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1983 Mick's Problem PG Forgiveness Series

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:45 pm
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

Mick and Charles are having a quiet drink.

"Mick, I’m sorry. These deaths are the hardest. That’s why it’s better to break off all contact.

"I know Charles but my mother was alone. My father died a few years back, I should have been taking care of her. It kills me that Coraline won’t let me go to the funeral."

"Mick, there could be relatives or friends that would recognize you .

Mick was annoyed "Recognize me from 31 years ago?

"Yes, Mick. She was only 80, there could be any number of people still around. Coraline’s right."

"I didn’t know my Dad died till after the fact. This is terrible. Sarah has her mother, try telling her she can’t go to the funeral."

"If circumstances were normal, I would be doing just that. Charles said. "When Anne came to LA she left her old life behind. We are her family. Besides she’s charmed all the vampires in Southern California."

"Charles could I ask Anne a favor?

"That depends. Is it about the funeral.


"All right, but it’s up to her.

Sarah and Anne are playing Gin.

Gin! Anne said triumphantly.

"Mother, I think you cheat.

"I most certainly do not. Saying such things about your mother, I have a good mind…

"Okay, I’m sorry. Sarah laughed.

"Do you want to play Uno? Anne said. Or Mille Bornes? Let’s get Charles to play Mille Bornes.

"Mille Bornes? Sarah said. Ever since he taught you that game you’re a card shark.

Charles came in the room and kissed Sarah and Anne.

"Ladies how are you doing? Charles asked. I hope you’re winning Anne.

"I am Charles. She thinks I cheat.

"Sarah I’m shocked at you. Charles teased. Accusing Anne of such a thing.

"I told her she’s on thin ice. Anne warned

"That’s good Anne. You have to keep her in line.

"Mother how come Charles is never threatened with the brush?

"Because he’s such a good boy. Anne said.

Charles looks smugly at Sarah.

"I could tell you some things Mother.

"Don’t tattle Sarah.

Anne. Charles said seriously "Mick would like to speak with your privately for a minute.

"Of course. I’ll be back.

Anne went into the library and walked up to Mick and gave him a hug.

"I’m so sorry Mick. Charles told me about your mother.

"Thank you Mrs. Whitley. This is kind of what I wanted to ask you.


"I can’t go to the funeral in case anyone remembers me.

"That’s terrible. Anne said. But it makes sense.

"Coraline can’t go because someone could remember her from the wedding. I was wondering if you would go and say you were an old friend of hers. At least that way someone would be representing me.

"Of course I will Mick. Tell me all about her so I’ll be believable.

"Thank you Mrs. Whitley. This means more than you know.

Re: 1983 Mick's Problem PG Forgiveness Series

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:58 pm
by francis
Oh poor Mick. I'm glad Anne can go for him.

Re: 1983 Mick's Problem PG Forgiveness Series

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:44 pm
by cassysj
It's hard for Mick. I'm glad Anne could make it easier.

Re: 1983 Mick's Problem PG Forgiveness Series

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:58 pm
by AggieVamp
Anne is the coolest mother ever! And it seems she spreads her motherly love & advice to all vampires. I love that she'll go to Mick's mother's funeral for Mick - that is just so sweet. :rose:


Re: 1983 Mick's Problem PG Forgiveness Series

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:58 am
by cassysj
I like to think of Anne as surrogate mother to all the vampires. Anne is an amazing mother!

Re: 1983 Mick's Problem PG Forgiveness Series

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:36 am
by mitzie
What a thoughtful thing for Anne to do!!!! :flowers: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hearts: :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :flowers:

mitzie :mooncat: