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La Posada --Chapter 7 --PG-13

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:26 pm
by librarian_7
Disclaimer: I don't own Josef. He thinks he owns freshie Lucky, but I do.

La Posada

Chapter 7

Lucky had been staring into the fire in the adobe fireplace for hours, she thought, then suddenly looked up to find Josef framed in the night backdrop of the patio doorway. He had appeared, soundlessly, his black slacks and dark striped shirt as pristine as though he had just stepped out of his dressing room and not off a mountain trail.

She rose, the soft folds of her ruana falling from her shoulders to pool on her chair. “Josef,” she said, her eyes shining. “You came.”

“Tell me why I’m here, Lucky,” he said, his tone deceptively gentle. He looked her up and down, noting that she seemed thinner, that her emerald satin nightgown fell a little looser than he preferred. “This is breaking at least seven rules—most of which I established.”

“I—I was afraid, Josef.”

He closed the distance between them slowly, nostrils flaring to drink in her scent, his face darkening with anger. He surprised himself with the vehemence of his response, but couldn’t seem to quell the sudden rage inside. “A mortal, Lucky?” he asked, lips thinning. “Don’t deny it, I can smell him on you.”

She shook her head, biting her lip.

“Do I need to kill this guy? Or just maim him a little?”

“Take a deep breath, Josef. He’s never been in this room.”

“And his room would be--where?”

“I don’t know. And you can tell if I’m lying about that, can’t you?”

Josef closed his eyes, inhaling, and Lucky watched him silently. “When I said that you belong to me, Lucky, it wasn’t conditional.” He paused, regarding her intently. “So tell me what happened.”

“I was tempted,” she said. “He asked me some hard questions, but—Josef, if you know that, you know that—nothing—“

“I know.”

Lucky felt a rare flash of anger. “Although I don’t know why you should care if it had.” She was breathing heavily, eyes blazing. “It’s not as though we’re—we’re sleeping together.”

She wouldn’t have thought he could grow paler, but he did, eyes flashing silver as his vampire nature emerged in a rush. He seized her roughly, and before she could comprehend what was happening, she was on the bed, the hard length of his body above her, half-crushing her into the mattress. She had not resisted, but he caught her wrists in one large hand and stretched her arms painfully above her head. He snarled and ground his pelvis against her, not once but several times. His other hand was poised at the neckline of her nightgown, ready to rip it from her.

“Is this what you wanted, Lucky? You want me to fuck you? My fangs inside you aren’t enough?”

He put his face close to hers, feeling his canines pushing out, feeling the raw emotion radiating from her. His entire body was screaming to do just what he had said, to take her as thoroughly as he could. He moved against her again, thrusting, fighting the barriers of their clothing, a savage joy in the harsh sensations of his actions.

“Is this what you want?’ he asked again.

She caught her breath in a sob and turned her face away, for the first time not to give him her throat, although the motion was so like her usual willing offer to him that it gave him pause. Even now, though, he could sense no resistance in her. The body splayed beneath him was warm, tense, exciting his desires. He moved again above her, the heat of the contact, even through his clothes, the smooth liquid slide against the satin she wore, the satin of her skin, dangerously close to breaking through his control. But already, the motion was changing, becoming less a punishment, less an expression of rage, more sensuous, more for the sheer physical pleasure of the pressure between them, like a promise of ecstasy to come.

He knew she had wanted this, had wanted him, for a long time, and he had carefully, enjoyably built the anticipation step by step. Perhaps he had focused on his own anticipation, selfishly ignoring what it was doing to her. And now, tonight, he had come from Los Angeles to this remote corner of Colorado at her tearful request. He had made this journey—had he not known the destination was exactly here? Not a place, but a woman? And more than that, a woman open beneath him? This woman?

Josef put his head down, forehead resting at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He squeezed his eyes shut, forcing his anger away. Lucky was trembling under him, and he was suddenly sickened by his behavior. Slowly he loosened his grasp on her wrists and moved to lie beside her. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d cringed away from him. Or blamed her if she did. When instead she turned to bury her face against his shoulder, his arms encircled her naturally, and he felt a deep, unaccustomed shame rising. He rested his chin against the top of her head, listening as her heartbeat steadied. He didn’t understand it, he never understood it.

“I’m sorry, Lucky, I’m sorry.” He spoke softly, and began moving his hands in slow, soft circles over her back, soothing, calming—although he thought it might be as much for his benefit as hers.

Lucky pressed her face tighter to his cool, still chest. “Why?” she said, her voice muffled against him. “You were right.”

He put a hand up to her face, and gently urged her to look up at him. “And what then, babe? If I made love to you tonight, what then?”

“What do you mean?”

“It would change things. You know that. Would you expect to be my girlfriend? Or still just one of my freshies, with—extra duties?”

Lucky didn’t answer at once, and when she spoke, there was something in her voice he couldn’t quite identify. It might have been resignation, or an admission of defeat. Either way, it touched a place in him he wasn’t ready to acknowledge. “If you wanted me to be your lover, it already would have happened. I know that.”

“Do you think I should turn you? Is that what you want?”

He thought he’d never seen her eyes so large. “Josef, if I were turned, could I still feed you?”

He frowned, not displeased, but curious. “No. It doesn’t work that way.”

“Then I think you know my answer to that question.”

“You’d turn down immortality? Just to be able to give me your blood?”

Lucky smiled, slowly. “Yes, Josef, that’s right.”

He looked at her, torn between relief at not being asked to attempt a turning, and the sense he had of being unworthy of such devotion. He bent his head down to kiss her, his cool lips meeting her warm mouth. She brought her hands up to cup his face, trying to pour all her passion, all her life, into this contact, sighing as he accepted it, their bodies pressed together in a long, perfect line. A sweet eternity passed, and Lucky thought that this moment, this kiss, was all the immortality she would ever need.

When at last their mouths parted, Josef, who was accustomed to doing exactly as he pleased, moved slightly to lie on his back, which was not what he wanted to do. Keeping an arm closely around Lucky, he put his other hand up under his head, and crossed his ankles comfortably, staring at the ceiling. For perhaps half an hour, neither spoke, neither moved. Lucky was almost holding her breath, afraid to break the spell of the moment.

Eventually, when Josef managed to gather his thoughts, and spoke, his words were uncharacteristically tentative. “Lucky?” he asked, “This human—does he—do you--?”

Lucky moved a little closer. “He offered me a life that you can’t. At least I think that’s what he was offering. I wasn’t sure, Josef. I had to see you again. I needed to feel your touch.”

“And I came in like Prince Charming, and frightened and hurt you. Crap.” If he stared more intently at the ceiling, Lucky thought, the beams would crack from the sheer force of his gaze.

“You came in and showed me that what I do makes a difference to you. That you cared.”


“I know, Josef. We don’t talk about it, we don’t say the words.”

His arm tightened around her. “Let me tell you this, Luck. I have rules, and several of them involve not getting romantic with freshies. I take this gift you—and the others—give me so freely. Should I make you my whores as well? There has to be a line.”

“Sometimes, Josef,” Lucky said carefully, “you show your age. If we give more to you than blood, and give it willingly, it isn’t whoring. It’s not as though you seduce us with false promises.”

His mouth twitched. “Maybe not. But I do seduce you, nonetheless.”

Silence again for a time, then Lucky asked softly, “Josef?”


“That ruby chain you sent? I wear it. Always.”

“I knew you would.”

Lucky swallowed. “Do you think—do you think you’ll ever want to see it?”

Josef had to smile at the gently oblique quality of her query. “In my considered opinion,” he said, “I’d say it was almost inevitable. Sooner or later.”

“I can wait.” She shivered a little, and he reached across her to pull a blanket over her.


“Yes, thank you.”

It might have been almost an hour later when Josef sighed to himself, and raised his head to look down at her. “Pleasant as this is, doll, I’ve got a long way to go before dawn. And a stop or two to make before I leave the grounds.”

Lucky made a sleepy, protesting noise, and wriggled against him. “Couldn’t you stay?”

“You know I can’t, babe. Tempting as the prospect is.”

She sighed. “I know.” There was a pause, and she said, “It meant a lot, though, Josef, for you to come here.”

“We’re supposed to take care of each other, Lucky.” Josef sat up, and Lucky propped herself on one elbow.

“Do you need a drink before you go? I’m a lot healthier now, I’m sure of it.”

He reached out and stroked her jawline. “And leave you with a set of fresh fang marks to explain? Very sweet of you, but no. I’m good.” He stood, turned to go.

Lucky sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees. “Wait—“

“I have to go, sweetheart.”

“Can’t I come home? This place—it’s a bad place for me, Josef.”

The vampire sighed and sat down again on the edge of the bed. “I want you home, believe me,” he said with a quick raise of his eyebrows. “But it’s not time yet. Can you hang on another week? Maybe two?”


“It’s hard to explain, babe, but just keep your eyes open, okay?”

Lucky didn’t understand, but nodded. “I—I guess I can do it.”

“That’s my girl. And, Lucky?”

“Yes, Josef?”

He favored her with a slow smile. “Keep teasing me. I like it. Makes me feel—alive.”

Re: La Posada --Chapter 7 --PG-13

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:06 am
by maggatha3
Some of the many faces of Josef Konstan, all of them so very attractive! :flowers:

Re: La Posada --Chapter 7 --PG-13

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:24 am
by darkstarrising
What I love about this chapter is just how many dimensions of Josef you provide.

He cares for Lucky, coming to La Posada at her tearful request, but once there, jealousy rears its head when he detects the scent of a human on her:
“Do I need to kill this guy? Or just maim him a little?”

“Take a deep breath, Josef. He’s never been in this room.”

“And his room would be--where?”

“I don’t know. And you can tell if I’m lying about that, can’t you?”

Josef closed his eyes, inhaling, and Lucky watched him silently. “When I said that you belong to me, Lucky, it wasn’t conditional.”
The conversation that follows is fascinating; Lucky wants Josef, but he draws the line at romantic relationships with his freshies, feeling they'd feel used. Lucky counters with arguments that have Josef perplexed, but gradually he sees the logic in them. Lucky is content to provide her blood, and more, if desired, but if turning means the loss of that ability, she' rather stay human. In the end, Josef comes to realize just how much Lucky loves him and is devoted to him, even as she points out:
We don’t talk about it, we don’t say the words.
But why does Josef tell Lucky to be careful during the remainder of her stay? Off to find out!!