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What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:55 am
by Lilly
Well, Alex has something solid in the works, but what about Jason? :chin:

We know he's been auditioning -- a lot. And he mentioned comedies during the recent interview on VRO.

I don't know about all of you, but I've had my eye on the upcoming pilot summaries and casting calls for some time now. There were a couple of dramas that looked promising that have since been cast with other actors. :sigh:

Of what's left, there's are a couple of comedies that stand out in my mind....

First is The Pink House -- a half-hour pilot for NBC.

This was from SpoilerTV...

The Pink House - NBC Pilot - Plotline and Casting Call

John "FITZ" Fitzgerald and Rob "BERNIE" Burnett move to L.A. and rent a
house right on the beach, determined to find jobs they actually love
and make the most of their twenties...

["FITZ"] Mid to late 20s - Handsome, fit,
responsible, practical college grad struggling with his inner,
fun-loving guy. Fitz was supposed to make a life for himself in
Minneapolis but best friend Bernie persuaded him to move to Manhattan
Beach because this is the time in their lives when they‘re supposed to
take chances, and if they fail to act, they may lead ordinary lives.
Fitz has a practical streak, and even though he might question Bernie’s
bright ideas, Bernie is tough to resist, and in Fitz's mind, there is
something justifiably bold about pursuing your dreams in the face of
the worst economic crisis since the Depression...SERIES REGULAR

Mid to late 20s. Fun-loving, out-going, confident, and smart. Bernie is
attractive, or perhaps attractive in his own charming, charismatic way.
He enjoys his considerable powers of persuasion. Good things have a way
of falling into Bernie’s lap. Bernie leads his life according to the
Buick principle - aka - you spend all your time working towards some
goal, missing out on fun…then one day you step off the curb and bang,
get hit by a Buick. Buicks don't care about your plan. Also a college
grad, he is fully capable of doing whatever he puts his mind to, and
right now his mind is set on freedom and adventure and experiencing the
good life in Manhattan Beach, but it's equally important to Bernie that
his buddy Fitz is along for the bromantic ride. SERIES

I think Jason could play either of these roles. Bernie seems like the obvious choice, but the devil-may-care attitude may be a little too close to previous roles. He could mix it up a bit with a role like Fitz -- perhaps a bit closer to Charlie in Body Politic. :happysigh:


The second possibility is True Love - a comedy for CBS set in New York and following four friends looking for .... you guessed it.

Minka Kelly has already been cast in this, but the 2 male leads are still open, as far as I know. Not real sure about the premise here -- it sounds like it's been done -- but if execs happened to like the chemistry between Jason's Charlie and Minka's character Frankie in Body Politic last year, then there might be a possibility with this one.

I apologize for not having links for these. The plotlines and casting calls were available on SpoilerTV until just recently. Now I'm not finding them. :banghead:

So, Jason fans, any thoughts? Other possibilities?

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:52 am
by moonlight_vixen
Me? I'm not picky, as long as it's Jason! :laugh: But I do admit, the pilot for True Love sounds interesting for him...even though I don't watch comedies. I'm more of a drama girl myself.

How about making it a simple decision for us? JUST GIVE US JASON!!!!!!!!! :twothumbs:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:00 am
by darkstarrising

Either show would showcase his talents, but it would be fun to see him with a romantic interest in a comedy :hearts:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:07 am
by allegrita
Um... OK, I'm gonna be reeeeeeally shallow and vote for The Pink House, because I live right next-door (citywise) to Manhattan Beach. :teeth: But both shows actually show promise, in my opinion. I like the idea of Jason and Minka Kelly, too. :thumbs:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:10 am
by librarian_7
Yeah, if that happens, Alle, I am SOOO moving in with you. Got a spare bookcase?


Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:15 am
by allegrita
librarian_7 wrote:Yeah, if that happens, Alle, I am SOOO moving in with you. Got a spare bookcase?

Um... nope... but I'll buy you one. :thumbs: You like cats, right? :laugh:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:18 am
by Lilly
M_V - I haven't watched a sitcom in years, so I can relate.

Alle - I lean toward The Pink House too. And, dsr, I think there's plenty of room there, too, for budding romance and rivalry.

I, uh, didn't care for Minka Kelly's character in BP (or maybe it was just her ineffectual voiceovers) :blushing: , so I'm not sure about True Love.

Of course, it goes without saying, I would watch him in ANYTHING.

Especially from Alle's back porch with binoculars. :teeth:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:20 am
by allegrita
You can room with Lucky, sweetie!

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:25 am
by Lilly
allegrita wrote:You can room with Lucky, sweetie!
OK. But she has to bring her own binoculars.

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:01 am
by librarian_7
Lilly wrote:
allegrita wrote:You can room with Lucky, sweetie!
OK. But she has to bring her own binoculars.
Yay! But we'll giggle all night...


Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:40 am
by Lilly
Gah! Katherine McPhee has been cast in "The Pink House." Link: 'American Idol's' Katharine McPhee cast in NBC pilot

From Zap2It:

Former "American Idol" runner-up Katharine McPhee is taking a bigger step into the acting world with a role in an NBC pilot.

McPhee will star in a comedy called "The Pink House," a show about two guys in their 20s who move to Los Angeles and end up renting a house (three guesses what color it is) on the beach. McPhee will play their neighbor, a fellow L.A. newcomer, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The two lead roles haven't been cast yet.


Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:33 am
by wpgrace
Well... couldn't Jason still get it??? :fingerscrossed:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:22 am
by allegrita
Yeah, but even if he does, he'll be stuck doing it with her. :snicker:

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:27 pm
by wpgrace
I am not terribly familiar with her... she won American Idol? So like Jennifer Hudson and that Fantasia person, she'd really rather act?

Re: What's next for Jason? Does anyone want to speculate?

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:44 pm
by Lilly
She came in second, grace. She can sing, certainly, but I'm not sure about her acting aspirations. She may be very good, for all I know. She just sort of rubbed me the wrong way. :shrug: