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Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:19 pm
by jenstc2003
Father’s Day

Disclaimer- nope, don't own anyone that you recognize, damn it all.
Rating- PG 13
Notes- just a little Father's Day story... hope you'll enjoy it.

*Father’s Day 1953*
“Rose, please… leave me alone with him.” The words kill me as I listen to them from the distance. My father’s voice, cracking with the effort of keeping back tears. The big man with the glimmering Irish eyes and smile isn’t here today- hadn’t been in almost a year now. Not since the accident that Coraline had staged the day after my turning. Mother nods at him, then walks a few feet away, still wearing the dark veil she’d worn to Mass for as long as I can remember. A beautiful Spanish- made mantilla that her Mother had given her on her wedding day, it covers her shining blonde hair and hides her expression from me, but I can smell the tears on the air. I can remember as a child watching her put it on before we’d go in to Mass, thinking how beautiful she was. And she is still beautiful. She kneels on the grass, crossing herself reverently as she takes out her rosary. I knew they would be here today- laying memorial wreathes at their own father’s gravestones, then coming here. I don’t dare speak to them- can’t even let them see me- but at least I can be there, see them. I’d give anything to go to them- tell them that I am still here- but the gentle hand on my shoulder prevents it. I could never have broken their hearts like that anyway, but the temptation is stronger than it has ever been. Somehow, I can see their future already, and I don’t like it.

“Why, Cora? Why did you have to do it this way? Can’t you see it is killing them? I was their only son… they didn’t deserve this.” I speak below audible human levels, so they don’t hear me. She doesn’t answer- only stands there behind me, rubbing my shoulders as if willing me some of her strength, but its’ not nearly enough. Sadly, she’s all I have. And she is not enough.

*Father’s Day 1960*
“I never got to say goodbye…” The words choke out as slowly as water through sand as I look at the raw grave in front of me- but I couldn’t care less. If anyone should understand what I’ve gone through in the two weeks since he died, she should. Now, it’s Father’s Day again, and I simply had to come. He would have wanted that. Every Father’s Day until this one, he was at my grave, placing a wreath and standing for an hour or more, speaking to the son he had lost. This is the least I can do.

“I know. But you’ll be OK. You are going to have to get used to losing people, Cher. You’ve got eternity before you- you have no choice. Its’ just part of being what we are- and there are so many other advantages…” She kisses me, as if to remind me of the incendiary love making of last night. “You have to let him go.” She holds me, her hand drawing circles on my back, but it doesn’t work this time. He had never let me go… not once in the 7 years since I had “died”.

“No, Cora. It’s just not right… no parent should have to outlive their child. He was never able to…” She shushes me with a finger.

“That’s how it had to be. You and I both know that. And the fact that he couldn’t get over it was never your fault. Now…. Come on, and we’ll get something to take your mind off of this…” I follow her, but only unwillingly. Her cold, calculated face is in place now- the Sire, not the wife. Not the woman that I once loved- not even the woman I still need with a fierceness that scares me sometimes. This is the woman who had inadvertently killed my father, and I will never forget that.

*Father’s Day 1985*
I stand there, looking down on the manicured lawn covering his final resting place, as I do every year. He would have wanted that- and this year, I need it. My priorities have changed so much in the last year- almost a total reversal. Josef tells me that I’ve gone off the deep end since I met the little girl, but I disagree. She needed me, as no one ever has. It’s as simple as that. I’ve had clients who needed my help- but when Coraline stole her, she crossed a line that I never imagined she could, and triggered in me a protective side I never knew I had. “Dad… you would never believe… I almost became a father. Coraline thought that would bring me back to her, if she could only give me a child. So she stole one. I’ve never seen such fear on a child’s face, Dad… no one should. I killed Cora, rather than let her turn this little girl… had no choice. I couldn’t let her have her life taken from her…” I break down in tears at the memory. I’d watched Beth closely in the ensuing months, wanting to be sure that she is OK. And she has been. Her Mom has done everything imaginable to make her life normal, and she seems to be adjusting pretty well. It’s time to back off a bit now, and let her have her life. Dad would expect that of me. I bow my head and pray the small prayer on the back of his tombstone- the traditional prayer for the souls of the dearly departed- then leave.

*Father’s Day 2009*
For the first time in ages, I am not here alone. I had forgotten how much easier that makes things. Beth caresses my knuckle gently, then touches my cheek. So much different from the years Coraline had joined me here. Her touch warms me to the core. “I love you Beth… you know that, right?”

She smiles a fangy smile at me, enjoying her first day out in the sun since her turning a couple of months ago. “I know. “ She nods, then walks a few yards away, just as Mom had so many years ago, knowing that I need some privacy without even asking. I kneel, praying the old words, then smiling as I cross myself. “Dad- I can only hope you can see how happy I am now. Finally… finally… I am at peace. I finally have met the woman of my dreams. She makes me whole- just like you and Mom did for each other. I told myself once that I’d never meet someone I’d even think about turning… but I was wrong. I couldn’t live without her- couldn’t refuse her when she asked. And I have not regretted that. Coraline was all wrong- you and Mom told me that, but I couldn’t hear you. I miss you both terribly. You saw the worst… it is only fair that you would share the best as well. I just wanted you to know.” The tears finally come, for the first time in years, and I can almost feel his presence like the whisper of the June breeze. He would approve of her, I know. That makes the decision I had already made even easier. Beth walks over and takes my hand, soothing me without a word. I smile at her, then we walk out to the car. I hold on to the ring I have in my pocket, just waiting for the right moment to ask her to be my wife, knowing that it is what I have been waiting on for half a century and more.

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:25 pm
by redwinter101
Very sweet, Jen.


Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:31 pm
by lorig
Beautiful Jen. Really, very touching. :clapping:

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:31 pm
by jenstc2003
*Hugs Red* Thanks!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
redwinter101 wrote:Very sweet, Jen.


Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:33 pm
by jenstc2003
*Smiles* Thanks Lori!! I'm so glad you liked it!!
lorig wrote:Beautiful Jen. Really, very touching. :clapping:

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:46 pm
by coco
Just lovely Jen. :D

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:51 pm
by jenstc2003
*Hugs Coco* Thanks Coco!!! I'm so glad you liked it!!

quote="coco"]Just lovely Jen. :D[/quote]

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:08 pm
by francis
This is quite touching, especially when he tells his dead father that he had to kill Coraline because she wanted to make him a father. The irony. The malice. And the end - he has his Beth. Wonderful.

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:15 pm
by jenstc2003
Thanks Francis!! *Hugs* I'm glad you liked that scene! It was one of the more difficult pieces to put together, actually. I am glad that it works for you. *Smiles*
francis wrote:This is quite touching, especially when he tells his dead father that he had to kill Coraline because she wanted to make him a father. The irony. The malice. And the end - he has his Beth. Wonderful.

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:31 pm
by kpyle
This is a beautiful piece for fathers day! Such a difference between Corolines attitude about his father and Beth's! A son never seems to give up wanting his father's approval, and it is lovely for Mick to feel he would finally have it with Beth! Just lovely! thank you :heart:


Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:37 pm
by jenstc2003
*Hugs* Thanks Kelly! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! You're so right- children will ALWAYS want a parent's approval, and I think the fact that he loves Beth would get his Dad's approval, no doubt.
kpyle wrote:This is a beautiful piece for fathers day! Such a difference between Corolines attitude about his father and Beth's! A son never seems to give up wanting his father's approval, and it is lovely for Mick to feel he would finally have it with Beth! Just lovely! thank you :heart:


Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:56 pm
by draco
Beautiful story, Jen! So sad and yet encouraging! :hankie: :rose: :hug:

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:37 pm
by wollstonecraft61
Oh, jen, this is a perfect Father's Day story. Just perfect. :heart: :hearts: :rose:

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:30 pm
by jenstc2003
*Hugs* Thanks Draco!! I'm glad it was so effective for you!
draco wrote:Beautiful story, Jen! So sad and yet encouraging! :hankie: :rose: :hug:

Re: Father's Day- M/B PG 13

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:31 pm
by jenstc2003
*Hugs* Thanks Woll!! I'm so glad you liked it!
wollstonecraft61 wrote:Oh, jen, this is a perfect Father's Day story. Just perfect. :heart: :hearts: :rose: