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Driver's License 2003 (PG-13)Forgiveness series

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:19 pm
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Here is another one-shot from my series where Sarah woke up and she and Charles have resumed an unlife with her mother Anne.

Sarah and Anne were watching television when they heard Charles slam the front door.

He came storming into the living room.

“What is wrong with you slamming doors? Anne said. “We don’t live in a barn.”

Charles was trying to keep his temper under control while he spoke to his mother-in-law.

“I’m sorry Anne but I am furious and we may have to leave the United States”

“Charles what happened?” Sarah asked.

“They turned down my religious exemption for my driver’s license.”

“Religious exemption?” Anne asked.

“Yes, to avoid having a photo on my license I’ve declared religious exemption for years.”

“What religion are you Charles?”

“Anne, that doesn’t matter. I’ve claimed to be an Orthodox Molkan because they believe photos are graven images.”

“Are you?”

“No, but it was a way to avoid my photo in the system. Now I either have to leave the country or give up driving.”

“Charles, settle down.” Sarah said. “We knew this was coming after September 11th.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want the government to have my picture.”

Sarah shook her head. “I don’t think we can avoid it. Just get the license and keep a low profile.”

“What happens when I need to renew? Eventually face recognition software will catch up and I’ll be identified.”

“Maybe you can stall for a while Charles. Anne said. “Your next license could be in Nevada or Arizona. It will take a while before all fifty states are linked together.”

Charles sighed. “This could be the beginning of the end for us.”

“Why? Sarah asked. “Thank heavens for digital photography or we’d really have a problem.”

“If face recognition becomes the norm vampires may have to choose to reveal themselves as a species.”

“Would that be so bad? We wouldn’t have to hide and with everything out in the open….”

“Sarah, you’ve never been chased by a torch bearing mob. You have no idea what humans are like. No offense Anne.”

“None taken.”

Charles was frustrated, his women did not understand. “Sarah, I am seriously considering relocation. Is dinner ready?”

“Sunshine is waiting for you.” Sarah said.

“Sunshine what kind of idiotic freshie name is that?”

“It’s her real name Charles.” Anne said. “There is no reason for you to be so rude.”

Charles bit his tongue. He adored his mother-in-law and you never argue with a woman who has a silver hairbrush. He had the good fortune of never being on the receiving end of it and he planned to keep that record.

“You’re right Anne. We can’t help what people name their children. I’ll go upstairs and have some sunshine.”

Charles came down later and noticed Anne was not in the living room.

“Where’s your mother?” he asked

“Waiting in your study. You’re in trouble.” Sarah singsonged.

“What does she want?”

Sarah smiled. “I don’t know but you’re in trouble.”

Charles went to his study and was surprised to see Anne sitting there holding a paperback.

“What can I do for you Anne?”

“Charles I know you’re upset and you’ve faced a lot of danger in your life. Have you ever read this novel?

Charles looked at the book “Dead Until Dark? No, is that a vampire story?”

“Yes, but with a twist. The vampires have come out of the coffin and everything is okay. Well not perfectly okay, they are fighting for their rights but they are recognized.”

“Anne that’s fiction.”

“Yes, but human beings write fiction. If a person could write a book about vampires being accepted maybe people are getting closer to that happening.”

“I don’t think in my lifetime Anne.”

Anne shrugged. “Your lifetime is long Charles. Did you ever think man would fly or go to the moon? Did you ever think all information would be on the internet? Maybe you’re right and its all doom and gloom ahead but maybe there’s a safe new world for vampires. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing that you’ll be in the system.

“You’re being naïve. Humans are not that understanding.”

“I was.”

“You got your daughter back. That made all the difference.”

“I don’t know. I think you should read this book and think maybe in thirty or forty years it could be real.”

“I’ll read it because you ask but I don’t hold out much hope.” Charles said.

“Fair enough but don’t ever come in this house slamming doors and insulting freshies or you’ll regret it Young Man. Do I make myself clear?”

Charles held the ninety year old Anne tightly. “I promise you I will always be a perfect gentleman in your home.”

“That’s my boy.”

Re: Driver's License 2003 (PG-13)Forgiveness series

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:35 pm
by AggieVamp
awww.. :heart: I LOVE this alternate universe...and LOVE Anne! And the digital era is a benefit and a distraction/detriment in different ways for the vampire nation..


Re: Driver's License 2003 (PG-13)Forgiveness series

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:46 pm
by francis
I love Anne. In Germany you don't need a picture for a driver's license. But you need one for your ID and passport. And you can't use the drivers license for ID.
I guess digital is an improvement in some regards, but in others - not so much.
And I agree that the whole security thing is intruding and doesn't help anyway.

Re: Driver's License 2003 (PG-13)Forgiveness series

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:40 pm
by cassysj
Aggie - If the vampires ever get their fangs on whoever invented digital technology.

francis - That's interesting about not needing them in Germany for the drivers license. They've been part of NY state licenses for at least 22 years (personal experience) but I know some states did not mandate until after 9/11. I can imagine the vampire nation is not happy with some of the new security measures.