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Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:20 pm
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Logan was pacing back and forth in the basement. He was a nervous wreck.

When the doorbell rang he practically leaped out of his skin. He almost took the door off the hinge.

“Mick, what took you so long?”

“Logan, you only called me twenty minutes ago.”

“I told you this was an emergency.”

“I came as fast as I could. What happened? Did you have an accident?”

Logan was confused. “Accident?”

“You told me you went back to fresh. Am I going to find a body in the basement?”

Logan was indignant. “Mick, I know how to drink a freshie. This is a serious problem.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

Logan lowered his voice. “I need to get to Orlando, Florida by 4P tomorrow.”

“So call the airlines and make a reservation..”

Logan looked at the floor. “I’ve never flown before.”

Mick was surprised. “Really? Logan, can I ask you a personal question?

“I guess.”

“How old are you?”

“Older then airplanes.”

“You told me you were turned in 76.

Logan shrugged “I was…….1776.

Mick’s jaw dropped. “I can’t believe it. I’ve known you since 1982 and this is the first time you tell me you’re an old man.”

Logan was in no mood to be teased. “I’m telling you now and show some respect to your elders.”

Mick tried to keep from laughing. “What do you want me to do?”

“Tell me what to do on a plane.”

“Sit down, put your seatbelt on, and when the stewardess offers you a drink don’t ask for O neg.”

“Is that it? I just sit down in the contraption and I’ll be in Florida.

“Pretty much. You’ll have to listen to the safety instructions first.”

Logan grabbed a pad. “Tell me everything.”

“Your seat cushion can be used as a floatation device in case the plane goes down over water.”

Logan looked terrified. “Why would that happen? I’m going across country what water could we go down in?

“The Mississippi River, The Missouri River…..

“Oh Lord. Does that happen often?”

Mick smiled. “No. I just want you to be prepared. Also if the cabin suddenly loses pressure an oxygen mask will fall from the ceiling.”

“Oh God…I’m going to die.”

“Logan, you’re already dead and you don’t need oxygen to breathe. If it happens just put it on your face and pretend.”

“I can’t do it. Is there any other way to get there in time?”

Mick shook his head. “No, you’d need a couple of days driving. Why do you have to be there by that specific a time?”

Logan hesitated but maybe Mick would understand. “Billy Dee Williams is going to be at a convention tomorrow in Orlando. I got my pass and hotel room but I have to get there.”

“Why didn’t you leave last week? You’d have had plenty of time.”

“I just found out today. He’s a last minute replacement for Carrie Fisher. I have to see him. I have to tell him what Lando Calrissian means to me.

“Why?” Mick asked gently.

“Because it was Lando Calrissian that gave me the courage to leave my sire. When Lando warned the residents of Cloud City even though Vader was there I became brave. Obviously I won’t tell him that. My sire was really vicious. You wouldn’t want to leave the basement either if you knew her.

Mick patted him on the shoulder “Then you have to go and Billy Dee isn’t getting any younger. I was just kidding Logan. You’ll be fine. Flying is very safe.”

“Would you pick me up at six and take me to the airport?


On the ride to LAX Mick explained metal detectors, security questions and helped him check his bag with the skycap.

Logan was shocked when just before he went in the machine they told him to take his shoes off. He was going to complain but Mick told him to obey all airport personnel. He made it to his gate and waited until they called his section.

He was in seat 19A. He sat down and immediately buckled up. His fear was intensifying by the minute. Any second he was going to run off this plane. Man should not fly. Birds fly. He was about to get up when a familiar voice said.


He looked up and saw Maxine, his favorite freshie from the agency.

“Maxine, what are you doing here?”

“I’m going on a cruise to the Bahamas.”

“This is a plane, not a ship.” Logan said seriously

Maxine laughed. “You’re so funny. I’m catching the ship in Orlando.”


Maxine stood there a few more seconds. “Ummm can I get in? I’m 19B

Logan stood and then remembered he had to unbuckle. “Sorry about that.”

“No worries. She slipped in next to him. “I’m kind of glad to see you.”

“How come?”

Maxine whispered. “I’m scared of flying. I know nothing bad will happen with you to protect me.”

“Flying is very safe. Logan assured her. You’ll be fine. You didn’t tell me you were going on vacation.”

Maxine smiled “I got a last minute deal.” She didn’t tell him it came from Mick St. John.

“Be careful on the beach. We don’t like our dinner burned.”

Maxine giggled.

“I’m serious. It tastes very different when you’re hurt or sick.”

Maxine distracted him the whole five hours to Orlando.

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:16 pm
by jen
That was cute and brought up an interesting possibilities.

We have all made certain assumptions about the age of vamps We know that Mick was Turned in 1952; and that Josef was turned in the 1620's; Coraline in 17th century France; and the lead cleaner gave the impression of age, too.

We considered a lot of the other vampires to be younger because they appeared younger, but that was not necessarily the case. The Lost Boys from Click were over a hundred years old and yet were still treated by Mick as juveniles and they took it. While Josef engaged their services to 'take out' Dean Foster.

This kind of speculation could spawn some interesting fanfic.

Just sayin'

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:33 pm
by cassysj
jen - Thanks. It is interesting to think of when our vamps may have been made. As a general rule I think Logan is pretty young but I wanted a good reason for him to fear flying. I'm a big Star Wars fan and Billy Dee Williams is one of the few from the original SW I've never been in the same room with. He is definitely on my dream list to meet one day.

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:59 pm
by allegrita
That's a really sweet story. I love Logan's insecurity... which isn't usual, he's usually so self-assured, since he knows his little world very well. But he's really breaking out of his comfort zone, and of course it would be for the guy who played his hero! :hearts: (I think every one of us can relate to that feeling.) :winky: Logan's age makes lots of sense in this context. And hey, just because he looks like a modern guy, that doesn't mean he's not adaptable! Just look at Josef if you want to see an old guy who feels completely at home in the modern era.

What I like the most in this story is Mick's kindness to Logan. He doesn't blow him off or refuse to help. He realizes how important this is to Logan, and he really prepares him for the trip. And with the post-9/11 flying restrictions, there are a lot of things to prepare for! And the very best thing he could do was to send Maxine along, but not let Logan know he was doing it. She's the perfect companion for Logan and she knows just how to keep his attention occupied so he won't mind flying.

Thanks for this story - it's a wonderful Challenge subject and it also gives me all sorts of smiles and warm fuzzy feelings. Mick did good. Really good. :cloud9: And Logan gets to meet Lando! :hyper2:

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:16 pm
by librarian_7
This is very cute. (Although if Maxine actually thinks she's going to board a ship in Orlando, her geography is a bit skewed...) Very nice of Mick to provide in-flight entertainment, er, refreshments, er....both!


Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:52 pm
by cassysj
Alle - Mick was the perfect person to help Logan with this Josef would have been a disaster He would have said "Vamp up, get in the plane and shut up. :snicker: Mick knew Maxine would be a good distraction and keep him at ease.

Lucky - :snicker: :blushing: Maxine is suffering from Carolitis. :rolling: When I went on my cruise a couple of years ago I flew into Orlando I was stunned that the ride to Port Canaveral took so long. I knew Orlando wasn't on the coast but I guess I thought it was a smaller state. Mick is an excellent entertainment director. :teeth:

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:53 pm
by francis
1776, wow! So did his sire celebrate Independence Day by turning someone? Or did he almost die in the fire in New York and she turned him to save his life? Interesting possibilities!

I really love Mick for doing this and giving Logan a security blanket in the form of Maxine. :hearts:

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:34 pm
by cassysj
Mick is a very good friend to Logan, I wanted his first flight to be as easy as possible for him.

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:16 am
by cassysj
Shameless bump. My friend Logan on a trip

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:08 am
by allegrita
I can't remember whether or not you've written a story about Logan's sire. I'd love to know the back story to his turning, and his break for freedom... :chin:

Mick was so kind to Logan. :hearts:

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:52 am
by cassysj
Alle :hearts: I did write a story about Logan's turning but it was unrelated to this one. I had Logan turned in recent history but maybe I should try and think of one to fit this timeline someday. :teeth:

This was my modern take on Logan's introduction to the tribe. ... 160&t=5164

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:17 pm
by cassysj
A Logan story.

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:09 pm
by francis
Thanks for bumping this up, I had forgotten how much fun it was to see Logan so insecure. Mick is such a good friend. :hearts:

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:16 pm
by allegrita
I've finally had a chance to revisit this story, and I'm glad I did! I love Logan and his emergency visit to Orlando. :laugh: Mick is very kind to him--and Maxine will be the perfect traveling companion. :hug: :rose: I do hope your muse tells you someday, how this version of Logan got turned in 1776! I bet it's a great story. :yes:

Re: Logan Leaves LA PG-13 Champagne Challenge #130

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:00 am
by Shadow
This was so much fun! Such a new idea, to think of Logan as being so very old. I'm glad he finally decided to make this trip! It's a little surreal seeing air travel through Logan's eyes here. After all, why in the world should you need to take off your shoes in order to get onto a plane? Loved that Mick's first piece of flight explanation was about using one's seat cushion as a flotation device. Poor Logan. But Mick arranging for Maxine to fly with Logan was a wonderful kindness. Logan's so good-natured, it's interesting to think that his sire would have been so very different from him.....