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Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:10 am
by JosefsRose
Hey all, written for the first line challenge.

"Josef...wait, what?" Mick's expression flashed to incredulous disbelief as the words Josef had just spoken finally registered.
Donated by Emerald

Rating -G
Disclaimer, I don't own then I just play with them.

Hard Truths

"Josef...wait, what?" Mick's expression flashed to incredulous disbelief as the words Josef had just spoken finally registered.

“I’m sorry Mick but it’s true.” Josef was stood looking out of the window, not wanting to look at his best friend. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to tell you.”

“So what you’re going to drop that bombshell and just leave. Typical. So you.” He stalked across the room to the bar and poured himself a very large scotch. He downed it in one and then poured another. Turning he stared at Josef’s back. He shook his head, his hair flicking from left to right as he did so.

“Hey, if I had had my way you’d have never known, and wouldn’t have to suffer your indignant behaviour. I’m just the messenger this time, so don’t go railing off on me. Find the object of that anger and take it out on them.” Now he faced him, his own anger held tightly in check. Taking a deep unneeded breath he strode towards the door. “You know Mick. I respect you, like you said you’re the only one of my friends who’s not there because of the money. But if you do what I think you’ll do. I think that it may have been misplaced.” Then he left, the door closing silently behind him.

It was Mick’s turn to look out of the window. He really wasn’t sure how to take what Josef had just told him. His first instinct was to go and find her. To ask why? How?, but he fought it, he let his logical mind work it out. A smile turned up his mouth and he started to laugh. It was deep and hearty, but is turned a little maniacal. Shortly he stopped, and then other emotions set in. His entire life had been a lie, and he started to cry, great sobs that shook him to the core. Then it dawned on him, he was free. Suddenly he felt as if a great weight had lifted off of him. At vamp speed he grabbed his keys and headed out, he had a few things to do and one of those was apologising to Josef. He hadn’t been that polite to him and he had left in a mood. He leapt the stairs and dropped to the parking garage. Heading to his car. As it came into view he stopped dead, there leaning against his car was Josef. He raised his eyebrows and smirked.

“Well I wondered just how long you would take. So what was the plan, go over there and deal with the problem. Raze her house to the ground.” He pushed off the car.

“No.” Mick just smiled. “I was actually on my way to see you.” Josef’s face fell, he was surprised at that. “I thought it through Josef, and I wanted to say sorry. I was shocked at that revelation you dropped on me.” Mick took a step closer, “So what do you say we go get a drink, and oh I don’t know say talk about old times.” There was a glint of mischief in his eye. Something Josef hadn’t seen for the longest time.

“Well, I should be offend, but I’m surprised. I really thought you’d go off half cocked and do something stupid.” He moved to put an arm around Mick’s shoulder. “Tell you what I’ll even buy the first round, what say you?” He was grinning. Mick gave him an answering grin.

“Your car or mine?” but he was already headed towards Josef’s Ferrari. Climbing to the passenger seat Josef vaulted into the drivers seat. The two friends sped out of the parking garage and into the night. The sounds of childish laughter echoing through the night. The car screeched around corners, and rushed through intersections like they weren’t there. A short while later it pulled up outside of a club, and both men heard the pounding from within, the smiles solidly on their faces. In moments they were at the door and being admitted. The noise of the club was a pulsing beat. Heart beat upon heart beat. The room was filled with women and men, some chatting some dancing just sitting and resting.

“So what’s your poison Mick? Red or white?” he scanned the room and called over a couple of girls.

“Hmmm….. I will….. take the red.” With that he took the girl into his lap, and proceeded to feed. The girl sighed and moaned as he fed. The feeding only interrupted as Josef tapped him on the shoulder….

“It’s your answering service. He says it’s important.”

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:34 pm
by Lucy
DARN, are stringing us on....keeping us in high mystery (really well, too!)

This is going to have to go on..... NOW I need to know it all! :laugh:

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:02 pm
by francis
Hmmm. Did Josef just tell him that the divorce from Coraline is through? But this is around the time LeeJay was roaming the streets - I'm not sure the timeframe is right. Anyway, your writing is great, love the tension between the friends and how it's resolved.
And the visual - Mick shaking his locks, Mick jumping the stairs, Josef leaning on his ferrari - Love it!

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:51 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
ummm.... am not sure what's happened here. has josef maybe just told mick that coraline has taken a child?

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:32 am
by wollstonecraft61
Likewise, I'm confused. Did I miss something??? :chin:

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:55 am
by JosefsRose
Hey all,

Thank you so much for your feed back the muse thrives on it.

As for what happened, you know, I just don't know. My muse just tells me what to write so that is what I do. I have a feeling it's a sort of missing scene, the bit before Mick gets the call from Bobby. Don't think there is going to be any more of this it is a stand alone one shot.

Hugs to you all,

Jenny :rose:

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:29 pm
by cassysj
I did get the vibe that it was the scene just before Mick got the call from Bobby but I'm really curious as to what bombshell Mick and Josef were talking about.

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 12:41 am
by jen

This is great but we are all going to wrrry about what that missing scene is.

Great backstory!


:flowers: :flowers:

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:33 pm
by jen

Just back for a reread!

This is great!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:03 pm
by coco
Very intriguing. :chin:

Re: Hard Truths- challenge #114- G - rated

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:56 am
by cassysj
I always found this interesting I do wonder what Mick and Josef were talking about beforehand but I love rereading these old challenges