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Season 2, ep 8 'Legion, II' (PG13)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:20 am
by Tam
Rating : PG13
Spoilers : Ep 1-16 of Moonlight, season 1, previous chapters of 'Season 2'
Summary : The tension between the two sides intensifies as the morgue is attacked.
First posted :, February 2010

Comment : This has taken me ages- I had the first scenes up and ready for a while, but I’ve been busy with new projects. I hope I’ll finish this soon; it’s not a full episode. But better than nothing, right? :-( I am hoping some feedback will give my muses a boost. Are you still interested in reading the rest of this story?

Disclaimer : The characters are not mine, no money is being made and no infringement is intended.

Legion, Part II (incomplete- see comment)
Previously on Moonlight:

Beth and Mick, in a hotel room.
“They asked me if I wanted to join the Legion."
"And what did you say?"
Beth looks at him. "I said yes."

Beth rushes into Mick’s apartment.
"Mick! You have to get to the morgue, quickly!"
"What? What do you mean, what happened?" Mick asks urgently, immediately alert.
"The Legion, they are going to raid it. They found out about Guillermo and Terrance. They're going to kill them!"

Mick is in action, throwing books from his shelves to clear the hidden weapon storage. This time, he’s leaving his anti-vamp weaponry. He needs guns, knives- weapons against humans. Beth watches, biting her lip. She takes up a gun hesitatingly. Mick takes it from her with a forbidding look and throws it in his bag.

“How did you find out?” he asks, more to occupy her than anything else.
“I penetrated their power centre,” Beth replies.
“Some sort of Control Room? Computer Archives?” Mick asks, cocking his head.
“Women’s bathroom.”

Beth stands in an office, several brochures in her hand.

“We’re grateful for your offer, Miss Turner, but all you can do for us at the moment is report when you see anything. Give us information on the vampires you know. Just leave the fight to us. We’re trained professionals. You stay safe.”
“Okay,” Beth replies dejectedly. “can I use your…?”
The man nods and shows her the way.

As she is about to flush, Beth hears voices. Two women are coming in. She pauses her hand.
“This is it, isn’t it? It’s starting.”
”Yeah, those bloodsuckers won’t know what hit them. I just wish I could come with the men.”
“Me too. The morgue! Can you believe it? They even prey on our dead!”
“What do you expect? They’re demons.”
Beth’s eyes widen. //

Mick nods. He is holding up a mobile phone to his ear while he keeps packing weapons with his other hand. After a few moments, he lowers the phone.

“I can’t reach Guillermo. It might be too late already.” He picks up the bag and starts walking to the door.
“Aren’t you gonna call for back-up?” Beth asks. Mick shakes his head.
“No time. I’ll call Josef from the car.” He looks back at her. “Stay here. Lock all the doors and get up to my freezer. That room is fortified.”
“No way, I’m coming with you!”
“Beth, please, I can’t risk--”
“I’m not staying here if you are going there alone. You may need me. I’m human. I’m your cover-up.”
Mick sighs.

Mick voice-over: As much as I hate to admit it, Beth has a point. If the Legion is still there, I can’t just barge in.

He reaches into the bag and gives her back the gun. The drive in the car is hectic, the silence oppressive. Beth stares down at the gun in her lap. Mick glances at her and reaches for her hand, covering it with her own.
“Thank you for doing this,” he says quietly. Beth offers him a small, nervous smile.

The morgue- Mick and Beth walk down the corridor. Mick concentrates.

Mick voice-over: I can hear no heartbeat but Beth’s. No one else is alive here.

As they reach the room with the freezers, Beth clamps a hand over her mouth. There is blood everywhere.
“All that blood…where are the bodies?” she whispers.
Mick breathes in deeply while his eyes scan the room. “It’s not fresh.” He reaches under one of the metal tables and holds up an empty plastic bag. “They destroyed all the stock.”

He steps forward to the wall of freezers and starts opening them.
“Are you checking if there are corpses left to drain?” Beth asks, trying to keep the horror from her voice but failing. Mick shakes his head, breathing concentratedly. Finally, he opens a freezer and pulls out the slab. Guillermo is lying on it, in his scrubs, a stake protruding from his chest. Mick pulls it out and Guillermo gasps, coughing up blood.
“Mick!” he wheezes. He sits up and grabs Mick’s arms. “They took Terrance, and- oh god.” He sees and smells the blood on the floor.
“Well, there goes my livelihood,” he mutters.
“At least you’re alive,” Mick replies. “More or less.” He throws the stake to the floor. “I’m calling the Cleaner for this place. You should come with us.”

Josef’s office. A group of people are sitting at the conference table as Mick, Beth and Guillermo walk up the corridor, Josef rises and meets them half-way. He glances down Guillermo’s bloody scrubs and then focuses on Beth.
“She can’t be here right now,” he says, not taking his eyes off her.
“Beth is our contact in the Legion,” Mick replies, frowning. “She has a right to be here.”
“A vampire council is no place for humans,” Josef says stoically.
“She’s coming in, or I leave as well.” Mick squares his shoulders.
Josef clenches his jaw. “I can’t guarantee her safety, Mick,” he says quietly.
“Is that the best you can do? You’re head of the Council!”
Josef stays silent, his look inscrutable.
“I can just wait here,” Beth offers.
“No, I want you where I can see you,” Mick replies, and puts his arm around her shoulders. He steps past Josef, giving him a long look.
“It’s ok, Beth,” Guillermo adds, stepping up to Beth’s other side. “I’m here as well. You guys saved my life.”

As Beth enters, several pairs of vampire eyes at the table shift to silver.
“I wasn’t aware we needed to bring our own freshies,” one of them comments. Josef clears his throat.
“Miss Turner is here as my guest,” he announces. “She’s our insider in the Legion.”

The hostile vampire backs down, but retains his vampire visage.

“Now that we are all here,” Josef continues, pretending not to notice, “I have some good news and- I’m afraid- a lot of bad news. The bad news is: we lost the morgue and the blood bank. Both locations were attacked, our stocks destroyed. Our blood bank employees were killed. Thankfully, we did not lose you, Gasol.” Guillermo nods. “Sadly our warning came too late to make provisions. For now, I think it will be wisest to stay clear of there.”

“So the vampires who rely on legal blood on tap will all go hungry,” one of the vampires in the council grunts.
“The good news is,” Josef continues, deaf to the interruption, “that Compass North has agreed to supply L.A. for the time being.”
“No way!” Guillermo protests! “Compass, they harvest at refugee camps!”
“For money,” Josef replies coldly. “They’re not reaping anything the humans aren’t willing to part with. The alternative is black market trade- and you know what that means.”
“It means humans will be killed and drained for the highest bidder,” Mick fills in dully. “We need to stop the Legion as fast as possible so you can set up shop again, Guillermo.”
Guillermo nods, slightly mollified. Josef looks at Beth.
“Miss Turner can help us with that. The Legion will find out about this meeting.”
“Oh, I’m not gonna tell them…” Beth interjects.
“I want you to. I want you to tell them exactly what our plans are. Lead them into a trap.”
“Why would they believe me?” Beth asks sceptically.
“Because you will arrive at their doorstep distraught and in need of medical attention.” His eyes glitter and he snaps his jaw closed, his teeth clicking.

A side room, Mick and Josef. Mick is pacing around.
“It’ll add to the realism. Make them blind for the lie,” Josef says calmly.
“No! I will not let you bite her! It’s too dangerous!”
“Mick, I know what I am doing.”
“Yeah—that’s why. Can you swear to me you aren’t doing this for the wrong reason?”
“And what reason would that be?” There is an edge to Josef’s voice, warning Mick.
“You want her.” Mick gives Josef a penetrating stare. “You’ve wanted her ever since I introduced the two of you. I could see it in your eyes.”
His friend’s eyes shift to silver. “Make no mistake, Mick. If I really wanted her, she would have been mine already. I’m offering to do this so you don’t have to break your precious vows.”
Mick looks slightly taken aback. Josef’s eyes turn back to their mortal hue.
“We have no choice, Mick. She’s our only hope right now. We can’t sit here and do nothing. Do you think they won’t find out you’re seeing each other? We need to get them before they get us; Before we’re all killed, Beth included.”

Mick looks away.
“This will work, Mick. Blondie is gonna save the day.”
Mick sighs and nods. “Ok. Fine. Do it. But only if she agrees.”
Josef grins. “Who can resist my charm?”
“Watch it.”

Beth and Guillermo wait in front of the closed door in silence, both looking slightly awkward.
“Mick’s a good guy,” Guillermo finally offers. “He won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“I know,” Beth replies confidently. The door opens. Mick looks at her apprehensively.
“Are you ready?” he asks. She nods.
“The story is clear?” Josef asks.
“Yes. I’ll tell them I snuck into your place, overhearing the council and I got discovered.”
“And…you…bit me and left me for dead. I got away. Do you think they’ll believe it?”
“I’m counting on you to be convincing.”

The Legion’s headquarters. Several men and women come running out. Beth is resting against the wall, sitting on the floor. She is pale and bleeding from a wound on her neck. She is lifted carefully, and carried inside. In the shadows across the street, Mick watches, looking worried.

Two men in a bathroom. One is wearing a lab coat and is washing blood from his hands.
“Will she be okay?” the other man asks.
“It was a close call.”
“We should have brought her to a hospital.”
“No! We couldn’t risk her talking to the police. Her information is too valuable.”
“I don’t understand why he didn’t just kill her.”
The other man shrugs. “Maybe he thought he did.”
“Wouldn’t he have heard her heart beat?”
“Josef Kostan? Don’t you know he always surrounds himself with his mortal slaves? It would be hard to hear an individual heart there. Or maybe he thought she’d bleed out anyway. She almost did.”
“I can’t believe the arrogance of these monsters.”
The first man put a hand on the other’s shoulder. “We’ll make them pay. Believe me.”


Re: Season 2, ep 8 'Legion, II' (PG13)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:50 pm
by wollstonecraft61
OMG, you can't just leave it at that!!!!!!!!!!! Do what you have to do to rouse your Muse: Bribe her, cajole her, slap her...just get her to cough up the rest of the story!!!!! :gasp:

Re: Season 2, ep 8 'Legion, II' (PG13)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:13 pm
by Tam
It helped ;) I posted the new part (see bookshelf). Of course that will probably also raise more questions than it answers... *cue evil laughter* ;)

Re: Season 2, ep 8 'Legion, II' (PG13)

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:02 pm
by francis
OMG! Beth took such a risk, and what that had to mean for Josef and for Mick... why didn't Mick do it, at least part of it? He should be ashamed of himself. I love the implications of all of this. And now I need to know if it worked.