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Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:57 am
by MoonShadow
Episode: Loosely based after Dr. Feelgood and before Fever
Rating: PG, Occasional language
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler
Beta Thank You: Morbius
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, beware of coincidences

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

Between Saturday and Sunday
By MoonShadow

Beth stood staring into the bathroom mirror. A stranger stared back. Shadows ringed her eyes and there was a reawakened wariness haunting the blueness. Turning to the shower, she stepped through the steamy haze. Beth stood motionless in the pounding heat, staring into the mist. Memories flowed over her; the sound of Josh’s laughter, the crystal clarity of his smile, his ferocity and dedication to justice and the law. Their conversations echoed in her ears; the early getting close days, long conversations about trust and honesty. Spinning the faucet off, she stepped out and grabbed a towel; thankfully the steam fogged glass now hid Beth’s face from the mirror. She knew she wouldn’t like the woman she saw there staring back. The phone rang as she toweled off.

Beth took a deep breath before she answered the call. Josh knew she would be up; he’s cornered her. Actually, it was a relief. She wasn’t completely sure why she’d been hiding from him. It wasn’t like she and Mick had a “thing” going. She wasn’t cheating on Josh. Yet somehow, just knowing Mick’s secret felt as if they had some intimate connection. Wasn’t that what affairs were all about she asked herself, secret intimate connections? Beth sighed; now those conversations about trust and honesty felt so naive and innocent. Now, trust held a man’s life within its bond. The comparison didn’t set well, it chafed her conscience. She and Mick were connected by this bond and Josh wasn’t part of it. Where did their relationship fit?

Purposely Beth smiled as she opened her cell, “Josh!” They chatted away about nothing and she could here him waiting, “Why don’t you come over? It’s Saturday. We both deserve a day off.” There, it was done; she’d patched up the distance between them. “I’d like to go to the beach, get some sun, fresh air; all these hours at Buzzwire have made me a little stir-crazy.” Beth could hear Josh’s voice telling her that he’d accepted her peace offering, but she knew he wasn’t fooled. Sooner or later they were going to have to talk about the elephant that was standing in the room.

Being together helped, it made things feel more like normal. They didn’t talk work. They did their best just to relax and reconnect. After the blood, the stakes, the roller coaster of the last couple of weeks it felt good to come back to normal. It felt safe. As the afternoon passed she could feel the tension climbing; the elephant was back. “Josh, would you like pasta or chicken for dinner?” He smiled and some part of her melted. God he has amazing eyes, a killer smile and the kindest heart, what more could a girl want? The last thought ran a shiver down her spine. Was she going to be the one who broke that heart? Just two weeks ago Beth would have sworn the answer was no, now…

“I thought we’d save the chicken for later. How does pasta salad sound to you?” His smiled relaxed, knowing that he’d be there for the night. Beth was back. They were going to be okay.

The comfortable patterns were back. After their loving they’d showered, gotten into sweats and lounged about talking; happy and relaxed together. Josh’s phone had beeped several times logging the accumulating emails. “I know you need to check those, go ahead.” She opened her laptop at the foot of the bed paging through her own emails turning her back as Josh opened his laptop to work. The tact understanding between them regarding the privacy of their work was what kept Mick’s secrets safe Beth realized. That privacy between them had also become a knife, one that could cut out the very heart of their relationship.

“Beth, do you have a podcast running?”

She smiled; trust Josh to be thinking of her. “Yeah, you like to catch it?”

Josh absently ran a hand through her hair, stretched out on the bed, and nodded as he continued to work. He was certain that Beth had worked through her infatuation with Mick. He’d been worried for a while; it had been the first big conflict that they had confronted since they’d been together. He trusted her. They’d talked long and hard about honest and trust. He’d stood firm in his trust. If she hadn’t worked it through completely, Josh told himself, she wouldn’t have asked him to stay the night. It just wasn’t like Beth to do something like that he kept telling himself. Josh smiled as the podcast played out. Their conversation was light and easy. Beth teased him about their upcoming anniversary plans. He knew that she was on to his surprise party but he wasn’t going to give up all his secrets. He laughed at her last remark, admiring how she could read him like a book when it came to his love for her. Keeping her ring a secret was going to be a real challenge. Thankfully they agreed on the need for privacy regarding work. All his appointments with the jeweler to get grandmother’s ring reset for her were listed in his day-timer.

Josh glanced over listening to her talk about his work on this case; he teased her about her prying. Watching Beth he knew. His heart lurched, and he felt his throat tighten, this evening was a peace offering. Beth was so obvious she didn’t hide anything very well. The dark smudges under eyes worried him, that and the strained, haunted look in her eyes. He knew she hadn’t slept last weekend. He knew that she had lain there in his arms’ awake most of the night. He’d dozed off and on waiting for her to open up and talk. But she hadn’t. So, he’d waited and they’d played phone tag; ignoring that elephant in the room with them. No, he thought Beth couldn’t hide anything at all. Wrapping his arms about her, they curled together. He breathed deep the perfumed scent of her neck. Tonight might be a peace offering but he wanted Beth to know, he was willing to wait. For his Beth, he would wait. The night air was sweet and long into the darkness he cradled her close.

Sunday’s phone call was unexpected and anguishing. Josh racked his brain for a solution. The only answer had to be a leak, somewhere in the system. It was the only answer that was logical; it was the missing piece to this puzzle. Josh dressed for the office; suit and tie, his weekend relaxing was done. He sighed and tied a double Windsor out of habit. He’d hoped to have more time with Beth. They both needed the time. He wanted Beth to know he was proud of her and he believed in her.

The idea that continued to roil about in his head sickened his heart. It meant bringing Mick right back into Beth’s life and it would test them all over again. But, Josh thought, I don’t see anyway around it. He sighed again, maybe Beth would be okay with this, he sure as hell wasn’t. Two dead men, good cops, a witness on the run and an arms dealer about to escape justice, all tipped the balance against whatever he and Beth might want for themselves. “Time to talk to the elephant.”

Beth looked up, “Excuse me? Did you just call me an elephant?”

Beth blanched when Josh told her his idea. She wasn’t ready for that, he thought . He watched as she glanced at the clock and licked her lips. Josh frowned. Being an A.D.A. required training in psychology and learning to read body language. It often told a whole different story than a witness did. Checking the clock was an odd response, but licking her lips confirmed it for him; Beth was still attracted to Mick. Well okay, he’d deal with that later. Right now he needed to focus on a leak and a missing witness. Beth called Mick.

Brushing her hair back Beth looked in the mirror as she pulled it into a ponytail. Josh had dressed for the office but she pulled on her jeans and brown blouse. The hot water of the shower had done little to ease the tension in her back and shoulders. She felt a strange sense of excitement at the thought of seeing Mick. It had been a week since the whole stake thing, and his story, their secret.

Beth was worried; the fact that she was less concerned about a murder and more concerned about the thrill of being close to him again should bother her. There has to be something seriously wrong with that thought process she thought to herself.

Josh tapped on the bathroom door before he opened it, “Ready?”

Beth looked into the mirror one more time. She wasn’t sure she liked looking into the eyes that looked back.

Josh held her hand as they drove over to Mick’s place. They chatted about trivial stuff. He’s trying so hard, Beth thought giving Josh’s hand a squeeze she watched the light return to his eyes. “If anyone can find your witness, Mick can.”

“He’s that good?”

“Working with Mick is never dull. He’s good Josh. You can trust him.” Beth’s heartbeat got faster the closer they got to Pershing Square.

“You okay with this?” Josh asked concerned. “You’re flushed.”

“I’m fine. I just could use a cup of coffee. I hope Mick doesn’t mind us interrupting his Sunday.”

“Yeah. You know, I wouldn’t do this if time wasn’t such an issue.” Josh squeezed Beth’s hand.

Mick set two cups of coffee down, spun the handles together towards her, and pointedly looked from the cups to her and then to Josh. Message received Mick His eyes angry at the intrusion of Josh into his home. Beth looked at the clear message written with the cups. She and Josh were humans; they were a couple and; not vampire. Yeah, she got the message alright, loud and clear.

Handing the coffee to Josh she circled back around watching as Josh pleaded his case in his best courtroom, convince the jury to vote my way, voice.
Standing there in Mick’s place, in his kitchen, Josh watched Mick retreat to the corner. That’s odd; most people don’t feel cornered in their own homes. Josh watched curious as Mick’s body relaxed when he told Mick that Beth didn’t want to bring him here.

Beth watched as Mick had shrugged okay in acceptance. She felt the tension drain from the room. The conversation began to earnestly be about Leni and Amir Fayed rather than her betraying Mick’s confidence and trespassing with Josh in tow.

Standing behind Josh she sipped her coffee and watched. Relief flowed over her, healing the exhaustion and anguish that had held her heart hostage for a week. Her heart did ache. She and Mick barely knew each other, really yet the nagging agony that she’d carried all week was the fear that Mick would take his secret and vanish. Beth wasn’t sure what she would have done. Now, standing here looking into Mick’s eyes, watching as they warmed; that week of anguish vanished. Some dark secret place within her lit with a flame that burned, soared, and danced alive precious as life itself. The shadows beneath her eyes eased.

Standing in the shadow filled alley, Josh watched as Beth and Mick talked. They work well together; it reminded him of some cop partnerships he’d seen. Once they work past the sexual tension, Mick and Beth would make a good team. They had a chemistry together Josh realized, a way of working off one another that, “cop magic”. The stench of rotted garbage and urine wafted about. Josh turned at the beckoning of the cop, he paused and reversed his course to kiss Beth good bye. Better safe than sorry. He thought as he walked back to the detective waiting for him.

Beth dialed her phone; they needed that hack into the lo-jack system.

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:46 am
by librarian_7
I do love a good "fill in the blanks," MS, and this one rings so true.

Very, very nice!


Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:11 am
by janicevictoria
I really enjoyed this, MS. It gives us good insight into Beth's turmoil over her feelings for Mick and her guilt over Josh. :thumbs:

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:27 am
by wpgrace
Oh I love this little peek into the past... to get Beth's pov, and Josh's, during this awkward MickBeth time... wonderful fun to read...

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:10 am
by francis
This is so very good. I'm tempted to take my take on this scene off because yours is so much better.
I love your interpretation on the odd look Mick gives Beth when he handles her the coffee, I have wracked my brain to get what it means. And Josh is very perceptive here, you really give him the credit he deserves. And I love that Beth is conscious of what is happening, of the transition she's making, and has a bad conscience about it. We never got her POV in the show, and it helps to understand her. I love the intimate thoughts you bring into the story.
Thank you so much for this.

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:57 am
by redwinter101
I loved this so much, MoonShadow. In so many ways, ML made it seem too easy for Beth to discard Josh - and you've redressed that balance beautifully here.

Just lovely.


Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:08 pm
by coco
Oh Moonshadow this was just wonderful. I adore the stories that re-address previous moments in Moonlight and this was just perfectly done. As a huge fan of Beth I adore her inner thoughts here. Red is correct that ML made her seem quite harsh with Josh and his feelings and I like this Beth here much, much better. I like that you've shown the inner struggle she had with her love of one man and her developing feelings for another :heart:

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:41 pm
by MoonShadow
Lucky, janicevictoria, wpgrace,
Thank you all for you comments, I was worried about this little piece, it's so short and tries to convey so much.

Don't you dare take anything down! We have so little fic every scrap of it is precious. You are a good writer and I know how much I enjoy your work, don't you dare hide it! :thumbs:

Red and coco,
thank you for your kindness!

I watched the end of Dr. Feelgood and the start of Fever over and over, (tough duty I know... :whistle: ) to try and get into both Beth's and Josh's head. I agree that ML didn't over do the dialogue with those two by any means. I just thought to much of Beth's character to leave her looking so ... harsh. Mick saw the side of her that didn't translate well in the show, and I wanted to expose that. I also wanted folks to have a better opinion of Josh. ADA's aren't dummies, they are some pretty smart cookies, and live some pretty high ideals.

Well, I am so delighted each of you enjoyed this little tale. Thank you again for taking the time to comment. You make my days! :hug:

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:48 pm
by lynnrxgal
Very interesting take.. I especially liked your noticing of Mick backing off into the corner at his apartment when Josh was talking to him. I always thought that was an awkward scene and now I have a reason for him doing that.

These peeks behind the episodes are so much fun!

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:55 pm
by MoonShadow
That scene was packed (thank you Alex) with so much interplay, inuendo and humor. I think it is one of my favorite tidbits. Mick is so pointed when he sets the cups down and spins them towards her, the looks! gah... :thud: anyway...

thanks lynnrx for the comments!

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:08 pm
by tucutecats
ML left so much out,we really needed another season to make clear a lot of things. Josh always seemed an afterthought to me,in this story you make him a flesh and blood person who truly loves Beth and show his misgiving about Mick. And mick thinking BEth brought Josh to his home and realizes she didn't. the coffee cups said so much, Mick indicating Beth and JOsh are a couple and probably knowing (with his Vamp sense) that they had made love that morning. All so good and delicious. Thankyou so much. Liz

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:17 am
by mitzie
I love the way you fill in the blanks here. I agree with you that in the show Beth seemed very harsh, as we never got to hear her thoughts. You made Josh into a real person here. Wonderful story!!!! :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :Mickangel: :juggle: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :thud: :heart:


Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:42 am
by MoonShadow
tucutecats and mitzie,

Thank you both for commenting. I love to hear other fans thoughts on particular moments in ML land. If only we'd had more time. :Mickangel:
well, I guess that's why we write... :snicker:

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:52 am
by starbucksjunkie
I, too love a "fill in the blanks" piece, and this is lovely.

A very good look into Beth's head. And Josh's. His character was much smarter than he was given credit for, and you underscore that, as well as show an understanding for the complexity of Josh and Beth's relationship.

Great work!

Re: Between Saturday and Sunday -- PG

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 7:20 pm
by Albra
starbucksjunkie wrote: A very good look into Beth's head. And Josh's. His character was much smarter than he was given credit for, and you underscore that, as well as show an understanding for the complexity of Josh and Beth's relationship.
Great work!
I absolutely agree with Starbucksjunkie

Thank you Moonshadow