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Christmas Presence (Short Story) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:14 am
by Luxe de Luxe
Title: Christmas Presence

Rating: PG-13

A/N: I promised a little story to help us meet our story target and here it is!

Christmas Presence

He woke with a yawn as he usually did, that softened into a smile, which did not. Random thoughts of her often gave him comfort. He rummaged in his refrigerator, began preparing breakfast.

He’d stopped visiting her in person the year she’d turned eight years old. That was the year Jimmy Watson had told her Santa didn’t exist and she’d believed him - and because she was a clever girl he knew it wouldn’t be long before she began to wonder just exactly who it was that whispered to her through her frosted window pane every Christmas Eve. He couldn’t bear the thought of seeing the innocence in her eyes clouded by suspicion, the unconditional adoration sullied by those first wary signs of adulthood. The decision had made it the hardest christmas he’d faced since, well...

He didn't want to think about that year.

Watching Beth and Eileen Turner every Christmas was one of the few small pleasures he’d allowed himself in the course of his long life. Despite their lack of money, there was a warmth and generosity in the Turner household that reminded him of his own chaotic Christmases so long ago. There had always been one more place at the table at the St. John household no matter how many mouths there were to feed.

I hear Tully Johnson’s mother is in hospital, son. I have a feeling I might have promised her some of my lemon slice. Run down and fetch him here to pick it up, Michael. He may as well stay for a bite, too, seeing as he’ll be here. He’s not to worry about his state of dress, mind. Just tell him to bring a dish to bring some leftovers home in.

He’d stopped visiting his own family the year his mother died. After that the cruelty of watching his family age overcame even the crushing loneliness. He’d spent every Christmas alone since then, until little Beth had come along, and then she was lost to him, too. Oh, he had watched from a distance, but it was never quite the same as feeling the warmth of her sweet breath against his ear spilling out her special Christmas wishes, her exuberance washing him clean with the simple purity of childhood. The few short Christmas Eves he'd shared with her made him feel that despite his affliction, he, too, could be part of the good will to all men his family had raised him to respect. He missed feeling almost human once a year.

Breakfast done, he lay back in his chair, slid the needle out of his arm and leaned forward to switch on his laptop.

A promising life cut tragically short. Tonight a killer is on the loose.”

He sat up, his body tingling.

Maybe this year, Christmas could be different.


Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:38 am
by Shadow
So nice how Beth's family Christmas reminds Mick of his own childhood with his family ... very moving. I love the wonderful detail of his childhood memory. Thank you for this Christmas story!

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:47 am
by wpgrace
Oh they SO should have made a Christmas ep for the show! I always wanted for that... I love your fill in here... his memories and feelings about Christmas ring so true to our Mick! :cloud9:

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:57 am
by francis
Oh Mick! I so feel for him in this little story. You bring out his feelings in so few words.
Those few short Christmas eves with her showed him that despite his affliction, he, too, could be part of the good will to all men his family had raised him to respect.
:melts: :comfort: :hankie:

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:36 pm
by darkstarrising
For those who are alone, Christmas can be a hard time. In Mick's case, doubly so and you've let us feel his loneliness. Childhood memories of family, the loss of the innocent connection with Beth have made Christmas hard to bear. :hankie:

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:06 pm
by redwinter101
Oh WOW - there's so much packed in here. Mick and Beth, those sweet, sweet memories of Christmases past; Mick's remembrance of family and warmth and home - everything he's lost. And then, a delightful slice of hope for the future. Yum, yum, yum, this is a fantastic story.


(P. S. Not a drabble, not that it matters. :snicker: )

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:24 pm
by nutmegger911
Oh, Luxe, :rose:

You strike the perfect balance between the melancholy loss of auld lang syne and the hopeful anticipation of Christmas renewal. I love that it occurs in the auspices of the everyday mundane. Thank you for this most excellent holiday treat.

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:08 am
by allegrita
What a beautiful little story. The image of Mick whispering to Beth through the window glass every Christmas Eve is so lovely. Poor Mick! The loss of that connection would be so hard--and watching Beth's family from a distance such a tiny crumb of comfort. Almost worse than nothing at all.

Mick's memories of his own family's Christmases are wonderfully tied in. To be alone at Christmas with such memories of loving families that took in lonely souls... that would make the loneliness so much colder.

And then the ending--what a great way to bring it all home. A new beginning, a chance for warmth to enter his life again. A reconnection to Beth. :hearts:

Re: Christmas Presence (Drabble ) PG-13

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:22 am
by mitzie
I can really feel Mick's loneliness and heartache in this story. Memories of family; memories of Beth when she was so young converging together in his mind and yet at the end a glimmer of hope for a new start!! Beautiful!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :bmoon: :Mickangel: :shrug: :whistle: :chin: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :hearts: :flowers:

mitzie :mooncat:

Re: Christmas Presence (Short Story ) PG-13

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:10 am
by RangerCM
Beautifully touching. And a perfect tie in at the end to bring us up to date. :notworthy:

Re: Christmas Presence (Short Story ) PG-13

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:34 pm
by jen
How lovely!!!

Thanks you for posting this gem!!

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Re: Christmas Presence (Short Story ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:11 pm
by jen
Moonlight really needs some Christmas episodes.

This was lovely -- again!



:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Christmas Presence (Short Story ) PG-13

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:40 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
Wow... thanks so much to everyone who read and left a comment on this. I never realised I'd forgotten to thank everyone. And jen.... double thanks to you! :laugh:

Re: Christmas Presence (Short Story ) PG-13

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:39 am
by allegrita
I'm so glad you put the link to this story in the holiday index, Luxe. It's just wonderful... sad and hopeful at the same time. And so very early-episode Mick. Lonely, afraid to reach out, monkish, but filled with memories and yearnings about warmth and fellowship and love. :Mickangel: :heart:

Re: Christmas Presence (Short Story) PG-13

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:08 am
by jen

This is fabulous!

It starts out with what must be one of the worst curses of the Moonlight vampire--suspended in their ageless state when those they once loved age and move inexorably toward death.

Time forces its own isolation and Mick knows it well.

Even little Beth has moved past her childhood innocence and so he has moved away from her as well--then the circle closes. And we here those words for NSTAV that signaled the begining of MickBeth.




:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: