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Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:02 am
by GuardianAngel
I wrote this one a little while ago. I was into when I started but lost momentum somewhere along the way. I had both rijane and PNWgal beta it for me (and I love them for all their help!). They both made suggestions. I'm done playing with it (my muse and I have moved on) so here it is, for what it's worth.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. I don't own them, never have, never will. Bummer, I know.

Note: Sexy little things and cheeky panties are particular lines of undergarments at Victoria Secrets.

Torture & Lace

“Come on, Mick. It won’t take long. I promise.” Beth cajoled the impassive vampire sitting behind the wheel.

“Can’t you go with one of your friends after work?”

“I’ve been trying to get there for weeks. It’s right here. And I want your input anyway.” She watched his face for a reaction. Not receiving one, she assumed acquiescence.

“There’s a spot right there. We can park here and walk the rest of the way.” The happy blonde pulled down the visor and applied a fresh coat of lipstick.

Mick frowned at the unusual attention to her appearance. It only added to his already growing sense of unease. He sighed in resignation and pulled into the spot while sending up a silent prayer that this was going to be as quick as the woman beside him had promised.

Beth held onto his arm as they entered. It was probably a good thing, Mick mused, as he considered a fast retreat when he eyed the posters of scantily clad models. She stopped to look at a display for sexy little things and he was never more thankful that he couldn’t blush. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the provocative exhibit; it was just that he thought they should be enjoyed in private. In his day, these ads would have been considered soft porn.

"Great! They’re on sale.” Beth made a beeline towards a pretty, lace cluttered nook and fingered through an array of dainty scraps. Mick followed, careful not to brush against any of the displays.

“I love these cheeky panties.” She looked at Mick with a knowing smile and slapped his stomach with the back of her hand. “If I remember correctly, so do you.”

“Beth!” He warned fast and low as he scanned the area to make sure no one heard. He was safe; for the moment anyway. When he looked back, Beth was holding two pairs, one a pink with black lace trim, the other a soft silvery blue with white lace. She held them up for his inspection and cocked a brow. The corners of his lips twitched and he indicated the blue with his chin. He worried his lower lip as he envisioned her firm bottom framed by the swatch of delicate fabric.

“You don’t like the pink?”

The question flummoxed him. “Well, yeah.” He shrugged with one shoulder, a nervous jerk. “I just like the blue better.” He was once again treading unknown waters.

Mick caught movement to the side and did a quick reconnoiter. There was another couple moving in and he caught the eye of a handsome man in his twenties following an attractive young woman. The woman jabbered on, unaware that she had lost her partner’s attention. He offered Mick a slight nod; a nonverbal “I feel your pain”. Mick realized he must be wearing the same put-upon expression and returned a quick nod in the name of male solidarity.

“Since they’re on sale, I’m going to get them both.” Knowing that Beth expected some acknowledgement, he nodded and wondered briefly if she’d ever forgive him if he made a dash for the door. Instead, he trailed her into the next section.

“Oh, look!” Beth stopped to pick up a sheer, purple babydoll, held it up to herself and posed for Mick. “Do you like it?” Clever fingers pulled at the hem of her knit shirt, baring smooth rounded skin so the soft material clung to her, lace hugging her breasts. Her pulse and eyes danced as a small wayward finger gracefully skimmed the satin bow nestled in her cleavage. Mick’s eyes followed the path being blazed across creamy skin until a sharp scent and excited heartbeat had them searching elsewhere. A low growl percolated in his throat as his body tensed, turning towards the spot where he glimpsed a shock of dark hair peeking over shelving. Salacious eyes met the vampire's thunderous glower. There was a second of stunned silence followed by the gratifying sound of feet meeting tile and making a hasty retreat.

He was still scowling as he looked back at Beth. “Can you not do that?” He bit out as he moved to block her from any other prying eyes. "Pick something and let's go?"

“Fine.” Beth threw the confection over her arm. “But I need some bras.” Beth left the nook and headed for an open floor area with walls lined in bras of ever color. Mick followed, trying to be as inconspicuous as a 6’1” bull in a china shop could be.

“I need a plunge and a push up.” She perused and chose several pieces on a table while eyeing the assortment exhibited around the small room. “Here we go.” As he moved in close to her, Beth leaned in and whispered loudly, “I need a new black lace, too. You ripped my last one.”

Overhearing, a trio of teens from behind them broke out in giggles.

His glower would have floored a lesser human but Beth just beamed at him, savoring the envious glances thrown her way.

“You did that on purpose.” He whispered back. “Be careful, Ms. Turner.” He bent toward her until his breath tickled her ear. “Vengeance is mine.”

Her smile did not waiver but the spike in heart rate gave her away. “Promises, promises.” Her answer, meant to be prim, was instead breathless and erotic to Mick’s ears.

Seduced by the alluring tempo of her pulse, he yielded to wicked impulse, ignoring his recent annoyance with her for doing the same thing. Stepping in closer, leaving no space between them he reached around, arm grazing her breast, to caress the lacy black bra on the table.

Beth’s breath stilled as her eyes followed his fingers as they skimmed the outside of the cup and then palmed it with a large hand.

“Perfect.” His cool whisper nearly buckled her knees causing her to grasp the counter with a shaking hand. Unable to form a coherent answer, Beth could only nod.

Mick snatched up the garment along with those in Beth’s frozen arms and went to get on line to pay, leaving her to follow in his triumphant wake.

Normal routine would have been to sample the lotions and fragrances lined up at the register, but this time Beth bypassed them without notice. Her eyes kept straying from the wispy fabrics in Mick’s strong hands to the smile playing on his lips. She calculated the time it would take to get to his place verses hers. Hers was closer.

Beth jumped when the cashier greeted her and grimaced at Mick’s low chuckle.

Neither of them spoke until they made their way back to the car and were buckled in.

“You’re never coming with me again.”

“Okay. Your place?”

“Oh yeah.”

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:45 pm
by coco
Well Mick certainly turned the tables on Beth in this one :lol:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:20 am
by Moonlighter
GuardianAngel wrote:As he moved in close to her, Beth leaned in and whispered loudly, “I need a new black lace, too. You ripped my last one.”

Overhearing, a trio of teens from behind them broke out in giggles.
Oh, Beth -- you are sooooo bad! And Mick loves it, I'm sure!
GuardianAngel wrote:Beth jumped when the cashier greeted her and grimaced at Mick’s low chuckle.

Neither of them spoke until they made their way back to the car and were buckled in.

“You’re never coming with me again.”

“Okay. Your place?”

“Oh yeah.”
Hilarious! Loved this, GA!

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:27 am
by jen

:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:05 am
by Kara
Bad Beth,bad. :giggle: :yahoo: :snicker: But then Mick got his revenge. :rolling:

Very entertaining. Thank you. :clapping: :hearts:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:15 pm
by moonlightlover60
I know I've read this one before but it's such a pleasure to re-read your stuff. Loved it :clapping: Mick sure got her outta there fast. :snicker:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:58 pm
by starbucksjunkie
Yep. Just as fun the nth time as the first!

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:06 pm
by Moonlighter
I just read it again, too!! I love uncomfortable Mick -- but he got Beth back but good! Still so very cute and sexy, GA!

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:00 pm
by jen
Just came by for a reread and you have found yet another minefield of male/female relationships--shopping for female undergarments.

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

In parts of this hilarious piece, Mick's discomfort is almost palpable.

Wonderfully written!

Thank you!

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:14 pm
by jen
Absolutely delightful.


:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:17 am
by jen
:bump: :bump: :bump:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:41 pm
by maggatha3
Hey, you just made my day , guardian angel..I adore your Mick :heart:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:11 am
by maggatha3
Lovely reread! She never wants him to go shopping with her again??? That woman drives me mad... :witsend: Or is it Mick ? :cloud9: :cloud9: :heart:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:49 pm
by jen

The wonderful way you write MickBeth in these funny little moments is so very special.

Thank you for this glimpse at the charm that is our Moonlight!


:hearts: :flowers: :hearts: :flowers:

Re: Per Diem: Peek 2 - Torture & Lace (PG-13)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:29 pm
by Moonlighter
Passing through for a re-read. So funny and sexy at the same time.