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The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:57 pm
by redwinter101
Title: The Fall of Man
Author: redwinter101
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Moonlight or any of its characters
Note: just a little snippet written for Champagne Challenge #120 - "Fall". Mick and Coraline meet.


--- The Fall of Man ---

"You wanna get wet?"

I knew it. I knew this was gonna happen, from the first moment I saw her here tonight.


Even her name sounds like sex in my mouth. And she wants me, maybe even as much as I want her.

"You don't even know my name."

"Do I need to?"


So she thinks she's got my number. But if she's chasing, and man she is chasing, she's gotta want it too.

"Maybe you should come to one of my real gigs."

"This was one of your real gigs." The protest dies in my throat as she turns. "Will you give me a hand?"

Sweet Jesus.

The little voice inside is screaming at me not to fumble with the zipper. Smooth and slow, Mick. Smooth and slow. This dress probably cost more than I make in a year and the sweet slide sounds like angelsong. I peel it away from her skin, my fingers hovering. All I want to do is take her, touch her, pull her to me but I know, somehow I know to let her lead.

Because that's it. She's not a girl. Not a sweetheart. Not a one-night stand. Not a lover, yet. But she's all woman.

Even without touching I know her skin feels like velvet. Without kissing, I know her mouth tastes like champagne and strawberries. Without making love, I know her body will fit to me like we were made for each other.

She doesn't care about her carefully set curls or the time taken over her make-up. She's under the water, down, rising again, smiling as she turns and swims for the far side of the pool, carving through the water, a roll of honeyed curves against the cool blue pool.

I think I might be out of my depth, in over my head, falling, drowning. But I don't care. The world could end right this very second and I wouldn't notice.

I strip and dive in after her, the lewd whispers of the guys ignored. Let them watch. Let them laugh. Let them envy.

Because we all know where this is gonna end.

She's mine and I'm hers.

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:05 pm
by allegrita
Oh. Wow. :thud:
I think I might be out of my depth, in over my head, falling, drowning. But I don't care. The world could end right this very second and I wouldn't notice.
And thus it begins, with all its passion and pain. He knew he was outclassed. And it didn't matter at all. Nothing else mattered, from the moment she looked over her shoulder at him, sparkler in hand. Fall of man, indeed.

Great title, and sublime storytelling, as usual.

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:11 pm
by jen
Beautifully written exposition of Mick's thoughts during that meeting. Entirely plausible.

Mick suspects he may be in over his head. If he only knew...

What was that old cliche--be careful what you wish for?


:flowers: :clover: :dracula: :gasp:

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:14 pm
by redwinter101
:smooch: Thank you, alle, sweetie. As for the title, well, just like Eve, Coraline always got a rough ride in the court of public opinion...

jen, hell yeah - but part of me thinks Mick wouldn't have been able to resist even if he had known what was coming.


Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:21 pm
by jen
If Coraline had given Mick the choice of willingly joining her in eternity, he may well have joined her. As the saying goes, Mick was not thinking with his big head at the time.

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:23 pm
by wpgrace
Oh I so agree... Mick didn't decide he didn't want what he got until he got it.
She was all sex and danger and he knew it... and he thought he could handle it... even the part about her leading. In fact he thought he wanted that.
Something new and different. Something that set himself apart from his gawking band mates...
Perhaps he didn't know himself as much as he thought he did back then.

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:31 pm
by redwinter101
wpgrace wrote:Oh I so agree... Mick didn't decide he didn't want what he got until he got it.
She was all sex and danger and he knew it... and he thought he could handle it... even the part about her leading. In fact he thought he wanted that.
Something new and different. Something that set himself apart from his gawking band mates...
Perhaps he didn't know himself as much as he thought he did back then.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


You could see it in his face - here's my chance to change my life. :Mickangel:


Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:09 pm
by allegrita
Welllll.... he sure got THAT wish. :gasp:

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:13 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
Absolutely perfect title for this one, red (as always!!). Another insightful piece from you.You capture, in these few lines, Mick's utter infatuation. He thinks this thing with her is going to start when he dives in... what he doesn't know is that it already has.

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:14 pm
by redwinter101
allegrita wrote:Welllll.... he sure got THAT wish. :gasp:
Didn't he just. I wanna go back, shout at him to run.. for all the good it would do. But then again, some things were meant to be, because without meeting Coraline, well, it would have been a whole different story. I actually think without something cataclysmic happening to Mick in 1952, he'd have drifted, washed up in Atlantic City maybe, trying to make a go of music but never amounting to much. He needed something to happen to him - just not something so destructive.

Luxe, :smooch: thank you. Yep - already too late to turn back. Waaaaaay too late.


Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:36 pm
by wpgrace
redwinter101 wrote:He needed something to happen to him - just not something so destructive.
Hmmm... Sophia, meaning Dr. Jordan in 3R, said to Dr. Andy one time, "sometimes you have to rip something apart in order to put it back together again." Kinda applies here, ironically, huh?

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:51 pm
by darkstarrising
ooooh red, this is perfect :rose:

A moment in time captured, Mick's desire expressed so sensually
Even without touching I know her skin feels like velvet. Without kissing, I know her mouth tastes like champagne and strawberries. Without making love, I know her body will fit to me like we were made for each other.
and this, so true, for the moment and for the years to come
I think I might be out of my depth, in over my head, falling, drowning. But I don't care. The world could end right this very second and I wouldn't notice.
and for now
Because we all know where this is gonna end.
If only he had....

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:36 pm
by redwinter101
Grace, oy - only if you like your irony of the very, very dark and bitter kind. :Mickangel:

dsr, thank you. As I said above, I really think there was an inevitability about what happened between Mick and Coraline - right from the very first moment, the die was cast. Les jeux sont faits and all that jazz...


Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:07 pm
by cassysj
redwinter101 wrote:

"Maybe you should come to one of my real gigs."

"This was one of your real gigs." The protest dies in my throat as she turns. "Will you give me a hand?"
I always thought this line was a little harsh on the show but it showcased Coraline perfectly. She wasn't like other women.

I imagine Mick was used to two kinds of women at this point in his life. The first kind that would fall for a struggling musicians line or the kind of woman that would tell him to get a real job and Coraline didn't fit either mold.

He fell head over heels (or heels over head :snicker: )

Coraline literally changed his life. Mick might never have developed focus in his life or a strong moral compass if he did not get immortality.

Re: The Fall of Man - challenge #120 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:15 pm
by librarian_7
I was thinking more, from the moment that zipper slid down, jacta alea est!

Mick, taking the chance, taking the plunge. And he should have known, you never dive into water when you can't see the bottom. You can get hurt that way.

Very lovely look inside human Mick's head, as he takes that first step on the path to becoming the Mick we love.
