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Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:23 pm
by redwinter101
As promised, with thanks to the fabulous HotMicks, we have a new game to celebrate the airing of Moonlight on the CW. Each Thursday we'll post a set of bingo cards here. Collect one (or more - they are all numbered) and cross off the scenes/shots as they appear in the episode.

The first person to post BINGO!! here in this thread is the winner (remember to tell us which card you've been playing). Very simple - and hopefully lots of fun. I do hope you'll join in.

Some of the pics are a little tricky so you'll need to pay close attention.

Here are this week's cards:

Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Card 4

Card 5

Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:22 pm
by HotMicks
Well, I guess I'll get cracking on the episode three cards... :rolling: (so far, I've only completed NSTAV, OOTP and TMC card sets). Easy enough, though. Thanks for utilizing, Red, although I'm actually more intrigued by your scavenger hunt in the other thread, because it allows for common situations that might appear in many episodes and I'm curious to see how many people and how many episodes)... Shall be playing both!

ALSO - if you haven't yet mastered the art of copying images to your hard drive/jump drive, and would find it easier to save and print these cards (both Red's and mine) to play on paper, here is the VERY easy way to do so:

Move your mouse pointer over the image (the bingo/scavenger card image in Red's posts) and 1) PC: right-click on the image and select "save as" or "save image as" or something like that... not a PC person in years) or 2) MAC: CONTROL-click (simultaneously press the CONTROL key and mouse button) on the image and select "save image as"). You will get a dialog box allowing you to rename the file and select where to save it on your hard drive/jump drive. It's that easy (and BONUS: you can use this same trick to save your favorite pics of Mick/Josef/Coraline/Beth/Alex/Jason/Shannon/Sophia in any of the other threads on this board).

AND ONE LAST GAME NOTE: I'm assuming since this is airing only in US (not sure about Canada), we'll be doing it in our own time zones (ie, at least East/West coast time zones) and the int'l folks will just play along with whatever works for you all. Thus, I am assuming we will end up with multiple "winners." So, I will be watching to see who wins on the East Coast, because we will be playing later than them. However, it would be good for everyone to pick a card prior to the East Coast airing, so that no one "cheats" by selecting the winning card after seeing which card won the East Coast version. Yes, I know how clever you all are :snicker: , so I'm just puttin' it out there to save the "answer bitch" from having to field the question later.

And yes, just so you know, I have NO IDEA which card wins, so I will be playing along. I created these a couple of years ago and I don't remember even paying attention then to which card would be the winner. I was more worried about finding enough images/elements to be able to create enough cards to make it interesting and challenging. I think I will play the "free Beth" card, since one of the main themes of this episode is her captivity as a child :chin: .

Anyway, I hope folks enjoy a new wrinkle on our old obsession! LLML!

Finally, I'm interested in knowing if any of you fanatics know the show SO WELL, that you can look at these cards and pick the winner without even watching the show. After all, this is just for fun and so I don't really care who actually wins when we play, and I am SUPER CURIOUS about that (I am often astounded at some of the comments in the pic threads, etc. that reveal how well people know the scenes/episodes). Anyway, if you can do this, I will personally crown you SUPER BINGO CHAMPION! :clapping: (but again, please don't post this info until after we've all played the game so as to avoid revealing the winning card - I'll take your word for it that you were able to do it!)

Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:40 pm
by redwinter101
:smooch: for HotMicks - again for producing the beautiful cards and allowing us to use them, and also for the instructions on how to save/print.

The idea of everyone picking a card before 9pm EST is delightful - but we won't make it compulsory. However, it would be SO lovely if some of you who are intending to join in would pick a card and post your choice, just to help us all get in the mood.

Re the scavenger cards, I shall be playing along as I have NO idea which card will win first!


Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:11 am
by redwinter101
Any East Coast players manage to get a full set?

If not, we're counting on you West Coast ladies!!!


Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:33 am
by HotMicks
I'm one away - this is hard to keep up with! :snicker:

Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:39 am
by HotMicks


Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:54 am
by redwinter101
Woot!!!! Well done, honey. :smooch:

I'm going to play next week - I hadn't been able to get to a printer this week and I think it's just too hard to do on screen.


Re: Moonlight picture bingo: NSTAV - collect your cards here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:21 pm
by Tam
Timezones suck to the suckmost :(
But I am in total awe of the cards, even if I was too late to play!! Very cool :)