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Picking Up the Pieces (Challenge fic #1) PG-13

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:37 am
by Phoenix
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Characters: Mick; Coraline; Josef; Cynthia.

Rating: PG-13

Moonlight Mini Madness Challenge #1

Title: "Picking Up the Pieces" by Bank1115

Starting Paragraph: by Francis

"She ran out of reasons to stay inside. It was way too early but she couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. Putting a stray strand of hair back into the clasp she pushed the sliding doors to the garden open and carefully stepped barefoot over the rough tiles of the patio."

Picking Up the Pieces. By Phoenix.

She ran out of reasons to stay inside. It was way too early but she couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. Putting a stray strand of hair back into the clasp she pushed the sliding doors to the garden open and carefully stepped barefoot over the rough tiles of the patio.

All too aware that the guests would be arriving soon, she took a quick look around the garden to make sure everything was in place. Yes, the huge floral arrangements were magnificent, the tables were adorned with white candles and crystal champagne glasses, and once the sun had finally dipped below the horizon, the fairy lights strung throughout the trees would create a truly exquisite, dreamlike atmosphere.

She had heard a few people complain about what a bossy bride she was, but she simply wanted the night to be perfect for her and Mick. She was confident that as long as all the vampires behaved themselves around the humans, everything would go to plan. And what a plan she had! The gift she intended to give her beloved Mick was beyond compare. She just knew that he’d be even more thrilled than she was.

She turned when she heard footsteps behind her. Cynthia – her maid of honour – had come out to join her.

“Coraline, are you completely sure about this?” Cynthia asked. “It’s not too late to back out you know. And I know that Josef will be relieved if you change your plans; he thinks it’s a terrible idea.”

“Yeah, yeah,” the bride-to-be muttered. “I know Josef means well, but he doesn’t know Mick like I do. Mick is strong ... resilient ... he’ll be able to cope with the changes. Now help me get ready, will you please?”

The two women disappeared into the glass-walled house and went straight to Coraline’s bedroom. Cynthia immediately set about helping the bride prepare herself for her groom.

Two hours later, there was a sharp rap on the bedroom door. Cynthia cracked the door open just enough to see that it was Josef, and then she opened the door wide and allowed him to enter the room.

“You look absolutely beautiful, Coraline,” Josef commented. “Although Mick just looks nervous,” he added with a smirk. “Anyone would think he’d never been married before.”

The bride ignored the verbal bait, rose gracefully from the bed and glided over to Josef with a serene smile on her beautiful face. He offered his arm and she accepted the gesture with a murmur of thanks. They walked through the house together, and then out into the garden and up the aisle to where Mick was shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot.

The ceremony was long and overtly religious, which was not Coraline’s preference, but she knew that it was important to Mick and that was all that mattered to her. The night simply had to be perfect.

Finally the truly important words were spoken: “It is my happy privilege to congratulate and introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Michael St John.”

Rice was thrown; boring speeches were made; Mick and Coraline made an impossibly beautiful couple as they danced the bridal waltz, watched by their elegant guests; copious amounts of the finest champagne flowed; and the sound of laughter rang through the garden until well after midnight.

Josef seized his chance when Mick finally left Coraline’s side just long enough to get them more champagne. He took her by the arm and guided her to the dance floor.

“It’s not too late to back out, Coraline. You don’t have to rush this process. It doesn’t have to be tonight,” Josef advised softly.

“Yes, Josef, it does have to be tonight. I can’t wait any longer for this,” the bride insisted.

“You’re making a big mistake.”

“I know what I’m doing.”

Oh, sure,” Josef said flatly.

The dance ended and Josef escorted the bride back to her bridegroom, and then went to amuse himself with a pretty blond who had been giving him the eye all night.

Eventually, after Mick and Coraline had thanked everyone for their good wishes, they collected their luggage and left their sleepy guests – plus a few die-hard revelers – behind at the house, and Mick drove them to the hotel.

When they arrived at their room, Mick insisted on carrying his bride her over the threshold. His gentlemanly ways were just one part of the many reasons Coraline loved him so much.

He looked at her beautiful face and said, “I’ll love you forever.”

“Forever?” Coraline echoed, as though the word was foreign to her.

“Yes,” Mick confirmed.

She took his hand and led him over to the bed.

“I have a very special surprise for you ... it’s the greatest wedding gift I have to give ... I can free you ...” Her voice trailed off as her eyes filled with tears.

“Hey, what’s all this?” Mick asked and pulled her close. “It’s our wedding night – you’re supposed to be happy!”

“I am Mick. I am happy. I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

Coraline snuggled against his hard physique and began to kiss his neck. Suddenly she vamped out and sank her fangs into his neck. After a few seconds, she pulled away and gazed down at her husband, lying on the bed with his eyes closed, barely breathing.

She reached under the numerous petticoats of her wedding gown until she felt the garter that held a small vial.

“My love,” she whispered.

Mick half-opened his eyes and smiled at her. She held up the vial and the red contents shimmered with a faint luminescence.

“I’ve finally done it, Mick. This is a permanent cure for vampirism. One hundred years to the day that I took your mortality away from you,” she pressed the vial into his hand, “I’m giving it back. It’s your choice now.”


Re: Picking Up the Pieces (Challenge fic #1) PG-13

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:32 am
by LaughtersMelody
This is absolutely brilliant. :teeth:

I read this a month or so ago when I first found this board, but I somehow forgot to save the link! :slaphead: I couldn't remember who had written it, so I've been searching for it since. I LOVE the twist. And, of course, as an enthusiastic Mick/Cora shipper, I love that they're getting married again, lol. The subtle hints you gave are fantastic, especially Josef's comment that, "You'd think he'd never been married before." :giggle:

It's so easy to imagine Coraline seeing this as the perfect, most fitting way to fix her original mistake. Her final words, "It's your choice now," are so poignant. I have to admit, though I am terribly curious about what would happen after that. How did Mick react? Did he take the cure? With that in mind, would you possibly consider continuing? *puppy dog eyes* :batseyes: Please? :pray:

I can see why you'd want to leave it there, but I couldn't resist asking, lol.

Incredible work! :clapping:


Re: Picking Up the Pieces (Challenge fic #1) PG-13

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:50 pm
by allegrita
Phee, I can't believe I never commented on this one here! :slaphead: I know I did elsewhere, long ago and far away. Thanks, Laughter, for popping this one up. :hug: I love the twist to this story... the parallels to that first wedding so long ago, and Coraline's insistence that tonight is the perfect night, despite what her friends say. I wonder what Mick will do...? :chin:

Re: Picking Up the Pieces (Challenge fic #1) PG-13

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:54 pm
by Lucy
Turnabout is FAIR PLAY!!!!

What a ravishing answer to the challenge!

Re: Picking Up the Pieces (Challenge fic #1) PG-13

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:27 am
by Phoenix
LaughtersMelody wrote:This is absolutely brilliant. :teeth:

I read this a month or so ago when I first found this board, but I somehow forgot to save the link! :slaphead: I couldn't remember who had written it, so I've been searching for it since. I LOVE the twist. And, of course, as an enthusiastic Mick/Cora shipper, I love that they're getting married again, lol. The subtle hints you gave are fantastic, especially Josef's comment that, "You'd think he'd never been married before." :giggle:

It's so easy to imagine Coraline seeing this as the perfect, most fitting way to fix her original mistake. Her final words, "It's your choice now," are so poignant. I have to admit, though I am terribly curious about what would happen after that. How did Mick react? Did he take the cure? With that in mind, would you possibly consider continuing? *puppy dog eyes* :batseyes: Please? :pray:

I can see why you'd want to leave it there, but I couldn't resist asking, lol.

Incredible work! :clapping:

Thank you so much, Laughter. (And nice to meet you.)

At the time I wrote this, I had half a mind to write a sequel, as I knew how Mick responded to his bride's gift. If and when I get my life back in control, I hope to return to the Moonlight fold, and return to writing for fun. I actually have a number of unfinished tales knocking around in my head, even now...

Thanks again. :friends:
allegrita wrote:Phee, I can't believe I never commented on this one here! :slaphead: I know I did elsewhere, long ago and far away. Thanks, Laughter, for popping this one up. :hug: I love the twist to this story... the parallels to that first wedding so long ago, and Coraline's insistence that tonight is the perfect night, despite what her friends say. I wonder what Mick will do...? :chin:
No problem, Alle. :smooch: You always commented on my work, whether publicly or privately (as you usually beta'd the stories, anyway!)
Lucy wrote:Turnabout is FAIR PLAY!!!!

What a ravishing answer to the challenge!
Thanks, Lucy. :flowers: