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New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:24 am
by francis
Here's my entry to the challenge, inspired by Tam's screencap of Mick's PI license:

New Beginnings

Mick sat in his office, his head in his hands, looking at a small card with a blue streak across the top and his photo on it.

When Beth came in she could almost taste his despair in the air.
She softly took his arms in her hands, turned the swivel chair around and sat down on his lap. He smiled up at her.

“What has you so riled up, Mick?” she asked. His whole body language had her worried.

“There’s a decision to be made. My PI license expires on the 15th of June. If I want to continue this job, I need a new one.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“Whenever I renew the license they do a background check. Last time in 2006 it was risky already, but I had Logan tamper with my data and update all the documents, the birth certificate and so on. This time there’s probably a police file somewhere with all the cases that relate to me in some form or other. You know, the Ellis case, the escort kidnapping, Lee Jay, Leni Hayes, Emma Monaghan. Too many loose ends. I shouldn’t … Maybe I need to relocate. It’s becoming too dangerous. If someone like Carl connects all the dots…”

Beth snuggled into his chest, deep in thought.

“We could move to San Francisco,” she suggested.

“Wait, how do you figure that?” He lifted his chin up from her hair, surprised at her sudden declaration.

“You know that I don’t really fit into the D.A.’s office. Ben is a nice enough boss, but half the time I don’t know what I’m doing there. The research I do is something everyone could do. I miss being able to connect the dots myself, and publish what I find. Last week I got a job offer from a newspaper in San Francisco. It’s probably not far enough away, but…”

“Beth, are you sure about this? You would leave everything behind.”

She looked up at him, tears shining in her lashes. “Everything but you. Nothing else counts, Mick. As long as I have you.”

He swallowed hard. “Okay. If we go through with this, you go there first. Take the job, rent a flat or a house, start your life. I would fake my death here in L.A., after you’re gone, and you would need to come to the funeral, to keep up the pretense. Ben would know it’s fake if you don’t show up and mourn a bit. He knows we’re an item. After that I would have Josef’s people forge a new identity for me, and move to San Francisco. We could meet there again.”

“So you say, that with a bit of patience, we could start fresh? Meet somewhere by chance, say, on a case, date a few times, fall in love, and then I would somehow find out that you’re a vampire, and convince you that it doesn’t matter, and we would live happily everafter?”

He smiled. “That would be cool, wouldn’t it?”

“How much patience do we talk about, Mick? Cause I’m not the girl who waits in the car.”

“A month, two maybe. I need to liquidate my assets and plan this really carefully. I don’t want the police to catch wind. I will need to tell Josef about this, and say goodbye. I will really miss him. And you would need time to get over my death, you know.”

“Hmmm. I hope I recognize you when we meet again.”

He rearranged her across his lap. “I would probably cut my hair, lose the sideburns. Dress a bit differently, not so dark. More V-neck T-shirts, less henley. What do you think?”

She pondered. “I like the henleys. You should stop wearing a thick coat in hot weather, though. I would miss your locks and sideburns. But as I said, as long as I have you.”

“I would have a different name. What do you think of Steve?”

“How about Elliott?” she giggled.

He pushed her legs around his hips and lifted her with effortless grace. “Let’s go celebrate.”
He walked into the kitchen, sat her down on the bar stool and opened a bottle of wine.

“To new beginnings.”

“To us, finding each other again.”

The future would be different, but it would still be their future. Filled with apprehension and joy, they planned out their new start together.


Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:44 am
by allegrita
Oh, francis! :hankie: :hearts: :cloud9: :Mickangel: :sigh: :heart:

That's what is going to have to happen... and if he will let Beth be a part of his new life, then it'll all be okay. He'll never really lose Josef... and hair grows... and styles are not as important as people.

Everything changes. But change can be okay as long as you have the people you love helping you through. :hearts:

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:06 pm
by Lucy
ahw......STEVE! (Or at least Beth could have her "Elliott")

Great tale.....really the way the 3 season might have gone....(If CBS hadn't duped us)

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:10 pm
by darkstarrising
I'm with Lucy on this, francis, this really could have been an ending to the series or if not an ending, a new beginning in a different town. Now that would have been a novel idea - have the first season in LA, then subsequent seasons in different cities.

You've also tackled the subject of how much harder it would be for vamps to hide in plain sight with all the technology we have today and the anxiety that comes along with it. Mick would have to leave everyone that he cares about behind, except for Beth, something he's only had to do once before after he was turned. But now, he's leaving his vampiric family behind, and that's new for him.

Nicely done! :hug:

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:50 pm
by nutmegger911
This is nice, Francis. I love that you treat the relocation as a normal part of vamp life. No crisis, just the occasional need to reinvent oneself. I love, love, love the little nods to Steve and Elliot. These little flourishes add to the story. :rose:

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:30 pm
by fairytoes
Oh Francis, this is so nice and sad and wonderful and everything in between. Eventually Mick would have to relocate there's no two ways about it, but I loved how Beth reacted.
And this:
francis wrote: “Everything but you. Nothing else counts, Mick. As long as I have you.”
was absolutely lovely. :heart: :happysigh:

Wonderful answer to the challenge francis. Thank you. :flowers:

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:31 am
by cassysj
I really like this Francis. He would have to leave LA eventually with modern technology. As long as he is with Beth everything will be fine.

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:03 am
by francis
Thank you for your kind comments, everyone! :hearts:

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:50 am
by Moonlighter
Wonderful response to the challenge, francis!! I loved how well Beth took the news and her scenario about meeting again. That could be their "thing" for eternity -- that no matter where or when they had to reinvent themselves, they would always have that memory of their initial meeting.

I snort-laughed out loud at this:

francis wrote:“I would have a different name. What do you think of Steve?”
As Beth said, it wouldn't matter as long as they had each other. And could meet up secretly with Josef every now and again. Can't leave him completely out of their lives, now can they?

Thanks, francis!

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:17 pm
by jen

This was lovely!

Personally, I'm a bit traumitized by the idea of Mick even faking his death. I just adore the whole package--the fortress of style, the dusters, the hair and sideburns, and the Mercedes, but substance is always more important than form. Still, I miss Guillermo, Logan, Ryder and, of course, Josef.

This will be the first time Mick has relocated.

San Francisco will have a new cast of characters, and what will they find there?

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:19 pm
by Tam
“How much patience do we talk about, Mick? Cause I’m not the girl who waits in the car.”
:clapping: YES!!!
This is wonderful! Thanks for letting me know about it in the ID-thread, I'm *so* behind on reading all of your great fics!

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:35 pm
by francis
Moonlighter wrote:Wonderful response to the challenge, francis!! I loved how well Beth took the news and her scenario about meeting again. That could be their "thing" for eternity -- that no matter where or when they had to reinvent themselves, they would always have that memory of their initial meeting.

I snort-laughed out loud at this:

francis wrote:“I would have a different name. What do you think of Steve?”
As Beth said, it wouldn't matter as long as they had each other. And could meet up secretly with Josef every now and again. Can't leave him completely out of their lives, now can they?

Thanks, francis!
Well, Mick once told us he wanted to be Steve McQueen. Now he could be Steve McGarrett. Or MacGyver. :happysigh:
Thanks for your comment.

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:36 pm
by francis
jen wrote:Francis

This was lovely!

Personally, I'm a bit traumitized by the idea of Mick even faking his death. I just adore the whole package--the fortress of style, the dusters, the hair and sideburns, and the Mercedes, but substance is always more important than form. Still, I miss Guillermo, Logan, Ryder and, of course, Josef.

This will be the first time Mick has relocated.

San Francisco will have a new cast of characters, and what will they find there?

Thank you!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:
Thank you, Jenna! I miss all these little things and persons too.

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:37 pm
by francis
Tam wrote:
“How much patience do we talk about, Mick? Cause I’m not the girl who waits in the car.”
:clapping: YES!!!
This is wonderful! Thanks for letting me know about it in the ID-thread, I'm *so* behind on reading all of your great fics!
Thank you for bumping this little story, Tam! I'm glad you liked it.

Re: New Beginnings (PG-13) Challenge #123

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:07 am
by jen
Just reread this and I love it all over again!

Just hope Mick doesn't change too much. He has the whole style thing down so well. You know, it is always risky tampering with perfection.



:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers: