from a nearby table, Josef handed it to him. Mick flipped it over, no address just the word “confidential” stamped on the front.
Mick poured out the contents and immediately saw why Josef was concerned. Inside the envelope was a mock newspaper style heading that read “Josef Kostan…….Not The Man You Think He Is” and below the heading was a crystal clear picture of Josef, fangs for the entire world to see, biting a freshie.
Mick looked over at Josef.
“When did you get this?” he asked
“It was with the morning paper. Rosa gave it to me”
“Ok Josef, who has it in for you?”
“Mick you’re joking right? Who hasn’t got it in for me? You live for 400 years you’re bound to make some enemies”
“True” Mick said with a grim smile “Alright, what do you want me to do?”
“Well you can start with her” Josef said pointing to the woman in the picture. “Her name is Candi Watson and she works at Maximillian’s on Rodeo Drive”
“Candi?” Mick asked with raised eyebrows.
Josef rolled his eyes.
“I’ve known her for a few years. Isabella introduced us. Everything was fine but lately she’d become unreliable and distant. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she had borrowed money from Mickey Cross when she first came to Los Angeles and she was paying it back, but he kept raising the “interest” on the loan and she couldn’t keep up”
Mick nodded beginning to comprehend the situation.
“So let me guess, you had a talk with the loan shark?”
“Let’s just say that I convinced him to accept the original amount”.
“Just how convincing were you Josef?”
Josef said nothing and looked out the window.
“So you think this is someone from his crew coming after you?”
“I don’t see how it could be anyone else. Look, just feel the waters for me on this one. If this is a threat then we all need to be worried”
Mick studied the clipping that was sent to Josef. Nothing about it stood out. Plain stock paper sold at a few thousand locations in California alone.
Mick nodded his head. While this was typical of a “Josef situation”, someone had managed to get some very incriminating evidence which could place all vampires in danger.

Maximillian’s was a very chic very expensive bistro that catered to the idle rich of Los Angeles. The conversations inside were hushed and the steamy sounds of John Coltrane whispered throughout. Mick walked up the hostess.
The hostess looked up annoyed then her eyes softened while she batted her overly long eyelashes.
“Hellooo. What can I do for you?” she said seductively
“I’m looking for Candi Watson” Mick said with a slow smile. Hey if he had to flirt to get what he needed, then he would flirt.
“Candi? She quit last night and didn’t even give notice. Very unprofessional of her in my opinion. But I’m sure whatever she was helping you with, I could do a much better job” She replied licking her lips.
“Do you have any idea where she went?” Mick asked
“No I don’t” she said sensing that she was getting no where. Mick lightly placed his hand over hers.
“You know I could really use some help” He said “Any help at all would be appreciated” The hostess brightened at his words and leaned into Mick.
“She did leave an address for us to send her last paycheck. Would that help?” she said almost giddy. She wrote the address on a Maximillian’s business card and slid it Mick’s direction.
“My number is on the back” she said flirtatiously.
“Thanks….Margo” Mick said looking at the business card. She sighed when he walked out of the restaurant. Candi always did get the lookers!

Beth sat in her office not noticing what was on the computer. Her thoughts were elsewhere. On Mick. Always on Mick. She didn’t even notice when her cameraman entered her office.
“Come on Beth! We got a hot one!” he said almost bouncing up and down with excitement.
“What is it?”
A murder that’s what. And from what our LAPD contact says a pretty gruesome one. A restaurant manager from Maximillian’s. They found her on the balcony of her apartment butchered”

When Mick pulled up to the address Margo had given him, he immediately saw that it was too late. The police had the building taped off and were ushering on lookers away from the scene. He saw Lt. Davis talking to a small stopped over man that Mick knew right away was the landlord. He looked up when he saw Mick approaching. After he had shooed the landlord away he walked over to Mick.
“St. John, what are you doing here?” he asked
“Working a case that appears to have gotten much bigger. Let me guess Candi Watson?” he asked as he watched the EMT’s bring the covered body out the building on a stretcher.
“How did you know?”
“I was hired this morning to find her”
“What for?”
“Client privilege Carl, you know that”.
“Client privilege my ass! If you know something Mick now is the time to tell me or I’ll have you arrested for obstruction!”
“Alright but this can’t get out. She was being leaned on by Mickey Cross”
Carl let out a deep breath. That was just what he needed. A slimy loan shark with mob ties!
“How much was she into him for?” Carl finally asked.
“I wasn’t told the amount. But my client went to Mickey to negotiate on Candi’s behalf”.
“Well it looks like Mickey wasn’t impressed, but that doesn’t make any sense. Loan sharks don’t go around killing people who owe them money. Yeah maybe beat them up a little or break a few fingers, but they keep them alive and paying. This here was overkill. I mean someone really wanted this woman dead”.

Beth and Steve pulled up to the crime scene and immediately got to work. Beth questioned everyone on the street. From the downstairs neighbor who swore she didn’t hear a thing to the old man from across the street who said Candi was “very popular with the men”. She was so busy taking notes that she was startled when she saw Mick standing in front of her.
“Mick, what are you doing here?” she asked
“Working a case for Josef”. Mick saw her eyes light up. She knew that if Josef was involved something really big was going on.
“What does Josef have to do with a murder case?”
Mick took her by the arm and led her to a quiet spot by some trees.
“The victim was Josef’s freshie. She owed Mickey Cross some money and Josef tried to help her by going to Mickey Cross and talking things out”
“Talking things out?” she replied. For Josef, that meant the tar pits. “So you think this a retaliation hit?”
“Look Beth there’s more to it but I can’t talk about here. Come home when you’re done”. He said and placed a quick kiss on her cheek.

Josef was screaming at someone on the phone in Japanese when Mick walked in. Josef motioned for him to have a seat. Mick was always amused by Josef’s business side. Largely because it wasn’t much different from his non business side. Josef hung up and waited for Mick to start.
“Josef, Candi Watson is dead”. He waited for this to sink in. “I mean dead dead. Someone really did a number on her”
“Do you think it was Mickey Cross?” he asked finally.
“Carl said no, loan sharks like their targets alive and paying. This looked more like a hit. What was this woman involved in?”
“I have no idea. Ask Isabella”. Josef said with a shrug.

Mick never had to use the services of a cleaner but accidents happened all the time. Maybe Isabella knew more about the woman she introduced Josef to. But glancing at his watch he knew that Beth was most likely waiting for him.
“Josef, I gotta run. Beth may have some information for me”
“When are you going to do the sensible thing and just turn our pretty little Lois Lane?”
“Are we going to talk about my love life now or do you want me to find out who killed Candi Watson?”
“I’m just saying” Josef said as he turned to take a call.

Just as he guessed Beth was sitting cross legged on the floor in the apartment reading over her notes.
“Great, you’re here” She said as she quickly stood up. “You won’t believe what I found out!”
Mick shook his head and smiled. He’d only been gone for a short time and she already had information. .
She immediately started to dig through her bag.
“Okay, Candi Watson was born Rebecca Granger from, Minneapolis Minnesota. She was a bartender at the Palace Station Hotel in Las Vegas and she witnessed Mickey Cross and his gang executing three men who they thought were muscling into his territory. One of the men killed was an undercover Fed. Anyway, Candi testified and Mickey got 10-20, but two years later there was some issue of evidence tampering and he was let go. I’m guessing that Candi was placed in the witness protection program.”
“But if all of this happened in Vegas, how did Mickey Cross find her? She’s using a different name and I assume she changed her appearance somewhat?”
“That’s where I’m lost. But what does Josef have to do with all of this?”
Staring into space Mick reached for the envelope in his jacket pocket and tossed it to her. Beth carefully examined the contents.
“Oh boy. This isn’t good” she said softly. “What are you going to do?”
“First I have to talk to Isabella. She introduced Josef to Candi. Maybe she knows something more”.
“I’ll stay here and do some more research” she said as she stood on tiptoes and gave him a kiss. “You be careful”
“I will” he said as he strolled out the door.

Chapter 2
Josef was on his way out of the office when his cell phone rang. Not bothering to check who it was he answered.
“Kostan” he replied
“Mr. Kostan, you and I have some business to discuss” the menacing voice said.
“Really. I don’t recall having anything scheduled for this evening”
“Did you get my envelope?”
“What do you want?” Josef said angrily
“Money. What else would I want? I think $15 million will make me forget what I saw”.
“And what makes you think I have $15 million just lying around?”
“Don’t bullshit me Kostan! You’re going to pay up or the whole world is suddenly going to become a lot more interested in you! I’ll call you tomorrow with a place and time” he hung up.
“Damn!” Josef swore softly.

Cleaners were very secretive. In fact Isabella was the only one he had ever had conversations with. She was an old vamp. Not as old as Josef but close to 300 years old. He punched in her number and waited.
“Location.” A seductive husky voice said.
“Isabella this is Mick St. John. I need to talk to you”
“Don’t tell me you need a clean up?” she asked.
“Candi Watson.” Mick said.
“Yes. What do you want to know about her?”
“She was murdered last night. Josef said you introduced them”. There was a long silence before she spoke again.
“Five years ago in Vegas, Candi caught me behind the hotel where she worked feeding. She screamed and started to run but when she turned the corner there was Mickey Cross and his gang in the process of executing some men. Before she could scream again I grabbed her and took her back to my hotel room” she explained

“So you saved her?”
“She is dead. So no Mick I did not save her”.
“You couldn’t have known Isabella”
“No. But I should have suspected. I moved her to LA after the trial. Even with Mickey in prison I knew his associates would be looking for her. The cops wanted to put her into witness protection but I knew that Mickey would find her. He had contacts on the police force. But it never occurred to me that Mickey would walk or that he would move his operations west”.
“Why did you introduce her to Josef?”
“A new girl in the city as pretty as she was would not have lasted long. Being marked by Josef insured her protection. No one would dare take from Josef Kostan”
“Did you know that she told Josef that she owed Mickey Cross money? Why would she do that?”
“Perhaps she thought Josef would kill him”
“Isabella, I think we both need to speak with Josef” Mick said finally.
“Certainly” was her reply.

Beth stared at the photos Mick left with her. There was something so familiar about them. The angles maybe? The lens that was used? She touched her fingers to her temple closing her eyes.
Then it came to her. Steve! She quickly jumped off the sofa and ran out the door.

Mick and Isabella were pulling up to Josef’s place as he was just coming out. Josef looked up in surprise when he saw Mick and cleaner step out of the car.
“Ok. I’m confused” He said with a smirk that was trademark Josef.
“We need to talk” Mick said
“Ok. Let’s go get comfy” he said heading back to the building.

Letting them in he led them towards his study.
“Liquid refreshment anyone?” he joked motioning to his freshie.
“Josef this is serious. Isabella tell him” Mick said.
The cleaner stood tall and told Josef the story of Rebecca/Candi and how she came to know her. She showed absolutely no fear. Had Mick been in her shoes, he would have been…..well…concerned. But Mick never really understood Josef’s relationship with Isabella. And when she left with her very beautiful head in tact Mick had to inquire.

“Alright Josef, what’s going on with you and Isabella? Anyone else who put you in this position would have been taken to the tar pits!”
“I’m her sire” Josef said.
“It was a long time ago. In Vienna. I was being hunted. I was on the run. I hadn’t fed in days. She was gathering water from a well for her family. I was hiding behind some trees. Isabella led the hunters astray. She didn’t even know me, but I owe her my life”
Mick shook his head in astonishment.
“Your lady love is here”. Josef said suddenly and turned towards the door. Beth came rushing in with the photograph in her hand.
“Steve!” she said.
“No Josef” Josef said with a smile.
“That’s who your blackmailer is. Steve. My cameraman!” Mick walked over to her.
“Beth are you sure?”
“Hell yes I’m sure! I was studying this photograph and something about it was familiar to me. Something in the style of it. Look every photographer has a signature. Something that is unique only to them. Something that they specialize in. Steve’s expertise is in tilt-shift photography. It’s the use of camera movements on small and medium format cameras, or selective focus” She explained pointing at the photo. ‘That’s his work!” she said slapping the photo down on the table.
Mick stared at the photo.
“Why would Steve do something like this? It didn’t just come to him to follow Josef around. Someone paid him to do this”.
“I’ve known Steve for 5 years. Before tonight I would have told anyone who even suggested what I am that they were full of it” Beth said.
“Well, I’m supposed to meet him tomorrow night with $15 million dollars” Josef said. Mick looked up in surprise.
“Do you have that kind of cash just lying around?” he asked in surprise
“Mick, of course not. Everything is done wirelessly” Josef said “But I’d really rather not if you catch my meaning”
“I don’t think these two incidents are related” Beth said.

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:28 pm
by jen
Read this a couple of hours ago and it was fabulous!!!!

Intriguing plot, wonderful characterizations and I can't wait for more.

Thank you for posting!!!!!

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:40 am
by MickLifeCrisis
But I liked Steve! :sigh:

Great start, Ella! And following two different stories, Mick and Beth end up at the same place. :hearts: Can't wait to see what you have next for us!

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:07 pm
by Ella713
“Why would Mickey Cross blackmail Josef for money? I mean this guy has mob ties right? He already has money. Now I can see him and his crew trying to murder Josef, but squeeze money out of him? That doesn’t make sense. They didn’t see Josef as the threat. Candi was the threat. Which is why they murdered her. As for Steve, I think he's acting alone”. Beth explained. Mick nodded his head in agreement.
“I think we need to do this separately. You and Josef take Steve, and I’ll pay a visit to Mickey Cross. Well meet back here at midnight” Mick said as her turned to leave.
Josef turned to Beth,
“Are you sure you want to do this? I know this guy is a friend of yours and you know how I’m going to handle the situation”.
“I know Josef. But we can’t let these photos get out.”
Josef nodded his head.
“Alright. Let’s go”

Mick checked all around the warehouse before leaping onto the roof. He was actually looking forward to taking care of Mickey and his goons. They had butchered an innocent woman. A woman who’s only crime had been being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He planned on leaving no one alive. Candi deserved that at least. He peered through the overhead skylight window and saw a group of thugs sitting around a table obviously discussing how they were going to ruin someone else’s life. Mick closed is eyes and listened.
They were talking about going after Lt. Davis! He was getting too close he heard someone say. Mick had heard enough. He crashed through the skylight window and went after them all with everything he had. One guy managed to shoot Mick just once before Mick ripped off his head and went for the jugular of another. In five minutes there was nothing left but carnage. Mick whipped out his phone and punched in Josef’s number.
“Josef this Mick. It’s over.” He said simply and hung up.

Flying through the night in Josef’s Ferrari was one of the most exhilarating experiences Beth had ever had. In but a few moments they were half way across town standing in front of Steve’s apartment.
“We’ll go up together. When he sees me he’ll try and make a run for it” Josef said.
“Okay” Beth said feeling sad because she had always really liked Steve. When she left Buzzwire, he left too and came to Action news with her. Why would he do something this?
Beth slowly knocked on the door; Josef was at her side ready to do what they knew needed to be done. Steve had a beer in his hand when he opened the door. With a large grin he said.
“Hey Beth what’s up? Is something going down?” he asked in a hurried way. Josef was standing right next to her and Steve had not even blinked.
“Uh… Steve this is Josef Kostan” Beth said with confusion.
“Oh, hello. Hey, you’re a friend of Mick’s right?” he said with obvious surprise. Beth felt relief and she turned to look at Josef who also confirmed that Steve was not the black mailer.
“We may have a story later on this evening, so can we contact you later?” Beth asked.
“Anytime Beth. You know that.” He said as he shut the door.
“Well I wasn’t expecting that” Beth said as they walked down the stairs. “It wasn’t Steve”
“That means our secret is till in danger” Josef said as they walked back to the car wondering what they would do next.

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:20 pm
by Ella713
Mick was waiting for then when they returned. He quickly walked up to Beth and gave her a quick kiss.
“How’d it go?” he asked.
“It wasn’t him” Josef said.
“Mick Josef and I went to Steve’s apartment and he looked at Josef
With no recognition at all. He was literally seeing him for the first time.” Beth said anxiously.
“He was telling the truth. There was no increase in his heart rate or anything” Josef finished. “So if it wasn’t Steve, we’ve still got a big problem on our hands”.

Part II He's Back
It had been two weeks and the blackmailer wasn’t heard from again, but Mick, Josef and every other vamp in town was still concerned. But they managed to go on and would deal with the blackmailer when and if he made himself known again. The phone trace on Josef’s phone pulled up a prepaid cell phone which was most likely tossed after its use. Since the only thing that had changed was that Mickey Cross was now dead Mick decided that Cross had been responsible for the blackmail as well.

Beth had other things on her mind these days. And she wasn’t sure what she was going to do, but she had to talk to someone. Finally making up her mind, she grabbed her keys and left the apartment.

Beth paced nervously outside of Josef’s apartment before finally summoning the nerve to knock on the door. Josef opened the door with a wolfish grin.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite human” he joked. Beth smiled.
“Josef you have no favorite humans”
“True but if I did you would be at the top of the list” He said stepping aside to let her in. “So, what can I do for you?” he asked while helping her take off her coat. They both turned when they saw Sarah approaching.
“Beth! How wonderful to see you” she said giving Beth a hug.
“Actually Josef, I came to see Sarah” Beth said. Sarah searched Beth’s face and immediately understood.
“Darling, would you give us a moment alone” She said quietly and led Beth into the library. Beth sat down on the soft leather sofa and placed her hands in her lap.
“Sarah…….I….don’t know wh..” she began
“You decided to become one of us” Sarah said.
“Yes. I think this is what The Counsel wants”
“Yes, but Beth is this what you want? Only you can answer that”
Beth held her head down and closed her eyes.
“Do you love Mick” Sarah asked quietly.
“I never knew it was possible to love anyone this much” Beth said.
“Then I think you already have your answer” Sarah said with a smile.
Beth nodded her head and threw her arms around Sarah.
“Thank you Sarah. Thank you so much” she said blinking back the tears. Slowly Beth stood up as if turning to go when she stopped and looked back at Sarah.
“Yes, Beth. Is there something else? Ahh….you want to know about the transformation”. Beth sat back down and nodded her head.
“Will it hurt?” Beth asked meekly. Sarah took Beth’s hand.
“Beth, all turnings are different, but with a man who is gentle and loving it can be a very beautiful and sensual experience”
“Do you regret it? I mean you were in a coma for over 50 years”
“My turning had complications due to my general health at the time, but I do not regret my decision. Josef and I will have many lifetimes together as will you and Mick. To be with the one you love forever is something mortals will never know. Time is so fleeting for them which is why they do such terrible things in the name of love. But what you and Mick will share knows no expiration. Go to him. And tell him what is in your heart.” Sarah said as she gave Beth another hug. Josef came in with a mug of hot coffee.
“You two are being awfully mysterious in here” he said handing the mug to Beth.
Beth placed the coffee down and stood up.
“I’ll take a rain check on the coffee Josef. I need to speak to Mick” she said as she hurried out the door. Josef looked at Sarah.
“What it something I said?” he joked.
“Beth has made her decision” Sarah said simply.

Mick hated giving parents bad news. But it was always the same story. Small town beauty queen comes to Los Angeles with hopes of being discovered only to find herself doing whatever she can to meet the expense of living in the city. At least this story didn’t end with the beauty queen’s death. The parents would take her home and wipe her tears. Sometimes Mick hated L.A. The parents were just leaving when Beth came rushing in.
“Mick we need to talk” she said ushering him over to the sofa. Mick sat down and waited. “I want you to turn me”. She said. Mick looked up suddenly and stared at her.
“What!?” he said in shock.
“Mick, I love you and I want us to be together forever. Why does this have to be a problem?”
“Look Beth, you’re asking me to take your life. I won’t do that!” Mick exclaimed standing up and walking over to the window.
“Mick we have a very serious situation here. The Counsel won’t let me live for much longer. Soon they will order you to turn me or take my life. I won’t have them deciding for me. I am making this choice and I choose you! I will always choose you Mick”. Mick slowly turned around and walked back to where she was sitting.
“Honey, are you sure this is what you want? There is no turning back once it’s done”
“Mick I’m sure” she said confidently. Mick swept her up into his arms and kissed her deeply.

Mick walked into Josef’s office the next day to give him the news. He was just finishing up with a meeting when he signaled to Mick to come in.
“Josef, I wanted to be the first to tell you the news” Mick said but seeing the look on Josef’s face he knew he had heard. “You know don’t you?” Mick said with a smirk.
“Yeah, Beth came over to get the gruesome details from Sarah. Look Mick I know how you feel about this, but trust me, this is the right thing to do. You can’t count on The Counsel to keep their word about this”.
“Yeah, I know, I think I’m going to take Beth out of town. Someplace nice you know to make it special”
“Sure. Of course. Nothing says I love you like honey I have to kill you”
“You know what I mean. I don’t want her to be scared”. Josef started to reach inside his desk drawer. He pulled out a set of keys and tossed them to Mick.
“I’ve got a cabin near Yosemite. It’s secluded. Very private with a great view. Consider it my gift to you both” Mick walked towards Josef and shook his hand.
“Thanks brother” he said quietly
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re welcome. And don’t let this get around people will think I’ve gone soft” Josef joked.

Mick and Beth drove up to Yosemite the following weekend. Beth closed he eyes and felt the warm sun on her face and became a little sad when she realized that this would be the last time she would ever feel this way. She glanced at Mick and her heart began to soar. Now this feeling she would remember and savor. What woman would choose the sun over Mick St. John? She asked herself?

They pulled up to Josef’s cabin and Beth stared in wonder at the size of it. When Mick told her Josef had given them a cabin in the woods
she thought it would be a cute little cottage. This was a three story architectural marvel. Josef did nothing on a small scale. She whistled as she got out of the car.
“Wow, I think is the word I’m looking for!” she said while Mick got their bags out of the trunk.
“Yeah it’s all or nothing with Josef” Mick chuckled as they made their way up the stairs. Mick unlocked the door and he had to admit he was impressed.
“Oh my God!” Beth exclaimed. The cabin was breathtaking with its large open windows and beamed ceiling. On the wall across from the living area was the biggest fireplace she has ever seen. The large kitchen housed every modern appliance ever made. Beth walked slowly around lightly touching everything.
“I don’t think I’ll want to leave” she laughed. Mick wrapped his arms
around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:59 pm
by Ella713
Mick and Beth took a luxurious soak in the hot tub looking up at the stars. Mick wrapped his arms around Beth while nuzzling her neck from behind.
“Are you sure you want to do this babe?” Mick asked her again wanting to make sure one last time for he couldn’t go through life knowing that Beth hated him. Beth turned to face him and kissed him deeply.
“I want to be with you forever Mick St. John. I’m your wife. And I’m ready”. She said looking him directly in the eye. Mick scooped her up in his arms easily and took her to the bedroom. He laid her down and lowered him self on top of her. Kissing her gently at first then a bit harder, pushing his tongue lightly into her mouth. His hands ran up and down her body which was now trembling with desire and anticipation. He made love to her and it wasn’t until he felt her scream out her release that he clamped his fangs into the her neck Feeling his own need explode out him he continued to drink until he felt her heart rate slow down. Pulling away he bit down on his wrist and placed it to her lips.
“Come on baby. Drink” he pleaded. Beth slowly began to drink and then she drifted off. Mick pulled the cover over her and held her while she slept. Later when dawn was fast approaching he drew all the curtains and gently tried to arouse her out of sleep. The transformation was taking longer than he thought. He tried to remember his own change and could only remember bits and pieces. And then he thought of Sarah’s change. What if that happened to Beth? What if she got stuck in somewhere between? He was tired and knew that he had to sleep, but did not want to leave Beth alone. He found the phone and called Josef.
“Josef its Mick. Beth isn’t waking up. I’m so tired…I” Mick stuttered.
“We’re on our way!” was all Josef said and hung up the phone. Mick relaxed as he sat down next to Beth and waited for Josef.

Sarah and Josef made it to the cabin in record time. Josef ran upstairs calling Mick’s name. He found him in the master bedroom almost asleep next to Beth. Josef’s hand touched his shoulder.
“Mick, Sarah I will stay up with Beth. You go and get some sleep”. He said quietly. Mick looked at his friend with eyes that were heavy with sleep. Josef took him to the spare bedroom, closed up all the windows turned the air-conditioning all the way up and walked out closing the door behind him. Sarah was sitting on the bed next to Beth with a washcloth in her hand.
“She’s in the fever stage” Sarah said. Josef looked over at Beth. And while he had not prayed in a very long time, he prayed that his friend would not lose 50 years of being with her.
“Please God” he said to himself.

Mick woke up in a panic.
“Beth!” he said and jumped out of the bed and ran down the hall. He opened the door and saw Beth sitting up. She gave Mick a huge grin when she saw him.
“Hey” she said.
“Hey yourself” Mick replied. “How do you feel?”
“I feel fine. A little tired but fine” she said
“I’ll say she’s fine. She’s already had two bags of A-Positive” Josef said with a grimace. “We swung by your place first and raided your stash”
“She’s doing very well Mick” Sarah said walking over to Josef. “Come darling, let’s give them some time alone”.

Mick sat down next to her. She looked radiant and breathtaking her eyes sparkled and her blonde hair looked thick and luxurious. Never had he seen her look more beautiful. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
“I love you Beth” he whispered.

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:28 am
by MickLifeCrisis
I like Mick-turning-Beth stories! :thumbs:

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:31 am
by jen

This is lovely!!!

The plot is intriguing but you are also giving us some things a lot of us have really wanted to see--

Sarah awake and happy with Josef; and Beth being Turned so she can be with Mick forever.

Thank you!

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:03 pm
by Ella713
They spent the next two days at the cabin. Josef, Sarah and Mick were helping Beth adjust to her new life.
“Why am I so hungry all the time? Is this normal?” Beth asked
“Newly turned vamps generally have an unquenchable thirst at first, but this will pass in about a week”. Mick explained.
“This is amazing!” Beth exclaimed. “Can I do that sexy vampire jumping thing?” she joked. Mick looked at her and held out his hand.
“Let’s go outside and see” he said. They went outside and Mick pointed to the third story deck above them. Beth stared straight up and began to get nervous. That was quite a leap she thought. What if she fell? As if reading her mind Josef said.
“You’re already dead Beth. Remember?”. He was right. She had to stop thinking like a mortal. Beth closed her eyes and jumped. She felt like she was flying. She landed on the deck lightly and looked down. They were all smiling at her.

Josef and Sarah took their leave before Mick and Beth packed up and headed back to L.A.
“Things are going to be so different for me. For us” Beth said
“Yeah. Its going to take a little while to adjust, but I think everything will be okay”. Mick said squeezing her hand. “Don’t worry babe. I’ll take care of you”. They made it back to Los Angeles by 2am. They walked into their apartment and Mick immediately noticed that someone had been there. He took Beth to his office.
“Stay there” he said and shut the door. He went upstairs and looked all around then called out.
“Beth! You might want to come and take a look at this” Beth came out of the office and joined Mick upstairs. They were stranding in what used to be Mick’s freezer room but now was a refrigerated room with a large king sized bed! They both looked at each other and exclaimed
“Josef!” and laughed out loud. But all the while Mick was thinking
“Finally get to sleep next to wife. The woman I love” and that was his last thought as they both succumbed to the sleep that awaited them.

A week after Beth’s turning Josef received another envelope with another picture. This one taken but two night’s ago. He called Mick.
“Mick. It’s Josef. Our blackmailer has returned”

Chapter III The Beginning
Mick arrived just as Josef was finishing making arrangements with Harold. His driver/security head/enforcer/assassin.
“I want 24 hour surveillance every day until this bastard is caught! Understand?” Josef said.
“Yes sir Mr. Kostan. Consider it done” Harold said and walked out the door.
“So it looks like Mickey Cross wasn’t our blackmailer after all” Mick sighed.
“What about Steve?” Josef said looking up from the photograph
“It’s definitely not him. He’s on assignment in New York. Has been there for the past 5 days”
“Mick I don’t think I have to tell you how important it is that we catch this guy” Josef started to say.
“I know. So starting today wherever you go. I go. And no more freshies until this guy’s caught”. Mick said waiting for Josef to protest.
“Understood” Josef said calmly.

Beth stood frozen with the phone still in her hands even though her boss had long hung up. This had to be joke, she was thinking when Mick came home.
“Hon? What’s wrong?” he asked clearly worried and taking the phone from her hand.
“That was my boss. He wants me to go to the Fremont Hotel to interview someone who has written a book on vampires”
“I don’t…understand..” Mick started.
“Christian Ellis is the author” she said.

Not a day went by that Beth didn’t think about that night when Professor Ellis had assaulted her then his assistant Daniel tried to kill her. Ellis had been fired and lost his teaching privileges, and Daniel had been sentenced to die by lethal injection for the murder of two students and the attempted murder of Beth.

“My boss said the professor asked for me personally”. Beth explained.

Suddenly everything became clear to Mick. Ellis was the blackmailer. He had shown himself to Ellis and should have killed him had Beth not been in trouble. And after Ellis was fired, he simply disappeared and Mick saw no reason to pursue him. He thought the man would never come back to Los Angeles. But he had.

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:50 pm
by jen

It may not take a village for a fledgling, but three is better than one. Josef and Sarah are there to help Mick in bringing up baby Beth.

She does not seem to be encountering all the harsh aspects of vampire life, or perhaps she can deal with them much more easily because is had prepared herself in advance and knows that she is loved.

And the freezer room.

Josef is more generous these days, I guess. Sarah has a good effect on him.

Thank you.

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:21 am
by Ella713
Chapter IV The Beginning…Again

Mick arrived just as Josef was finishing making arrangements with Harold. His driver/security head/enforcer/assassin.
“I want 24 hour surveillance every day until this bastard is caught! Understand?” Josef said.
“Yes sir Mr. Kostan. Consider it done” Harold said and walked out the door.
“So it looks like Mickey Cross wasn’t our blackmailer after all” Mick sighed.
“What about Steve?” Josef said looking up from the photograph
“It’s definitely not him. He’s on assignment in New York. Has been there for the past 5 days”

“Mick I don’t think I have to tell you how important it is that we catch this guy” Josef started to say.
“I know. So starting today wherever you go. I go. And no more freshies until this guy’s caught”. Mick said waiting for Josef to protest.
“Understood” Josef said calmly.

Beth stood frozen with the phone still in her hands even though her boss had long hung up. This had to be joke, she was thinking when Mick came home.
“Hon? What’s wrong?” he asked clearly worried and taking the phone from her hand.
“That was my boss. He wants me to go to the Fremont Hotel to interview someone who has written a book on vampires”
“I don’t…understand..” Mick started.
“Christian Ellis is the author” she said.

Not a day went by that Beth didn’t think about that night when Professor Ellis had assaulted her then his assistant Daniel tried to kill her. Ellis had been fired and lost his teaching privileges, and Daniel had been sentenced to die by lethal injection for the murder of two students and the attempted murder of Beth.

“My boss said that the professor asked for me personally”. Beth explained.

Suddenly everything became clear to Mick. Ellis was the blackmailer. He had shown himself to Ellis and should have killed him had Beth not been in trouble. And after Ellis was fired, he simply disappeared and Mick saw no reason to pursue him. He would never come back to Los Angeles. But he had.

“When are you supposed to meet him?” Mick asked forming a plan in his mind.
“7:00 tonight. Mick I really don’t think I can do this” Beth said in a panicked voice.
“Beth. Ellis is the blackmailer.” Mick said finally
“It all makes perfect sense now. When Daniel tried to kill you, I tracked you to the boiler room, but you weren’t there. Ellis was. I revealed myself to him to find out where you were. He knows what I am. And now he knows what Josef is”
“That bastard!” Beth shouted out forgetting about the fear that had gripped her before.
“Beth go to the hotel. Josef and I will be there. We will take care of Ellis once and for all”
Beth went to get dressed and prepare for her “interview” with Professor Ellis.

Christian Ellis sat in the hotel lounge and waited for Kate Nelson aka Beth Turner. He smiled to himself when he thought of his plan.

Beth walked up to the hotel concierge and was told that Mr. Ellis was waiting for her in the lounge. The professor stood up when he saw her approaching.
“Miss Turner! Please sit down. I want to thank you for meeting with me. Would you like something do drink?”
“No thank you Professor” she replied as she took her seat.
“Please call me Christian. As you may have heard I am no longer a teacher”
“Yes, I heard”.
“Miss Turner, the reason I asked you here was to first apologize. I behaved like a cad when we last met. You have every reason to hate me but you must know that I had no idea that Daniel was killing my students”. He explained.
“I don’t hate you. I pity you.” Beth said trying to hold on to her temper. “You wanted to talk about your book, so let’s get the interview started”. She pulled out a mini recorder. “So the title of your book is The Vampires Among Us. You say that you have legitimate proof that vampires exist?”
Christian smiled beautifully. Beth could see why his female students were so easily seduced by him.
“Yes. I have very real proof that vampires indeed are among us. A few hundred in Los Angeles and at least a thousand in Las Vegas”
Beth looked up sharply. Mick had pretty much admitted the same thing to her when he first told he was a vampire.

She tried to remain calm.
“Really? If that’s true why is it that no one has ever spoken about them before?”
“Would you believe anyone who told you about vampires? You didn’t even believe me when I told you I was a vampire? People do not wish to believe. But if you would like to see the proof I speak of you should come up to my room. It is all there.” He said.
“Uh, I don’t think so” she said starting to stand.
He placed a hand on her sleeve.
“Please Miss Turner. I mean you know harm at all. Believe that. I have been following your career. You are a very good reporter which is why I asked for only you” Beth glanced at her watch briefly.
“Okay Ellis. Five minutes.” She said. He got up and guided her towards the elevators. Mick and Josef were keeping a close eye on the situation.
“What floor is he on?” Josef asked.
“the 24th floor”
“Come on. Let’s take the stairs” he said.
They watched Beth and Ellis get into the elevator. And as soon as the doors shut they headed for the stairwell. Suddenly Josef stopped. Smelling the air around him.
“A vampire is nearby” he said. He was right. A fairly new vamp at that. Not a newly turned vamp like Beth as she had next to no small at all. But someone possibly turned a couple of years ago.
“Josef, you stay here and find the vamp. I’m going upstairs” Josef nodded and started to walk around the lobby floor. Mick flew up the stairs and was on the 24th floor before Beth and Ellis. Mick watched the snake hold Beth’s arm lightly as he guided her to his room.

Josef came rushing up the stairwell.
“You can’t go in there yet. We have to wait for the cleaner”
“What? Josef! I can’t wait. Beth is in there!” he said in anger.
“Mick are you forgetting what she’s now capable of?”
And it was true. Mick had forgotten that his sweet Beth was a mortal no longer. They would wait for Isabella.

Professor Ellis was unlocking his door and showing Beth inside.
“So Miss Turner you wanted proof of vampires” he said.
“Yes and you now have 4 minutes” she said.
Suddenly she looked up from her watch and saw that Christian Ellis was a……vampire! On my God! She thought. She stood frozen in shock as Ellis approached.
“Imagine my surprise Miss Turner. It happened two years ago. My wife finally left me. And I thought I was going crazy. Mr. St. John came to the school looking for you. And I could not believe my eyes. All that time I was telling people that I was vampire!”
Beth was slowly backing towards the door. But Ellis continued to tell his story.
“When I went home I couldn’t my wife so I began to look for her. And when I went out back that’s when I saw him. You know, he was actually my neighbor. A doctor even. He fed on me. I fought back actually busting his lip”.
Beth stared at him.
“You ingested his blood?” she asked although she already knew the answer
“Yes Miss Turner. Now things are very much different wouldn’t you say? And yet you don’t seem at all surprised. I think you’ve known about vampires for quite some time”
“Well since we’re being all honest and everything. Why were you blackmailing Josef Kostan?”
“That was strictly business. Even vampires need money and Josef Kostan had money to spare. I knew that he wouldn’t want his secret getting out and he’d pay up. There’s not a lot of money for disgraced school professors these days” he joked.
“What do you want from me?” she asked cautiously. Ellis continued to walk towards her.
“Oh I think you know what I wanted since our first meeting. The difference now is that one little kick won’t deter me” he said grabbing Beth by the shoulders.

At that moment Mick came through the door!
“Get away from her Ellis!” he shouted.
“Mr. St. John. I can’t say I’m very surprised as you two always seem to be not far apart.” He said barring his fangs.
That was the smell that Mick and Josef had noticed. It was Ellis! He was a vampire. Mick was about to jump on Ellis when suddenly Beth broke free from his grip and barred her fangs.
Ellis’ eyes grew large!
“But it can’t be!” he said “You have no smell!”
“Newly turned” said Mick.
Beth jumped on Ellis and twisted his head completely off.

Josef was standing by the door.
“The woman’s got a temper! Very nice!” he smiled.
Isabelle quietly knocked on the door. Josef let her and her crew in.
“We’ve been trying to get this guy for a while” Isabelle said.
“How did you know about him?” Mick asked
“Remember the rogue that Gerald Stovsky created? That rogue accidentally sired our friend here.” She explained. “He was the good doctor’s neighbor."
“Wow! Talk about the circle of life!” Josef joked.
“Indeed. You guys should get out of here and let us do our job” Isabelle said, “I’ll send you my bill Josef” she said with a smile.

As they took the elevator down, Mick gave Beth a hug.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked. Beth nodded.
“What are we going to do about the book?” Beth asked.
“Nothing” said Josef. “No one’s going to believe it. And he’s not around to promote it. I know some people in publishing. They’ll make sure that book never sees the light of day”
“So that’s how things are handled in the vampire community?” Beth asked kissing Mick lightly on the lips.
“You’re not in Kansas anymore Dorothy” Mick said with a grin.

The End

Re: One Night in Vegas Rated PG

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:17 pm
by francis
What a great story, ella. Beth is turned, and Josef's blackmailer is found. A circle indeed. :rose: