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Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:44 pm
by Lilly
This piece is the result of a challenge issued elsewhere to compose something in 500 words or less using a point of view that the writer does not regularly employ.

Very shortly after this was posted, a subsequent challenge was issued and taken up by other writers to take this piece and re-work it with Josef having a very different outlook.

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters. Occasionally one of them speaks to me and I take dictation. No disrespect or copyright infringement is ever intended -- just entertainment and mild diversion.

Rating: PG-13

First published: 7/2008


Damn. I can’t believe you talked me into this. You had to go and call me “brother” like I’m some sort of bleeding heart that would give in to that kind of crap. I’ve got news for you, man – my heart doesn’t bleed anymore. Not unless I want it to.

Easy there, buddy. Take it easy. Relax - just go with it.

What the hell am I doing? I’m draining my best friend of the one thing he’s bitched and moaned about for over fifty years. The most important thing. I guess mortality only comes in second after all, huh, pal? Love has a way of changing your priorities. I know. So why does it feel like I’m stealing your soul?

Hang in there, man. Almost done.

And did you never consider that I might screw this up like I did with Sarah? I guess beggars can’t be choosers, but did you give any thought at all to my recent track record? Yeah, I get it – you’re willing to die for Beth, one way or another, but did you have to drag me into it? I was the one trying to save your sorry ass - you know? When this is done, will I be any better than Coraline? Believe it or not, I’ve been called worse – just not by you.

Just a little more. Hang on. Don’t you dare quit on me. You are not going to mess this up.

I’m putting you down now, man. Easy - watch your head. Stay with me, Mick.

Just have to get this – jacket – off. Then the sleeve. Now open the tap. Nnnh. Yeah – wide and deep. Here you go, buddy – Kostan’s finest. It – almost always - works.

“Take it.”


“Come on, Mick. Time to rise and shine.” You son of a bitch.

That’s it. Take it all. Come on, man – you can do better than that. Bite down. Do it. Do it!

Good thing your fridge is stocked -- even if it is Chateau Guillermo. You’re going to need a few pints when you wake up. Before you go – we go - finish this thing.

It’s done. I’ve turned you back into the monster you’ve always hated and the creature I’ve always loved. I hope there are no regrets this time. If there are, you can blame me.

I know what this cost you, pal –believe me, I do. In spite of our differences, you and I are more alike than I’ll ever admit. But, damn! That’s what I like to hear!

Glad to have you back, buddy. My friend. My brother … My son.


Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:53 pm
by Catmoon
I've always loved this. Glad you posted it here.

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:18 pm
by Lilly
Thanks so much, catmoon! I had always intended a companion piece for this from Mick's POV. Maybe this fresh start will give me new inspiration. ;)

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:57 pm
by Trixie
I have to say Lilly, I think that this is one of the most profound & touching pieces that I have ever read. Every time I watch this scene (and even now, that's still often), your words are there with Josef and Mick in the background.

Given your talent and imagination, I have no doubt that the Mick companion piece will show up

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:26 pm
by Raven know, it's funny how some things I love upon first read, and then upon second read...the "it factor" has dissipated somewhat and then other things still have IT upon second read. And then there are a select few treasures that not only have IT upon second read, but rev up those secret endorphine releasing machines that make me want to dance and sing and laugh with pure delight.
This gem is one of those treasures. When I first read this (and may I was my first time with you :lol:) I was completely stunned. Literally. Stunned by the force of everything...the content, the meaning, the words, the way the scene played out in my head and how I became one with Josef and how I felt everything and it was amazing.
And so...I sit here, stunned again. This piece means so much to me. Every word.
Some day, I'd like to meet've given me such pleasure through words, this piece and others...I have nothing to offer back...and everything I say is inadequate. I can only hug you...someday. And offer a heartfelt thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:35 pm
by Lilly
Raven - I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I would love to meet you and hug you back. (I must say, I'm not that interesting in person, though. :roll: )

But, please don't sell yourself short -- you have given back so much with every comment you take the time to craft. Not just for me, but for every writer you've responded to. There are days when I scratch my head and wonder what the heck I'm doing. To be able to go back and read comments like yours makes me want to keep plugging away.

(((very big hugs)))

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:33 pm
by francis
Well, Lilly, I can only second Raven's words.
And Raven, this comment and many others are showing everyone who has eyes that you.should.write.
Seriously. :roll:

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:19 pm
by ari
Powerful! I think you've captured Josef very well with this. Good job Lilly!!

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:28 pm
by allegrita
Lilly, Raven's right. This story is really profound. I think you've perfectly captured Josef in it--that flash of annoyance, the fear, the regret for taking what Mick loves so much, and also his pride in Mick as a vampire, and his immense love and caring for Mick as a man. The story is perfectly paced... I wonder how many times you watched the Re-turning scene to get the timing down so well. I can use this story as a narrative of the scene--it's just spot-on.

And damn, that last line--I got a huge lump in my throat!

Your words are wonderful--I can hear Josef's voice in my head. But more than that, the feelings behind those words just well up through the language. It's a remarkable achievement, and it moved me deeply. Thank you for writing it.

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:29 pm
by librarian_7
I hadn't looked at this in a long time, and it was well worth the re-visit. You write Josef so powerfully, and so true to his character.

Beautifully done, my friend.


Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:56 am
by mitzie
This is a very powerful piece! Wow is all I can say!!!! :hearts: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :yes: :chin: :thud: :twothumbs: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :heart: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:09 pm
by Albra
I love this one ! :heart:
Thank you Lilly

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:57 am
by Luxe de Luxe
wonderful, Lilly.

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:26 pm
by allegrita
Somebody ( :hearts: ) has been bumping your fic lately... and so I've gone exploring in your office again. This one... well, this one will always move me more than I can say. Raven said it best in her comment way back when... some pieces grab you every single time you read them. This is one of those. I hear Josef's thoughts every time I watch the re-turning scene now. Because I am positive that you're channeling him here. This IS what he was thinking. :notworthy:

Re: Fraternity - A short Josef POV - PG13

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:51 pm
by maggatha3
Oh, dear Lord! I am hearing,no, it is you, Lilly, hearing voices!! How can you live with Josef's voice in your head? That was..I am running out of adjectives here today...that was purely Josef Konstan in all his magnificent glory. I wish we had such a voiceover, it would be sublime!
