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Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:47 am
by GuardianAngel
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. They are not mine, never have been, never will be. It's a bummer, I know.
Warning: Character death


Thump…..... Thump…….. Thump…….. Thump

There is movement around me but I can barely register it. Pain sits beside me, holding my hand, un-invasive but always present. Smells of smoke, charred metal and scorched earth permeate my isolation. And blood. I can smell the blood most of all. Somewhere, someplace within me, I recoil from the knowledge that it's mine.


I don't know how much time passes and I had not realized I'd been searching for a singular presence until his gentle hands breach my incoherence and stroke my face. Mick's hands. Hands that know every inch of my flesh, have been my protector as well as my salvation. Always steadfast and strong, they now tremble, palsied with emotions he can't contain. I want to cover them. Hold them. Steady them. But my limbs do not respond. The ache in my heart surpasses all other pain. I want to reassure him. He will never be alone.


His anguished eyes look into mine, pleading. They beg permission but will find none. My last act of love will be to deny him an eternity of remorse. His head lowers to my shoulder and his tears pelt my soul. The feel of his soft hair against my cheek, the smell of his skin, cannot be equaled in any afterlife.

Beth. My name on his lips is a broken plea for mercy. I can respond only in spirit and my heart cries his name. Mick. My protector. My love. My life. I now go where he cannot follow. We have tried to outsmart it, to outlive it, but the vampire/human fate has found us. We can no longer escape the truth. To love me, is to watch me……


Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:13 am
by Moonlighter
Damn that vampire/human fate! But this was good. Sad, but good.

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:25 am
by mitzie
Heartbreaking! Well-done. Loved it!! :cry:


Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:50 pm
by wpgrace
Ah, GA... this one is so sad but so beautiful...

It's an interesting twist for me... I have never thought that he would turn her, but that she would be delighted to be turned (her sniffy remarks in Sonata aside...)

But here in the emergency he wants to do it and she refuses... and for the reason she thinks he'll regret it... and that may also be true. To a large extent, what he loved about her WAS her human-ness... not just her humanity, but the fact that she WAS human. So she sacrifices for him...

It is interesting to think about. As I said, sad but quite beautiful...

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:45 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
You hurt my heart.

Then I looked at my hypnotic Alex avi, and felt allllllll better!

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:27 pm
by Kelly
So interesting twist. Beautifully written...I loved it! Bravo! :clapping:

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:59 am
by jen
Beautiful, but so sad!!!

I adore your writing. You have such a wonderful grasp of the characters and the ambiance of Moonlight as a whole and the talent to draw the reader right into the middle of the wonderful stories you weave. Nicely done--consistently.

I have this love for happy endings, and even though life does not always present us with those (like the unbelievable cancellation of Moonlight), I look for them anyway.

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:06 am
by jen
How fabulous, but very sad.

You do such a wonderful job of capturing the ambiance and magic that was Moonlight. Your characterizations are 'spot on' and you have a talent for weaving those characterizations and emotions around entertaining plots--consistently.


Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:11 pm
by greenleaf9
WOW. GA this is an incredible story. So very powerful. I really like how you showed us Beth's heart failing by physically making the words smaller. And the last line was absolutely stunning. It gave me chills. This is so heartbreaking, especially the line about her last act of love would be to make sure he wouldn't feel remorse. :hankie:

Amazing fic! :clapping:

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:42 am
by Kara
So very sad. :hankie: I can imagine Mick wanting to turn her to keep her but will he be able to live without regret? And Beth. I'm sure she would want to stay with him, but not wanting him to live with anymore regret either.

As everyone alreay said. This was beautiful but sad.

Thank you. :rose:

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:58 pm
by maggatha3
Oh,dear God, Guardian angel, you broke my heart...he wants to turn her, and she wants to save him from eternal remorse...their great love for each other brought them apart at the end, who would think!!!! :heart:

Re: Truth (PG-13)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:09 am
by GuardianAngel
Thank you, all.

I remember when I wrote this that I was playing with the idea that maybe they were never meant to ever truly be together. I was thinking of the scene at the end of LLF when Beth asks Mick what he would do if it were her dying. Even he didn't know but that's not what he told Beth - he said he'd do the same thing. Maybe she accepted that (I wrote it before Sonata). It broke my heart when I was writing it. I cried the whole time.