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Man-Thing: discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:24 am
by allegrita
Phoenix, I'm a huuuuge Alex fan, and I'm telling you not to bother with Man-Thing. I mean... reeeeeeeally. It's not worth it. You aren't a bad fangirl if you miss that one. :no:

Well, maybe by some definitions... but not by mine! :thumbs:

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 12:12 pm
by wpgrace
:rolling: :rolling: Gotta agree with Alle there...

I would not wish ManThing on anybody... Phee is TOTALLY excused from that one, as far as I am concerned :yes: ...
Tho... psssssssttttt... Phee... he DOES speak in a SOUTHERN accent in ManThing... no troublesome Aussie there!

And I DO think PGal gets some sort of extra credit for actually OWNING a copy...
In fact, I think Alex oughta make a personal house-call upon any fan who actually bought that sucker... :biggrin:
(OK, PGal, I tried... if he never shows up, well I tried, honey... )

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:37 pm
by Phoenix
allegrita wrote:Phoenix, I'm a huuuuge Alex fan, and I'm telling you not to bother with Man-Thing. I mean... reeeeeeeally. It's not worth it. You aren't a bad fangirl if you miss that one. :no:

Well, maybe by some definitions... but not by mine! :thumbs:
Duly noted. :giggle: I won't bother hunting down the DVD.
wpgrace wrote: :rolling: :rolling: Gotta agree with Alle there...

I would not wish ManThing on anybody... Phee is TOTALLY excused from that one, as far as I am concerned :yes: ...
Tho... psssssssttttt... Phee... he DOES speak in a SOUTHERN accent in ManThing... no troublesome Aussie there!
A southern accent? Hmmm. :chin: Perhaps I was too hasty in deciding not to watch...

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:52 pm
by wpgrace
:giggle: Yeah, he's a real home-boy...
Tho to give him his due, his accent isn't bad at all, and is the BEST Southern accent in the movie.

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:57 pm
by francis
Phoenix, there's a youtube vid of the one scene where Alex' character talks a lot.
I don't understand a thing he says but he's kinda cute.

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:04 pm
by wpgrace
francis wrote:Phoenix, there's a youtube vid of the one scene where Alex' character talks a lot.
I don't understand a thing he says but he's kinda cute.
:rolling: You need me to translate, francis?

His pronunciation is decent... and the cadences are MOSTLY, tho not completely, right...
What I love about his Southern is that he is TRYING to do a Southern cadence... he recognizes we don't speak at the same clip, accent the same words, that non-Southerners do... a lot of actors throw in the accent without changing their cadence, the rise and fall of their speech.
He isn't perfect, but he's got a good ear.

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:15 pm
by francis
wpgrace wrote:
:rolling: You need me to translate, francis?
I haven't seen the movie and don't plan on doing so, the language gap is part of why I never watched the original of TruBlood. I think I'm quite good at English, but this accent is totally beyond me. :blushing:
Does he say something worth it? In that case, please translate/transcribe it, if you have the time. :flirt:

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:52 pm
by Phoenix
Thanks for the link, francis. :flowers: And if it makes you feel any better, I gave up on TruBlood because I couldn't understand them a lot of the time, and English is the only language I speak. :blushing:

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:15 pm
by wpgrace
:snicker: :rolling: :laugh:

I don't think we are that damn hard to understand!

But... for you, my francis:

He and the cop guy begin by talking about some dude named Blug (spelling???)... they are apparently headed to Blug's place at Fraser's (Alex's character) instigation...the cop asks why they are going there first (cause they are really wanting to hook up with some other weird guy named Rene)...

So Fraser explains that Blug has "canoes on his porch. We'll need em to get home, or to go deeper [meaning deeper into the swamp], if that plan still stands. [Fraser is CLEARLY not interested in going deeper].

So the cop asks Fraser what he's so afraid of...
Fraser replies, "The dark water, it's sacred land, man! If I was Rene, it's where I'd be. I could show ya to the edge, but badge or no badge that's as far as I'll go."

So cop comments that Fraser seems to really believe in all the voodoo stuff that has seemed to attend the rash of dead and chewed up bodies they are responding to in this movie...
Fraser responds [and this seems to be his big scene in this movie, btw, this is as good as it gets, ladies]: "I believe that when a man's chest becomes an insect's palace [a bad pronunciation of palace, btw], when his eyes are gone and his limbs ain't there no more, and when I am so scared I want to handcuff myself to my bed [ :biggrin: :whistle: :devil: ] to keep from coming to work, yeah I believe in that. I believe I don't want to die, Sheriff."

Ok, so it isn't McBeth... nor MickBeth... but there it is... go watch the scene... I believe I got most of it right. :thumbs:

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:35 pm
by francis
Aww, shucks, that ain't bad, sweetie.
(and that's the extend of my non-formal english)
Thank you!

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:24 pm
by Phoenix
wpgrace wrote: :snicker: :rolling: :laugh:

I don't think we are that damn hard to understand!
FWIW Grace, if we ever meet, I'd bet money that you ask me to either talk slower and/or repeat myself at least once. Aussies have appalling accents and appalling diction. The TruBlood gang didn't corner the market on that.

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:28 pm
by PNWgal
wpgrace wrote::rolling: :rolling: Gotta agree with Alle there...

I would not wish ManThing on anybody... Phee is TOTALLY excused from that one, as far as I am concerned :yes: ...
Tho... psssssssttttt... Phee... he DOES speak in a SOUTHERN accent in ManThing... no troublesome Aussie there!

And I DO think PGal gets some sort of extra credit for actually OWNING a copy...
In fact, I think Alex oughta make a personal house-call upon any fan who actually bought that sucker... :biggrin:
(OK, PGal, I tried... if he never shows up, well I tried, honey... )

I watched it every time SciFi showed it, INCLUDING when it was on the non-HD channel. The sacrifices I make for my obsession. :mdrama:

And I think that's a WONDERFUL idea, Grace. :teeth:

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:31 pm
by allegrita
:rolling: :rolling: Pgal, you are a better fangirl than I. I give you credit, woman! :rose:

On the other hand, if that sweet boy needs to handcuff himself to anything in order to avoid going to work, I'll volunteer... just sayin'... :whistle:

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:32 pm
by helloeeze
I didn't think Alex was that hard to understand in Man Thing. I'm used to listening to different accents because where I live is multinational (Silicon Valley, California) and I'm a court reporter, so I make my living typing down what people say for legal purposes for court. Sometimes it's excruciatingly painful when a very educated witness like with a Russian accent is talking about something very technical that I don't know much about. Also Indian is one of the hardest because they talk very fast and if they are talking about computer flash technology or something it's hell on earth. I've never had an Australian witness though. I have gotten pretty good at distinguishing Chinese or Vietnamese accents because I hear them so often.

Sorry I got off topic there a minute.

Alex does sound a little bit like Matthew McConoughey (sp?) in Man Thing. It's not quite southern accent, sounds a little Texan-ish, Southern-ish, Aussie-ish to me.

I do NOT plan on watching the movie, though. Sounds like a horrible experience.

Re: Whiteout, part 2: more discussion, links, and so on

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:43 pm
by PNWgal
allegrita wrote: :rolling: :rolling: Pgal, you are a better fangirl than I. I give you credit, woman! :rose:
