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Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:01 am
by Barnabas
(I don't own Moonlight or its characters - I just have fun with 'em)

Goin’ to the Chapel

Rated G

Mick looked at his reflection in the mirror as he tried to tie his bow tie. Just when he thought he finally had it, the bow fell apart. Mick mumbled under his breath and threw the strip of black cloth to the ground in disgust.

“Hey, hey, let me help you with that.”

It was Josef. He picked up the tie and stood behind Mick at the mirror.

“Thanks, man,” Mick said. “I guess I’m just a little nervous.”

“A little nervous?” Josef kidded. “C’mon, Mick, a wedding is supposed to be a happy, blessed event, not something to turn your hair gray. Well, more gray.”

“I know,” Mick said, looking at the shock of gray in his sideburns, one of the consequences of discovering a permanent cure for vampirism, and one he’d gladly accept. “It’s just that I never thought this day would come.”

“I know what you mean, brother. But here we are.” Josef finished tying Mick’s bow tie. “And there you go.”

Mick admired himself in the mirror.

“Thanks, Josef,” he said. “If not for you, I’d still be standing here a week from now trying to tie that thing myself.”

“No problem,” Josef said. “What are best friends for?”

There was a knock at the door. It swung open, and the sound of organ music drifted into the room. It was “Spring”, from Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”.

Talbot poked his head in.

“Are you two almost ready?” Talbot was dressed in a sharp dark gray pinstripe suit. “You’ve got like five minutes.”

“We’re just about set,” Josef said. “You have the boutineers?

Talbot entered the room and handed Josef two white roses decorated with a sprig of greens wrapped in plastic. Josef took the flowers out of the plastic and handed one to Mick. He fastened the other to his lapel using a long straight pin.

Mick was in the process of attaching his boutineer to his right lapel when Josef cleared his throat. Mick looked up. Josef tapped his left lapel, where he had placed his rose.

“Oh,” Mick said. He moved the flower over to his left lapel. As he tried to pin the flower he nearly dropped it.

“Give me that,” Josef said, taking the rose. “Do I have to do everything around here?”

Mick shrugged, and Josef pinned the boutineer on Mick’s lapel.

“All set,” Josef said. As he turned for the door, Mick put his hand on Josef’s shoulder and turned him around.

“Thanks for everything, brother,” Mick said.

“No problem, bro.”

Mick pulled Josef in for a hug.

“Hey, hey, watch the flower!” Josef said, breaking the hug. He looked at Mick. “You ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Mick said. He followed Josef out of the room.


The organist began playing Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” as the small bridal party gathered in the rear of the church. A white runner ran the length of the aisle, and each pew was decorated with a white ribbon.

First down the aisle was the flower girl, Talbot and Simone’s daughter, Isabelle. The seven year-old dropped handfuls of rose petals as she went, smiling as cameras flashed. Next were Logan and Sam, who had been married for four years. And finally Guillermo and Sherita, who were engaged to be married in the fall, walked down the aisle.

The organist segued into Wagner’s “Bridal Chorus”. Mick straightened his tux jacket.

“You ready, sweetheart?” he asked, holding out his arm.

“I’m ready, daddy,” Melissa said. Mick had never seen his daughter look more beautiful. And her resmeblence to Beth was uncanny. She had her mother’s gorgeous blue eyes and her pixie-like button nose. Seeing Melissa like this took Mick back to the day he and Beth had been married. Speaking of Beth, Mick could see her peering back from the front of the church, a kleenex tucked in her fist. Melissa took Mick’s arm, and they began their slow walk toward the altar.

There were many friendly and familiar faces in the pews. Here was Lt. Carl Davis, and Steve, Beth’s former camera man at Buzzwire. Ryder Englund was there, sitting with several Cleaners. Coraline and her brother Lance were there, too. Mick hadn’t been sure that they’d show up, but here they were. Coraline smiled, and Mick smiled back. Lance looked like he might throw up at any moment.

As Mick and Melissa reached the front of the church Jeremy, Melissa’s fiancee’, walked
out to meet them. Jeremy held his arm out, and Mick took Melissa’s hand and placed it in the crook of Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy winked at his dad, and Josef winked back. Josef and Sarah were beaming with pride. The same discovery that had allowed Mick to find his way back to humanity had been the key to helping Sarah awaken from her coma. Once given the cure intravenously, Sarah returned from the no-man’s land between being human and being vampire. As a human, she was able to respond to medical treatment. It wasn’t long before she awoke, with nothing but a headache to show for her long slumber. For his part, Josef had also taken the cure. He was forever threatening to turn back, but after twenty-two years Sarah knew not to take him seriously.

Mick took his place at Beth’s side as the ceremony began. He reached into his pocket for his handkerchief, and dabbed at his eyes.

“Mick St. John,” Beth said, “are you crying?”

“Of course not,” Mick answered, folding his handkerchief away. “I just got something in my eye.”

Beth took Mick’s hand and squeezed it tight.

“Yeah,” she said, tears running down her cheeks. “Me too.”

Re: Goin' to the Chapel

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:17 pm
by kpyle
That was just wonderful and sweet! The whole gang is happy! Can't believe that even Coroline and Lance were there and fights broke out! A very sweet start to my morning! Thank you! :hearts:


Re: Goin' to the Chapel

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:16 pm
by nutmegger911
What a sweet story! Looks like the whole gang has come full circle. :rose:

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:13 pm
by Barnabas
Thanks, everyone! Glad you liked it!


Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:31 am
by francis
A happy future for everyone, without vampirism. I would never have thought that Josef would have taken the cure, but he's so happy, and he has a son, and Beth has a daughter. Wonderful story.

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:51 am
by Kara
I so did not expect a St. John/Kostan nuptial. Nice. :hearts:

Thank you. This was sweet.

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:16 am
by AussieJo
Awwww!!! :hug:
Beautiful.... Thank you Barnabas. :rose:

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:38 pm
by Barnabas
Thanks for your kind words, everyone!

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:41 am
by RangerCM
Very, very nice. Kept waiting for some shoe to drop that would make this some horrible nightmare, but it just got happier and happier. :snicker: :snicker:

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 10:49 pm
by jen
Awww, lovely!!!

And I thought I was the only person in the world who thought Simone and Ben Talbot belonged together.

Nicely done!!!

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 2:15 pm
by Barnabas
Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:02 am
by jen
I remember this!!!! This is just adorable.

Love it!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:34 am
by Barnabas
Thanks, jen!

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:08 am
by maggatha3
Ah,Barnabas, the vampire community will never be the same without Josef Konstan, or Mick St.Jonh.... :whistle:

Re: Goin' to the Chapel (G)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:37 pm
by Barnabas
Thank you, maggatha3! I suspect Josef and Mick will still be around...