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Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:02 pm
by MoonShadow
Episode: Loosely based after Sonata
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Occasional language
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler
Beta Thank You: Morbius and a special thank you to Lilly
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, beware of coincidences
CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

By MoonShadow

Chapter 10

She started her car, slapped it into reverse, and backed out of the parking space. Her usual slot had been taken and she shoved down the momentary annoyance, focusing instead on the urgency of the situation. Grateful for the early hour, traffic hadn’t yet ground to its normal crawl, merging onto the freeway she headed west then south. Gambling on the early hour she merged onto 101. Traffic finally began to slow as she got closer to city center, tapping the brakes. Panic shot through her veins; liquid silver, burning fast, and white hot. She slammed her foot down again only to find nothing. Damn them, damn, damn, damn. She swore looking into each mirror. Desperate to find an opening, merge right, and find an off ramp. She shoved the transmission downward through its gears, cutting through traffic, narrowly missing an angry truck driver, then desperately searched for another opening.

Fate smiled this morning. The old saying came to her as she dove into another gap and caught an uphill off ramp. Shifting upward and then downward through the gears allowed the engine to create a compression brake, working in combination with the slowing momentum created by the drag of gravity the car began to slow. She unlocked her seatbelt, edged the car to the curb, and cringed as the wheel rims scraped along the concrete. She wheeled hard to the right into an empty parking lot, bounced ackwardly, and aimed for the concrete bumper. So much for my insurance rates this quarter. She grinned at the morbid humor, thankful to have survived the attempt to kill her. What was it we used to say? With a grunt she hit the unyielding barrier, gallows humor.

Cutting the engine, she threw the door open and rolled out of the vehicle, mussed and bruised. Dust from the airbag, shimmered in the morning light. Fairy sparkles she snorted as she stood, bracing a hand against the car mentally inventorying any injuries. Glancing up she saw an elderly woman staring at her from a shop doorway. Embarrassed, she slammed the car door shut, walked quickly to the street before the complaining woman could get to her. She broke into a trot, glanced about, and fished her phone from the zippered pocket. She paused a moment before hitting dial, scrolled up the list of contacts and then hit dial.

Mick stepped into the office, shoving aside the heavy glass door and appreciating the coolness of Josef’s office. This new office suits Josef, he must have finally found someone he liked. Mick thought humorously remembering Josef’s struggles to rebuild the place.
Mick glanced about expecting to see The Cleaner. Josef looked up from his desk and waved Mick in, typed something on his keyboard and stood all in one characteristically smooth motion. Mick looked about the room then back to Josef, quirking an eyebrow upwards, silently asking about the noticeable absence.

Worry briefly passed a shadow over Josef’s face before control settled back in, “No surprises on your way here, I take it?”

The comment hung, a question loaded with implications, awaiting Mick’s question in response. “The Cleaner ran into trouble?”

“A little problem with her car, you might want to check your brakes.”

“Is she…” the door opened before Mick could complete the question. He turned in mid word.

A rugged middle aged man held the door for The Cleaner as she stepped through. Mick smelled the scent of human, not vamp, and saw a flash in the man’s eye. Dangerous anger along with controlled frustration boiled from the man as he shadowed The Cleaners back.
That’s interesting, Mick watched wary as The Cleaner ignored him, gracefully walked into the room, and the man retreated as silently as he had appeared.
Josef ignored the questions on Mick’s face, gesturing towards the conference table. The trio sat uncomfortably, Josef opened a laptop, tapped briefly watching as the blue light danced over his face, then spun the screen around towards the two of them. A map of Los Angeles showed four marker pins in red and two in yellow.

“Known dead and suspected attacks,” The Cleaner started the grim conversation.


David rode the elevator down to the basement taking deep breaths to control his emotions. Anger still gripped his gut, but more than that relief was flooding through him. Had he delivered her anywhere but Kostan’s office, she’d never have convinced him to leave. Part of his heart was still reeling in a delight, She’d called him! She could have called any of the tribe, any of her employees, hell she could have called any of Kostan’s goons. But she’d called him.

As the elevator doors opened his heart did another quick flip in his chest then settled. She cared enough about them to call him when she needed help. The harsh fluorescent lights gave the empty hallway a sterile glare. His footsteps rang against the bare linoleum; each determined step reinforced his resolve. David reached for the intercom button whoever thought they could come after her was going to find out the hard way, they had to get through him first. Nobody messes with my vamp. David smiled grimly, as he identified himself and shoved the heavy metal door aside, it had been a lot of years since he’d said that. But deep in his gut satisfaction ruled, it still felt right.


Mick looked at the map searching for any pattern. The range of dates and locations were wide spread. It spoke volumes about the planning and organization. “Well whoever this is, they’re patient and organized.”

Josef looked from The Cleaner and over to Mick and back before he spoke, “I’m still not ready to launch a full scale war. I need proof that a nest has settled in LA before I do that.”

“How much proof do you need Josef?” The Cleaner asked quietly, “you remember what it was like the last time. How many were lost?”

Mick sat back, a new found respect for the figure next to him growing as he listened. He knew next to nothing about her, but it was obvious from hearing her talk, she and Josef had a common history that wasn’t pretty.

“This could be the work of just one individual, someone with a vendetta against cleaners.” Josef rose to pace the room, “We don’t even know if they are vamp or human. At this point all we really know is whoever is behind this,” Josef paused at the table’s edge and stabbed the glossy surface emphasizing each word, “is a. patient and b. organized.”

“You left out one very salient point Josef. If this is the work of humans, then they know how to kill vamps.”

“They know about us.” Mick added, “We’re being exposed.” He angled back into his chair, “What kind of proof are you looking for Josef? What do you want me to find.”

“Obviously a body would be lovely. Problem over case closed.” Josef snapped. “Aside from that, communiqué, documents; something to tell me if this is a personal vendetta or a nest on the hunt. I want to know about those vamps.” Josef stabbed a finger towards the map, “I want to know if they had anything in common.”

“We know they had contact with my operation.” The Cleaner added.

“That’s a start,” Mick interjected, “but that also might the only point where all the connections cross.” He looked at The Cleaner leaving the obvious unsaid.

She rose in one smooth motion, a cobra ready to strike, fangs extended. “I understand exactly what you’re implying St John. If this situation wasn’t on the verge of exploding in our faces, I’d rip that pretty little blond of yours into shreds and burn you to a crisp. Josef, I have no use for fledglings” she snarled.

Josef roared, slamming his hand down on the tabletop surprising both of them, “Enough of this. Sit down.” He growled at The Cleaner, the muscles in his neck pulsating with controlled power, eyes silvered, fangs flashing dangerously. He watched and waited.

The Cleaner acquiesced silently, acknowledging her faux pax, dropping back into her seat head bowed.

“If and If,” Josef reiterated his word for emphasis, “the Cleaner is the only point of common contact then your job should be pretty easy Mick. If and only if more attacks occur; we will consider this a valid attack on the entire tribe.” He’d added the second point for her benefit. “Now, I want thoughts, plans, alternatives, not” he paused looking at both of them, “temper tantrums.” The Cleaner had the good sense to look properly abashed, but given her age and gender, she’s had lots of practice with that particular ploy. Women usually know who to play their cards.

Mick pointed to the monitor, “We have one more vamp to find, we might get lucky, he might not be dead.”

“True enough,” The Cleaner conceded. “But, we need to add the attempt on my life to that map.”

“That’s one thing that worries me,” Mick said carefully. “Anyone who knows how to kill a vamp would know a car wreck wouldn’t be the best option.”

The three sat looking at each other somberly. “My car had to be tagged. Do you think they were hoping to find a link to Josef, or to other vamps?”

“Well, that would take any of your personal contacts out of the equation,” Mick added, “your people know how to find Josef.”

“David knows what we are, the other day employees have no need to know”

“So,” Mick paused looking back to Josef “that would point us back to hunters.”

Josef’s lips thinned in annoyance, “You said the warehouse was compromised.”

The Cleaner looked out the window and then back, “All they would have gotten would be everyday records for a very legitimate security business. All vamp records are electronic and stored off site. Nothing in the warehouse connects to vamps other than our presence there at night.”

“I’m still not convinced,” Josef added calmly. “This still could be a rouge assassin with a score to settle.”

The Cleaner looked at Josef her icy control unfazed. “Then Josef Kostan, what evidence do you want? Decide exactly what you want, what you require. Au Revior.” She rose gracefully liquid both men unconsciously stood in response. She nodded to each and walked silently from the room.

Both men sat heavily as the door closed behind her. Worry shadowing Mick’s face as he considered the events as they had unfolded. “Josef, I need to find that missing vamp. We need more answers.”

“I agree, but the minute you go looking for him you are exposing yourself. Send Beth instead.”

“What? You’re kidding right?”

“Mick, at times like these I am rarely funny. She knows about vamps, she can look during daylight hours and she’s a known presence in the news world. It will look like she’s an independent reporter looking for a story. Hungry.” Josef snapped the words out in rapid fire.

“No, thank you.” Mick shook his head, still reeling from the idea of Beth hunting a vamp.

Josef’s snort jerked Mick upright. “That wasn’t a question. But, since you mentioned it…” Josef walked to the closed door, opened it and called a name. Without waiting for a response, he pivoted and resumed pacing. A lovely young woman entered the room, quietly acknowledging Mick before focusing a dazzling smile on Josef.
Josef paused his incessant pacing while she approached, his eyes silvered as her blood scent teased the edges of his hunger. Josef stepped behind her slender form smiling with satisfaction at her welcoming glance. He slid a hand down the length of her lithe arm cupping her hand in his own. Drawing her body closer, his other arm wrapped about her waist in a dancers embrace, they swayed gently. The dance of life, Josef thought.

His fangs slide across the delicate skin of her wrist, poised above the soft blue vein he waited listening to the quickening tempo of her heart. She waited, eager with anticipation, for the thrust of his bite and the rush of pleasure that she knew would follow. Her body stiffened as he pierced her willing flesh; warm and deep she flowed into him. Josef raised his head glancing Mick’s direction. “You’re a fool to pass up such a delicious gift.”

Mick’s stiff resistance spoke volumes; his steps jerky and awkward as he fought the pull of his hunger. The siren’s call of her blood had awoken a voice that demanded to be answered. She lifted her head from Josef’s shoulder and smiled pityingly at Mick. Watching as he clung to the last shreds of his humanity she extended the weeping wound towards Mick beckoning him, welcoming him.

Softly she slipped into Mick’s arms; she supporting him as he bent into her caress and the monster within overcame his ability to control it. He growled as the ruby nectar quenched the fire raging within. Anguish clawed and ripped his heart, he nearly wept, I hate this need. He stood head bowed, in silence accepting her gift. His gratitude was soured with regret. As her essence flowed into him, Mick felt ashamed and violated. He had lost and the monster had won, again. The scent of her on him left him nauseated and he wanted to wash away the memory of her taste. In utter defeat Mick closed his eyes and the crystalline blueness of Beth’s eyes filled his mind.

“Mick, you can fight or…”

“Stop Josef, please just stop.” Unable to stand the guilt, Mick looked up, his whispered plea echoed the pain within him.

Licking away the last droplet, Mick released his grasp on her arm, slowly forcing each finger to loosen its grasp. His body complied regretfully, savoring its brief human contact. He stood in silence as the young woman walked wordlessly from the room, her smile luminous.

He would never understand freshies. Their willingness to feed his kind, their acceptance of the monsters they chose to live with, and live for. As he wiped a trembling hand over his mouth, he turned to find Josef pacing the room as if the entire episode had never occurred. Mick sighed. That was something else he would never understand. He shrugged his jacket higher on his shoulders and walked into the dawning light.

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:39 pm
by lorig
Wow, that was great. I think Josef may be right Paitience is best when dealing with the unknown. Oh Mick...what happened to that ironed will control. Now he is going to turn this over and over in his mind. What will Beth think? Looking forward to more... :cheer:

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:17 am
by lorig

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:28 am
by kpyle
Well don't I feel bad! How did I miss this one? What a great chapter! You can feel the tension building with Joseph, Mick and the cleaner! And Mick's control slipped here! I feel bad for him and for Beth and how she might take this! I can't believe that Joseph baits him like that knowing how Mick feels about it! I hope there will be more to this soon!



Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:18 am
by lynnrxgal
How have I missed this? Great story, please continue!

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:34 am
by MoonShadow

I need to share this with the board.
Everytime I am just about ready to hang it up, wham!
Days and the weeks creep by and the silence builds, self confidence slips and doubt eats away at the ego.
I carefully stack the notebooks in a closet, put away the pencils and dictionary, and tell myself that it is time to just relax.

Then you guys go and do it to me.
Leave wonderful comments.
and the itch to write starts all over again.

Thank you so much for caring enough to read my work. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :flowers:

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:43 am
by lorig
Don't you dare stack the notebooks away!!!....Please... :pray:

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:54 am
by kpyle
Well now I feel really bad that I missed this last one! I still am not sure how that happened! I am thankfull to Lorig for her little bump that brought it to my attention! I hope you get those notebooks back out! I love your stories and am ready for more! You have more.....right? :pray:

Kelly :flowers:

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:10 pm
by francis
Mick tripped over the enticing freshie, I just wished he wouldn't beat himself up about it. I am sure if he wouldn't treat this like a bad thing, Beth would understand. With him being all ashamed she must think it was some kind of betrayal.

I really hope they find out soon who is killing those vamps. I'm as much at a loss as Josef, Mick and the Cleaner. I hope the story isn't ended here.

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:53 am
by toria1521
Dear MoonShadow,

Did you ever finish this? I'd love to read it.

Merry Christmas,
toria :rose:

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:10 am
by jen

This is amazing!

In the little scene at the end, when Mick's resistance is overcome with the hunger of his inner vampire and he feeds from a freshie exposes one of the oft alluded to truths of Moonlight. His inner vamp did indeed demand to be fed and the man had no power to fight that need.

I truly hope that you feel the pull to continue this. You have started something so remarkable here.

Thank you!

Re: Recoil Chapter 10 PG13

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:00 am
by MoonShadow
Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments.
Having more time on my hands means that writing is again an option.

I can't promise a due date but I do promise that I will write soon!