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Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:38 am
by JosefsRose
This started as a one shot, which took on a life of it's own
Disclaimer :- They belong to others, and I make no money from it. I just get to play.
Rating PG 13 (small amount of violence and sexual implications)

Self Defence Part 1

Beth had decided she really needed to learn how to take care of herself. She couldn’t always rely on Mick to be there. She had been to some classes when she was young, but had stopped when she was in high school. She had looked into it again when she started dating Josh. Took some classes as well, the instructor had said she was a natural. She enjoyed the classes but lately work had been getting in the way. It was time to make some changes. Beth found her editor, in her office. “Hi Maureen, do you have a few minutes to talk?”
“Sure Beth, for my star reporter, you can have five.” She smiled “Now what did you want to talk about?”
Beth took a breath, “Well, just recently some of the reports I have done for you have put me in some dangerous situations.”
“Yes, they have and you’ve always got the best story from them. Where’s this going Beth?”
“I need an afternoon off every week. I’m going to learn some self defence.”
“Self defence, why? I thought tall, dark and handsome looked after you. He always seems to have your back.”
“He’s not always there, Maureen. He has his own work, we just work together occasionally. So will you give me the time off?”
“Sure Beth, but if a story comes up, you still have to run with it. That’s fair I think. What afternoon did you need off?”
“Tuesday. I’m already registered and had a few classes. Of course work comes first, but I need to do this.”
“No problem Beth, Your safety is paramount to me. Where else would I find a new fearless reporter?” Still smiling at the joke.
“Maureen, you’re the best.” giving her a peck on the cheek.

The following Tuesday afternoon, Beth went back to the class. She was determined to learn how to look after herself, she thought all women should take some sort of class. Society the way it was, meant that people were no longer safe to walk the streets. Maybe she could put a report together after, get more women in classes like this one. She would have to ask Maureen later. When ever she trained Beth thought of Mick, wishing it was him teaching her. Thinking of how his body would be close to hers. Instead she had a middle aged, overweight man, who seemed to enjoy grabbing her. Pervert, she thought. He seemed to single her out more than any of the other women in the class. Oh well, she thought, I learning to look after myself, and I never know when I might need it. The class finished and she left heading back to her apartment. Checking her phone she had 3 messages. Two were from Buzzwire, Maureen wanted her to call. She had a story for her to follow. The other was from Mick, he said he needed to see her. She rang the office first. “Hey, what have you got for me?”
“There’s been murder, near the hospital. I want you over there. See what you can find out. I’ll send a camera crew over they’ll meet you there. Now go, get me my story.” with that she hung up.
Next Beth rang Mick. When ever she talked to him her heart beat sped up. How he made her feel, was a shock to her. He answered on the third ring. “Beth, I glad you rang back. I wondered if you would like to work on a case with me? It’s up your street and you could do a report on it for Buzzwire.”
Beth was holding her breath, finally letting it out she said. ”Maureen, has just asked me to cover a murder over at the hospital. If it’s the same one do you want to meet me there?” she was excited at the prospect of seeing him.
“Sorry, Beth it’s not the same one. Maybe we can catch up later. We could share notes.”
“Oh, O.K. how about I come by your place later tonight?” She tried not to sound too hopeful.
“I’m not going to be at my place. I’m working on something for Josef, so I’ll be at his place till late.” he heard her sigh.
Beth was upset, she had wanted to see him. “Well, ring me when your free.” With that she hung up. Why was she upset, it wasn’t as if they were an item. They were just friends nothing more. She headed off to the murder site for Maureen, at least she could get the report done. She met up with the cameraman, and looked around. There was nothing to see. Spotting her police contact she went to see what she could find out. “So, what can you tell me Carl?”
“Beth, why am I not surprised to see you.”
“You know me, I just want to find out the story. So?”
“There’s nothing to tell, it was a false alarm, no body, no murder, no story. Looks like someone’s playing a game with us. Look if anything comes up, I’ll let know, you get the exclusive.” he turned away from her and headed back to his car.
Beth headed back to the cameraman, “O.K. we’ll just do a short lead piece, about the fact nothing happened and someone has sent the police on a wild goose chase.” Having done the report she, phoned Buzzwire and let them know. With that done she went home. Mick didn’t ring that night, nor all the following week. She was starting to worry, it wasn’t like Mick to no ring her. She had tried ringing him, but got no reply, it didn’t even go to his voice mail. Mick was able to look after himself, she thought. She continued to go to her classes, she was starting to learn some of the more advanced techniques, her instructor seemed to think she was ready for it. She still thought he was a pervert, using her for demonstrations to the class, just to get close to her. Still she was learning and she was getting faster in her reactions to his scenarios.
Two more weeks past and she had still not heard from Mick. Beth decided to go and see Josef, Mick had said he was working for him. When she arrived at Josef’s building she headed straight for his office. “Is Josef in?” she asked of the receptionist.
“I’m sorry, but Mr Kostan isn’t in the office at the moment, would you like to leave a message.”
“Where is he, I’m trying to find Mick St John, and the last thing he told me, was he was working on something for Josef.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help you with that, but if you want to leave a message, I’ll get him to ring you as soon as he is back in the office.”
“Fine, just ask him to ring Beth Turner as soon as he gets back.” her reporters sense told the receptionist was lying, but she wasn’t going to learn anything from her. Josef’s staff never talked. She left, still worried about what may have happened to Mick.
Beth was getting more than worried, it had been more than a month since she had spoken to Mick. She also hadn’t heard back from Josef. She was getting distracted at work, Maureen finally told Beth to go home. As she drove back to her apartment her phone rang. Looking down she didn’t recognise the number. “Beth Turner.”
“Beth, it’s Josef.”
“Josef, what’s going on? I‘ve been trying to get hold of Mick, but I haven’t managed to.” she sounded concerned.
“Mick’s here with me, we haven’t been able to contact the outside until now. We’re not even in the states at the moment. My office told me you had been in looking for us. We’re still working, but you don’t need to worry.”
“Can I talk to him please Josef?” her heart started to speed up.
There was a pause, before he replied. “Not at the moment , he’s busy. I’ll pass on that your concerned. I’ll let you in on a secret. He misses you, Buzzwire.”
“Thanks Josef, I guess I miss him too. I’m just used to him being around. When are you likely to be back?”
“I hope it will be a couple of weeks. I need to get back to the office, and I need some fresh bl…” with that the line went dead.
Beth looked down at her phone, the disconnection must have been at Josef’s end. Well at least she knew they were alright, but it didn’t stop her thinking that something had happened. Her phone buzzed again she had a message from Lt Carl Davies, to ring him as soon as possible. She finished driving home, she needed to think before she speaking to the lieutenant. Letting herself in, she went straight to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine. Slouching on the sofa she picked up her phone and rang Carl.
“What’s up Carl?”
“Hey Beth, I thought I would get back to you. Do you remember that false alarm?”
“Yeah, I posted a piece about police time being wasted.”
“We had three more calls like that. All of them were major calls, but we have no leads. If we get anything else I’ll let you know.”
“Thanks Carl, night.”
“Night Beth.”
She sat in silence for a while, just thinking. Josef had said they should be back in two weeks, She really shouldn’t worry, but something was nagging at the back of her mind. She had a link to Mick, she sensed something was wrong. But she had no-one she could turn to. Josef had said Mick was with him, but she wasn’t able to talk to him. She would just have to wait it out. For the next two weeks, she worked posting fluff stories for Buzzwire, and going to her classes. At the end of the second week, she was still waiting to hear from Josef or Mick. Nothing came. On Saturday night Beth had been out with some colleagues from work. Walking back to her car, she heard a scuffle coming from an alley. Looking down she saw three men attacking someone. Without thinking she walked into the alley. “Hey, leave him alone.” sounding stronger than she felt.
The attackers turn their attention to her. “Oh you want some do you! Well come here sweetheart.” stepping towards her
Beth stood her ground and waited for the first man to reach her. As he tried to grab her she side stepped him, tripping him up. As he went down the second man stepped up and swung a punch at her. She blocked the punch, and retaliated, knocking him out cold with a strike to face. The third man having seen this, turned tail and ran. The first man had managed to stand up. He caught Beth from behind in a bear hug. Using what she had learnt, she swung her head back into his. His nose caved in with a sickening crunch. Screaming the man, released her and holding his nose ran from the alley. Checking on the man whom she had knocked out, she made her way to the victim. There lying motionless on the floor was Mick. As She reached him he started to regain consciousness. “Mick, what happened?” the concern in her voice was astounding.
“I was waiting for you. Maureen let me know where you had gone when I rang her. I wanted to surprise you. These guys just got the jump on me. I don’t remember much after that. Who knock him out?” he was still groggy.
“I did, I’ve been taking self defence classes. I was thinking that I should learn to look after myself. I never thought I’d be looking out for you.” with that said, she kissed him. Helping him stand, he took her in his arms and returned her kiss.
“Now you’re my guardian angel, Beth. You’re there to look out for me.”

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:07 pm
by francis
I remember starting this story somewhere else but never finishing it.
Is Mick on the cure so the three could get a punch in? Will Beth now look after him? I really like that she's such a self-reliant woman. Please post more of this.

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:14 pm
by lorig
I LOVE this story and have no problem reading it again. :hug:

Re: Self Defence PT 2 updated Rating PG 13

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:06 pm
by JosefsRose
Self Defence Pt 2

Chapter 1

Beth helped Mick up, her mind was racing. She had a myriad of questions for him. Fore mostly, what had he been up to with Josef? She didn’t ask him, she kissed him, hard. Mick moaned, his head hurt where he had been hit. Still he responded to her advance. Pulling back Beth stared into his loving eyes. “Let’s get back to my place. You can tell me what’s going on.” Mick just nodded, and followed her to her car. Beth held the door for him. She had a concerned look on her face. Still she said nothing. The drive to Beth’s apartment was made in silence, but she kept glancing sideways at Mick. He looked different, but she wasn’t sure how. She parked outside of her building, turning the engine of. She swivelled in her seat facing Mick, for the first time she notice that his face appeared haggard and older. She gently held his face studying him, “Come on, lets get inside. We can talk.” then she opened the car door and was stopped by Mick’s quiet voice.

“Beth” just one word, but it held a million emotions. She turned back to face him, and noticed the shine on his cheeks. She gave him a shy smile.

“Come on Mick. I think we both need a drink.” she climbed out of the car and walked round to his side, and waited. Mick climbed out, holding onto the car for support. Beth just stood, taking everything in. Slowly it dawned on her, Mick hadn’t healed. “Oh my God Mick. What happened while you were with Josef?” She stepped over to his side, wrapping her arm around his waist, taking most of his weight as they walked to her door. Leaning him against the wall while she reached into her purse for her keys. She only just got the door open, as she saw Mick sliding down the wall. She made a grab to steady him but he was too heavy and the both ended up on the floor of the hallway. Beth let out a nervous giggle, but she stifled it with one look at the figure next to her. With some help from Mick, they managed to get into her apartment, and onto her couch. “Talk to me Mick, what happened to you?” Her blue eyes looked deeply into his, the depth of her love for him plain to see. Mick knew he had little choice, but even as he tried to organise his thoughts he drifted off into an unconscious sleep. Beth stared down at the man on her couch. Taking the opportunity to study him closely in the light. He hadn’t healed, the bruises already starting to colour, cuts congealing. She gingerly touched his face, and got no response from him. Then even more carefully she checked the top of his head, where he had been struck. The deep gash was still weeping slightly. She headed into her kitchen to get a bowl of water, then into the bathroom to get her first aid kit. She decided to clean and disinfect the cuts Mick had sustained, then she was going to get to the bottom of what had happened. Even if it meant confronting Josef. She wanted answers. Taking her time, she removed Mick’s coat. Which was not an easy feat, as he was a dead weight. The coat she lay over the back of the chair behind her. She knew she had to remove his top, but something stopped her. Instead she placed a small kiss on each of the cuts on his face. Then she cleaned each one, using the disinfectant, to make sure they were clean. Not once did he stir. She then focused her attention to the gash on his head.. Not wanting to reopen the wound, she cleaned the area around it. Then ever so gently, she dabbed the cut, trying to get the worst of clotted blood off. She had some success. Mick had started shivering, so she ran to her bedroom and got a comforter, gently laying it across his prone figure. She stood looking at the man she loved, unable to understand all that was happening. Her mind wanted, no, needed answers. Mick was in no condition to give to her, but she knew who could. She found Mick’s phone in his coat pocket, scrawling down the names until she found the one she wanted. She hit the dial button, on the third ring it was answered.

“Mick, mi amigo, to what do I owe this call. Did you call, to tell me you finally sealed the deal with Buzzwire.” he was smirking, and Beth could hear it down the phone.

Beth took a breath, “Sorry Josef, I hate to say it but,…” she heard the intake of a shocked breath at the other end. “no.” She waited for the reply.

“Ohh. Then to what do I owe this honour.” she smiled knowing she had managed to wipe a smirk off his face, even for just one minute.

“Mick is unconscious on my couch. I want to know what happened.” she tried to keep her voice from breaking, but every time she looked at Mick, her heart broke a little more.

There was an extended pause before Josef spoke again. “I’m coming round, don’t move him. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.” with that the phone went dead. She went and sat on the floor next to Mick’s head. She put her head on her knees and wept. She was afraid she was going to lose him. She had never told him the depth of her feelings for him, even though they had both told each other “I love you“. It was clear he was human again, it meant he could die. She was still sat on the floor when Josef entered the apartment. Josef took in the scene before him. Shaking his head he knelt next to Beth.

Placing a hand gently on her shoulder, she jumped as he spoke, “Beth, tell me what happened.”

Beth’s eyes were still full of tears, as she looked into Josef’s face. She looked over her shoulder at Mick’s prone figure, taking in a shuddering breath. She wiped her face with her hand and went to stand. Josef’s strong hand steadied her. With another glance at Mick, she stiffened and her Blue eyes, flashed with a ferocity Josef had never seen. “You want to know what happened. You!” she spat the final word at him. “Mick is obviously human again. He had the living just about kicked out of him by three thugs, and you want to know what happened.” she laughed but there was no humour in it.

“Beth, I’m sorry. I need you to calm down and tell me how Mick got hurt.” he kept his tone low, trying to calm the situation. With little success. Beth continued to shoot daggers at him.

“Don’t. You. Dare. For six weeks the two of you disappeared, then Mick finally meets me. Only to get beaten up. Human. He’s human Josef…” her tirade was cut shot by Mick’s moans as he came to.

“Could you turn down the volume, it’s enough to wake the dead.” he had a small smile on his face. He loved Beth, when she was being feisty.

Beth instantly turned her gaze towards Mick. “Oh God Mick. Would someone please tell me what happened to you, while you were with Him.” she glared briefly at Josef, her eyes once again flashing pure hate at him. Her strength, left her and Josef caught her as her legs gave way. He lifted her easily, and carried her to the chair at Mick’s head. She had so many emotions running at the same time. Anger, fear, love. She had been running on adrenalin, it’s effects now long gone, she was tired. She didn’t even fight Josef’s actions. Her big blue eyes just pleaded for the truth. Josef took a big step back. Silence filled the room, but only Josef could here the real sounds. Two hearts beating a reverie, almost synchronized with each other, two sets of breath, one slightly ragged, edged with pain, the other slightly sharp, and short. It was awkward, and Josef normally liked awkward. This time it felt wrong to him, his best friend was lying on the couch. Having been attacked, and bested. Something that would have never happened before. He was starting to get angry, and it took all his self control not to let it go.

“I’ll tell you what, both of you need to get some rest.” he held up his hand to quell Beth’s coming protest. “I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon, then we’ll tell you what’s been going on. What Mick and I were doing for those six weeks. Fair.” there really wasn’t any room for argument. Beth was just too tired. She gave a barely noticeable nod. Then asked.

“Would you help Mick to the bed?” Josef’s eyes widened. “Well he can’t stay on the couch. I’ll sleep out here.”

“Sometimes I think you are going to surprise me Buz.. Beth.” He changed her name at the last minute. Even with her obvious current distain for him, when it came to Mick, she would broker a deal with the devil. He gained a new respect for her. Walking over to Mick he gave him a closer check, he couldn’t hear any internal injuries. Then with a look of pity, and sadness he lifted his friend effortlessly up and strode into Beth’s room. Beth quickly followed, pulling down the covers on her bed. Josef sat Mick down. “Do you need any help undressing?” Mick looked at his friend sensing his unease.

“I think I’ll manage. Thank you, Josef.” Josef appeared unsure what he was being thanked for, then realisation dawned on him.

“Your welcome Mick.” He turned to face Beth. “I’ll leave him in your tender hands. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” he turned to leave, but he left a parting shot at the front door. “Enjoy yourself children.” Then closed the door. Beth rolled her eyes, the nerve of that man. She turned back to Mick.

“Mick, let me help.” his face was etched with pain as he attempted to remove his top. She stood in front of him, placing her hand just inside his top, hooking it with her thumbs. Her hands moved round towards his back, skimming his bruised flesh, then rising upwards lifting the material up. Slowly she removed the top, she took the chance to see the damage. There was a large welt, with a dark bruise surrounding it. He had several cracked ribs there. She placed her fingertips there, removing them sharply as he winced. “Oh I’m sorry Mick, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” her face shadowed by fear for him.

“ You didn’t Beth, you could… would never hurt me.” he leant forward, closing the gap between them. Brushing her lips with his. Beth pulled back. “Beth, I know this is not the time, but there will be in the near future.” His gaze dropped, and he swayed slightly. “I did this for you.” his voice was almost inaudible, only her close proximity let her hear his words.

“Mick, I don’t care if your human or vampire. I just need you.” she lifted his head to face hers. “Just you Mick St John. Now lay back, I need to take your boots off, and get you more comfortable.” He complied to her request. She removed his boots, and socks. She stood and her hands met his, as she undid his belt. Her eyes met his, there was a want in them. Matched in her own, but both knew this was not the time or the place. She helped him shed his trousers. Beth smiled, “I was right, boxers not briefs.” With that the mood changed. She settled him comfortably in her bed, then gathered spare bedding and walked back into the lounge. Dumping them on the floor by the couch. “Can I get you anything for the pain.” Spoken as she walked back to see him. She stopped in the door way, he was already asleep. “Sleep well Mick.” she whispered and turned out the light in the room. Returning to the lounge to arrange her own bed. She settled down and turned out the light. The clock read 2.30am, she was asleep before five minutes had passed. The events having finally caught up.

Chapter 2

It was light when Beth finally woke, she stretched, removing the kinks that had settled in her back. She stood, looking down at herself. She was a mess, her hair was an untamed frizz, her face had red marks where she had slept, and her clothes were. She really didn’t want to think about that. She checked the time 11.43. “Shit.” she looked across at her bedroom door. She needed clean clothes and a shower. She headed to the door, She opened it quietly, Mick was sat up in the bed, reading her trashy novel.

“Good morning. I wondered if you were up.” he gave her a smile, then held up the book. “Not quite my style.” Beth stepped into the room, crossing to the dresser.

“I need some fresh clothes, before heading into the shower. Josef said he’d be back this afternoon.” she was nervous, she rushed the sentence. She then focused on Mick, and reality bit back. “I’m sorry, How are you feeling?” she sat on the edge of the bed by his feet. Some of his colour had returned, though he had many multi coloured bruises covering his face and body.

Mick was still smiling, “I feel better, although my ribs are killing me. What about you, how do you feel?”

“Me, apart from the fact, I look like I’ve been dragged though a hedge. I’m fine. Do you want me to get you something for the pain? I’m pretty sure I’ve got some super strength painkillers in the cupboard.” She reached for his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. Here was the man she loved, in her bed. Only they hadn’t shared it. An evil thought crossed her mind. “Mick do you want to wind Josef up?” Mick saw the glint of mischief in her eyes.

“What did you have in mind. Josef isn’t the easiest person to fool.” he cocked his head, and smiled a little more at the thought.

“Josef, thinks you ‘should have sealed the deal’. Well let’s make him think we did. I know you want me and… well I want you. Last night the temptation was very real. Only circumstances didn’t allow it. Let me show you how I feel about you Mick.” She crept up the bed, pulling the covers down, she gazed in amazement at Mick’s response to her suggestion. Beth’s hands worked their magic on Mick. “Just relax, and enjoy. I know I will.” Mick leaned back against the headboard accepting Beth’s touch. His heart rate increased, his breathing shuddered.

“Oh God Beth!!” he watched as she took him in her mouth, the view was erotic. He struggled to stay still, his hips bucked under her. Then he came, Beth taking all he had to offer. She sat back up, wiping her face. “Beth, that was amazing. Where did you learn that little trick?”

“I went to college Mick, I learnt a lot there.” she laughed as she spoke. “Josef should be here soon, do you want any help dressing, or can I get a quick shower.?”

“If you get me the painkillers, I should be fine. Go get your shower. He patted her ass as her stood. She took two skips before she left the room, returning quickly with a glass of water.

“Here take two, with the water. After I’ve showered I’ll make some breakfast. I just want to see the look on Josef’s face.” She turned tail and went straight back to the bathroom. Mick could hear the water running, bring images of Beth to his mind. He shook his head. Swallowing the tablets Beth had brought him. He eased himself from the bed, grabbing his trousers, wincing as he pulled them on. He walked bare foot into the lounge. He looked back to the bathroom door, a small amount of steam escaping where the door was slightly ajar. He could pick up the light smell of flowers, Jasmine. Beth always smelt of Jasmine. He was crossing to the kitchen when there was a knock at the door. Mick went to open it.

Josef stood waiting for an answer. He sniffed the air, then did it a second time just to check what he sensed the first time. He had a grin planted solidly on his face, by the time Mick opened the door. “Oh, you obviously were not hurt that bad. So how did it go.”

“Come in Josef, I’ll get Beth.” he turned and walked to the bathroom door. “Um.. Beth, Josef’s here.” the shower shut off and a wet and flustered Beth appeared in the doorway.

“Hey Josef, give me a few to get dressed.” He was unsure whether the flush in her face was embarrassment, or the heat of the shower. Then again, Josef loved awkward and embarrassing situations. Beth scooted past Mick and into the bedroom. True to her word, she reappeared a few minutes later, dressed in sweat pants and a baggy tee shirt. Her hair was towel dry, and brushed out. “I’d offer you a drink Josef, but I don’t have anything for you. Mick, would you like some coffee, or juice?” She walked into the kitchen putting the coffee machine through it’s cycle, and the smell filled her apartment. To Josef’s vamp sense the smell was overpowering, but he had learned over the centuries to control it. To Mick the smell was heaven. With out turning to face him Beth asked, “So Josef, are you going to tell me what happened, while you and Mick were away?”

Josef had no choice, his best friend and brother had been hurt, and his girlfriend was pissed at him. “Finish your coffee and I’ll recount what’s been happening. Mick can verify anything I say. I won’t lie to you.” He walked over to the chair and sat down a serious look upon his face. Mick followed him and gingerly sat down on one end of the couch. Using the pillows Beth had left to make himself more comfortable. He looked up as Beth came over handing him a cup of coffee. She sat lightly next to him, and leaned into him. Her eyes fixed on Josef’s face as she place a small hand on Mick’s thigh. Josef, being Josef, couldn’t help himself. The grin returned. “I knew you two wouldn’t be able to help yourselves. So tell me how did it go? Details I want details.”

Beth, gave a small laugh , then she and Mick shared a glance before laughing out loud. “Oh that’s the look, He must have had a smirk a mile wide when you opened the door.” Beth managed to say, Watching as a very confused look ran across Josef’s face.

“Yeah, he did.” Mick replied holding on to his ribs, which hurt from laughing.

Josef’s look became more confused, which made Beth laugh more. “Would one of you two, laughing hyenas tell me what’s so funny. Cause it seems to be at my expense.”

“Beth, thought we should play a little joke on you.” Mick smiled at his friend.

“And just what did this joke entail.” He was trying to sound stern, but was loosing the battle.

Beth looked at Mick, who was still holding his ribs. Her eyes shone with mischief. Then she turned back to face Josef. “We wanted you to think Mick and I “sealed the deal.” Well the joke is still on you. We haven’t, I gave Mick a sensual massage. I’m guessing the resulting aroma must be similar. I just wanted to see the look on your face.”

Josef’s face was impassive, unreadable. Then with out warning he burst into laughter. “I have to give you credit Buzzwire, you got me. I should be mad at you, but I’m not. I guess in time you two will seal the deal, I’ll just have to wait. Patience is a virtue, I never really had. Still I have time, all of eternity in fact.” All three friends smiled, “Now do you want to know what happened or are you happy just to have Mick back?”

“Josef, just having Mick close to me is heaven, but he almost got killed because he’s human again. I guess I don’t need all the facts” Josef snorted at this but made no comment, waiting for Beth to finish. “but, I want to know why he’s human again. I love Mick, all of him. No matter what he is, it doesn’t matter to me.” Her eyes were bright with tears, but they never fell. Mick reached around and pulled her even closer to him. She lay her head on his shoulder.

“I thought I knew you, you’d want all the facts. Yet here you are telling me you want the basics.” He shock his head, this blonde human kept surprising him. When it came to Mick, she would defend him with her life if necessary. “So let’s start this conversation again. How are you feeling buddy?”

“Better, thank you Josef. Beth’s tender care would make any man feel better. That and the pain killers she gave me.” Mick smiled, the tension that had been in the room the night before had gone.

“And you Beth, how are you?” he was unsure of what her answer would be.

“I owe you an apology Josef. I was upset, Mick was hurt and I vented at you. It wasn’t right.” She was sincere, her eyes cast down as she spoke.

“You owe me nothing Beth. Love and fear make us do and say things we don’t mean. Plus, you were right. Some of this is my fault.” He knelt in front of her and lifted her chin. “Please don’t blame yourself.” Mick watched in silence the scene playing out in view. This was a side of Josef rarely seen. He last time had been in New York, when they had found him with Sara Whitley. Beth’s eyes locked onto his, she was unable to look away. There was too much raw emotion there. She gave a unperceivable nod. Josef dropped his hand, and sat back.

“Josef, have you fed today?” Mick broke the silence. Josef smiled at his friend, and then at Beth, the tension that had built dropped away.

“I brought something with me. Do you mind if I put it in your fridge Beth?” she noted he had called her by her name, and not one of the nicknames he used for her normally.

“Sure, glasses are in the top right cupboard.” she turned slightly adjusting her weight so she didn’t hurt Mick’s ribs. She gave him a light kiss on his jaw line, and he rested his head on the top of hers. He inhaled out of habit, still taking in her scent. It was lighter now, more subtle. Josef returned with a glass in hand. The smile on his face widened, he felt everything was going to work out fine.

“Shall we get started. I still have a business to run, and deals to complete.” He returned to the chair opposite the couple. “You wanted to know the facts.” Beth showed her ascent. “Fine, I hired Mick to work for me. There had been a spate of rouge vamps in LA, even the cleaners were having a hard time keeping up with the body count. I wanted him to find out where they were coming from, and to stop it. The trail lead to British Columbia , and so that’s where we went. Yes I said we. The trail was leading us to an area I had long tried to forget. We found the source of the rouges on Vancouver Island. They were being created in some experimental lab. They were then staked, and transported to cities around the US. Where they were released to cause havoc. The other purpose of the lab was to find a chemical way to stop vamps.” he paused to look at Mick. Beth remained silent, she had asked for the details.

“Carry on Josef, Beth needs to hear the whole thing.” he shifted his weight to get more comfortable. Still holding Beth to him, he kissed the top of her head.

Josef looked uneasy, wishing he didn’t have to tell this tale. “O.K so as I said they were researching a chemical way to stop vamps. It seems they were successful in some way. There was a fight and Mick stepped behind me to stop a thug, staking me. Mick hit the deck, and one of the researchers injected him with something. Turns out it was a variation of the compound Coraline had given him. I pulled the stake out of him, it had missed everything important, just going into the flesh of his shoulder. The results of the injection took a couple of days to manifest themselves, but after three days Mick was completely human.” He heard Beth’s sharp intake of breath. She had turned herself to face Mick, kneeling next to him, one hand on his face the other entangled within his. “That was four weeks ago, Mick had been undergoing tests to see if it was temporary or permanent. So far it looks like it is permanent. We returned to LA a week ago. Mick’s been staying with me, but he needed to see you. So he called your editor, and she told him where to find you. The rest you know.” silence filled the apartment as Beth took in everything she had heard. She had turned back to face Josef as he talked, now she stood and went to the window. Without turning back she spoke.


“Why what, Beth?” Josef looked at Mick, raising an eyebrow.

“Why Mick? He said he did it for me. I have said time and again, I don’t care what he is. Just who he is.” Her voice faltered and her body shook.

It was Mick voice that carried to her, “Beth, I want to be with you. I know your feelings about being turned. This way we can be together.” she turned to face the two men in her room. Tears ran down her face. Mick stood, and without wincing at his pain he crossed the room to her side. He wrapped his arms around her, turning her as he did so. Pulling her into his body, she buried her face into his chest. They stood that way for what seemed like an eternity. Beth finally pulled back, and looked up into his face.

“Mick, we have never actually talked about turning me. If it meant we could be together, then I would do it. An eternity with you, I can only imagine how our love would grow. Now…” she paused, then her gaze shifted to Josef. “Why didn’t you turn him again?”

An uneasy look crossed his features, his eyes flashing silver briefly, before returning to their normal hazel. “I can’t.” He shifted on the chair, then stood and walked to the refrigerator. He poured himself another glass of blood.


Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:16 pm
by cancan22
This is a very compelling story. Mick is finally human, but Beth is not too happy about it. Why can't Josef turn him? Can't wait for more!

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 cpr 3/4 posted

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:49 pm
by JosefsRose
Chapter 3

Beth looked astounded, her face was slack, her eyes wide. She took a step away from Mick and towards Josef. She started to shake, her fists clenched and unclenched. “Why not? You did it before. Mick told me, just do it, why won’t you do it?” she took one more faltering step and her legs gave way. Josef caught hold of her, lifting swiftly and returning her to the couch. Mick followed, only a step behind, a look of pleading on his face. Beth stared into Josef’s eyes, searching for something. “Why not Josef? Please tell me.” she felt faint, too much had happened. It wasn’t Josef who answered.

“Beth, I want to be human. To share my life with you. My mortal life.” he cupped her face with his hands. “Josef is right, he can’t re-turn me again, but I don’t want him to. Even if he could.” He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, and sighed.

Beth sat up, and patted the seat next to her. Mick sat down and she scooted closer to him. Feeling his warmth, his breath on the top of her head. Taking a deep breath, she looked firstly at Mick then at Josef. “Josef, please sit down. I’ll accept that Mick wants to be human, he always denied the vampire inside of him.” She gave his hand a comforting squeeze. “But, it still doesn’t explain why you can’t return him. I want to know, is it just Mick, or can’t you turn anyone anymore?”

Josef, remained silent. He had to think this through. He wasn’t sure he wanted to answer Beth’s question. He was saved by the bell, literally. Josef’s phone rang, glancing at the display he spoke up. “I got to take this.” He stood and walked into the kitchen. Beth only heard half the conversation, but judging by Josef’s body language, and tone he was not happy. “Kostan… When did this happen?…No, do nothing….I mean it, do nothing…. I’m on my way back now.” he disconnected the call and turned to face Mick and Beth. “I have got to go. We will finish this later. Come over to mine around 9. Maybe, you two can finish what you started, for real this time.” He smirked, turned and left. Leaving a shocked couple sitting on the couch.

“Did he just walk out of here with out explaining?” Beth was slightly incredulous.

Mick just gave her, a lopsided smile. “Yeah, he did. For what it’s worth, we’ve got a few hours to kill. Do you want to follow his suggestion?” raising an eyebrow at her. Beth looked at him, unable to suppress the grin on her face. She just stood, held out her hand looking towards the bedroom. “Do you think I should?”

“I’ll be gentle, no rough stuff.” Her eyes illuminated with her love for him. Mick stood slowly, then took her hand. Letting her lead him to the bed. As they reached the door, Beth changed direction, going to the next door. “I have a better idea, a long soak in a hot bath.” Letting go, she walked to the tub, put in the plug and turned on the taps. Adjusting the temperature, to a hot but comfortable level. She poured in a little fragranced oil, Sandalwood fill the air. She returned to Mick, running her hands over his chest, then around his waist and up his back. Pulling his top up, allowing access to his muscular frame. He stood, feeling her every touch, wanting her to touch him. Slowly her hand roamed lower, reaching the waistband of his trousers. The other joined it, pushing inside stroking and teasing. Pulling out. She turned her head to check the bath. The level was just over half full. She stepped away from Mick, to turn the flow of water off. Mick gave a small moan as her touch left him. As she turned , she removed her top, standing in front of him in just her bra. Her pale flesh, almost luminescent. Now she returned her attention to him. Lifting his shirt over his body, Mick bending slightly to help her. Her hands once again, resumed her inspection of his torso, skimming over the black and yellow bruise on his ribs. Again they reached his waist, but this time they undid the buttons on his jeans. Slowly she lowered them, and his boxers. Hands running down the outside of his thighs, returning upwards on the inside. Her fingers stopped, tips touching his swollen member. It twitched as she teased it. Beth stood, reaching her hands around Mick’s neck, pulling him down for a light kiss. Mick, took his turn, his hand running over Beth’s porcelain skin. Pausing briefly at her breasts, teasing the nipples through the material of her bra. Unclasping it and pushing it down her shoulders to the floor. Then following down towards her abdomen, loosening the zip on the jeans. Pushing them down, listening to her whispered moans, breathing in as he realised she had no panties on. She stepped out of the mass of material at her feet, then pulled him towards the bath. Mick stepped from the pool of clothes at his feet to follow. “Climb in.” Beth’s voice breathless in anticipation. Mick did so, sitting at one end, sighing as the water washed over him. Beth climbed in after him straddling him, his engorged member pressing at her.

Leaning back she reached for the wash gel, squeezing some onto his chest. Slowly she massaged it into a lather, washing and rinsing all she could see. Mick closed his eyes, allowing the sensations to flood through him, his eyes widened as he felt Beth, stroking him. Then he felt her lift herself, lowering her core onto him. The water sloshed over the sides, as she started a sensuous rhythm. Mick’s hands guided her, holding onto her waist. He felt himself, start to tense, as his orgasm built. Few words had been said between them, just hushed moans of pleasure. Now as he released Mick moaned Beth’s name.

“Beth, oh my sweet Beth.” His head went back and the water jumped and splashed as he shuddered. Beth continued to ride him, Calling out at her own climax. “Oh, M.I.CK.” Both leaned in and embraced each other in a passionate kiss. Still astride each other. Eventually they released each other. Heart rates and breathing returning to normal. Beth pulled back, and Mick groaned again at the loss of contact, she stood and stepped out of the bath. Grabbing a towel from the hamper at the side. She wrapped it about her body and gazed at Mick. He seemed relaxed and happy, not something she was used to seeing. His gaze fell on her, he smiled and took a deep breath to sigh. He was happy, contented. In all his years he thought that, this was probably the first time, and it was all down to Beth. His Beth.

Chapter 4

Eventually, the two of them made it back into the lounge They had made love again in Beth’s bed, a slow and gentle love making. A journey of discovery for both of them. Mick once again was sat on her couch, having just taken two more painkillers. Beth stood in her kitchen rinsing out the cups, from earlier. “Mick, why don’t we go out for a while? We can get some fresh air and talk. Maybe get a late lunch.”

Mick tilted his head, and turned it so he could look at Beth. “Sounds like a great idea, your choice for lunch.” His head followed her as she approached him a smile plastered to his face. He had it, yeah he had it bad.

“Mick St. John, if you carry on like that we’ll never get out.” she kissed the tip of his nose, and sat next to him. She gazed into his eyes, falling into the depths of them. “I love you.” she whispered next to his ear, her warm breath scattering sensations through his body.

“I love you too, Beth.” he nuzzled the top of her head. Beth felt the rise and fall of his chest, as he breathed. It was a comforting sensation to her. She lent back and let it calm her. “Are you alright?” he pulled her gently to face him, his eyes now full of a sharp worry.

“I’m fine. I was thinking, and you comfort me in ways no-one else can.” a wan smile played across her lips then vanished.

“Do you want to talk about it? Beth, I care for you in every way possible, I want nothing to upset you.” Wrapping his arm around her pulling her close to his side.

“I have just had a lot to process, I know how you feel about me, and you have just shown me. I have never doubted the depth of you feeling for me. Nor should you doubt mine. Let’s go for that walk, and grab some lunch.” she pulled away from him and found her shoes, bag and coat. Mick was left sitting watching her, wondering if she was pulling away from him in other ways. Slowly he stood, putting on his boots, then grabbing his duster from the back of the chair. He looked at Beth and hoped that this was only a momentary blip in their relationship.

“You ready?” he stood by the door watching her every move.

When she turned around it was the old Beth standing there. He eyes once again shone with a light that seemed to come from within her. A smile lit up her features. “I’m sorry Mick. I was just thinking about stuff. I didn’t mean for you to worry.” standing in front of him she pushed up and kissed him. Lightly at first, then her hand snaked to the back of his neck pulling him down, deepening the kiss. He was a little shocked then wrapped his arms about her body. Needing once again to feel her. His fears of losing her vanished. He held her so tight that his ribs protested and he finally had to release her.

“That was one hell of an apology. I accept.” he gave her his half smile, that she found so adorable. “Let’s go, I’m getting hungry and a little light headed, with the tablets.” he held the door open for her, waiting for her to pass him before he closed it. “Do you have your keys?” she nodded and he shut the door firmly behind him. His arm instantly went around her shoulder as her found it’s way to his waist. They walked linked together for a couple of blocks, until Beth stopped at a small café.

“This place has great food, are you still hungry?” She looked up into his face. The bruises standing out a yellowish brown.

Mick smiled at her, “Sure, I’m starving. Do you want to sit out here, or inside?” still watching her.

“Inside, they have some nice secluded tables.” She led him in, and found a table at the back. They sat opposite one another, as the waiter came over and gave them the menus. Beth watched Mick, he was finding it hard to choose. When the waiter returned Mick still hadn’t decided. Beth took the prerogative, “Two chefs salads, with chicken, and two glasses of red wine, please.” she handed hers and Mick’s menus back to the waiter and smiled. “I forgot you haven’t eaten in a while. I think you should try and keep it healthy. We don’t want you losing that figure of yours.” Her look was almost solicitous.

“Oh, is that so. I have the body of a Greek god.” he gave her his lopsided smile. Beth tried her best not to laugh.

“A Greek god, let me think, if you keep eating like you did last time, you will resemble Dionysus.” Her laughter over took her, she was still laughing when the waiter brought their drinks. Slowly she gained her composure, her eyes still damp with tears of laughter. Mick stared at her in amusement, he understood the comment. When he had been human before, he had eaten just about everything in sight, not wanting to waste a moment.

“I don’t think there is any chance of that Beth. I learnt my lesson the last time.” He gave a laugh, “I gave myself a severe case of indigestion.” He took a sip of his wine, just watching Beth. Beth reached her hand across the table, stroking the back of Mick’s There were no words spoken between them, yet both knew how the other felt. Their love didn’t need words. The waiter brought the food, and as the ate the chatted about nothing in particular. Neither of them, talking about what had happened. That would come later at Josef’s. Both of them finished the salads and Beth ordered a large piece of chocolate cake, with two forks. Beth marvelled at Mick eating. For so long he had sat and watched her, now the tables were turned. The waiter once again returned, placing the cake in the centre of their table. Beth picked up a fork, picking up a piece of cake. Instead of eating it herself she lent forward, feeding it to Mick. He took the fork from Beth, returning the gesture. Then he reached forward, pulling her to him. His lips brushed hers, his tongue darting out to run over them. She was shocked, unsure for a split second. Mick picked up on it. He was still smiling, “You had a crumb of cake at the edge of your mouth. I find you tempting Beth, and the taste of you and chocolate was just too tempting. I had to have a taste.”

“Mick, you can taste me whenever you want. I am yours, and I hope that you are mine.” she stared into the depths of his eyes.

“Oh, Beth. I am yours forever. You never have to doubt that. You have said many times you didn’t care what I was, just who I was. This is who I am. Michael St. John. Born in 1922, and I am 86 years old. Beth, I love you, and want to be with you and only you.” he finished by kissing her again. The cake forgotten between them. Breaking apart, Mick stood taking Beth’s hand. He left $50 on the table, and the two of them left. Hand in hand they walked back to Beth’s apartment. Arriving back, they sat on the couch content to be in each others company. Mick’s arm as wrapped around Beth, and she was buried in his side. Her head against his chest listening to his all too real heart beat. The steady rhythm was soothing and she found herself drifting off to sleep. Mick followed shortly after her, his injuries still taking their toll on him.


Josef returned to his offices, the call he had received had shaken him somewhat. Closing the doors behind him he acknowledged the person in there with him. “So what did you find?” His tone brokered no argument.

“Mr Kostan Sir, the results have come back, you have been unaffected permanently. Your taking of Mr St. John’s blood has had no detrimental effect on you.” Josef breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

“What of St. John?” the concern for his closest friend was unmissable on his face.

The man shifted on his feet. Not wanting to look at the elder vampire. “The results for him are inconclusive. There is a small chance that the effects of the serum given to him may not be permanent.” He paused only briefly. “Though it is more than likely not.” there was something in his voice, he was nervous.

“There is something you are not telling me. What is it?” his eyes flashed silver. His anger was rising.

The man still didn’t raise his head, not wanting to see the ire in Josef’s face. “The tests show that there is another side effect.”

“What is it?” He grabbed the man shaking him violently. He was fully vamped out. He let go and stepped back. The man taking his cue to continue. Hoping that he would live after this meeting.

“The serum is a poison. It is slowly killing him.” He waited for the impact, that never came. Josef had moved back to his desk.

He looked into the face of the other and asked one final question. “Can he be turned again?”

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 3/4 posted

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:57 am
by JosefsRose
Here are the next couple of chapters. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. :rose:

Chapter 5

The man wasn’t sure how his reply was going to be taken. He had expected to lose his head for telling Mr Kostan that St. John was dying. “In theory yes, but any vamp that did the turning, would then become infected. The sequence then repeating it’s self.” He knew Mr Kostan wanted facts not theories.

“So your telling me, I was unaffected by his blood.” the man nodded “What would happen if I were to ingest more of his blood?”

“When you took his blood the first time, the effects of the serum hadn’t started to convert his blood. The longer it was in his system, the stronger it’s effect became. If you were to take it now…” Josef interrupted him.

“but he could be turned again, only I’d end up like him. Like he is now!” His anger was starting to rise, the vamp inside wanted to rise up and rip this guys throat out. Only centuries of control held it in check.

“Yes sir.” he paused then spoke again, hoping it wasn’t out of turn. “Can I make a suggestion Mr Kostan.”

Josef’s head snapped up. “Only if you think it might save your life.” His eyes had silvered and his fangs descended, he wanted blood.

He gave an audible gulp, “If he was already near death, then fed blood the turning should work. In theory.”

Josef calmed a little, his eyes reverted back to their usual colour, but his fangs didn’t retract. “In theory? Have you tested this theory?” his gaze was unwavering on the mans face.

“Only on paper, it’s not something we/I can field test. I only suggested it, because I know you are close to Mr St. John.” Now he was sure he had overstepped the boundaries.

“Leave.” with that the man turned and almost ran from the office. Josef remained behind his desk, leaning on it. His fingers dug into the wood, leaving small crescent marks. He checked his watch, it was 8.30, Mick and Beth would be arriving soon. He knew this was going to be a difficult meeting. He promised to tell Beth what had happened, and now he had to tell his best friend and brother he was dying. He walked to the bar and poured himself a large scotch, adding a few drops of blood. He swirled the mix and knocked it back in one go. Savouring the burn as he swallowed. All he really wanted to do was make things right, or get drunk. He could do neither, he couldn’t turn back time, and it would take more scotch than he was willing to drink, to get as drunk as he wanted. He had to face the facts, and his friends.

One of his girls walked past, looking in on him. Josef gave her a smile, and she walked in, crossing the room with a languid grace. She tilted her head to the side, shivering as Josef ran his cool fingers down from behind her ear to her collar bone. He then traced a line down her arm, stopping at the sensitive skin at her elbow. Gently lifting it towards his face, inhaling her scent, her want and need. He swirled his tongue the rest of the way, detecting the pulse, beating out the rhythm of life. Inhaling once more, he pierced the skin at her wrist, holding her as the sensation of pain turned to pleasure. He drank in her warmth, her trust. Trust. He sucked a little too hard and she groaned. He withdrew his fangs, sealing the pinpoints of blood. “Sorry babe, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He felt guilty.

“I’m fine. May I go Josef?” she felt drained, and wanted to rest.

“Sure, get some rest sweetheart. I’ll come by and check on you later.” she turned and as she reached the door she heard his quiet voice again, “I never meant to hurt you.” Josef walked over and closed the door. He was off his game, and it scared him. He had always been in control. Be it his emotions, or the situation. He stood at the large picture window looking out over the city, his city. He sensed Mick and Beth’s approach and turned as the entered the room.

“Hey Josef” Beth sounded happy, the joy welling up and out of her.

“Mick, Beth. Can I get you a drink?” he tried to keep his tone nonchalant as he walked to the bar, but Mick saw his friends unease.

“What’s wrong Josef? I’ve known you long enough to see when something is bothering you.” Mick stepped closer to him. Josef managed to get himself back under control and turned to Mick.

“Why would there be anything wrong. I just lost 2mill on the stock market and I hate to lose money.” he gave him a smirk. “So Beth, would you like a drink?” he inhaled sharply taking in the images given to him. “Bath time looked fun.” he snarked.

Beth blushed deeply, and looked down at her feet, then at Mick. “Um.. A drink would be nice. Thanks Josef.”

“Josef?” Mick hadn’t moved away.

“Fine, money wasn’t the only thing. Damn Mick, you know me too well.” He took a mouthful of the scotch he had poured himself, then handed Mick a glass. He picked up Beth’s wine and walked over, handing it to her. “Make yourselves comfortable, this could take some time.” he gestured for them to take a seat. Beth sat on the couch and Mick sat next to her, his arm snaking possessively round her shoulders. Josef sat in the chair opposite them, he sat stiffly, and appeared decidedly uncomfortable. The tension rolled of him in waves. It became palpable a physical barrier. Josef rubbed his temples, in an attempt to order his thoughts.

Beth finally broke the silence. “Josef, whatever it is. As bad as it might be, you need to tell us. You are our family. I’m including myself in that statement, because you are like family to me.” She caught Mick’s agreement in her peripheral vision. She leant forward and placed her hand on the elder vampires knee. It was a small gesture, yet it meant a great deal to Josef. He stared at the floor, finding something of interest there. He swallowed and finally lifted his head. Both Mick and Beth watched as a single tear tracked down his cheek.

“I don’t know where to start.” his voice was weak, almost a whisper. “I need to ask your forgiveness. Particularly yours Beth, my actions have had consequences I had not foreseen.” More tears followed the path of the first.

“Josef, anything you have done, has always been the interests of the community. You have no need to ask for forgiveness.” Mick’s voice was gentle, and understanding.

“But I do Mick. This is probably the hardest thing, I have ever had to do in my 400 years.” he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Beth you wanted to know why I couldn’t re-turn Mick again. It’s because of the serum that made him human again. If I were to turn him, the cycle would continue. Only I would be the human one.” Beth gasped, her face a mask of shock and disillusionment. Mick’s head dropped and his hand found Beth’s in a show of comfort.

“Oh God. I’m sorry Josef.” she didn’t know what else to say.

The corner of Josef’s lip turned up slightly. “You don’t have to apologise. You weren’t informed of all the facts. I have since had a meeting with the researchers dealing with this.” he paused again, stood and went back to the bar for another drink. “Would either of you like a refill?” Both of them shook their heads. He returned to the chair but didn’t sit. He stood behind it, drink in one hand the other running through his hair. He faced them, anguish etched on his face. “There have been further results. They found out some disturbing facts, facts I have to tell you about. I would let no-one else have this job.” He started to pace the room, his shoulder stiff, back ridged. He knocked back the drink, and faced Mick and Beth. “How do I tell you this.” He was visibly shaking with emotion. Mick stood and went to his side. Placing his hands on Josef’s shoulders.

“Josef, brother. Whatever it is, has you torn up inside. Please just tell us. We will deal with it, together.” Beth had joined them, placing one hand in Josef’s, and the other in Mick’s, gesture of solidarity, between them. “Now please tell us, what it is that is bothering you.”

Without further pause he spoke, while still held by his friends. “Your dying Mick. The serum also acts as a poison. I don’t know how long you have. I wanted to re-turn you, but I can’t.” He just felt drained, he had effectively killed his friend, and brother. “Anyone who drank your blood would suffer the same fate, even though your turning would work.” For a few minutes no-one spoke. There was very little to say. Josef finally caved. “Now you know why I asked for your forgiveness.”

Tears streamed down Beth’s face. “Josef, you no need to ask. You have told me everything, and I accept what you did was in the best interest of the greater community. Human and vampire.” She pulled back from the pair, her mind running over all that had been said. Something was nagging her, but she couldn’t quite get it.

Mick decided to break the mood, “Josef, why don’t we go play some pool. I can thrash you over a few frames.” he smiled at his friend, warmth and love on his face. Josef, returned the smile, glad that he had something else to focus on.

“Mick, will you never learn, I let you win.” his trademark smirk once again on his face. Beth stepped forward between the two men. Locking arms with both of them.

“I think a few frames of pool is a fantastic idea.” then with a devilish expression added, “Can I play too?” her mind was still working on the puzzle, that was going on in her mind. With that Josef, lead them both to the games room and racked them up.

Chapter 6

Several hours later the trio returned to the lounge, laughing and joking. Josef looking more than a bit chagrin. “I really don’t believe she beat you Josef, and don’t say you let her win either.” Mick teased.

“Why is it, I think I’ve been hustled.” His eyes glared at the pair.

“Hey, man don’t look at me. I had no idea she could play like that. I personally think we’ve both been hustled.” He gave a lopsided grin to Beth. “Well?”

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. I spent many nights in the pool hall, while I was at college. My boyfriend at the time taught me a few tricks.” She laughed openly at both of them. “Josef, you did make the wager, now are you going to pay up?”

“Your really expect me to make good on that wager.” he snarked, the old Josef coming to the front.

“Josef, I thought you were always true to your word. You would never renege on a deal.” she was trying not to laugh again.

Josef’s eye flashed pale, the idea of being bested by anyone, let alone Beth rankled him. “Fine, fine. You get the Ferrari. I’ll sign the papers and get you the keys. Never let it be said I don’t keep my word.” He turned to leave. Beth placed her hand on his arm to stop him.

“Don’t bother Josef. I would never really, ask you to give up you most precious car. Just make a donation to my favourite charity.” her face was full of respect for him.

He faced her. Taking in her feelings for him, her respect, and yes, even love. “Which charity would that be Beth?”

“Cancer research. Too many people die from it, everyone, knows someone, who has been effected by it.” there were tears in her eyes now, but she didn’t let them fall. She straightened her back, took a breath, and continued. “I don’t know about you guys, but I really need another drink. Would either of you two gentlemen like to join me?” Then headed to Josef’s bar.

“Beth, I would gladly donate to your chosen charity. You really know how to wind someone up, don’t you.” He smirked at her, he decided that he liked Beth. She was most definitely good for Mick, and maybe, just maybe, good for him. He stepped closer to her, moving silently. “If your pouring, I’ll have a scotch.” Beth jumped, not having heard him approach.

“Shit, sorry Josef. I didn’t hear you come over.” Her heart slowed back to normal, yet Josef continued to smirk at the idea of having made Beth jump. “I’ll bring it over to you, go and sit.” then sarcastically. “Old man.” She laughed at the resounding growl that came her way. “What about you Mick, do you want another one.” She gave him a coy smile.

“Thanks, but no.” he chortled, “Anyway, one of us has to drive.” Beth poured the scotch. Then still with her back to them, pricked her finger and let a few drops fall into the amber liquid., she swilled it, then walked back. Josef smelt the blood, but said nothing. Gratefully taking the drink. Beth sat next to Mick, leaning her head on his chest. Silence fell amongst the friends. Beth’s mind was still thinking on the problem of curing Mick. She was sure there was a solution. The major problem was how much time they had. She turned to Josef, lifting her head, her hand finding Mick’s. Their fingers intertwining.

“Josef, do your researchers have any idea of time. I mean...” She was finding this hard, “How much time, Mick might have?” her logical head was working, even with the drink. Josef swallowed a mouthful of scotch and smiled appreciatively at Beth. Then shifted, uneasy at the return of the conversation.

“They are not sure. Estimates are between a couple of months, to a few weeks. I’m sorry but it’s the best they.. I can come up with.” he took another swallow of the blood laced scotch. “I am determined to find an answer to this. I will not lose the one person, I consider friend and brother. Not if I have to give up all my wealth.”

A silence fell for just a short moment, while everyone processed the information. “There is an answer to this, and we will find it.” Beth sounded positive. In her mind there was a cure for Mick. Beth smiles, turning between Mick’s face and Josef’s. She is happy with the knowledge she has. The two most important men in her world, are in the room with her. Mick, her lover and guardian angel, and Josef. How would she describe him. He looked no more than 25, yet he has seen history. At over 400 he had survived wars and revolutions. He was snarky, arrogant, yet had a good heart. He had loved, and she reckoned, still did. “Mick would you take me home. You still need to rest. Josef. Thank you for a pleasant evening, and for being honest with us.” She stood up and went to Josef, placing a kiss on his cheek.

“Your welcome, and thank you to.” he glanced down at his glass, then back to her. A small smile played over his lips.

“For what?” Mick had joined the pair. Standing behind Beth, with his arms about her waist.

“For coming here tonight. For teaching me a lesson in humility. I still can’t believe she beat me at pool.” he shook his head in disbelief. And everyone laughed. The couple left Josef alone. He checked his watch. It was a little before 3am. He took a long look out of the window, at the view of LA. Even at this time of the morning, lights flickered like stars in the sky. Turning he returned to the bar. This time pouring himself a glass of his private stock. Taking a mouthful he put the glass down and then picked up the scotch Beth had poured him. Sniffing he smiled. It was Beth’s blood in the scotch, not some of his private reserve. That girl kept surprising him. He was starting to see what Mick saw in her. He returned to his glass of blood, downing it. He decided that he should try and get some work done. The Asian markets were open, and there was money to be made. He sat at his desk and turned the monitor on, and started to make back the money he had lost. When he finally hit his freezer he had recouped the money and tripled it.

Mick and Beth headed home, to Beth’s apartment. Having stopped at Mick‘s for a few changes of clothes. “Mick we will get this sorted. I will not lose you. You are my world, and my love.” Her eyes shone with the intensity of her emotions. “I trust Josef to do all he can. You need to tell me if you feel ill, or different.”

“Beth, you are never going to lose me. I love you with all my heart. Fate brought us together. Josef once said, he became a vampire just so he could meet Sara. I believe that about us. If Coraline hadn’t turned me, I would have never met you.” he turned to watch her as she drove. A smile on his bruised face. He watched as the street lights, highlighted her face. “I love you Beth.”

“I love you to Mick.” she gave a sideways glance at him, smiling. Her love plain for all to see on her face. She pulled up at her block. “Come on let’s get inside.” the pair exited the car and headed into the apartment. Once inside, Beth set about getting her room sorted for Mick, while organising the lounge for herself. Mick reached for her arm and stopped her.

“Beth, you don’t need to sleep on the couch again.” the longing on his face made Beth lose her breath.

“You can’t sleep on it. You need the support…” Mick pulled her down to him, silencing her with a kiss.

“I meant you can join me.” he kissed her again, this one deeper and more passionate. Beth leaned into it, adding her own fire to the kiss.

“Ohh!” she moaned into his mouth. She seemed to melt into him. He went to lift her, but collapsed back onto the couch, in pain. “Oh Mick, are you alright?”

Mick grimaced, the pain from his ribs crashing through him. “I don’t think that was such a good idea. Ooww.” His hand went to his side. Beth stood and disappeared to the bathroom.

“I’ll get you some more painkillers.” she returned with two in hand and a glass of water. “Now St. John take these and get into bed. I’ll be through in a minute to check on you.” Mick took the painkillers, and with far less grace than normal, stood and slowly headed to the bedroom. Beth watched him. The internal debate raging. Should she join him, or sleep another night on the couch. She heard the groan as he sat on the bed to undress. The moans gave her the answer she sought. Switching of the lights she headed in to join him. “Here let me help.” she bent down to remove his boots, and socks. Her hands brushing his jean clad thighs as she stood again. The sensation of her touch aroused him. He took a shuddering breath, to try and control himself. He was filled with a want for her. So long had they denied their true feelings for each other. Now he had the chance to act on those emotions.

As she stood, Beth pulled her blouse free. Raising it above her head. She could feel Mick’s gaze on her, she heard his breath ragged and sharp. Then she felt his hands on her skin. Skimming over her waist, tracing the lines, and contours there. As she dropped her arms, her blouse joined the shoes and socks at her feet. She stepped into him, Now his lips caressed her soft skin. Leaving a warm trail wherever they touched. His hand rose up her spine, reaching the clasp of her bra. Deftly, he unhooked it, the flimsy material falling away. Now she bent her knees, reaching for his Henley. Lifting it gently over his head. Baring his chest to her, now she sat next to him. Running her fingers over the muscles of his chest. All the while their eyes locked on one another. Her hands dropped to his belt, loosening it easily. The button and zipper of his jeans, following in close order. He lifted his hips for her to remove them. His hands went to her own waistband. Releasing the fastenings there. Her garments joined the rest. She was before him in just her lace underwear, he in his boxers. She gently and lovingly pushed him back down on the bed. He didn’t resist. She lifted the covers over him, the went to the other side. Climbing in and snuggling up next to him. She reached over and turned out the light. “Mick, I love you.” Her breath was warm against his chest. He inhaled her scent, marvelling how he still smelt it. His Beth.

“I know Beth. I love you too.” he whispered in her hair. He brushed a kiss over it. She gave a small moan, and attempted to get still closer to him. Her breathing had become slow and even. He smiled knowing she had fallen asleep. He closed his own eyes, and smiling at the knowledge he was finally with his Beth, fell into a restful sleep. Dreaming of his future with her.


Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:26 am
by JosefsRose
I wish to offer my apologies to those who read this story when I first posted it. I never realised I hadn't posted the last few chapters. I will remidy this situation as soon as possible. :hankie: :quill:

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:57 pm
by francis
I'm glad you're continuing posting, because I reread this Story now and want to know how they can save Mick's life now.

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:58 am
by BlueEyedMonster
Wow I am so hooked.

Love the writing and the characterizations amazing can not wait for more.

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cpr 7 posted

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:02 pm
by JosefsRose
OK here is the next chapter.


Chapter 7

Beth awoke, still wrapped in Mick’s strong arms. She smiled, and just lay, taking in all that was him. She lifted his arm and scooted out from next to him. Feeling the chill of the room, after leaving the warmth of his body. She pulled on Mick’s Henley, taking in his scent. Then headed out to the kitchen, to start the coffee. The smell started to permeate the apartment. Getting out two cups she placed them on the counter. Then went to the bathroom, washing her face and teeth. She check herself out in the mirror. She noted the vein in her neck, gently pulsing, thinking what it would be like, to have Mick’s fangs drawing her blood. She sighed inwardly, knowing that unless they found a cure, it would never happen. She shuddered from the thought of losing Mick. Her mind had been working over time, she was formulating ideas, but she wanted to speak to Josef.

Turning back to the lounge, she walked straight into Mick’s strong arms. “Morning, did you sleep well?” She lifted her head to find his lips.

“Mmmm, Yeah, I think the company may have something to do with it.” He brushed past her. “I’ll be out in a couple of minutes. Did I smell coffee?”

“You did, I’ll pour you a cup. I’ll make some breakfast, is toast and cereal O.K?” She stood watching his tight bum, shifting as he bent over the sink. She got an uh-huh in reply. Once more in the kitchen, she poured the now ready coffee. Making the toast. Her mind continued to work on the problem in hand. Mick. She definitely needed to speak to Josef. If her idea worked Mick would be safe. Mick drew her from her reverie.

“Penny for your thoughts.” He kissed her cheek, inhaling her subtle scent instinctively.

“Just thinking about us, and all that has happened. How are you feeling? You look a little pale.” she placed a hand on his brow. “God Mick, your starting to burn up.” Her face became a picture of worry.

“I feel fine. You don’t need to worry Be….” He was cut short as he doubled over in pain. His legs gave way and he hit the floor. Beth gave a startled scream.

“Mick!!” She ran and knelt next to him, pulling his shaking form to her. “Oh God Mick, what should I do?” Normally she would be strong, but this had taken her unawares.

“Josef, ring Josef.” He managed to get out from between clenched teeth. She stood and retrieved the phone from the counter. She dialled Josef’s number. Hoping he was up. A groggy voice answered.

“This better be good.”

“Josef, it’s Mick. He’s just collapsed on the floor. He’s burning up.” the panic evident in her voice.

“Calm down Beth.” Josef’s voice was now sharp. “I’m on my way over. Try and get him back to the bedroom.” The phone went dead and Beth, took a deep calming breath.

“O.K. I can do this. Mick, Josef’s on his way. I need to get you back into the bedroom, but your going to have to help me.” She lifted his arm around her shoulder, attempting to lift him. “Come on Mick, help me.” She pushed up again, this time he helped. Just managing to get his legs under himself. With a slow deliberation ,they managed to get back to the bedroom. Mick collapsed onto the bed. Beth lent over him. She could feel the heat radiating off of him. She could see he was drifting off into unconsciousness. “Mick, stay with me, don’t you leave me.”

“Never” was the whispered reply. She left briefly, to get a flannel and a bowl of cold water, to cool him down. When she returned to his side, he was tossing and turning. Crossing to his side, and placing the bowl out of harms way she tied to restrain him. He pushed her off easily. She nearly didn’t hear the knock at the door. She ran to the door, finding Josef standing there.

“Where is he?” He asked shortly, pushing pass her, knowing exactly where Mick was. Before Beth had even closed the door, he was at Mick’s side. “Hey buddy, you don’t look to hot.” He placed one cool hand on him, and instantly he seemed to calm. Beth stood behind him, a silent watcher. “Let’s get him undressed, he’ll be more comfortable.” Between them they got his clothes off, and his body cooled. Mick had fallen into a fitful sleep.

“Josef, can I ask you something.” Beth moved back into the lounge, Josef following her.

“Sure, he’s resting. So. What can I do for you?” His features tight, showing the concern for his close friend. Beth started to talk, outlining her thoughts to Josef. She wanted to know what he thought. She told him how she came to her conclusion. Then she became quiet, waiting for his opinion. Josef had stayed silent the whole time, listening to, and taking in everything that Beth had said. “I can see you have thought this through. It could work, but only if we start immediately. Let me make some calls, get this started. I don’t want to leave either of you. I’ll get the doctors to get a room ready. We’ll move him back to the labs. They can do the tests needed.” He gave Beth an uneasy hug. “Don’t worry Beth, he’ll get through this. He’s strong, and so are you.” He stepped away pulling out his phone, dialling numerous numbers, giving orders, and preparing what they thought was needed. “An ambulance will be here soon to take Mick back to the lab. Go and pack a few things, you can stay at my place.”

“I’m not leaving his side, Josef. I’m going to be there if anything happens.” She was stubborn. Her jaw was set.

“Fine, the labs have rooms, you can stay there. Just let them do their work.” He smiled at her. She just nodded her assent. Beth returned to her room, studying Mick’s still figure. She went to her wardrobe, and collected a few changes of outfits. Jeans, trousers, jumpers, blouses, and underwear. When she returned to the other room, Josef had just admitted, three men. They were dressed in medical scrubs, and carried a stretcher with them. “He’s in there. Be careful. If anything, and I mean anything happens to him, it will be your heads. Literally.” He motioned them towards the door where Beth stood. “Come on, we need to get to the labs.” He took her bag and led out of the apartment, and down to his waiting car. The drive was made in silence, the waves of worry pouring off of Beth. He glanced at her, her features were locked in a mask of concern and worry. Josef pulled up at a building, and Beth finally reacted.

“This is your lab? It looks more like a house in the hills.” Her blue eyes wide as she took in the façade in front of her.

He laughed, “No, this is one of my houses. The labs are housed here. Come on in, I’ll get you a drink, and then show you to your room. Your welcome to stay here as long as you want.” He had exited the car and was by the front door. Waiting for her. She followed his lead.

“Thank you Josef. Your house is amazing. How many do you own?” Her curiosity had been sparked again.

“Let’s just say, enough.” Now facing her, he gave a sweeping gesture with his arm towards the now open door. “Welcome to my home Miss Turner.” He gave her a boyish smile, which she returned with one of her own.

“Why thank you, Mr Kostan.” She gave a laugh. She knew Josef would do anything to save Mick. Following him, as her entered his house. Listening as he gave orders and received updates. She trailed behind, as he led the way to the complex of labs. The researchers were in a flurry of activity. Then the questions started. What had they done? What had they eaten? What happened just before he became ill? She answered the queries, as best she could. The toll of what had happened starting to show. She had been running on adrenalin, and she now wanted to see Mick, to make sure he was alright. Doors at the rear opened and the still form of Mick was wheeled in. Beth, shuddered at the sight of him. He was ashen, dark rings about his eyes. Only the erratic rise and fall of his chest, showed he was still living. Now fear made an appearance in the mix of emotions, that was Beth. “Oh my God, Mick.” Josef placed a hand gently on her arm, but she didn’t register it.

“Beth, we need to let them work. I passed on what you came up with. There are tests to run, before they can do anything.” He pulled, at first she resisted. “Beth.” Josef’s tone became authoritative. Sinking into Beth’s consciousness. She allowed herself to be directed away from the scene. Away from the man she loved. Josef moved her to a large lounge. Sitting her in a leather chair, he poured her a drink, and himself a tall glass of his private reserve. Now he stood behind her, hand on her shoulder as she looked up at him. Blue orbs, wide, and swimming with tears.

“What if we’re too late Josef?” She sobbed, “What if he dies? I.I.I don’t think I can survive without him.” The tears now fell as a flood, Josef was unsure of what to do. Unused to emotional females. He just squeezed her shoulder, and gave a small, yet genuine smile. His eyes held her pain, and showed the depths of his own feelings. He moved round to her side, crouching next to her.

“We won’t lose him, if I have to re-turn him, and then suffer. I will.” He looked towards the door as he stood again. “I’m going to see what they know. I want you to rest here. I’ll come and get you shortly.” he left her alone with her thoughts. A weariness overcoming her. Her eyelids drooped, and she struggled to stay awake. She didn’t want to sleep, yet it over came her. The glass in her hand fell to the floor, the remaining liquid, soaking into the carpet. Beth dreamt of the things she and Mick had done. The cases they had been on, and the loving they had made. She was woken from her memories by Josef. “Beth, Beth.” He shook her gently, not wanting to scare her. “Beth, Mick’s awake. He wants to see you.” She roused herself, stretching as she stood.

“How is he?” She blurted out, her mind still a jumble.

“Stable, they don’t think this was the poison. Just exhaustion, and mild case of flu. What have you two been up to?” He had a cheeky smirk on his face, eyebrows raised.

“Nothing you haven’t been telling us we needed to do.” She retorted back. Smirking back at him. As they walked back to the lab.

“They want to start, the treatment. Your idea certainly has merit. The guys in there,” He gestured down the hall. “have a new appreciation for you. They hadn’t thought of this particular solution.” He gave her a proud look. She may have found the answer, where other, smarter, minds had not. He held the door for her. It didn’t lead to the main lab, but to a private room. Mick was sat up in bed, still pale, but appearing better than he had when they first brought him in. Beth ran over to him, relief on her face, love beat off her in waves. She jumped up, landing on the bed. Planting kisses all over his face.

“Hey baby, I think you missed me.” he joked with her. Only to get a thump on his arm. Shock he cried out. “Oww. What was that for?”

“That was for scaring me. I thought I was going to lose you.” Her face softened, “Don’t you ever do that again. You made me a promise, and I’m going to hold you to it.” She gave him another kiss, which he reciprocated.

It was Josef who interrupted, “Beth, I told you he was exhausted, so don’t go wearing him out again.” She shot him a glare. “O.K truce. It’s time to start Mick’s treatment. Beth, why don’t we leave, and they can start. I’ll get you some lunch, and myself some refreshment.” He motioned to the man stood in the doorway, “You can start. Mick buddy. Beth and I will be back in a while. Just relax, and you’ll be back to your old self in no time.” He smiled, but the worry still showed.

“Brother, you can be assured I will rest. I have a promise to keep, and I don’t intend to break it.” Now he was the one kissing. “Beth go and get something to eat, I know you have a habit of forgetting. I’ll see you later.” He gave her a little push, and she had to jump off the bed. She went back to Josef’s side. Taking his arm, they left the medics to their work.

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:59 am
by r1015bill
I hadn't read this before. It's always fun to discover a new story and I'm looking forward to the last chapter.

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:08 am
by BlueEyedMonster
What did Beth think up to sav her Mick. You have me so intrigued JR. Love it

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cprs 5/6 posted

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:49 am
by francis
Ah, what has Beth thought of? I'm curious.
Mick was so exhausted. I guess he doesn't have his Vamp Stamina now and still isn't used to his human self. :laugh:

Re: Self Defence Rating PG 13 updated Cpr 7 and 8

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:06 pm
by JosefsRose
Next chapter for you, just the epilogue to go. :wave:


Mick lay in the bed as the medics worked around him. He had very little energy, and Beth’s visit, all be it brief had worn him out. He closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep. To him it didn’t seem that he had been asleep, but when he opened his eyes Beth was dozing in a chair next to him and the clear I.V that had been in his arm had been replaced, with what looked like blood. He studied the bag, noting that the contents were darker than normal blood. He looked about the room, Josef was nowhere to be seen. He reached his hand down, and stroked Beth’s hair, careful not to wake her. Something in him told him it was night. He continued to watch her, thinking that she looked like an angel to him. A noise broke him from his reverie, and he snapped his head up and towards the door. Josef stood there, looking even paler than normal, in the light cast from the fluorescents in the hall behind him. A smile played on his mouth, “Buddy, how you feeling?” He crossed to the other side of the bed, from Beth. His voice barely above a whisper.

“Okay. Just tired. So how is the treatment going?” He studied his friends face, it was paler than normal, it hadn’t been a trick of the light. “Josef, when was the last time you fed? You don’t look so good.” concern for Josef, evident.

“I was just going to feed, when I decided to check on you. The docs say the first stage is going well. The second stage is being set up.” He looked away, towards the door. “I’m going to go get something to eat. I’ll see you a little later.” Turning to walk away.

“Josef, take Beth, and put her in a bed. That chair can’t be comfortable.”

“She’d stake me, buddy. She won’t leave your side. The fear of losing you is just too great.” He glanced at the sleeping figure. “I’ll get them to bring a cot in here. Then, she can still be close to you.” Then he was gone. The whole conversation having been conducted at a volume just over a whisper. Mick’s hand went back to Beth’s head, the feel of her hair like silk to him. Beth shifted in her sleep, the uncomfortable position getting to her. Moments later two orderlies came in carrying a cot and bedding. They simply set it up, and left. Mick smiled, then very gently woke Beth.

“Beth, sweetheart. Why don’t you go lie on the bed.” He continued to stroke her hair.

“Mmmm, I don’t think we’d both fit on yours.” only half awake, she lovingly looked up at him.

“Josef had them bring in a bed for you. Go and lie down on it. I’m not going anywhere, and you’ll be far more comfortable. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He kissed her upturned face.

“O.K. but you better be here.” she gave a small chuckle and went to the bed. She was asleep again within seconds of laying down. Murmuring softly. Mick lay back, watching the slow drip of the liquid in the I.V in his arm, wondering what it was. At some point he dozed off and was woken by a medic, checking to see how he was doing. He sat up and let them check his human vitals, pulse, and blood pressure. Copied down to his chart, and then a few notes made. Then with out a word he left. He soon fell back to sleep. Waking several hours later, the dark coloured I.V having been replaced with a new bag. He glanced at the bed Beth had been sleeping on, she wasn’t there. No-one was around, but he couldn’t go anywhere. He knew Josef would be in his freezer. So he lay back, thinking. No-one, not even Josef, had told him what the treatment involved. His eyes kept coming back to the bag of dark fluid. For some reason it seemed familiar to him. He had a fair idea it was blood, but why give him blood. It wasn’t in enough quantities for a transfusion. He was still puzzling over it when Beth, came back into the room. “Hey sleepy head, how are you doing?”

He smiled at her, “Hey yourself. I’m feeling fine. Where’ve you been?” he kissed her as she lent over him, he instinctively inhaled her scent. He smelt her shampoo and her soap. The smell that was distinctly Beth. It seemed stronger to him though, stronger than it would have normally.

“Oh, I was getting something to eat, and had a shower. You were still asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you. Josef said he see you later. Are you hungry? I can get you something.” she sat on the side of his bed, staring into his eyes. She could get lost in his eyes. As she watched she would have sworn that they lightened for a second. She considered this a good sign, but she said nothing.

“I guess I’m a little hungry. I’d love a coffee, and something light. What time is it? With no windows in here, I’ve lost track of time.” he sounded a bit confused. Yet he gave a small laugh.

“It’s 11.30 in the morning. As I said, sleepy head. Here was me thinking I wasn’t a morning person.” she gave him another light kiss and jumped down off the bed. “I’ll be back in a few.” then she disappeared out the door once more. His eyes were drawn to the bag again. He inhaled, and a familiar smell came to him, but he couldn’t place it. It wasn’t strong enough for him to identify. He lay back and thought about what had brought him to this place. His time in war, surviving the Battle of the Bulge, his musical career, Coraline. Thinking that if she had never turned him, he would have never of met Beth. He had always hated, what she had made him. Yet Beth had made him realise that he was still the same person he had always been. She loved all of him, and had proved it more than once. He thought on his friendship with Josef. They were as close a s brothers. Even before he had asked him to re-turn him, to save Beth. He was his oldest friend, having known him most of his vampiric life. He had once said, he was the only person, who didn’t like Josef for his money. Josef had agreed. He was still reminiscing when Beth came back with the coffee, and a sandwich. “Here you go. What were you thinking about when I came in? You were in your own little world.” She pulled over the table and place his food on it.

“Just thinking about how I ended up where I am. How much I owe you. How much I love you.” he finished by pulling her in for a passion filled kiss. “I really wish you could join me in this bed. I feel stronger now than I have in a while.” His crooked grin played on his lips. “I miss being with you.”

“Mick, I miss you too, but you need to rest. I want you back…Whole. Mick.” She took a breath, “I have told you time and time again, I love you. All of you.” Mick had been picking at his food. “Mick you should try to eat. You’ve barely touched your sandwich.”

“Guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought. Well not for food anyway.” Then with one swift strong movement, Beth was on the bed next to Mick. A surprised look on her face.

“Mick, put me down….” Then she realised what he had done. “I better get Josef. I believe the doctors, are going to want to know about this.” She gave him yet another kiss, snuggled next to him for a moment, savouring the feel of his taut, hard body next to hers. Then she jumped down, turned to gaze at him, smiled and left. Reappearing just moments later with Josef at her side.

“Beth just told me what you did. I’ll talk to the doctors, but I really think we should commence with the second and final part of the treatment.” He moved the table with the remaining food on it, out of the way. “Are you ready to rejoin me Mick?” Josef search his face whilst Mick took in what he had said.

“I have finally found the one person I love. I have made her a promise never to leave her. So yeah, I’m ready.” He faced Beth, “Will you stay?” Beth’s eyes dropped.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’ll be waiting for you when you wake though.” She gave him a loving smile. “Your going to be hungry, and I’m going to give you what you need.” Her face took on a determined set. “Josef, I’ll wait in your lounge. If you don’t mind.”

“Of course Beth, I’ll call when it’s complete.” Beth gave Mick, a long, slow, passionate kiss. Her eyes brimming with tears. Then turned and left, her gentle sobs could be heard as she walked down the corridor. With one curt nod from Josef, one of the assistants left, and came back. Nodding as he did so. “Come on Mick, time for the final treatment.” He helped Mick from the bed, and led him down another corridor, to a sparse room. Curled up in the corner was a figure, snarling and growling at them. Fear shot through Mick.

“Josef!!” His voice was sharp, pained. He had no time to react, as the vamp in the corner, leapt at him, sharp fangs piercing his neck. He felt the pull of the vamps mouth, his blood leaving him, darkness and peace enveloping him. Then nothing. What seemed an eternity passed, when he felt the drip of something warm on his lips. His tongue, darted out to taste it. Then a little more. Then pressure and his urge to swallow, what was being given to him. His eyes snapped open, pale and staring into the eyes of his brother. “Josef?” Spoken with a soft growl. Turning his head, to see the other figure in the room, his eyes widened and a hiss emanated from him.

“Come brother, let’s go and find Beth. She’ll be worried about you.” His hand was on Mick’s shoulder, guiding him away from the other vamp. Mick was still hungry, yet he had no bloodlust so to speak of. “How do you feel?”

Mick, thought as they walked. “Josef, why was …” Josef interrupted him.

“It doesn’t matter, how she was there. I asked you a question. How do you feel?” his tone was sharp. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped like that, but she is unimportant. Beth is here, and waiting to see you.” they had made their way to the lounge, at the sound of Josef’s voice, she had stood up from the sofa. She was facing the door as they entered. Instead of running to him, Beth just stood and waited. Their eyes met, nothing was said, they stood in front of each other. Beth’s face rose to meet his, the kiss was gentle, loving.

“Feed.” The barest of whispers. His lips moved down her neck, to the pulse beating strongly in her neck. With no further words he drank, and drank deep. Beth moaning in pleasure. Going limp in his arms. He managed to pull away, sated. Sated with the blood of his Beth.