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Christmas Revisited 9 Part 1 (PG -PG13)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:01 pm
by Sumaire
Usual Disclaimers, not mine.

Just a quick explaination. This takes place between Realize and A Past Replaced so Beth is still human. The Christmas muse bit with a vengance.

This was supposed to be a one shot, but heaven forbid I write something short. Here's the first part.

Part One

Beth sat at her desk at Buzzwire tapping her pencil against the top of her desk. She was trying to finish her last fluff piece of the week. It was another story about someone doing something good for someone else during the Christmas season. She was having a hard time concentrating; her mind kept drifting back to the conversation that had turned into an argument that turned into a huge blow out with Mick before he had left on an out of town assignment a day earlier. She sighed heavily. I just can't believe Mick doesn't do Christmas. Everyone does Christmas. She was startled back to the present by an "hmmhmm" in her ear.

"Beth, is that last story complete? I'd like to get it online. You're my number one draw." Maureen looked down at Beth, her arms crossed across her chest, impatience plastered on her face.

"What? Oh, yeah. Just finishing it up." Beth hit the send key with flourish. "There you go."

"Wonderful. So what are you and your gorgeous beau going to do for Christmas?"

"Um. We haven't decided yet." Beth lied. Mick's out of town so I won't be doing a damn thing.

"Well I'm sure it's going to be romantic. Now get out of here. Your vacation started twenty minutes ago." With that, Mo turned and headed back to her office.

Beth shut her computer down, grabbed her stuff and bolted out the door. As she headed towards her car, she pulled out her i-Phone and hit dial. Maybe I can get some answers from Josef.

"Kostan Industries." A businesslike female voice answered.

"Josef Kostan please?"

"I'm sorry. Mr. Kostan is unavailable at the moment. Can I take a message?" Beth sighed. Unavailable my ass. He's feeding.

"Yes. Please tell him that Beth Turner called."

"Certainly. Anything else?" The female voice asked, deadpan.

He really needs to get a live secretary. "No thank you." Beth hit end. She climbed into her car and started it. She pulled out and headed to Josef's office.

Fifteen minutes later she was standing in front of the same dead sounding secretary. The secretary looked up from her magazine, a fake smile plastered on her lips. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm here to see Josef Kostan."

"Do you have an appointment?"

Beth sighed, exasperatedly. "No. I'm a close friend. Please tell him that I'm here."

In a syrupy sweet voice, the secretary said, "I'm sorry Ms. . ."


"Ms. Turner, but Mr. Kostsan asked that he not be disturbed. Would you like to make an appointment?"

Now Beth was getting pissed. "No. I do not want to make an appointment. Please call him and let him know that I'm here." She said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that. As I said . . .” Just then the door to the office opened and Josef walked out.

"Samantha, Ms. Turner never needs an appointment." His voice was filled with venom.

"Yes. Sir."

"Beth, come in." Josef held the door open and motioned for Beth to enter. She strode forward, giving the secretary an icy stare as she walked by.

Josef followed her, shutting the door behind them. "So to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Beth had walked over to the comfortable couch and plopped down. "Mick is out of town."


"Before he left we had an argument about celebrating Christmas. He claims he doesn't do Christmas, but he wouldn't tell me why. I figured you would know."

Josef glided over to the bar. He pulled out a bottle of wine and held it up in question. "That would be wonderful Josef, thank you."

"My pleasure, blondie." Josef poured two glasses, pulled out a small bottle and dropped in several drops of blood into one of the glasses. He walked over, handed Beth one glass and took a seat next to her. "So Mick is out of town. What's the problem? He'll be back."

Beth took a sip of wine and sighed. "I'm sure it won't be until after Christmas."

"What would make you think that?"

"Because this just wasn’t an argument, Josef. It was an absolute blow out."

"And. . ."

"He wouldn't tell me why. It just infuriates me that he still seems to think that he has to keep his past from me. He seems to forget that I've met Coraline."

Josef leaned back on the couch. "So how can I help?"

"Well . . . you're his best friend. I'm sure he's told you why he doesn't celebrate Christmas."

"No actually he hasn't. I've tried over the years to get him to come to my annual Christmas party, but he always begs out. And before you ask, yes I've tried to get out of him why too."

"It has got to have something to do with Coraline." Beth took another drink of her wine and then started to absentmindedly run her finger around the rim.

"Undoubtedly. But from what little I gathered from Coraline, she just played on something that happened before they met. She did love to torture him."

"She never said either?"

"No. But trust me, whatever it was, she made it exponentially worse."

Beth huffed in digust. "I swear if I ever see her again, I will kill her myself."

Josef chuckled softly. "Of that I have no doubt."

"Great. It's our first Christmas together and I get to spend it alone." Josef could see the tears welling in Beth's eyes.

"Beth. Give him time. Trust me when I say that he'll come around. It's just got to be on his terms."

"I know." She sighed heavily. She jumped when her phone went off. Beth rummaged through her purse, pulled out her phone and hit answer before the call ended. "Beth Turner."

Josef noted that Beth's mood instantly changed. Wonder who it is? He didn't have to wait long for his answer.

"Aoife!" Beth squealed. Josef heard the elder vampires soft laugh come through the phone.

"Hello Beth. How's the holiday shopping going?"

"Well, I've gotten stuff for everyone on the list but Mick." Beth's voice held a note of sadness that both vampires picked up on.

"Beth, what's wrong?" Aoife asked.

"Mick left for an out of town assignment yesterday. Before he left, we had a huge argument about Christmas. Seems like my vampire doesn't do Christmas."

"Ah. But I thought he was raised Catholic?"

"He was."

"So why doesn't he want to celebrate the Christ child's birth?" Beth scrunched her nose, quizzically. Why is Aoife talking like that?

"He wouldn't tell me, just clammed up, packed and left. I haven't talked to him since. Not much point in getting him a present when he's doesn't want it."

"So you're not going to celebrate then?"

"No. Not much point. I wanted to celebrate it with him, Aoife."

"Tell you what. I'm in Florida right now. How about I fly in and we'll celebrate Christmas together. It sounds like it's really important to you."

"Thank you for the offer, Aoife. But I wouldn't want to impose on your plans."

Aoife smiled to herself. I don't normally do Christmas either, but for a different reason. "It's not Beth. I'll see you tonight."

"Alright. I'll see you then. Bye, Aoife."

"Till later, Beth." Beth hit end, drank the last of her wine and stood.

Josef smiled at her. "So?"

Beth giggled. "Like you didn't hear every word, Josef. I'm celebrating Christmas with Aoife."

"Hmmm. I bet she knows some killer cookie recipes. Have fun." Josef stood, placed his hand in the small of Beth's back and guided her towards the door. "Have faith, Beth. Mick will come around. You're good for him. Now out, I have money to make." Beth laughed as she headed out the door and home. She got about ten paces away before a wicked smile came to her face. She turned around, walked back to Josef’s office door, hesitated for just a second and pulled it open. She poked her head in, looking for the elder vampire.

“Josef?” She called upon not seeing him.

“Yes, Beth?” His amused reply came back. He walked from the far wall and the bank of plasma TV’s to the door.

“Are you doing anything for Christmas?”

“No, not really. Why?”

“Come over to the penthouse tomorrow night, please? Three people’s always more fun than two.” Beth looked at him with expectant eyes.

“Well . . . sure why the hell not. This will be a first in a long time.”

Beth’s face lit up. “What do you mean?”

“Spending Christmas with people other than freshies.”

“Ahh. New concept.” Beth turned and headed back down the hall. “See you at 7:00 pm tomorrow.”

“I’ll bring the champagne.”

“You’d better.” Beth said as the elevator doors shut.

Josef chuckled to himself. This should be fun. He pulled out his phone, scrolled through his contacts and hit dial.

It rang three times before Mick answered. “What, Josef. This had better be good. I’m working.”

“Well hello and Merry Christmas to you too.” Josef smiled as he heard a growl come from the other end.

“What do you want, Josef.”

“I just have a question for you.”

“Well.” Came Mick’s exasperated reply.

“Mind explaining to my why I’m spending Christmas with your girlfriend and you're not?” Josef waited, smiling to himself at the silence on the other end.

“What do you mean you’re spending Christmas with Beth?” Mick said through gritted teeth.

“She came over upset about your little tiff, asking if I knew why you don’t celebrate Christmas. I told her the truth that I didn’t know. She invited me over.” Josef heard another growl. He chuckled. “Don’t worry boyo. There’s no way I try anything, Aoife will be there too, she’d string me alive.”

Mick for his part had collapsed into a chair in the rundown motel he was staying in. He knew that Beth loved Christmas and there had been a time when he did too. But now, it just brought back painful memories, ones that he prayed every year would fade. Now those memories were impacting the one person he cared the most for, Beth. He just didn’t know how to get past it.

“Mick.” Josef called. Nothing. “MICK!” He yelled into the phone.

“Yeah. Look, tell Beth I’m sorry. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

“You need to explain this to her, my friend.”

“I know, I know. I will. After Christmas.”

“Take this how ever you want, but after Christmas will be too late. She’ll never forgive you.”

Mick looked out of the window and saw the person he was tailing leaving the motel. “Look, I’ve got to go. Works calls.”

“Fine, fine. Mick, get home for Christmas.”

“Yeah. I know.” Mick hit end, headed out the door, the past weighing heavy on his mind.

Re: Christmas Revisited 9 Part 1 (PG -PG13)

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:04 pm
by coco
Well Christmas isn't for everyone and I guess Mick is one of those people.

He and I would get on well at that time of year. :snicker:

Re: Christmas Revisited 9 Part 1 (PG -PG13)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:54 pm
by francis
Oh Mick, you are so stubborn. Why don't you at least try to replace the old memories with better ones? You will not want to remember a bare motel room every time on Christmas.
Poor Beth, too. I hope he comes around. :ghug:

Re: Christmas Revisited 9 Part 1 (PG -PG13)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:47 pm
by Kara
I wonder if he was turned on Xmas? Hope he explains it to Beth soon.

Interesting beginning. Thanks.