1967 Valentine's Day Forgiveness Series PG-13

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1967 Valentine's Day Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.

"Charles, I’m concerned Mother isn’t home.

"It’s around 11 in New York, maybe she went to the theater. Charles said reasonably

"With who? It’s Valentine’s Day her friends will be with their husbands.

"Maybe she has some single or widowed friends, or even a date.

Sarah gasped "A date? Who could she be dating?

"I have no idea but it’s within the realm of possibility.

"I don’t like this at all, if she’s not home by midnight.

Charles laughed "If she’s not home by midnight you’ll what? I remember one Valentine’s Day you didn’t get home till after midnight."

"That was different. I was twenty-one and you proposed.

"She’s over twenty-one and her innocence doesn’t have to be protected.

"She better not be doing what we were doing. Sarah said.

"I hope she is.

"Charles, that’s outrageous! She’s fifty-five years old. She doesn’t think of such things.

"I’m almost 370 and I think of such things.

"That's so different. I’m going to keep calling every five minutes.

Charles grumbled "I can’t stop you but you’re going to work yourself up and then the two of you will fight.


"Hello? Anne answered out of breath.

"Where were you????? Sarah yelled "I was half out of my mind.

"Sarah I was at the opera.

"With who? It’s Valentine’s Day.

"With Riley.

Sarah screamed "You went out with Riley!!!!!! He’s a vampire!

"Yes dear, I know that. He’s my escort for opera and ballet season. I go with him to some baseball games.

"Has he bitten you? Sarah growled

"Excuse me?

"Has he bitten you?

"I don’t think that’s any of your business.

"It most certainly is my business! My mother cannot be a vampire companion."

"Sarah, I don’t like your tone. It’s late. Why don’t you call me back tomorrow and apologize?

"I’m not going to apologize. You cannot disgrace me like this." Sarah snapped

"Disgrace you???? Sarah, twelve years ago you came home at two in the morning. Your father was out of town and I was worried sick. I asked you if Charles did anything to you and you said and I quote. It’s none of your business! I’m engaged!"

"Mother, I was young.

"Yes you were and a spoiled brat. But if you recall I congratulated you and just said you have to be more careful because people talk. Do you remember what you said then?"

"No. Sarah lied.

"Let me remind you. If people want to talk Mother, I’ll give them something to talk about. I’ll walk into the Waldorf Astoria and announce loudly that I’m looking for Mr. Fitzgerald’s room."

"I was young. You’re not! Sarah complained.

"I like seeing Riley. He’s a good friend.

"He’s not a friend, he’s a vampire.

"He’s my friend. Anne insisted. We went to the opera and then went out for a drink.

"His or yours?

"I won’t answer that Sarah.


"Goodnight Sarah!

Sarah calls Riley’s apartment.

"Hello. Riley answered

"What are your intentions towards my mother?

Riley paused "Sarah, we just keep each other company.

"Stop seeing her. Sarah ordered

"But why? I’m not doing anything wrong."

"You stop seeing her now or Charles and I will be very insulted." Sarah insisted

"Can I speak to Charles?" Riley asked.

"NO! Sarah slammed the phone down.

Twenty minutes later.

Ring! Ring!

Sarah jumps for the phone but Charles gets there first.


"Charles. Anne said. I’m glad it’s you. Did you call Riley and tell him he couldn’t see me anymore?"


"Did you tell Sarah to do it for you?

"Of course not.

"Do you object to me having a vampire escort for the opera and ballet seasons? Anne asked

"Not if it’s Riley. If you start to date other vampires let me know, they could be my enemies.

"I will Charles. Please put my daughter on the phone, I want a word with her.

"Yes Anne. Sarah your mother wishes to speak with you.

Sarah reluctantly grabbed the phone "Hello Mother.

:Sarah Anne Whitley! You will not interfere with my personal life again.

"But Mother…

"Don’t say a word. I decide who I want to spend my time with.


"Sarah! Riley called me and told me what you said. I told him I would call Charles and straighten it out.


Sarah I don't want to hear anything from you unless it's I'm sorry Mother.

Sarah sighed. "I'm sorry Mother."

Good. Anne said. Now you will write a formal letter of apology to Riley.

"I’m not going to.


Yes ma’am" she said weakly.

"You will write a formal letter of apology and read it to me before you mail it.

"Yes ma’am.

"All right. Now go to your freezer.

"Excuse me? Sarah said. "It's not even 10 o'clock here.

"You’ve behaved like a child so instead of your room, go to your freezer.

"I’m not going to do that. Sarah whined Charles and I are going out.

"Do you think you should enjoy an evening out when your ruined mine?

"Mother, that’s ridiculous. I’m not a child.

"You're acting like one.

"Mother I

Charles picked up the extension. "Do you ladies need a referee?

"I want her to spend the night in her freezer and write a letter of apology to Riley tomorrow. Anne said

"That seems perfectly reasonable to me.

"Charles, she can’t treat me like a child. Sarah complained.

"She can when you act like one.

"Charles, talk some sense into your wife.

"Yes ma’am. She’ll call you tomorrow to apologize, I’ll see to it. She means well Anne. She just acts like a teenager.

"I know Charles but she’s over thirty there’s no excuse.

"You’re right. Good night Anne.

Sarah was furious. "Charles you shouldn’t indulge her like that.

"You shouldn’t have over-reacted. Charles said "Why do you fight with your mother like that? Now go to your freezer.

"We’re going out.

"Not tonight.

"Charles, I was looking forward to….

Charles shrugged "Then you shouldn’t have been so disrespectful to your Mother.

"You’re not serious.

"I am.

Sarah sighed. "The two of you are insane but I'll go.

Five minutes later, Charles joined her in the freezer.

"Anne didn’t tell me you had to be alone, so we’ll just have to figure out how we can celebrate Valentine’s Day at home."

"I have some ideas." Sarah suggested
Last edited by cassysj on Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 1967 Valentine's Day Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by francis »

OMG, Sarah is a piece of work! :rolling:
And at the end Charles found a way to make it up to her... :laugh:
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Re: 1967 Valentine's Day Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Sarah is definitely a handful. But Charles wanted to have a nice Valentine's Day himself. :snicker:
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Re: 1967 Valentine's Day Forgiveness Series PG-13

Post by mitzie »

Love it!!!! :snicker: :yahoo: :yahoo: :coffee: :whistle: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper: :hyper: :thud: :heart: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:
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