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A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:22 am
by darkstarrising
For all my friends , this is my simple Christmas gift. It's snowing like crazy here, which inspired this little one-shot.

May all of you enjoy the holidays, and if you're traveling, may your travels be uneventful.

I don't own the characters (Joel Silver and CBS do)

Rating is PG

A Snow Angel For Christmas

“Beth, honey, you need to get into bed and go to sleep. Santa doesn’t stop at houses where little girls and boys are still awake.” A six and a half year old Beth Turner sighed, thoroughly convinced that her mother could see and hear through walls. How else could she have known that her daughter was staring out her bedroom window searching the sky? It wasn’t Santa, though, that young Beth was looking for. Snowflakes were what she was hoping to see against the cold night sky. Maybe, just maybe, she might see him as well.

The weatherman hadn’t promised, but he felt pretty sure that LA just might see its first Christmas snowfall in decades. Beth had seen snow only once before, when her family spent Christmas with friends in the Midwest. She had been so very little then, but she clearly remembered feeling the snowflakes tickling her upturned face and touching the snow with her chubby little fingers. The snow was so cold, yet as soon as she touched it, it melted. She remembered giggling every time she made the snow melt.

What she liked most of all were the snow angels the other children made on the ground. She tried to make one herself, but it wasn’t as pretty as the others. Now that she was older, she wanted to make a snow angel in her own yard. It would be neat and pretty and very special.

“Beth, are you in bed yet?”

“Yes, mama.” Beth pushed herself away from the window and climbed into bed, content to let her mother win this battle. Besides, if Santa really didn’t stop at houses where children were still awake….well, she just wasn’t going to take any chances. She’d been pretty good this year, at least she thought so. Hopefully, Santa thought so, too. As she snuggled into her bed, she thought about all the fun that she would have tomorrow, opening presents and playing in the snow. Tonight, her head would be filled with all the things little girls dreamt of this time of year. She wouldn’t let those other dreams spoil this Christmas for her.

The next morning, Beth woke slowly, at first forgetting what day this was. As she remembered, her eyes popped open and she ran to the window, her bare feet cold against the floor. Snow!!! Not a lot, but enough for her purposes. She changed from her pajamas into some clothes, hoping to make a snow angel before her mother awoke.

As she made her way to the living room, her steps were halted by an unexpected sight. A beautiful Christmas tree adorned the corner of the room. It wasn’t very big, but it was real, not one of those fake trees that seemed to be everywhere these days. Where had it come from? It wasn’t there last night. Her mother had said they weren’t having one this year. Had Santa brought her family a tree for Christmas? He must have been very quiet putting the tree up, for she hadn’t heard a thing during the night.

Beth approached the tree, still captivated by its beauty. Its scent was heavenly and the needles just a little prickly on her fingers. There weren’t a lot of ornaments on the tree, and only a few lights, but ones she remembered from before. Crowning the treetop was something new, though, an angel, all dressed in white, his outstretched arms holding a banner proclaiming his Christmas message:

Peace on earth to men of good will.

To Beth, it was the most magical sight she had ever beheld. As she stood gazing at the tree, her mother came up behind her. Wrapping her arms around her enthralled daughter, she kissed the top of her blonde head. “Merry Christmas, Beth.”

“Mama, where did the tree come from?”

“Why, from Santa, of course. He must have heard how good you’ve been this year.”

“He’s beautiful, mama.”

“Who is, honey?”

“The angel at the top of the tree. Is he a guardian angel, mama?”

“I don’t think so, honey. Guardian angels are invisible.”

“But why, mama? Why do they have to be invisible?”

“Because it’s easier for them to keep us from harm if they’re not seen. Some children I know might try to outsmart their guardian angels if they could see them. So they remain hidden from view, but always right beside us, just in case we need them.”

Beth pondered her mother’s words for a moment, then shook her head. “Sometimes, mama, guardian angels let you see them.”

Her mother sighed. If she didn’t concede now, this discussion could go on all morning. “If you say so, Beth. Are you ready to open your presents?”

“In a minute, mama. I want to go outside and see the snow.”

A chuckle escaped her mother. “Always practical, aren’t you, my lamb? The presents will still be here, but the snow won’t last very long. All right, go outside, but only for a few minutes.”

Beth put on her coat and hurried outside. There was only an inch or two of snow on the ground, but it would be enough. She walked behind the house, stopping just outside her bedroom window. Ever so carefully, she lay down in the snow and began to move her arms and her legs. When she was finished, she stood up, carefully stepping away from her work of art.

It was almost perfect. Her arms had made the angel’s wings and her legs, the angel’s gown. But one thing was missing. Kneeling down beside her angel, Beth traced her finger in the snow, writing words she had carefully learned.

For my angel. Love, Beth.

Satisfied that her snow angel was now perfect, Beth turned toward the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of her other angel. When she didn’t see him, she just said ‘Merry Christmas’ very quietly, then ran back inside.

As the young child and her mother shared the joy of Christmas, a lone figure emerged from the woods and carefully approached the snow angel. He had seen the little girl carefully create her work of art, but couldn’t see what she had written in the snow. When he read her words, he bent his head, marveling at how such a simple gift could touch his heart so. As the snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes melted, they masked his tears. Soon, the snow would be gone, but this Christmas and Beth's gift would remain with him forever.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:23 am
by darkstarrising
pcghamc wrote:oh, this so touched my heart...I love it!!!
francis wrote:This is melting my stony heart. So, so good. Even if I'm late and haven't read it on christmas time, I love it. Thank you!

pcghamc, francis

thanks so the time this was written, there was a near blizzard here and I remembered the snow angels we used to make as kids. I could picture a little girl trying to find a way to say 'Merry Christmas' to her own angel.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:48 pm
by coco
dsr I can't tell you how much I enjoyed re-reading this tonight. I love the idea that these two had met between the fire and the fountain and had that little piece of history. It makes me love the fountain scene and their history together so much more.

Such a lovely piece of early Mick/Beth history :D

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:57 pm
by greenleaf9
Oh my, dsr, this brought tears to my eyes...How sweet, how touching. Little six-year-old Beth is adorable, :melts: and I can just see her peering out her bedroom window Christmas Eve, all excited.

What a lovely one-shot! :rose: I'm so glad it was included in the Coffee House so I could find it. :happysigh:

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:04 pm
by cassysj
I was lead here by the Coffee House. You definitely have me tearing up here. I'm a sucker for Christmas stories to begin with but that was just so sweet. Beth knew what she was talking about with guardian angels.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:38 pm
by Lilly
darkstarrising wrote:As the snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes melted, they masked his tears.
This is the point where the tears that had welled up in my eyes began to run freely down my cheeks. DSR, this is just beautiful -- so light and full of hope, it practically glows. You had a firm grip on my heart from the opening paragraph and you gave it a good firm squeeze at the end. Sigh.

It is so perfectly believable to me that Beth would have caught a glimpse of him over the years. She didn't suddenly become curious and observant as an adult. Those qualities surely must have been there at an early age, as well. I just love this.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:53 pm
by darkstarrising
coco wrote:dsr I can't tell you how much I enjoyed re-reading this tonight. I love the idea that these two had met between the fire and the fountain and had that little piece of history. It makes me love the fountain scene and their history together so much more.

Such a lovely piece of early Mick/Beth history :D

thanks.. :hearts: .there were just so many possible stories about the characters' pasts that were never explored in the series. If Mick was keeping an eye on Beth after the fire, there had to be an occasion or two when she spotted him (or he let her). This was my take on a precocious and inquisitive Beth looking for her guardian angel.
greenleaf9 wrote:Oh my, dsr, this brought tears to my eyes...How sweet, how touching. Little six-year-old Beth is adorable, :melts: and I can just see her peering out her bedroom window Christmas Eve, all excited.

What a lovely one-shot! :rose: I'm so glad it was included in the Coffee House so I could find it. :happysigh:

Thank you and I'm so glad you found it and that it brought a tear or two to your eyes. :rose: Beth is only a child here, but already you can see her curiosity and determination. Even her mother recognizes it and knows when to give up the battle of wits.

cassysj wrote:I was lead here by the Coffee House. You definitely have me tearing up here. I'm a sucker for Christmas stories to begin with but that was just so sweet. Beth knew what she was talking about with guardian angels.

Thanks and I'm so glad the Coffee House led you here. Christmas is a special time for children, even those that have been traumatized. But this Christmas was special, bringing a little joy to one lonely guardian angel.
Lilly wrote:
darkstarrising wrote:As the snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes melted, they masked his tears.
This is the point where the tears that had welled up in my eyes began to run freely down my cheeks. DSR, this is just beautiful -- so light and full of hope, it practically glows. You had a firm grip on my heart from the opening paragraph and you gave it a good firm squeeze at the end. Sigh.

It is so perfectly believable to me that Beth would have caught a glimpse of him over the years. She didn't suddenly become curious and observant as an adult. Those qualities surely must have been there at an early age, as well. I just love this.

thank you!! and yes, I agree that her drive and curiosity started at an early age. As such, she would want to know what happened to that man who brought her home safe and sound. In her child's mind, if she looked hard enough for him, she would find him.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:24 am
by librarian_7
I read this some time ago, and it's one that really stayed with me. A beautiful moment, and one I can well see happening. Little Beth knew she had a guardian angel, and the years of his lonely vigil must have been a burden to Mick.

This is so evocative, so tender. I love it.


Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:24 am
by darkstarrising
librarian_7 wrote:I read this some time ago, and it's one that really stayed with me. A beautiful moment, and one I can well see happening. Little Beth knew she had a guardian angel, and the years of his lonely vigil must have been a burden to Mick.

This is so evocative, so tender. I love it.


thanks... For the child Beth, guardian angels were, as her mother said, there to protect you. So, for her, the strange man who saved her from the scary lady must have been a guardian angel. What else could he be?

When Mick saved the child Beth from Coraline, it was a turning point in his life. He chose to change. He chose to save an innocent life. He continues to watch over her, but why? Could it be that by watching her grow up happy, Mick's resolve to help others is strengthened? Or could it be that the trust the little girl put in him made him start to see himself as less of a monster?

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:42 am
by librarian_7
Well, Mick commented that he couldn't stand to see himself as a monster in someone else's eyes...that would have made it undeniably true. Perhaps the opposite was true as well, seeing himself as a guardian angel in someone else's eyes made him believe he could still be a good man.


Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:47 am
by darkstarrising
librarian_7 wrote:Well, Mick commented that he couldn't stand to see himself as a monster in someone else's eyes...that would have made it undeniably true. Perhaps the opposite was true as well, seeing himself as a guardian angel in someone else's eyes made him believe he could still be a good man.


Yes, either way, there was something about that little girl that got to him, that allowed him to take that first step away from what he was to what he wanted to be once more - a good man.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:19 am
by redwinter101
I've always loved this story, dsr, and it's so lovely to be reminded to come back for a re-read. You've hit such a wonderful tone - tender, touching, genuine. It really is beautiful - even here, now, as Spring makes Christmas seem so very long ago.
darkstarrising wrote:For my angel. Love, Beth.

Satisfied that her snow angel was now perfect, Beth turned toward the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of her other angel. When she didn’t see him, she just said ‘Merry Christmas’ very quietly, then ran back inside.

As the young child and her mother shared the joy of Christmas, a lone figure emerged from the woods and carefully approached the snow angel. He had seen the little girl carefully create her work of art, but couldn’t see what she had written in the snow. When he read her words, he bent his head, marveling at how such a simple gift could touch his heart so. As the snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes melted, they masked his tears. Soon, the snow would be gone, but this Christmas and Beth's gift would remain with him forever.
Just gorgeous. To see Mick so moved by the simple gift from a child - beautiful. :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh:


Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:11 pm
by MickLifeCrisis
I don't know what the Coffee House is, but I'm glad it caused this story to float to the top again. I remember it from before. I'm sure I cried then just as I cried now on the reread. Such a sweet story! And with the stupid snow we have right now, in APRIL, it seem perfectly fitting!

Thanks. :rose:

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:19 pm
by darkstarrising
MickLifeCrisis wrote:I don't know what the Coffee House is, but I'm glad it caused this story to float to the top again. I remember it from before. I'm sure I cried then just as I cried now on the reread. Such a sweet story! And with the stupid snow we have right now, in APRIL, it seem perfectly fitting!

Thanks. :rose:

thanks....yeah, they're talking about flurries here as well. I'm glad the story touched you so (both times). It was Christmas through the eyes of a little girl, trying to get back to normal. But she knew her guardian angel was there, somewhere and she wanted to make sure he had a present as well.

As for the Coffee House, it's a discussion thread that was set up for the community to discuss various works. This month, the selections were 'historical fics.'

This is the link. Please, if you haven't already, take a look at the other stories listed there as well. They're all wonderful.

Re: A Snow Angel for Christmas - a One shot - PG REPOST

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:27 pm
by darkstarrising
redwinter101 wrote:I've always loved this story, dsr, and it's so lovely to be reminded to come back for a re-read. You've hit such a wonderful tone - tender, touching, genuine. It really is beautiful - even here, now, as Spring makes Christmas seem so very long ago.
darkstarrising wrote:For my angel. Love, Beth.

Satisfied that her snow angel was now perfect, Beth turned toward the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of her other angel. When she didn’t see him, she just said ‘Merry Christmas’ very quietly, then ran back inside.

As the young child and her mother shared the joy of Christmas, a lone figure emerged from the woods and carefully approached the snow angel. He had seen the little girl carefully create her work of art, but couldn’t see what she had written in the snow. When he read her words, he bent his head, marveling at how such a simple gift could touch his heart so. As the snowflakes clinging to his eyelashes melted, they masked his tears. Soon, the snow would be gone, but this Christmas and Beth's gift would remain with him forever.
Just gorgeous. To see Mick so moved by the simple gift from a child - beautiful. :happysigh: :happysigh: :happysigh:


thank you!! The story was to reflect a child's POV. Christmas was special and it would help the child Beth grow away from the trauma she had endured. Yet even as she tries to forget her order and enjoy life again, she knows she can never forget the man who saved her, her own guardian angel. So for him, she makes a special present, one more powerful than she can ever know. A simple gift of love.