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Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:59 am
by Emerald
Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of The Year' Poll 2010. There's a $50 donation to the winner's charity of choice (For Alex that would be Donate Life). ... year-2010/

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:13 am
by Lilly
Thanks, Em. I voted. :thumbs:

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:36 am
by allegrita
Me too! :thumbs:

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:18 pm
by wpgrace
:snicker: I see we have a replay of the Alex v. Armitage battle... right now, Mr. Armitage holds the advantage...

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:15 pm
by kath40
Sadly I think Mr. Armitage will continue to hold the advantage as he seems to be this site holders and site regulars favorite HUNK. I got caught up in the frenzy last time and as fun as it was at the time I don't care to get caught up in it again. Heck I was going so far as to change my IP address to vote multiple times...CRAZY! I know who MY favorite hunk is every day of the year and don't need to prove it to anyone other then myself...and a few friends. :snicker: I Voted the one time I was allowed and that's enough for me...this time. :heart:

Now off to VOTE for the PCA Favorite new Drama IP address changing required for repetitive Voting. :type: :cheer:

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:17 pm
by redwinter101

Well said, kath.


Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:21 pm
by AggieVamp
I agree with Kath as well. When the site holder SAYS her favorite is Richard Armitage - and no it's not biased, but she's a poll and it's fair...hmm... REEKS to me that it is *NOT* fair. 'me thinks the lady doth protest too much'


Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:45 pm
by allegrita
But it's all in fun, right? :shrug: Of course, it would be great for the donation to go to Donate Life... but after all, it's not that much money. The whole thing's not worth getting upset about... because after all, we know who's best. ;) And anyway, Alex is much, much more than a hunk. (Just ask PNWgal and me--we're co-presidents of the "Alex is Talented Too" club!) :teeth:

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:52 pm
by wpgrace
Oh good gracious, so true!
The man is frankly, in my opinion, being overly pimped as a hunk on H50... he really doesn't need anymore hunk accolades.

But it WOULD be cool to win the PCA... and see him make a speech... assuming they let him do it... :fingerscrossed:

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:42 pm
by Emerald
wpgrace wrote:Oh good gracious, so true!
The man is frankly, in my opinion, being overly pimped as a hunk on H50... he really doesn't need anymore hunk accolades.

But it WOULD be cool to win the PCA... and see him make a speech... assuming they let him do it... :fingerscrossed:

I agree totally, I wouldn't have even bothered with this whole 'hunk poll' if it hadn't been for the fact that the woman who runs the site has promised a $50 donation to the winning actors charity of choice. My main focus is Donate Life, I couldn't care less if Alex wins or not, and I really don't think he does either.

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:19 pm
by wpgrace
Your work with DL is wonderful, Em... and we know you are primarily concerned with that. :clapping:
And I would love for Alex to win ALLL polls... including this one. :ysmile:

But given the little cat fight that erupted last time for this poll, I think we are just commenting about relaxing, voting, but enjoying the fun of the poll and not thinking his career depends on it. And by cat fight, I'm not talking about the legitimate multiple voting that many fans engaged in; I am talking about the trash talk and belittling of Armitage that a small number of peeps engaged in. That latter gives Alex and his fans a bad name, and the GOOD work that you all are doing gets overshadowed by THAT. And we don't want THAT to happen!!

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:45 pm
by PNWgal
allegrita wrote:But it's all in fun, right? :shrug: Of course, it would be great for the donation to go to Donate Life... but after all, it's not that much money. The whole thing's not worth getting upset about... because after all, we know who's best. ;) And anyway, Alex is much, much more than a hunk. (Just ask PNWgal and me--we're co-presidents of the "Alex is Talented Too" club!) :teeth:

True that, Alle. :teeth:
wpgrace wrote:Your work with DL is wonderful, Em... and we know you are primarily concerned with that. :clapping:
And I would love for Alex to win ALLL polls... including this one. :ysmile:

But given the little cat fight that erupted last time for this poll, I think we are just commenting about relaxing, voting, but enjoying the fun of the poll and not thinking his career depends on it. And by cat fight, I'm not talking about the legitimate multiple voting that many fans engaged in; I am talking about the trash talk and belittling of Armitage that a small number of peeps engaged in. That latter gives Alex and his fans a bad name, and the GOOD work that you all are doing gets overshadowed by THAT. And we don't want THAT to happen!!

You said it better than I ever could, Grace. :hug: What happened last time around was an embarrassment to all Alex fans out there - the small handful that engage in such behavior makes us all look like petty and childish. Not just the trashing of the Armitage fans, but the accusations leveled at the site admin herself made us all look bad. Alle said, we all know who's the best, poll or not. ;) :teeth:

Re: Vote for Alex in 'Hunk of the Year' Poll

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:57 am
by kath40
Well looks like I was able to Vote a second time without changing my IP address. Cool Alex is at 39% to Richards 49%. I'll do my part for charity so let's hope DL get's the benefit this time round...but one could always go directly to DL and make a donation in his name...two birds one stone. :twothumbs: