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NEW DAY - Chapter 2 - PG-13

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:30 am
by Penina Spinka
Thank you for looking at my revised version of NEW DAY. Josef and Mick are part of Moonlight and I don't own them. The OCs, Francis Radu and Sam, are mine. Any reviews, comments or suggestions to improve the story are valued. Maybe, if WB gives permission, who knows?

New Day (2054 words)

Chapter 2 (PG-13)

The waitress poured their coffees. While they waited for food to arrive, Francis answered Sam’s last question. “We thought the walls of Babylon would protect us from anything, but the Persian tribes knew war. They had up-to-date war machines like maneuverable chariots and battering rams. Eventually, the Babylonians grew soft, relying more and more on their walls. That happened later, of course. When it did, the Persians took over with hardly a battle. Fortunately, you and I were out of there by then.”

“I thought you said the Persians were barbarians three thousand years ago,” Sam said.

“We were Babylonians. We thought we were the only civilized country in existence except for Egypt, and we weren’t that sure about them. They worshipped cow goddesses and ram gods.” Their waitress sent a large glass of orange juice in front of Sam. Then his eggs and potatoes arrived, and Francis’s pancakes.

“Ah yes, I remember, -- Hathor and Amun, weren’t they?” Francis lifted an eyebrow. “I read you know. I’ve always had an interest in ancient history. Now, I can guess why.” Sam noticed other breakfasters giving them sidelong glances and tried to recall what they had said. It must have been Francis’s words, ‘We were Babylonians.’ “So your novel is told in first person?” he asked. The eavesdroppers looked away.

“That’s right. I was your Radu and you were my Serali. Serali actually means ‘my princess’ in Sumerian.”

Sam’s throat constricted and he swallowed dryly. “Are you saying I was a woman?” He kept his voice to a whisper. The other diners would have taken too much interest in their conversation if he’d spoken louder.

Francis gave him a hungry smile, the points of his fangs just showing. “Very much so – you were a priestess to Ishtar, the Divine Mother. At the time of the story, Serali had breasts like small melons, a waist to bring a lover to his knees, and hips to drive a man insane with lust for her, even a thousand year old vampire.” His voice was so soft, the last part could not be heard at all, but Sam could pick up his thoughts without hearing them. “I did all I could to make your, I mean Serali’s, dedication as a new priestess as pleasant as possible.”

“No doubt you did,” Sam said. He swallowed, wondering why the room suddenly felt so much warmer. Describe Radu for me.” This was unnecessary since Radu was sitting across the table from him. He wanted to hear him do it.

Francis launched into a description of himself as he was 3000 years ago. “Radu was olive-complected with dark brown eyes. His hair and beard appeared crimped as you’ve probably seen in history books, but his curls were natural.” Francis raked his fingers through his thick curls. “He wore a beard as did all men in that time and place.” He rubbed his smooth cheeks and chin with his right hand, but even recently shaved, the shadow of his beard was thick and dark.

“Not that he was Babylonian, but he came from similar stock. Much of the world we knew at the time was Semitic. The empire didn’t touch Africa. All we knew about it was Egypt. Dark-skinned people were a rarity and hardly ever seen by us. The far northern climes and Eastern Asia might as well have been different worlds, like the Western Hemisphere. You were probably in one of those places the times I couldn’t find you.

“As far as we in Babylon knew, we were the highest civilization of our time. We had written laws. It was a new thing that did not catch on for many more centuries in the rest of the known world. Radu sensed he would find his brother there in his next life so he made a life for himself in Babylonia to look around. As the king’s physician, he was free to go where he wanted. He was better looking than average. He stood just above five and a half feet in today’s measurements - tall for then, and his age gave him dignity.”

“He was a good-looking dude,” Sam said; chin resting on his knuckles, as he looked Francis up and down.

“His brother is better looking,” Francis responded, “but he was not bad. Back to my story. Since Radu died when he was 33, it was how he appeared. He became physician to the royal family when the king was 20 and newly installed. King Marduk trusted him. That was an unusual thing in those days since kings usually trusted no one. Babylonians considered Physician Radu a magus - a wise man. Those who knew him often sought him out for advice on all matters, not only their health.

“He was third highest in the palace, not counting the high priests and priestesses. He had status enough to claim any virgin dedicating herself to Ishtar unless the king or the prime minister requested her first. Radu had been keeping track of Serali since he found her when she was four. He knew she was the reincarnation of his brother the first time he laid eyes on her. He kept the girl from the courts’ notice as much as possible while he watched her grow up, because he had made up his mind to be her first lover.”

Sam froze, his fork halfway to his mouth. “What?”

“Your eggs will get cold, Sam. Eat,” Francis advised. He beckoned their waitress and when she came to them, asked her to warm up his pancakes.

Sam closed his lips around a forkful of egg and potatoes. “I wish I could go back in time and meet Serali for myself. She must have been something special to affect you that way. I wonder if I could have taken her away from Radu.” Francis looked at him oddly. Sam smirked, to tell him he was joking.

“That would have been interesting indeed, but somewhat difficult to do, my brother, aside from the fact that time machines have not been invented yet. Especially since at the time, your soul resided in Serali. I guarantee you knew her even before Radu did.” He barely moved his lips, but Sam caught his thoughts as well as his words. No one was more innocently seductive. She had only to smile at a man and he would have given up all the owned."

Sam cleared his throat and made an effort to sound cool and professional. “Surely, she would not have tempted men she did not care for. I hope she had integrity.”

“She did, but as one of Ishtar’s priestesses, she coupled with men who could pay Ishtar’s temple for the privilege of having her for a night. She didn’t have to care for them. She did it for Ishtar.”

Sam lowered his face to hide the blush of his cheeks. “She was a prostitute?”

“She was a priestess. It was an honored profession. Priestesses were honored above most women because they served the most honored Goddess, Ishtar, who gives fertility to humans and all other life.”

Sam licked his lips. “If you say so. In any case, if we put that scene in it, I don’t know if this is going to be a PG-13 movie. If you expect me to sell your story to a Hollywood agent, I need you to set the scene for me - the city, the times. Give me more of their background. How did Serali and Radu first meet?” He did his best to look like an interested agent, while he waited for Francis to speak.

“He cured her of a cough and a sore throat when she was four. That was not very exciting, but she loved to crawl into his lap and let him tell her stories. Radu appreciated that. She was a lively little girl and she loved to listen to stories. Her mother invited the court physician to visit even when Serali returned to health. Eat your breakfast and allow my words to paint the picture of their first encounter as lovers. She was older then, of course. Radu would never take blood from a child. During the course of the story, I will tell you how they met Mick and Josef as they were in their former lifetimes. We met them before the barbarians attacked the City.”

Sam nodded that he was prepared to listen. He took a big bite of his egg and potatoes and a bite of his rye toast.

# #

“The Babylonians built artificial mountains on the plains of their city between the two rivers – the Tigris and the Euphrates. They erected their ziggurats to honor the main Gods of the City, Anu of Heaven, Marduk of War, and Ishtar, the Divine Mother. Ishtar’s service began in Nineveh and spread to Babylon where she was loved well. The other two mountains were built in steps, each level painted a different color.

“They were quite spectacular, but Ishtar’s mountain was more natural looking with ramps rather than steps. Since she presided over fertility and life, hers was the most beauteous ziggurat of all. It was like a garden of earthly delights. It was fed with water pumped in from the Euphrates. Artificial streams and waterfalls flowed and streamed between the levels and one would walk, rather than climb, on zigzagged walkways from the base to the summit. Large clay pots held date palms, and even citrus and pomegranate trees. Roses, lilies and night-blooming jasmine were cultivated for their beauty and perfume, to entice worshipers to honor the Goddess.

“When a Babylonian girl became a woman, she went to the Mountain of Ishtar. The initiated taught the maidens the proper rites and words to speak to honor Ishtar. They were taught how to receive a man. Sexual intercourse was how they honored the Goddess and raised money for the temple.

“The priestesses were the most honored women in the city. Serali was the second daughter of a royal family, and niece to the high king. She was not high enough in the royal bloodline to be used politically, so her parents decided on a priestess’s life for her, to begin when she was sixteen. They hoped she would rise within the holy hierarchy and become a power in the city. Her beauty and disposition promised to take Serali far. She was intelligent, recalling all she was taught. Still, on that night, she was alone as any maiden could be, nervous and frightened that the one who claimed her might think only of his lusts and not be kind. She clung to her idea of Ishtar; and that she was giving up her virginity for Her. Even so, a maiden’s first encounter belonged to the man who bid highest for her.

“It was dusk when Radu began his climb up the path of the ziggurat. Slaves had lit slow-burning fires to break the descending darkness with spots of flame. It was the dark of the new moon. Only stars stretched over each divan where the maidens awaited their fate. Jasmine perfumed the air. A few extra coins placed in the right hands assured Radu of Serali’s location. With his night-piercing eyes, he found her quickly.

“Serali’s heart sped up when he stepped into her circle of light. He said her name. “Radu? Is that you?” she asked. When he replied in the affirmative, she smiled with relief.

“With his enhanced senses, Radu heard her pulse quicken and grinned to know she was pleased that he had come to her. “Yes. I wanted to learn how you were faring on this night of all nights, your first act of worship to the Divine Mother.

“Won’t you stay with me and introduce me into the delights of the Goddess? I’ve heard so much about the pleasures Ishtar gives to her worshippers.” Serali’s words were according to the script priestesses were taught. Radu responded properly, having learned the proscribed words and having waited for this night for many years.

Radu took a seat beside Serali on her couch. “How can I resist such a sweet invitation?” He took her face between his hands and brought their lips together.

# #

Sam couldn’t hold back a hoarse comment. “What a way to worship! I wish I could remember it. The story seems so vivid. Was it good, that first time between Serali and you on Ishtar’s mountain?”

Francis made a chiding sound with his tongue. “What do you think?”

The waitress came back to their table with Francis’s pancakes and set them before him. As soon as she was gone, Francis slid the plate over to Sam and set the syrup beside it. “Maple memories in the blood.” He tilted his head and gazed meaningfully at his companion. “I’m hoping for another sweet invitation.”

“Hmm,” Sam said. He swallowed his forkful of dripping pancake and licked the syrup off his lips. He gave Francis a slow smile.

Re: NEW DAY - Chapter 2

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:38 am
by AggieVamp
Penina -

This is so interesting & unusual. I am looking forward to the next chapter!

Re: NEW DAY - Chapter 2 - PG-13

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:46 pm
by Penina Spinka
Thank you for commenting, Karen. I am glad you like it. I'll submit the next chapter in a few days. Penina