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The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:41 am
by librarian_7
I’ve been asked, sometimes, in what order the Freshie Lucky stories should be read. This is the list, in order (to date!) of all the stories in chronological order as the relationship developed.

Let me apologize in advance...I do occasionally go back and write a story that comes earlier in the sequence. So this order could change in the future.

I do hope you enjoy reading; please remember that fanfic writers LIVE for comments. Hint, hint.


Within the Empty Reaches of the Night
This was the first freshie fic I wrote. Not sure what I started here, but well, this one has to do with the real beginnings of one freshie’s relationship with Josef. Rated R for violence.

Exclusivity, Version 2.0
This work follows the events of "Within the Empty Reaches of the Night," and you might want to read that one first, if you haven't. How Lucky becomes an exclusive freshie. Now re-worked, and being reposted.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6.

...a Josef and Freshie Lucky story. Earlier in their relationship, there was a very important bridge that had to be crossed. Carefully. Please note that events in this story take place somewhere around Chapter 4-5 of "Exclusivity."

Move-in Day
For a new exclusive, the emotions of moving into Josef’s house are far from simple. Will Josef make sure Lucky feels at home?

Party Favors
Blood and scotch.

Elemental Choice
Decisions, decisions…Josef ponders which of his resident freshies to feed from, in this short piece.

Blood Temperature
Josef’s swimming pool is a lovely place to go for a bite.

Winding Down
This is set in the aftermath of a tense conference with Mick and some of the other freshies. Allara’s story Transparent, if you can find it, also deals with this event.

A Confidence
Would Josef tell a freshie about Sarah? Maybe.

Poker Night
What that vamp will do to win a card game!

A Literary Digression
Between nibbles, Josef has a few words to say about Victorian lit, and the authors thereof.

Safe Word
Sometimes games are about more than fun. Sometimes they’re about trust. Rated situation.

The Call
Vampires have a unique perspective on blood of all kinds. Rated R..that adult thing again. And note, if you're really squeamish, this one might not be for you.

Lucky has a sleepless night...but why?

Coffee Break
Poor Josef never got to drink coffee during his mortal life. But there are always alternative answers.

Limo Ride
This story is based on the possible aftermath of certain events at a freshie party. Some rides are more fun than others.

Birthday Gifts
This fic is the result of a challenge I put out to the Josef Exclusive Freshies (the ones who were in that group at the time…it’s changed now.) to come up with some ways of celebrating Josef’s birthday.

Section One is by me (librarian_7); Section Two was written by ErisFury, although it has now sadly been removed...and the current concluding section is also by me….should we ever get material from Allara and FactionGirl (hint, hint, hint), we’ll add it in.

A Blood Vial fic. In honor of the blood vials from the poker game.

Pressing Business
Josef. And Lucky. Hotness ensues, I sincerely hope.

The last time Lucky visited Josef's office, it was to distract him. Are the tables turned this time? What does Josef want?

Josef treats Lucky to the sensual experience of a lifetime. Anything else I could say would only spoil it.

La Posada
La Posada de la Sangre de la it the healthy retreat it seems, or something else? This is a story primarily about Freshie Lucky, and her experiences on an enforced vacation from Josef. Chapter 1. Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13 Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17. This story is now, finally!, complete.

For a chapter by chapter summary of "La Posada," click here. The chapter summaries are spoiler tagged for your convenience.

Sam’s Choice
This story, related to “La Posada” is a Josef/Sam pairing. PG-13, but it is slash. Just so you know.

Long ago, Josef made a promise, and now the time has come for him to redeem it. As you might guess from the title, this is a sad story.

Roleplaying (Without the Leather)
...a Josef and Freshie Lucky story. A Halloween party to remember.

Interview with a Freshie, Part I
Interview with a Freshie, Part II
Lucky talks to a radio interviewer. What secrets will she reveal?

Touch part one
And Parts Two and Three
Lucky reminisces about her first meetings with Josef.

Josef is in a bad way, and only Lucky can give him what he needs...comfort. This story is R rated.

After the events of Comfort, what comes next for Josef and Lucky? You know that first conversation had to be...awkward. And Freshie Eris is not without her own opinions on the matter, as well.

Halfway between wisdom and desire...there's just...awkward.

Management Training
Josef returns to La Posada to check up on Sam's progress...or is he just trying to get out of town? Complete. Part One ; Part Two ; Part Three ; Part Four ; Part Five ; Part Six ; Part Seven . Warning: R-rated, SLASH. Not real graphic, but slash nonetheless.

New Orleans Stories I: The Vampire Tour
On a business trip to New Orleans, Josef's freshies manage to convince him to do a little touristing, much to his dismay.

New Orleans Stories II: In the Hotel Monteleone
Josef comes to freshie Lucky for a late-night snack, and possibly they both get more than they bargained for. Rated R.

Freshie Lucky has a very upsetting experience, but is the comfort Josef can offer her…enough?

Private Viewing
Josef does something very nice for Lucky.

Josef’s Point of View
Josef gave Lucky a piece of advice, but can he stand it if she actually does as he suggested?

In Vino Veritas
Lucky is in a strange mood, and when Josef stops by, their discussion takes a turn neither expected. Rated R.

The Double
An evening on the town, a “normal” double date. With Josef and Lucky, Mick and Beth. Good thing Josef loves “awkward.”

Six Months Later
Sometimes with a vampire, it’s hard to know where you stand. Written for the Six Months Challenge, this is six months after the events of “Comfort.”

Josef is on a business trip to Chicago, with several freshies in tow, but things take a bad turn, and leave everyone wondering who to…trust. Rated R. Part One , Part Two , Part Three , Part Four , Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight

Presents of Mind
Josef and Freshie Lucky have a quiet celebration of Christmas dawn.

Difficult, Dangerous and Complicated
Beth and Lucky meet for lunch, to talk about subjects near and to their hearts…and what it’s like to love a vampire.

Little Death (Killing Time)
Lucky reflects on her relationship with Josef.

It’s Josef’s turn to be thoughtful about his relationships. With Lucky, and with others.

Transition --R
How does one make the shift from being a freshie, to being something more?

Josef shows Freshie Lucky a very good time.

High Tea
Lucky asks for advice from Belinda, and Josef gets a few words of wisdom, also.

The Getaway
Josef and Lucky take a quick trip to New Orleans, for a getaway.

A Fresh List
Freshie Lucky makes a resolution for the New Year, despite distractions. A drabble for the New Year’s Challenge.

March Madness
Oh, no! Josef has lost every dime, and what will his freshies do now?

Winter’s Fall
Freshie Sam is taken ill, and Josef and Freshie Lucky return to La Posada. In progress, a bunch of chapters. Rated R.

Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:22 pm
by darkstarrising
Bless you, Lucky, this is tremendous :hug:

I'm sure I've missed a chapter or two of Lucky's I can read them all again!!

Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:41 am
by Tam
Hi :)

I'm slowly filling the gaps I missed when I zapped through this part of your library a few weeks ago. And I wonder- chapters 4-6 of Exclusivity...aren't reposted yet? They look deceptively like links but aren't clickable *clickety-click*

Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:07 pm
by Lilly
I'm not going to mess with Lucky's index, but here are the links for Exclusivity 4-6:

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:27 pm
by Tam
Thanks! I realise now I could have just looked in the office a bit further :blushing:

Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:02 pm
by librarian_7
Ack! I could have sworn I got those linked the other day..oh, I need to update this list too. I promise, it'll be done soon.


ETA: My main index is up to date, I promise. For at least a few days, anyway.

Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:41 pm
by librarian_7
I'm a bit pressed for time, but I wanted to add a bit of a patch until I can get the list updated properly.

Trust is now complete in 8 chapters.

Presents of Mind...a brief Josef and Freshie Lucky Christmas fic.

Difficult, Dangerous, and Complicated...Beth and Freshie Lucky discuss the problems of having vampire lovers, over a nice lunch.

Pensive...a one-shot about Josef mulling a few things over.

Freshie Lucky also appears as a minor character in "100% Freshie" and "St. Nicholas' Day."


Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:10 am
by librarian_7
Well, I've updated the list, although the newer stories aren't linked yet.


Re: The List of Josef and Freshie Lucky Stories, In Order

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:47 pm
by librarian_7
I've got the links almost completely updated on this list. For once.
