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1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:48 pm
by cassysj
I do not own any recognizable characters, no copyright infringement is intended. I have a few more Anne stories to tell and fortunately Anne, Charles and Sarah had a long life together.

Hope Scanlon has her driver take her to Anne Whitley’s apartment in Beverly Hills. She hopes Anne hasn’t already left for Sarah’s.

Anne opened the door and was surprised to see Hope.

"Hope! I was just on my way out but you’re more than welcome to come with me to Charles and Sarah’s."

"No, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day. She was holding a box of chocolates.

"That’s so kind of you. I love chocolate cherries! Come inside for a minute. Anne said

"Thank you.

"Hope can I ask you a personal question?


"How long have you been a vampire?"


"You must have been about 25 then.

"You’re a sweetheart Anne! Try 30.

Anne laughed. "I’m 67 you’re 70. I suppose your own mother is passed."

"A long time ago. I get sad on Mother’s Day because of my daughter. Hope said softly

"Your daughter!

"Yes, she was 7 when I was turned. Her father was dead. My parents had to raise her."

"That’s awful. Did you choose to be turned? Anne asked

"No. I was attacked, killed and accidentally turned."

"Oh Hope!

"When the Cleaners came…..

"Cleaners? Anne wondered

"They clean up vampire mistakes. If you kill a human they collect the body and make it look like something else. I was waking up. They were about to put me down when one of them recognized me."

"You knew about vampires?"

"No. But I was a nurse who worked the night shift. They had seen me around. They decided to see if I went feral and if not train me as a cleaner since I already knew what would be believable to medical staff."

Anne patted her hand. "Well obviously you didn’t turn feral."

"No. I was a good cleaner. Tough. Didn’t put up with any nonsense.

"I bet.

"But after a few years I wanted a change, so I went into secretarial work.

"Is that how you met Charles?

"No. I met him because his girlfriend Lola had too many accidents that she made him pay for."

Anne gasped "My goodness!"

"He hired me after he and Lola broke up.

"Sarah tells me you were a good friend to him when she was asleep."

Hope was sure Anne didn't know too many details about that time. "It was hard for him.

"I’m sure it was. Have you ever seen your daughter?" Anne asked

"Not since I was turned.

Hope, she must be….

"Forty-seven. She certainly doesn’t need me anymore.

"A daughter always needs a mother.

Hope shrugged "What would I say? Hi! I abandoned you after I became a blood sucking monster."

"Hope, I don’t like to hear that kind of talk at all. If Sarah ever said something like that…."

Hope held her hands up. "Sarah told me all about your vampire hairbrush. I don’t want to face that.

"All right young lady but that was your only warning. Anne teased.

"Yes ma’am. Hope said. Sarah’s very lucky you’re so accepting of us."

"Hope, I wanted to see my daughter. It was different for me. I knew it was what she wanted. You couldn’t be around your little girl to keep her safe and then too much time got in the way. I do understand that, I just feel bad for you. You’re going to outlive your child, and that must be the worst feeling in the world."

"It is hard. Anne have you ever thought about….."

"About what?

"Becoming a vampire?

"No. No one’s ever asked me."

"Well I’m sure Sarah and Charles will get around to it eventually. But if you ever want to be turned, I’d be honored to do it. " Hope suggested

"Oh Hope. That’s so kind of you to offer but…."

"You don’t want it?

"No I really don’t and if I did Sarah would be so jealous.

"Why? Our sire/fledgling relationship would only have to be a few years. " Hope said.

"No, it would be forever. Anne insisted. We’re good friends, we’d be closer and Sarah would be hurt."

"I understand. If you ever change your mind let me know."

"I will dear. But don’t hold your breath. Besides I’d lose all my power"

"Anne you’d gain a lot power. You’d be as strong as any vampire. Age of the body doesn’t matter."

"Not that kind of power. Anne teased Everyone I know is terrified of my hairbrush. I wouldn’t have that as a threat anymore."

Hope laughed. "I better let you go. Charles and Sarah will be wondering."

"Please join us". Anne asked.

"I don’t want to impose.

"Hope I’d really like you to come. I don’t think you should be alone.

"I’ve been alone a long time Anne. I just wanted to see you."

"Just come over for a little while. Anne said. Please?

Hope gave Anne a kiss on the cheek. "I’ll go over with you and have a drink but I’m not interfering with Sarah’s plans. Do we have a deal?

"Okay, okay. But the next time you’re in town I want you to set aside a day for just us girls. All my friends here are vampires who are either hundreds of years older than me or younger like Mick and Sarah. We’re almost the same age, remember the same things. It will be nice to talk about things Sarah knows nothing about. " Anne said

"It’s a date. " Hope said.

Re: 1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:07 pm
by AggieVamp
Aww! This is so SWEET! :cloud9: And I LOVE how Anne & Hope get along so well. Again, I love seeing the softer side of Hope. :heart: For Anne and the way she included Hope in the Mother's Day celebration with Charles & Sarah.

Maybe one day we can learn Hope's turning story?? :pray:


Re: 1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:13 pm
by francis
Cassy, I'm totally in awe with what ease you pull out storylines for side characters and make them into interesting persons by themselves. Now I can't wait to read about Hope's life story.
Loved the line about the hairbrush.

Re: 1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:20 pm
by cassysj
Aggie - I love showing the softer side of Hope. When I look at her in my doll series I always see strong sarcastic Hope but there is a lot more to her. I've been thinking about Hope's turning for a while I wouldn't be surprised if the story comes out one of these days.

francis - Thanks. Side characters are easier for me because you can make them whatever you want them to be but I'm so glad you find them interesting.

Anne loves her hairbrush, she mentions it whenever she can.

Re: 1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:47 am
by mitzie
I love Anne and her secret weapon, the hairbrush!!!! So sweet of her to include Hope in the celebration!! You really make the characters come alive!! Love this story and can't wait for more... :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :cheer: :woohoo: :hyper2: :hyper2: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :hearts: :rose:

mitzie :mooncat:

Re: 1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:28 am
by allegrita
Cassy, this story is so touching. I'm reading this series out of order so I need to find the right ones to start with, but I love this soft side of Hope. And Anne is a pistol! :thumbs:

Re: 1979 Mother's Day Forgiveness Series PG

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:45 pm
by cassysj
Anne is something! I always saw Hope with a soft center and somehow it comes across more here then in the doll series.