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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:50 pm
by lionsonleashes
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own “Moonlight”, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run!

DESCRIPTION: A multi-chapter, action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Simone, Talbot, Guillermo, Logan, and a few really big werewolves, among others.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of “Moonlight”, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s very steamy FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth finally seal the deal and become lovers!) Also follows on from Desdemona’s awesome FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! He also shares ‘the List’ with Mick and Josef.) And, finally, I borrow the wonderful Original Character of ‘Karl’ from the tremendously talented Eris, with her kind permission.

Ready???? Okay……here we go again!


Don’t say a prayer for me now……..
Save it til the morning after……….

From “Save A Prayer” by Duran Duran


A bright Sunday morning was dawning behind the eastern hills, a faint glow of yellows and pinks, bleeding into the lightening night sky above. The stars were beginning to fade from view as two unnaturally gigantic wolves jumped the perimeter fence of the Kostan estate.

The first was the size of a horse, with deep coppery red fur. He was followed by a slightly smaller wolf, the size of an elk, with pale golden fur. They slipped into the shrubbery and trees of the estate grounds, moving silently towards the mansion that was perched on the hillside overlooking the LA basin far below.


Simone was stretched out on a leather sofa in the freshie family room. She had been dozing off and on, restless and worried. Her clothes had been in ruins the night before, after her escape from The Legion’s ambush. Heather had given her a pair of loose sweat pants, some socks, and a tee shirt to wear.

Smokey, Heather’s rusty-gray cat, was tucked into a tight ball at her feet now. Despite Simone’s fitful dozing, the little cat slept soundly, undisturbed by her occasional movements.

The petite red-headed freshie, April, was curled up in a big recliner across from Simone. She appeared to sleep soundly, her breaths coming slowly and deeply. She had changed into flannel sleep pants, green plaid, with a tee shirt and socks, last night also. Her clothes had been undamaged, unlike Simone’s, but she wanted to wait up with Simone, and wanted to do that in more comfortable attire.

Simone’s eyes slid open again. She sighed quietly and scanned the room without turning her head, taking in the little sleeping freshie across from her, the otherwise empty family room area, the little kitchen adjoining it, and finally……the still open sliding glass door. Simone had stubbornly refused to let anyone close that door……despite the fact that the summer night was hot. Let the AC work harder…....So what? Josef could afford it. She was leaving that door open for her friend to come home.

Simone could see the sky lightening outside…….dawn. She tried to tamp down the anxiety that rose in her again. Where were they? This couldn’t be good……. What if Beth and Phelan were seen by someone? She snorted at the thought……as if that was the worst thing that might happen……..

Karl was watching over Josef upstairs, as the elder vamp recuperated, sleeping deeply in his freezer room. And, Logan was dutifully keeping an eye on Mick downstairs, as Beth had asked him to…….Mick also continued to sleep soundly. Simone had checked on both the vamps last night, April in tow, before finally taking to the couch to watch and wait. There was nothing else she could do……. Just wait, hope, pray………….

Smokey abruptly woke and raised her head, peering intently at the open sliding glass door. A moment later, a great shadow filled the opening as a huge red wolf slipped quietly into the room. He stopped beside the recliner were April slept and lowered his graceful muzzle until his warm breaths washed over the girl’s face, his emerald eyes alight. A tender smile turned up the corners of his lupine mouth.

April’s eyes snapped open, focusing on the enormous shaggy head that now nearly rested in her lap. The little redhead beamed. “Phelan!”, she squealed, throwing her arms around his thick neck.

The great red wolf chuckled, “Mornin’ Lass! Aw, now…..don’t go squeezing the life out o’ me!”

Simone sat bolt upright on the sofa, startling Smokey, who jumped to the floor and sauntered away, indignant. “Where’s…..”, Simone began, and then stopped…….

The pale golden she-wolf stepped silently through the sliding glass doorway behind Phelan. Head and tail low, she padded slowly towards the stairs that led down to the Newbie Suite.

“Beth!”, Simone blurted, lurching to her feet and starting towards the golden wolf, “Are you alright? My gosh! What happened? I’ve been worried sick!”

Beth flinched away from Simone’s approach. Keeping her head low, her almond-shaped sapphire eyes flicked briefly to her friend’s face, and then back to the stairwell that was her goal. “I…….I don’t want to talk about it now……please, Simone.”, she murmured, “I just want to……be alone……Okay?”

Simone had frozen in her tracks…….half-way between the sofa and the golden wolf. Beth wouldn’t meet her gaze. Simone glanced at Phelan, and the massive red wolf gave a barely perceptible shake of his head, April still clinging to his shaggy neck.

“Uhmm…..sure, Beth.”, Simone replied hesitantly, “You can tell me all about it later. Go get some rest.”

The golden wolf nodded once and then slipped quickly down the stairs, disappearing from view.

April released her grip on Phelan’s neck, and both she and Simone starred after Beth. Concern quickly replaced the happiness in the petite freshie’s eyes.

Then Simone turned her eyes back to the red wolf. “What happened? What’s wrong with her?”, she demanded.

Phelan sighed, “It’s a complicated story, Lass……. and it’s really Beth’s to tell. But not until she’s ready. IF…. she’s ever ready.”, he paused, allowing his emphasis on, IF, to hang in the air. His emerald green eyes fastened on Simone’s, “Understand, Lass? Don’t push her……if she never wants to tell you about it……then she never tells you…….”, he shrugged his massive coppery shoulders, a strange effect in a four legged creature, “Let it be.”

Simone blinked, “Did she win, at least? Did she stop the bad guys? Are we safe?”

Phelan snorted and smiled sadly, “If only it were that simple, heh?”, he shook out his thick ruff, “Yes…… Beth won. But she was hurt very badly……and she’ll be awhile gettin’ o’er it, I fear. Are we safe now? I doubt it. This was one battle……but I’m thinkin’ it’s not the whole war. I suspect stoppin’ these bad guys is goin’ ta be a bit like tryin’ to stop the CIA. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” He paused and his gazed flicked back and forth between April and Simone. “Now, if ye two beauties will excuse me…..I need to keep track of my young charge.”

April and Simone both nodded. Phelan turned and followed Beth, slipping silently down the stairs to the Newbie Suite, his bushy half-tail swinging behind him as he slid from view.

The little redheaded freshie and the willowy brunette lawyer exchanged confused glances.

“I’m calling Ben.”, Simone announced after a moment’s pause, and began to rummage through her purse for her cell phone. “Beth isn’t going to be in any shape to go into work in the morning…….That much, at least, is obvious!”


The Newbie Suite’s sally port doors were still locked in the open position. Beth glided in silently, but not silent enough to escape Logan’s ears.

The slightly pudgy young vamp glanced up from the computer terminal in the corner of the spacious suite’s living room. He had been bravely enduring the hardship of playing World Of Warcraft on such a tiny screen.......a sacrifice he had been willing to make in order to keep his promise to Beth.

When the huge golden wolf slipped into the room, Logan smiled with relief…….she was safe……and back! Which meant he was off of Mick-Sitting duty. “Hi, Beth!”, he greeted her, “Mick’s just been sleeping the whole time. Not so much as a twitch. He’s fine.”

Beth’s brilliant sapphire eyes slid over to Logan for an instant, and then dropped to the floor in front of her. “Thanks, Logan…….I really appreciate it.” She padded towards the hallway that led to the suite’s master bedroom.

“No problem…..” , the young vamp assured her, beaming a smile, “So…..what happened? Did you kick ass? They gonna leave us alone for awhile?” He stood, stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, and started towards Beth.

The she-wolf didn’t answer him, or look at him again……She just kept padding towards the hallway entrance. It was then that Logan noticed her odd posture……every inch of her was…..drooping. Her head hung low, her tail low, even her normally level topline seemed bowed, as if she were trying to curl up into a ball, but still keep walking.

Logan’s grin vanished. Something was clearly wrong. Then Beth’s scent hit him, and his eyes widened in shock. He stopped in his tracks.

He was accustomed by now to the scent of werewolf……that wild musk…..fur and forest……but Beth’s scent carried a subtle difference now… that he recognized immediately for what it was……


Beth didn’t smell like she’d been eating deer, or elk, or beef, or any other kind of hoofed animal. She had that faint…. extra….. scent that is normal for vampires, because they routinely consume human blood. But……Beth wasn’t a vampire… how…………

Logan’s eyes widened further as the realization dawned on him……. Since werewolves don’t drink blood……. Beth had to have eaten someone……someone human…….several someones, judging by the mixed nature of the lingering scent.

The huge golden wolf slunk down the hallway that led to the bathroom and master bedroom. Logan remained rooted to where he stood, in the center of the living room, staring after her. He tried to convince himself that this was normal…..expected…… It’s what werewolves do, right? But, in his limited experience with werewolves, with Beth and
Phelan…..he knew that wasn’t the case……wasn’t supposed to be the case. Vampires could feed on humans because they didn’t have to kill their prey to survive……which, technically, made vamps more parasite than predator. Logan didn’t like to think about that…..

But a werewolf? The prey of a werewolf had to die. Standard predator-prey relationship… old as the Earth itself. Logan swallowed hard……not good, not good at all…………

He was distracted from his ruminations on Beth when the massive red wolf padded softly into the room. Phelan paused. They exchanged tense glances, vampire and werewolf, but neither spoke. Logan’s mouth hung open slightly, and his eyes remained wide, in surprise, confusion, and fear. Phelan’s expression was tight…… worried. He blinked in sadness at the young vampire……knowing that he understood what had happened.

After a moment’s pause, Phelan trotted down the hallway, following Beth, leaving Logan standing alone in the middle of the spacious living room once again.


The golden she-wolf stood in front of Mick’s freezer case, in its little alcove off the suite’s master bedroom. Her elegant, but tremendously sad, lupine face hovered over her sleeping lover……..her muzzle just inches from the glass, frosting it with her warm breaths. Her tall triangular ears drooped backward.

The red wolf appeared in the doorway. He stood silently and watched the she-wolf as a single, enormous, tear drop slipped down Beth’s graceful muzzle and splashed softly onto the lid of Mick’s glass case. The vampire inside was oblivious, sleeping peacefully.

“He’s alive right now because of you, dearheart.”, Phelan spoke softly, “Ye know that right? Ye were protecting your Pack, and your mate, and ye did a damn good job of it too. Things got alittle out ‘a hand, but…….”

Beth threw the red wolf a withering glare, both angry and distraught, before turning and shouldering past him in the bedroom doorway. Phelan was obliged to step forward into the bedroom to make room for the golden wolf to pass.

“Where are ye goin’, Lass?”

“To take a shower!”, the she-wolf snapped. She nosed the bathroom door open with her muzzle and slipped inside.

As the spacious bathroom’s door swung shut behind her, and she was finally alone, Beth sank to the floor’s thick area rugs, curling her lupine body into a tight ball. At the same time, she willed herself to ‘pull in’……as Josef had taught her. She shifted easily back to her human form…..a gigantic wolf melting quickly, and smoothly, back into a shapely young blonde woman. She experienced no pain with the shift…..only the strange sensation of her body rippling and flowing like water. It was a feeling she was rapidly growing accustomed to……….

Now human again, Beth stood, alittle shaky, balancing herself on the countertop in front of her. She stared for several seconds at her human face in the mirror, watching as her deep sapphire eyes faded back to their human shade of sky blue. She scanned her body in the reflection again, but this time felt no pride in the muscular, and flawless, figure that being a werewolf had given her……the price for it had just become too high.

Looking away from her reflection, she angrily wiped away fresh tears with the back of one hand, while grabbing for a bottle of shampoo, and another of crème rinse, with the other. That carpet shampoo the Cleaners had used on her left her reeking of chemicals and over-powering flowers.

She glanced at the products she had chosen. Herbal scents….sage and sandalwood. Perfect. Sage was cleansing, and Sandalwood soothing…..just what she needed. She climbed into the shower and turned it on, hot and full blast. She lathered and rinsed, lathered and rinsed again, and finally ended up just standing in the shower’s steady hot rain……starring at the expensive Italian tile work that surrounded her……and wishing she could wash off her overpowering guilt, along with the floral carpet shampoo.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, merging with the water that cascaded down on her from above. Burying her face in her hands, Beth rediscovered, yet again, what every woman knows…….The shower is a great place for a good cry.


Claudia arrived at the mansion as fast as she could, leaving her second in command, Naomi, behind at the scene to supervise the last of the office’s clean-up. Naomi, smart and practical, always had Claudia’s back. The younger vamp was one of the few people Claudia actually trusted.

Although…… Naomi, a real stunner, had a penchant for shamelessly flirting with Mick, so Claudia was glad Beth and Phelan had already left the scene by the time Naomi showed up with additional crews and vehicles. Even though Mick hadn’t been there, Naomi might have still said something stupid in front of Beth. She made a mental note to talk to Naomi about that habit of hers……always telling Mick there didn’t have to be a clean up for him to give her a call, yada, yada, wink, wink………..That kind of humor could be hazardous to Naomi’s health……. given Beth’s new nature. It could result in having to clean up what was left of Naomi.

Claudia seriously doubted that Beth would ever hurt a member of the LA Tribe. The she-wolf had clearly bonded herself to them now……the LA Tribe was her Pack. But you never knew…….werewolves were unpredictable by nature, and, just like vampires, their anger sometimes got the better of them.

Claudia pulled the Hummer down into Josef’s massive underground parking facility and parked in the first spot that presented itself. She took the elevator up to the ground floor, avoiding the daybreak outside.

As soon as she stepped off of the elevator, she headed towards the Newbie Suite entrance, guessing that would be where she would find Beth. Simone and April confirmed that assumption when she found them in the freshie family room. Beth had gone downstairs. Phelan too.

Claudia found Phelan sitting on his haunches in the Newbie Suite’s living room. Beside the horse-sized coppery wolf stood young Logan. Both were starring at the hallway that led to the bathroom and master bedroom.

“What’s going on?, the Lead Cleaner demanded, “Where’s Beth?”

Phelan’s huge shaggy head swung to look at Claudia. “Ah! Thank goodness you’re here, Lass! I’m starving!”

Logan did a double-take, gaping at his lupine companion in open horror, his eyes widening even further than they already were.

Claudia raised one dainty eyebrow at the big red wolf, and one corner of her mouth crooked up in a suggestion of a smile. “Really? Well now…… if I had known that, I would have brought a side dish worthy of accompanying me. And, perhaps a bottle of fine wine? A nice burgundy, I think.”

“Oh, dear…..”, Phelan huffed out a clipped chuckle, looking chagrinned, “That didn’t come out right at all.” He offered Claudia an apologetic smile that displayed no teeth. “What I meant, Lass, is that I need you to take over the Beth-Watch so I can go raid the meat-locker upstairs.”

“Ah, yes.” Claudia smiled. “Well, I must say, I very much prefer that option. Where is she?”

“She’s……in the shower…….”, Logan stammered, recovering from his momentary fright, “She’s been in there a really long time.”

“I think she’s doing the ‘out, out, damn spot!’, thing.” Phelan commented.

Claudia raised both eyebrows in playful surprise this time. “Shakespeare? I’m impressed.” She smiled softly at the big red wolf.

“I’m not illiterate, Lass.”, Phelan grumbled, lifting his elegant head, and looking mildly indignant, “I’ve been known to read entire books from time to time. I speak three languages, Ye know!”

“Hmmmm, indeed….. Is English one of them?”

“Ah, fer cryin’ out loud!”

Claudia’s smile widened, “Yes…… certainly my friend. Go eat your fill. I will watch over our young Beth.”

Phelan nodded his regal head towards the Lead Cleaner, the playful insult forgotten, as he stood and trotted toward the sally-port, and the staircase beyond it. “Thank ye, Lass! I’ll be back in about half an elk!” And with that, the huge red wolf bounded up the stairs.

“Can I go too?”, Logan asked hesitantly, “It’s been a long night. I’m tired, and hungry, and I want to hit the ice box.”

“Of course,” Claudia replied, offering him a faint, indulgent smile, “Get some food and some rest. Just ask any of the freshies upstairs who’s up next in the rotation. One of them will feed you.”

“Thanks.”, Logan said, and headed towards the stairs outside the sally-port doors. He paused half-way there, and looked back at the Lead Cleaner, “He was hungry? Phelan, I mean……while he was standing here with me……he was really hungry?”

“Starving.”, Claudia replied.

Logan blinked at her for a moment, “Wow….,” he said softly, “guess Mick hasn’t cornered the market on self-control after all.” Then he turned again and headed out of the room and up the stairs.

Claudia watched him go, and then turned back toward the direction of the shower Beth was in. The Lead Cleaner stood motionless, listening. Beth was alright……physically. She could hear her occasional movements in the shower, as well as the steady beating of her heart. She could hear the drumming and splashing of the water on the tiles.

Disturbingly, she could also hear the occasional sob……Beth was weeping.

Claudia sighed and moved towards an empty chair, where she perched anxiously. She would give the young werewolf alittle more time to cry it out, and pull herself together……but then she was going to have to intervene……to try to help Beth see reason past her self-loathing.

Josef had been trying to do that for decades with Mick, and had never gotten anywhere. Mick always continued to hate what he was……..refusing to accept his own nature. Claudia hoped she, and Josef, and perhaps, Phelan, would have better luck with Beth’s self-esteem. The girl had been doing very well…….until this unfortunate turn of events.

Claudia knew that having silver-immune werewolf, standing shoulder to shoulder with the LA Tribe, could be a game-changer. But not if that werewolf became bogged down by the same self-hatred that had plagued Mick for so long.


Beth finally shut off the water, standing in the expansive shower stall, eyes closed, pressing the water out of her long, blonde hair with her hands, while water drained in rivulets from her taut, muscular form.

“Here you go, dear.”

Beth flinched at the sudden voice, and the realization that she had been so caught up in her own thoughts, she had not noticed anyone’s approach. A feminine hand, with manicured nails, held a thick, warm burgundy towel up over the top of the shower doors.

“Umm…..thanks.”, Beth reached up and accepted the towel from Claudia’s hand. She dried herself, and then wrapped the over-sized towel around her body. Stepping from the shower stall, she forced a weak smile for the Lead Cleaner who waited for her, leaning one leather-clad hip against the vanity’s countertop.


“Alittle…..I guess.”

“I know that carpet shampoo wasn’t the best, but it was all we had on hand.”

Beth winced at the reminder of her doggy-bath……of the scene…..the carnage…..the flesh…….her fur soaked in blood.
“It’s Okay……”, she responded quietly.

The Lead Cleaner smiled gently. “What fragrances do you like, Beth? I smell Sage and Sandalwood now. Do you fancy those?”

Beth hesitated. “I…..I like them both, I guess……but Sandalwood is my favorite. Something about it is……calming…… to me.”

“Excellent!” Claudia’s smile widened alittle, “We’ll make sure we have Sandalwood-fragranced shampoo on hand from now on…..just in case.”

At Beth’s stricken expression, Claudia added, “No….no…..don’t worry, dear! I doubt anything like that would ever happen again! But you know how we Cleaners are….”, she grinned, “We like to be prepared for anything.”

Beth struggled to return a faint smile.

“Come now, dear…..”, Claudia went on, “let’s find you something to wear, and then see about some breakfast, shall we?” She opened the bathroom door and headed towards the bedroom, gesturing for Beth to follow. Beth did.

“Mick will be asleep for awhile yet, I think.”, the Lead Cleaner continued, “Plenty of time for us to……debrief……and for you to get some rest.” She turned and smiled at Beth as she pulled the walk-in closet open. “You must be exhausted, poor dear.”

Beth nodded. “Yeah…..I’m pretty wiped out.”

“I’m not surprised! You’ve been through a horrible ordeal! But you’re home safe now. Everything’s going to be just fine.”
Claudia looked on while Beth selected an over-sized sleep-tee and a pair of sweat pants. Displaying a werewolf’s characteristic lack of modesty, Beth dropped her towel and pulled on first the sweat pants, and then the tee. She didn’t bother with socks. Lastly, Beth grabbed a brush from the top of the Dresser and drew it through her wet hair a few times.
Claudia watched her carefully. The blonde’s expression was numb, distant……she was trying to protect herself by repressing her feelings. The Lead Cleaner sighed……..

“Are your hungry, my dear?”

Beth turned and looked at her. There was that damn stricken look again……for a moment, the girl’s face began to crumple, threatening the return of tears……but then she sucked it up, and soldiered on…..her expression clearing.

“It’s strange……”, Beth said softly, “I shouldn’t be……should I? I mean…….I ate……,” she paused, her brow furrowing, “……so much. And yet……I am kind of hungry again.”

“It’s not strange at all, my dear.”, Claudia explained, “Your injuries were absolutely catastrophic……I’m still amazed you survived……AO-Neg or no AO-Neg…..and it took a great deal of…….. fuel, to power all that healing. Then you ran all the way home, and transformed back to your human form. All that takes energy. By now, you’ve burned everything you took in, and need more.”

Beth’s brow creased in confusion. “AO-Neg? What’s my bloodtype got to do with anything?”

Claudia folded her leather-clad arms across her chest, “They shot you with silver, Beth. Lots and lots of silver. Any ordinary werewolf would have died on the spot. But……it appears we have finally answered our own question of what the AO-Neg bloodtype……. or Noble line, as we vamps call it..….. does in werewolves. I know Josef explained some of this to you……about the Noble bloodline, and how it effects vampires, at least. But, until now…… until you……. we didn’t know what…. if anything…… the Noble bloodtype would do in a werewolf. You were able to survive multiple hits with silver bullets, Beth. Your body literally pushed the rounds out of you…….just as I’ve heard that normal werewolves can do with ordinary bullets. You, my dear, appear to be immune to silver. Your system just pushed the silver out, and it was able to heal the incredible amount of damage caused by those bullets.”

Beth blinked numbly back at her, “Oh…..huh…..”, then turned and wandered back to the side of the glass case where Mick slept peacefully. She gazed down at him.

“He’s alive because of you.”

“Everyone keeps telling me that.”

“Because it’s true.”

“Yeah……I guess.”

Claudia sighed again. “Okay…..enough brooding!” She took Beth’s forearm and led her out of the bedroom. “Let Mick sleep while we go get some breakfast.”

Beth followed her passively out of the Newbie Suite and up the stairs.

They entered the freshie family room at the top of the stairs, Beth trailing along behind Claudia, her left forearm caught in the Lead Cleaner’s iron grip. Simone and April were no longer there…….April having retired to her own suite for a nap, and Simone having headed upstairs to Josef’s suite, where she curled up in the non-refrigerated King Sized bed….. alone.
A few early risers, or late nighters, were gathered in the freshie’s cozy kitchen area……dayshift human guards, and a couple of freshies who hadn’t gone to bed yet. Two security guards sat at the little kitchen table, nursing cups of steaming coffee. One sleepy-eyed freshie was finishing off a cup of warm milk, spiced with cinnamon, and a muffin. Another freshie was leaning over, head buried in the open fridge, as she searched for anything that appealed. The guards were trying to wake up, and the freshies were trying to settle down to sleep. They all glanced up as Claudia and Beth entered the area.

Beth dropped her eyes, not wanting to meet anyone’s gaze, especially not any human.

Claudia frowned lightly at the scent of shame coming off of Beth, triggered by the sight of the gathered humans. It was tremendously annoying to the Cleaner……that any creature as magnificent as Beth should feel ashamed of anything. Claudia sighed……one step at a time……and this was probably going to take awhile.

Her gloved hand still gently gripping Beth’s left forearm, Claudia towed her towards the Breakfast Bar, which faced the large stainless steel doors of the main Kitchen. Beth slid robotically onto a tall stool, but relaxed alittle when she was no longer facing the humans in the freshie kitchen area.

The Lead Cleaner patted Beth’s arm, and then stepped toward the large swinging doors, pushing one side open a bit. She could hear, and smell, the humans working with the large main Kitchen beyond the imposing doors.

“You’ve got customers…..”, Claudia called out, her tone imperious and commanding. She then allowed the door to swing shut again as she returned to Beth’s side, sliding onto a tall barstool next to her. Beth sat in silence, her eyes fixed on the polished mahogany countertop before her……...

The doors parted again, and the rotund French Chef, Pierre, stepped through, drying his hands on a white towel. His outfit was postcard perfect, as always, a crisp white chef’s uniform, with a tall pleated chef’s hat completing the look.
He paused for an instant…..taking in the combination of the imposing Cleaner, sitting at his breakfast bar with the young, blonde werewolf, in her human form……..Beth.

Then Chef Pierre pulled himself up to his full five foot, four inches, and favored the ladies with his best Parisian smile. “And what may I get for you, Madam and Mademoiselle?”

Now that he wasn’t shouting at anyone, his heavy French accent was charming. The absence of agitation, and French swear words, also seemed to improve his command of the English language quite a bit.

Claudia tossed him a momentarily dangerous glare…..knowing that the ‘Madam’ title was for her. She knew she didn’t look as youthful as Beth…..she had been in her late thirties, sneaking up on forty, when she was Turned…..but still, the distinction irked her. She decided to let it go…….there was a lot more to worry about, just now, than her vanity.

“I’ll have a glass of A+, if you have it.”, Claudia replied.

Chef Pierre nodded, “Of course, Madam…..but are you sure you wouldn’t prefer fresh? We have several A+ freshies currently in the mansion…..I could summon one of them……and, I believe, one of our guards on duty today is A+ as well, if you would prefer a male donor.”

One of the guards seated at the kitchen table behind the women abruptly looked up from his steaming coffee mug, an expression of alarm on his young face. His dark eyes darted to the Chef, then to his co-worker seated across the table from him, and finally came to rest on Claudia’s back.

The Lead Cleaner glanced over her shoulder at the young guard, as one corner of her mouth crooked up in a smile. Her brown eyes iced over for an instant, and she winked at him playfully.

The young man’s eyes widened further…….he stared back at the imposing vampress like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car. He was new to Josef’s human staff, and had not been called on to serve as a donor yet, although, he had known from day one that it was a possibility. Josef knew many vampresses, as friends and business associates. Sooner or later…..the kid knew he was bound to get tapped. It was in his Job Description. He swallowed hard.

With a polite nod towards the young human male with the enticing A+ blood…. which she had scented the moment she entered to room….. Claudia’s eyes returned to their normal deep brown, and she turned back to the Chef.
“No, no…..thank you….. I’m really not in the mood to worry about finessing one of Josef’s pampered staff right now, especially not a first-timer. Something in a glass will be just fine.”

Behind her, the young guard sagged with relief and let out a breath. His co-worker grinned knowingly at him from across the table.

Chef Pierre nodded toward Claudia and then turned his attention to Beth. “And for you, Mademoiselle Beth?” He chuckled, shaking his head, “That big red friend you have? The shaggy brute just waltzed out of here with an entire side of young elk! I imagine……since you are in your petite, two-legged form, you’ll be wanting a slightly smaller meal, yes?”

Beth looked up for the first time, meeting the Chef’s gaze for an instant, before dropping her eyes to the countertop again. “You weren’t…..mean… Phelan…..were you? He’s been through a lot tonight.”

Chef Pierre’s smile dimmed slightly……something was wrong with the girl……she was acting….. cowed. So unlike the feisty, stubborn young werewolf he had come to know. Had someone hurt her…..? His gaze flicked over to the Cleaner, who stared impassively back at him and shrugged her shoulders.

Concerned now, Pierre replied, “No, no… not worry, Cherie……I am getting, how do you say……used to ….having customers with the four legs around dis place. Your big friend chose a side of elk and took it outside into the gardens with him.”, He paused, tipping his head slightly, trying to catch Beth’s eye, “I did not even throw any pots at him……aren’t you proud of me, Cherie?” A smile played beneath his neat mustache.

He received the response he was hoping for……Beth glanced up at him again, this time offering him a faint smile in return. “Thanks, Pierre. I really appreciate your……restraint.”

The little French Chef nodded, his smile widening. “Of course, Cherie! Now….what can I get for you? Perhaps steak and eggs? It is your favorite, no? A nice thick piece of the fresh venison?”

“That would be very nice.”, Beth replied quietly, “Thank you.” Her eyes returned to the countertop in front of her.

Chef Pierre nodded again a bustled back into the Main Kitchen, the stainless steel doors swinging shut in his wake.

The Lead Cleaner watched Beth for a couple seconds…… The girl drooped, as though the weight of all the world rested on her young shoulders. Claudia sighed and turned once again to look at the two guards and two freshies who still occupied the cozy freshie kitchen area behind them.

The delicious A+ guard froze with his coffee mug halfway to his lips….. Had the vampress changed her mind? The other human guard also paused and looked up at the leather-clad Cleaner. One of the freshies froze in mid-gulp, a glass of orange juice held to her mouth. The other freshie paused too, a last bite of muffin held between her slim fingers. They all watched Claudia, waiting for a cue.

The Lead Cleaner’s gaze swept over all of them. Then, she jerked her chin towards the hallway that led to the human-wing of Josef’s sprawling mansion. The message was clear……leave…

She didn’t have to tell them twice……. That last scrap of muffin was popped into one freshie’s mouth, and the other girl finished her orange juice in two swallows. Both guards rose from the table and took their coffee with them. All four humans were quickly gone from the area. Only the nervous, young A+ guard stole a fleeting glance over his shoulder as they departed.

The older of the two human guards could be heard whispering to his young coworker as they moved away down the long hallway. “You need to relax about that part of the job, kid. It’s not that bad. Actually, it’s pretty damn great…….”

Claudia turned back to Beth, who sat quietly beside her at the Breakfast Bar, her hands folded in her lap, a thousand-yard stare on her lovely face.

“Beth?”, Claudia began.

“Yeah?”, Beth replied, her voice hollow. She did not turn to look at the Lead Cleaner.

Claudia straightened her shoulders and cocked her head, fixing the young blonde in a commanding gaze. “Beth…… I need you to understand how important what you did last night was……and how important you are to us all now.”

Beth winced at the mention of last night, and slowly turned sullen eyes on Claudia. She made no reply.

Claudia continued, “First of all…….I wish to apologize for the way I treated you in the beginning.” She hesitated, shifting on her barstool. Apologizing was something she rarely did… anyone……….for any reason. “When you were human……well, I didn’t approve of St John’s…..attachment… you. It’s never a good idea……. for one of us to develop feelings for a mortal. And I knew St John was opposed to Turning you……so, I saw only heartbreak ahead for him.”

“To love us is to watch us die.”, Beth replied quietly, repeating what Simone had once said to her……in what felt like another lifetime, in another world, so far away now.

“Exactly…..but you are no longer mortal, Beth, no longer human…….you aren’t part of that ‘us’ anymore.”

“I know.”

“I’m not sure you really do…….at least not yet.” Claudia paused and cocked her head to one side, eyeing Beth speculatively. Beth gazed back at her with the blank, dull expression of the profoundly depressed.
The Lead Cleaner sighed and dropped her own eyes. “Now….. I have a confession to make.”


“When I first found out about your…..situation…..the night you had been bitten, and survived…….I fully intended to put you down.”

“I wish you had.”

“Stop that! No you don’t!”, Claudia glared sternly, “Now….let me explain. At first, I was certain that no one would be able to control you, with your Sire dead. I saw you as a liability, a threat. I was sure you would go rogue and slaughter everyone in this house. I thought Josef’s notion of Fostering you himself was madness. And, I was sure it was going to get him killed. I was sure his efforts would end in a bloodbath.”

The Lead Cleaner paused, searching the blonde’s expression for a reaction of any kind. Beth continued to stare blankly back at her for a few seconds, before blinking and turning away to watch the unmoving stainless steel Kitchen doors.
Claudia drew in an unneeded breath, and let it out slowly. A coping mechanism that she still found helpful, even though she didn’t need the air in her lungs, other than to speak. “If Josef hadn’t protected you, I would have killed you before you had a chance to heal and transform….. that first time. And I would have been wrong…… terribly wrong. That would have been the biggest mistake of my entire, very long, life. It has become abundantly obvious just how wrong I was…… and, that Josef was right all along about you. You actually didn’t need a Sire to control you…..just to teach you. You control yourself quite well. Your will power is stunning in one so young. Perhaps that is another Noble Effect?”

Claudia seemed to muse to herself for a moment, and then shook off the reverie, becoming serious again. She reached out and lightly touched Beth’s chin, turning the girl’s face back to meet her gaze. “I am so sorry for the way I treated you in the beginning, Beth, and for what I wanted to do. Can you forgive me?”

Beth sighed and returned to starring at the polished mahogany countertop in front of her, “Of course……You were only trying to protect everyone. I understand that…… Especially considering that my…….biological……Sire was a psychotic monster.” She paused, drawing in a shuddering breath, “How do we know I’m not going to go crazy like he did? I’m wondering if you were the one who was really right all along…….maybe you should have…..”

“Damnit!”, Claudia barked, slapping her open palm against the countertop. “Stop saying things like that!”

Beth flinched and then glowered at her.

The Lead Cleaner leaned back slightly and frowned at the young blonde. “Look, Beth……here’s the thing. You won’t become like your biological Sire because you weren’t raised by him. You have a strong and loving Foster-Sire in Josef. He did well by you, started you properly. And, you have a strong Pack to close ranks around you…….the LA Tribe, which includes me, by the way. We may not have tails and four legs, but we are your Pack, none the less. Just as you are an important member of our Tribe now. We’ll all stand by you, no matter what, and you have already demonstrated that you will do the same for us.”

Claudia paused, letting the weight of her words sink in…….. Beth gazed back at her with softening blue eyes. The Lead Cleaner continued, “If you weren’t a werewolf, both Mick and Josef would be dead right now……as doornails. They are both alive, and recovering right now, because you’re a werewolf. What you did could only have been done by a werewolf. You saved Josef and Mick. You were the only one who could have. And then you showed us that you are ours……and we are yours….. all of us….... I believe you can feel that just as much as I can. It’s instinct in us both.”

Claudia paused again, reigning in a sudden surge of emotion. “After saving our Tribe’s Leader, you went out and struck back at the perpetrators……and in doing so, you were fighting for all of us……the entire LA Tribe.”

Beth’s expression remained dour. She sighed softly, “I get it…..I do. I saved Mick and Josef. For that part I’m glad……. tremendously glad.” She paused, and slowly shook her head, looking down at her hands folded in her lap, “But then, when I knew they were both safe……..I chose to let the rage take over. It was like stepping into a rip-tide. The rage swept me away. I don’t think I could have stopped, even if I wanted to…… Where was all this self-control I’m supposed to have then? I hunted down and killed roughly a dozen people…….and I…… ate……what was it….. three of them!?”

Claudia nodded, “That’s what I counted, yes. But, my dear girl…… what you must understand about your new nature is what werewolves call ‘territorial rage’, and it is a very powerful force. I’m told even experienced werewolves have let it get the better of them. And, you had been shot in the head, for heaven’s sake! That took any self-control you might have had left off-line.”

Beth snorted bitterly, looking away, “Great! And now I’m gonna have steak and eggs! Because I’m STILL hungry! After eating three full grown men…..I’m still HUNGRY!!!” Beth’s volume and pitch were rising……she was tipping toward hysteria.

“Sssshhhh……Easy now, dear.” Claudia soothed her, reaching out a hand to squeeze Beth’s forearm. “You are hungry again….to be precise……not still hungry. You expended a tremendous amount of energy last night……….both in the battle, and in the healing of your numerous serious injuries. You were sated temporarily. But by the time you made it home and returned to your human form, you had burned up most of the calories you had taken in. So you became hungry again. Simple.” Claudia shrugged and offered Beth a maternal smile.

Beth glared at the Cleaner. “Calories?! Calories… in the three guys I ate? Those calories!?”

Claudia nodded solemnly, “Even so.”

Beth’s shoulders sagged and her eyes returned to the countertop. “Whatever.”

The Lead Cleaner hesitated…….Beth was tremendously stubborn, and right now, the girl seemed determined to hate herself. But, it was that same stubbornness that made her so formidable in battle. She never gave up, and she never gave in……

“Beth,” Claudia began again, “The attempt to kill Josef and Mick last night was a classic decapitation strike. Mick was undoubtedly not the primary target…..he was simply there…...The target was undoubtedly Josef. Kill any group’s leader, and chaos ensues. And, in the case of a vampire Tribe, it is even more true than it is with humans. I doubt you know this, so I’ll explain. When any vampire Tribe loses their Leader suddenly and unexpectedly, they…..we……succumb, temporarily, to a kind of mass insanity . We turn on each other in a chaotic battle for supremacy… an instinctive struggle to establish a new Leadership. Unstable coalitions form rapidly, battle lines are drawn, and there is carnage until the strongest, and the smartest, rises to the position of Tribe Leader. In most cases, if only twenty percent of a Tribe’s population is killed, it is considered to have been a relatively peaceful transition of power. Often, the body count is even higher.”

Beth was staring openly, her mouth having dropped open. She’d had no idea. Claudia had her full attention now.

The Lead Cleaner continued, “So, you can see how such a decapitation strike would serve The Legion’s purposes very well. They kill a Tribe’s Leader, and then just sit back and watch while a quarter, or more, of that Tribe is wiped out without them having to lift a finger. All they would have to do is get out of the way. That might even be enough culling of our numbers to accomplish their mission.”

Claudia leaned forward on her elbows, “Most likely, the attempt to kill Mick several weeks ago, while you were still human, was intended to throw Josef off his game…..make him more vulnerable to the coming decapitation strike. Losing Mick would have devastated Josef.”

She paused, turning to look Beth in the eyes, smiling softly at her, “Josef never Sired any males, as far as I know……until the Re-Turning of Mick. But, Mick has always been like a son to Josef……his best friend, long before he Re-Sired him. Obviously, The Legion knows how close they are. But they didn’t count on you……..or on the remarkable courage of Ben Talbot.” She shook her head. “It still amazes me that Talbot, a human who didn’t even like Mick, was willing to do what he did. Still, given the extent of Mick’s injuries that night, it is remarkable that he survived……even with two very determined humans struggling to save him. But, since he did survive, The Legion clearly decided to go through with their decapitation strike anyway, and since Mick was with Josef at the time, they went for the extra point, so to speak. The killing of Mick would also have sent a message to the LA Tribe, had they succeeded…… if The Legion targets you, they will eventually get you.”

Claudia sighed and her smile broadened. “But, once again, they didn’t count on you, did they, my dear? A fatal mistake on their part. And they were the ones who ended up receiving a potent message.”

Beth stared silently back at the Lead Cleaner, not knowing what to say…….

“Oh……and one more benefit of you being a werewolf!”, Claudia added, grinning, “Remember that post-loss chaos I told you about? What would happen if this Tribe ever suddenly lost Josef?”

Beth nodded.

“Well, ordinarily, Mick would be among the first to be killed in the resulting battles. He’s much too young to be a contender for the Leadership, even if he wanted it…..but, because he and Josef are so close……well, someone gunning for the position would undoubtedly take Mick out, just to be on the safe side.”

A snarl rumbled in Beth’s throat, and her eyes flashed to a deeper sapphire blue.

“Don’t worry, dear.”, Claudia reassured her, “Because of you, now, Mick will always be safe……even if something happens to Josef. No vampire, no matter how old, or how rich, would risk angering a silver-immune werewolf by harming her mate! There would be nowhere on the planet that they could run to where you would not hunt them down and kill them.”

“Damn straight….”, Beth growled quietly.

“Everyone knows that…...word spreads fast in a vampire Tribe.”, Claudia continued, “Mick is untouchable now. No vamp in his right mind would ever try to harm a hair on his head…….because you, my dear girl, are a werewolf.”

Beth settled, feeling duly reassured, and her eyes returned to their human shade of sky blue. Just then, the stainless steel Kitchen doors swung open, and the little French Chef bustled in and presented Beth with a large platter, laden with steak, scrambled eggs, toast, hash browns, and an big frosty glass of orange juice. He also set a tall glass of bright red blood in front of Claudia.

“Here you are Madam, Mademoiselle……. the blood is arterial, and it was gently heated to a perfect 98.6 degrees, for Madam’s pleasure.”

“Marvelous, Pierre.” Claudia responded, “Thank you.” The little Chef nodded politely, and with a quick wink cast in Beth’s direction, he turned and disappeared back into the vast Kitchen, the large stainless doors swinging shut in his wake.

The vampress and the werewolf consumed their meals in companionable silence. Both listened to the birdsongs that rose outside, welcoming the new day. In the valley below, LA was slowly waking up to a beautiful Sunday morning. Both women were lost in their own thoughts about what had transpired during the night, and what might happen now.

Draining the last of her glass of blood, Claudia turned to Beth and watched while the young blonde distractedly chewed and swallowed the last chunk of her venison steak.

The Lead Cleaner smiled and gently touched Beth’s forearm again, rising to her feet as she did so, “Come on, my dear. You need to get some sleep.”

Beth turned to look at the dignified vampress, and then nodded numbly. She slid off of her seat and followed Claudia back down the stairs to the Newbie Suite.

As they entered the Newbie Suite again, Beth glanced sidelong at Claudia. “You don’t have to stay with me, you know. I’m fine.”

Claudia chuckled softly and shook her head, “No, you’re not, dear. And yes, I do.” She favored Beth with another maternal smile. “Once he was sure I wouldn’t shoot you myself, of course, Josef made me promise to watch over you…..if anything ever happened to both he and Mick at the same time. You’re emotionally fragile right now, dear, and I’m not leaving you alone until Josef and Mick wake up.”

Beth inhaled, and looked as though she was about to protest, but Claudia held up a black-gloved hand, cutting her off before she could speak. “No arguments. That’s the way it’s going to be. I’m as quiet as a cat. You won’t even know I’m here.”

“I’m not a child, you know.”, Beth mumbled under her breath.

“Actually, you are, my dear. In every sense. Chronologically……. I was alive hundreds of years before you were born, before your great-great grandfather was born, for that matter. So, you are a child to me in that respect. And then, you are not even a month old, as a werewolf, yet. So, you are a very young child. And finally, you are the Foster-child of a very old, and dear, friend of mine.”, Claudia grinned, “So get used to it, Beth. You’re a kid, and I’m the sitter.”

Beth rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation, before giving the Lead Cleaner a weak smile. “So……how old are you anyway?”

Claudia chuckled softly again, “Behave yourself……and perhaps I’ll tell you about myself someday.”



“You’re as bad as Josef!”

“Every bit as bad, yes.”

They entered the master bedroom and Beth made a beeline for Mick’s glass icebox. Claudia cocked a hip and folded her arms, watching impatiently as Beth pressed her cheek against the glass lid for a moment……communing with the sleeping vampire within……listening to his circulation, feeling his energy. He was doing well……recovering. She lightly kissed the glass lid above Mick’s peacefully sleeping face.

Claudia stepped forward and took Beth’s arm again. “Alright then. You’ve said night-night to him. It’s time for you to take your own nap. You’re exhausted. Into bed with you now.” The vampress patiently steered her charge towards the large king-sized bed.

Beth didn’t argue. Claudia was right…….exhaustion pulled at her, as though she were trying to swim with sandbags tied to her feet. Shucking her sweat pants, but keeping the over-sized tee shirt, Beth pulled back the covers and crawled gratefully under them. Claudia adjusted the covers under Beth’s chin, and patted her shoulder gently. It was a very maternal gesture, which suddenly brought up the memory of Coraline doing the same thing, when Beth was only four. Beth mentally shook off the comparison. Claudia was not Coraline, and she was no longer a helpless four year old girl.

The Lead Cleaner straightened up and moved to a large dark leather recliner in one corner of the bedroom. It was situated in front of a modest bookcase, and an ornate floor lamp was positioned beside it. Claudia eased into the recliner. It was able to rock when not pushed back in recline, and she preferred that, keeping the foot rest tucked away. She turned to the bookcase, within easy reach of the overstuffed chair, and glanced over the available titles. She selected one, after a few seconds, pulling it from the shelf and opening it. She began to rock the chair silently as she scanned the first page.


“Yes, dear?”

“Thank you……”

“You’re welcome, child.”

But Beth didn’t hear this response. Exhaustion had claimed her……her breathing becoming deep and regular.
The Lead Cleaner smiled softly and returned her gaze to her book, gently rocking the chair as she read.

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:12 am
by redwinter101
Such a lovely chapter, lions. :clapping: I have hope that Beth's experience will bring her and Mick even closer.


Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:00 am
by jen

Poor Beth. She is virtually mirroring Mick's self loathing. Her situation is different, but just like the man she loves, she seems incapable of seeing the good that she does.

Claudia and Phelan will try to get through to her, and their words will have some effect, but it may take both Josef (the step sire) and Mick (who wrote the book on believing himself a monster) to get her to change her present mindset.

Claudia is turning out to be a positive, supportive presence. She has always had one goal clearly in mind--the security and wellbeing of the L.A. tribe and Beth is now very important to that. Her existence is, as you say, a game changer. Seeing Claudia show a more maternal, gentler side is very good--for Beth, undoubtedly but also is gives her more dimension, more depth!



:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:32 am
by lionsonleashes
Thank you both, Jen and Red! :rose: :ghug: :flowers:

Yes.....Claudia has had her turn to try to make Beth see reason. Soon, Plelan will also try to reach her. He'll have some success, but it's Mick and Josef who really have the power to guide Beth toward giving herself a break. :hearts:

And yes, Claudia {the same boss lady Clearner who ashed the Monihans in the final episode} is a double edged sword} She can be cold, or heartless, dependenting on what the situation she finds herself in at the time.
Well, got to go.
Take care.
Lions :mooncat:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:07 am
by jen
:flowers: Another reread--just one of many, to be sure!

What struck me this time through was what was not said--issues that were not addressed and yet were simmering, just below the surface. The Legion is now aware of what has occurred. Somewhere, a group of enemies of the L.A. tribe are reeling from the shock of a massive defeat. They have lost a strike squad and a command base. A major operation has been stopped in its tracks (no pun intended). Phelan was entirely correct when he spoke to Simone and April at his return--Beth won, but they aren't safe (and now the enemies have a log of information about the depth of the L.A. tribes strengths).

At best, Beth and company have time to catch their breath, lick their wounds and hopefully, work through their 'issues' but problems seldom wait until you are ready to handle them. Can't wait for Mick and Josef to wake up. They will both be very, very proud and grateful to the little girl that Mick saved as a child.

You know--the one who grew up to have fur from time to time and never, ever wait in the car.


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:58 am
by lionsonleashes
Oh, I just love your feedback, Jen! :hug: :rose:

Your assessment of issues....both spoken and this Chapter is completely correct. :thumbs: The gang is safe, for now. And they will have some time to work through Beth's issues. :Mickangel: :comfort2:
But, The Legion is still out a main compound on another continent......and they have seen the destruction of their field office, via the webcam. They are reeling :gasp: .... and they are pissed! :witsend: They must now decide how to proceed. That will come back up in future Chapters.
But first.....issues.....lots and lots of issues :brow: to be discussed and worked out! :snicker: Things could get alittle hairy (pun intended) as stuff gets brought up and vented.
Stay tuned! :brow:

Lions :mooncat:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:15 am
by jen
This is just fabulous!!!!

Logan is growing up, whether he wants to or not. The parameters of his world are expanding and he is going to fit into it very, very well. Will Ryder England be returning from South America? He is also very talented with computers, and I wonder how well the two of them will work together.

Of course, I am anxious for Phelan, Josef and Mick to all have their talks with Beth. She is so fragile, so wounded now--she needs to get past that and tap into her strengths. They are many and will be sorely needed very soon.

You have given wonderful dimension to the characters of Simone and Ben and have introduced some wonderful original characters. Phelan, of course, is just fabulous! He is wise, loyal, strong and can be very funny, too. April is a lovely character and hope to see much more of her, as well.

Thank you so much!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:59 am
by toria1521
Dear Lions,

I would dearly :rose: love to see a new chapter soon. :pray: Mick still doesn't know what Beth did because he's still asleep! Please wake him up soon. :Mickangel:

Happy New Year! :wave:


Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:23 am
by lionsonleashes
Hi Toria! :hug:
Chapter 30 is about 2/3rds complete. Mick does wake up in it! Hang in there my friend! :smooch:

Hi Jen! :hug:
Thanks for your wonderful feedback and suggestions! :rose: Ryder coming back from South America??? :chin: Hmmm....I hadn't considered that.....perhaps. We'll see. Logan was my favorite computer-geek-vamp in the show, so I focus on him. But, we'll see as my storyline continues to develope in future Chapters. Sometimes, my muse is unpredictable, suddenly pulling me in a direction I hadn't previously thought of going. You just never know! :snicker:

And to ALL my wonderful readers.....Thank you so much for patiently waiting for the next Chapter! :notworthy: You are all awesome! :flowers: Chapter 30 has about 4000 words written so far, with another 2000 to 3000 words needing to be written to finish it. Please continue to hang in there with me. I do so appreciate your patient support! :rose:

Lions :mooncat:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:21 pm
by OnceBitTwiceShy
This is good news! You are working on the next chapter, the muses are in the mood, it's all good:) We will just be waiting here patiently for the next update!

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:32 am
by lionsonleashes
It's going to be another 'war & peace' tome, :laugh: I'm afraid! Got another 2000 words written yesterday, and still not done. It's probably going to be 8000 words before Chap 30 is complete. But, I'm working, I'm working! :type:
Thank you all for your patience with me! :ghug: :rose:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:13 pm
by jen
Love, love, LOVE the long updates!

We will be here, waiting for Chapter 30.

The sounds good! The muse is talkative, engaged, and ideas are percolating!

Thanks in advance for all the blood, sweat and tears you are pouring into this!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:58 am
by jen
Just came by for a quick reread and saw very quickly that it is not going to happen. A reread here takes time and I will be back tomorrow.

This is wonderful!



:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:49 am
by oldspa
So glad to hear that an update is in the offing - especially a long one. I love to find some alone time for a nice long read.


Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 29--The Morning After.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:52 am
by allegrita
Oh, Lions, how did I miss this wonderful chapter?!? This is a quieter, more introspective one, kind of a "regrouping" chapter, if you will. There's so much to think about, and so much pain for poor Beth to cope with. She's strong... stronger than she believes she is. But even the strongest person would be thrown for a loop by all that has transpired in the past few hours... especially the horrible knowledge that she ate human flesh. :Mickangel:

I know she has to deal with all of this herself, despite the efforts of her friends to help her through it. Beth's such a pro at squelching her responses to things... I hope that she'll be convinced that this particular trauma is too much, too deep to just shove down into the "I'll deal with it someday" locker in her head. Claudia and Phelan have both already helped her process a bit. And I'm hoping very hard that Josef, and especially Mick, will help her work through her pain and regret. Mick's the king of regret--he's the one who can understand best how she feels. But nobody ever helped him cope with his fears and sorrows when he was first turned... and look how he turned out. If he weren't such a fundamentally strong person, he'd never have made it as well as he has. So... maybe in helping Beth heal from her guilt, Mick will be able to work through some of his own old guilt and pain and remorse.

I love the glimpses you've given us of the peripheral characters in this story. They are all so 3-dimensional, even though they're not the focus of this particular story. Logan's growing much more self assured as he gets "socialized" by this experience. And his loyalty to Mick and Josef is unquestioned. April and Simone are so deftly drawn here--we feel their emotions, even though they don't appear much in the story. Even the poor guard with the delicious blood is much more than a spear-carrying side character. I love the way you describe these characters, give them dimension and truth. :notworthy: