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Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:51 pm
by redwinter101
Title: Body
Author: redwinter101
Rating: G/slash
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: The first of many. Nothing explicit here so please do read and comment if the mood takes you.


--- Body ---

His body, smooth, hard, cool.

Yet I know the tender creases and crooks, because they are mine.

Our meeting is new, but there are things we know, things we share, that bind us and make pleasure simpler. Does that explain the nagging ache in my gut? Is the loss of newness, of exploration, a loss of joy?

He stirs, a moan as he re-arranges limbs and muscles.

I have no desire to kiss, to hold, to comfort. Now that I have taken my pleasure, I want him gone from this place, from my bed, from my sphere. Yet I am fascinated and wonder how similar a shared physicality really makes us.

How did it feel for him? Was his pleasure less or more than with a woman? Shaking the foolish thoughts away, I trail fingers down his spine, deep-set between ranges of muscle. He sighs, responding to touch even as he dozes in his afterglow.

Turning sleepily, he smiles and for a moment my breath catches.

Maybe the twin pleasures of anonymity and sameness aren't such a bad thing after all.

I lean in, grip his lips in mine, without preamble, without pretence and he is on me, over me, his power thrilling me once more.

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:41 am
by Fleur de Lisa
Thank you for making my slash plunge an easy one!
I find it extremely believable that Josef's reactions to lovemaking would be the same no matter the gender of the partner. Though him experiencing nagging feelings of guilt in this instance are intriguing.

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:17 pm
by redwinter101
Lisa, I am intrigued that you got guilt from this. Intrigued.

But then you usually intrigue me, so....

Thanks for taking the plunge!!!

Now, go read Giuseppe! (I am so demanding.)


Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:20 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
redwinter101 wrote:Lisa, I am intrigued that you got guilt from this. Intrigued.

But then you usually intrigue me, so....

Thanks for taking the plunge!!!

Now, go read Giuseppe! (I am so demanding.)

I am intrigued by your being intrigued by me feeling that Josef had intriguing feelings of guilt.

I think we both have exceeded the quotient for using the word "intrigue"!!

Okay, just re-read it, and now I am intrigued by my own self, I don't know why I mentioned guilt. Perhaps it was more that I was surprised about his introspection concerning this encounter. For some reason, it gave him pause. And that is what intrigued me.
Going off to locate a thesaurus............

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:37 pm
by redwinter101
Gotcha. I understand - reflective Josef is a rarity. But an intriguing one (okay, stopping now...)


Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:42 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
Perhaps it was a Freudian slip, saying 'guilt'. Maybe it is my guilt over reading slash!
Or, the fact that I was tired.
Or that I had read so much fic, I was confused.
Or because I had drooled over so many lovely Mick pix, that I couldn't form a correct thought to save my soul.

Pick one, or pick them all, will aim to make more sense in the future.

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:58 pm
by redwinter101
*hugs Lisa*

Keep reading. Keep drooling.

And I'll be right beside you :)


Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:30 pm
by Kelly
That was absolutely beautiful, Red! Just lovely! :clapping:

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 10:49 pm
by redwinter101

Thanks, Kelly. It's so lovely to see this pop up.

Red :heart:

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:03 am
by Kelly
redwinter101 wrote:*squee*

Thanks, Kelly. It's so lovely to see this pop up.

Red :heart:
:hug: Well, now that school is out, I'm slowly but surely making my way though all the marvelous stories that I've missed. I had my last final last evening, so for the first time in over two years, I don't have any deadlines to meet. To quote Mick, it feels amazing. So now I'm treating myself to the mass of FF that I didn't have time to read. And I'm having a blast. :woohoo:

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:04 am
by redwinter101
Oh, honey, good for you. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It must be a wonderful feeling.


Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:08 am
by Kelly
redwinter101 wrote:Oh, honey, good for you. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It must be a wonderful feeling.

Thanks...and it is. :hug: Of course, when college starts up again in the fall, the workload will probably be heavier than ever...but I'm up for it. :cheering: But either way, I'm going to enjoy these 3 1/2 months to the fullest.

Anyway...I'm getting :offtopic: again. :snicker: Must start spending less time around Fleur and Grace....Nah! They're too much fun :giggle:

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:13 am
by AussieJo
Red, I can't believe I missed this piece.
So evocative!!, Especially this. I could feel and see!
So erotic. Beautiful.
redwinter101 wrote: I trail fingers down his spine, deep-set between ranges of muscle. He sighs, responding to touch even as he dozes in his afterglow

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:18 am
by allegrita
Red, I like this story because, although I know it's Josef (since you told me so), it could be anybody. The other person doesn't even NEED to be a vampire. He's cool to the touch, but then those words could describe someone who had been lying without covers.

The person being described could easily be Josef as well, and I've been enjoying the chance to play with imagining who is the newbie, who the experienced one, and what era we're in. Depending on the viewpoint, the story can be interpreted in so many ways--it's fun.

And all of them are sensuous and, of course, sad and full of yearning.

Re: Body (vignette, Josef, G/slash)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 9:17 am
by redwinter101
Kelly, can any of us really stay away from those crazy ladies? I think not.

AussieJo, :wave: :wave: thank you. :rose:

Oooooh, I love that this made you speculate, alle. I wish I could claim that I deliberately put that much ambiguity into this, but it was accidental. :roll:
