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Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:48 pm
by bluedahlia3
Gentle readers, Looking for a bit of the dark, broody Mick? Well I found him, lurking at home. In this one he has the ‘dark, blue sulks’. :Mickangel:

Champagne Challenge #103...What happens after Mick tells Beth “I’m a vampire”. PG-13.
Time frame: the end of episode 2 ‘Out of the Past’
Mick’s POV

Yes, it’s true. I don’t own Moonlight, or any of its characters. No copyright infringement intended. Tip of the fedora to Trevor Munson and appreciative credits to Nutmegger911 for illuminating my errors.

Italicized words are thought, not spoken.

Forged from Fire

The stairs are cold and they press against my aching back and shoulders. I linger here flicking my lighter and feeling sorry for myself. I’m a vampire.

My words echo and bounce around the room like an insane ping pong ball getting caught in the art hung on the walls and flying through the jazz music that fills the air. Those three words reflect the change she saw in me and now that phrase will transform her. Forever.

My thumb twirls the wheel and jumps up the flame. Time ends and I am lost staring into the glow…its intensity, its colors dancing in the darkened room.

Beth saved me tonight. She killed a man I should have dealt with twenty-five years earlier. His silver bullets have been removed from me. I’ve consumed a couple of pints of blood and the holes have disappeared; the skin closed and the scars can’t be seen by the naked eye.

Click. The flame dies again as my thumb releases the tension on the lighter. I’m left in the darkness of the stairwell.

Oh God, what have I done?

I sit, reflecting. Tonight’s events have unintended consequences and they are huge. I have told a human, I’m a vampire.

I blurted it out to the one person who I hoped would never know. I would have hid my humiliation from her at all costs. But a door left open betrayed me.

Eyes wide with terror she asks, “What are you?” I hear her tentative footsteps on the wood floor as she creeps in to get a better view. Shame fills me. I can feel it, smell it. It is stronger than the pain and the fear; stronger even than my hunger for the healing liquid I’m sucking through the tubing connected to the blood bag.

“Get out! Get out now.” My anguished tone only draws her closer. Cowering in a tight ball of muscles and torn clothing I’m wedged under a table as if it would provide protection or solace from what is happening. I’m covered in my own ooze and body fluids and drenched in sweat. My body is racked with tremors caused by the silver. Spasms start my hands vibrating and the trembling turns the blood bag into a cocktail shaker. I am so tired. My back aches and my arms are useless weights hanging at my sides. Even the coppery drink doesn’t warm me.

Now Beth knows I am a monster; an undead creature living only for my next meal of human blood. A parasite. Never aging, I bounce through time hiding my existence from everyone I meet. I am an abomination that lives in movies and on TV and in the fantasies of silly teenagers at Halloween.

The truth is…vampires are real and I live by a code of secrecy that is strictly enforced. My carelessness puts her at peril and, as in our past, I have put her in danger once again. Both times I have seen that look of terror.

The metal feels cool in my hands and with a click my thumb turns the lighter back on and memories of twenty years ago flicker through my thoughts.

My wife brought Beth to me. For me. For us. Without Coraline’s insane idea that the girl would be our child and save our marriage Beth wouldn’t be in danger. I see only one solution. Slashing, vicious, barbaric…to survive the fight with Coraline is our sole choice. A smashed lantern and….

There is an acrid odor of dry wood burning. I see the flames and hear the crackle of the fire and the little girl’s fear fills the air with nectar as sweet as honey. Beth is crying and I can smell the salty wetness of her tears. She is terrified. The timbers in the old building catch on fire and they pop and explode sending showers of sparks into the air and onto the furniture in the room.

She looks up at me begging for help. Can I help her?

The fire rolls out like a thick carpet covering the floor with brilliant tints of red and orange and blue. The heat is unbearable. The fire is eating the oxygen and soon the little girl won’t be able to inhale. It won’t make a difference. If she does the heat will burn her lungs into unrecognizable organs. This is my fault.

Can I save her? I can’t even save me. The fire is unforgiving and doesn’t provide me choices.

In the end I leave my wife for dead and pick up the child like a doll and she and I run from the advancing fire.

Click. My thumb slips and the flame dies again. Reality intrudes, its daylight. I’ve been sitting here a long time and my muscles are cramping. It’s been a long night. I need time in my freezer, time without memories or dreams intruding into my sleep. When darkness comes again I’ll cope with the damage I’ve done today. The danger I’ve put Beth in.

Dawn streaks in through the wood shutters on the windows filtering in just enough light to shine into the darkest secret in my soul. I’m a vampire.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:59 pm
by darkstarrising

A wonderful view of Mick's introspection after the fact. Now that he's told his darkest secret, he turns inward wondering why. This is telling
But a door left open betrayed me.
You have to ask yourself, whether the door was left open on purpose....perhaps it was.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:01 am
by Lilly
I love that you've used the flame to tie this back to the first time Mick made a choice -- and chose to save Beth. Just as the flames from the blow torch brought Beth back to that place in time just before she shot LeeJay, it's so fitting that Mick revisits that night as well. They've come full circle and Beth saved him tonight. He just doesn't realize it yet.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:01 am
by allegrita
Blue, this is just... heartbreaking. So wonderfully, painfully, gutwrenchingly Mick at his most despairing. This story makes me want to cry at the same time it makes me want to stand up and cheer for how well you've captured his agony.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:20 am
by wpgrace
Oh you've captured brooding Mick so very well... as well as his habit of playing with flame...

...and how cool you have connected it to his burning of his wife, his meeting Beth, and then this moment of Beth meeting his true self, one which, you had to figure, was not a moment he was all that happy about.

But one DOES wonder, why didn't he close the door? Do vampires act upon subconscious influences just as humans do?

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:37 am
by bluedahlia3
Thanks everyone for reading and commenting.

darkstarrising - That whole door issue is a puzzle, isn't it. Awful sloppy for a vamp, I agree. I'm so glad you liked the story.

lilly - I loved playing with the image of the flame. Oops, I probably shouldn't admit that. Thanks for your nice comments.

allegrita - I loved this Mick. They cleaned him up a bit too much in later epi's. I'm glad you liked him this way. Thank you for reading my piece.

wpgrace - The element of fire flows through ML. I see it in so many of the story lines. And why didn't he close the door. Pondering.... Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:23 am
by librarian_7
It always has seemed beyond careless of him to leave that door open...but he is a man so in need of connection, he may have left it ajar in a subconscious hope she'd follow.

Lots of great takes on this scene, with all the challenge fics.

Thanks for sharing this one, Blue.


Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:16 am
by bluedahlia3
A mystery. Why when he was so helpless would he leave an open invitation, like the open door? Thanks Lucky for your kind comments. :dracula:

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:19 am
by francis
Those three words reflect the change she saw in me and now that phrase will transform her. Forever.
Beth saved me tonight.
Very good. I love the mirror image.

This is so painful:
“Get out! Get out now.” My anguished tone only draws her closer. Cowering in a tight ball of muscles and torn clothing I’m wedged under a table as if it would provide protection or solace for what is happening. I’m covered in my own ooze and body fluids and drenched in sweat. My body is racked with tremors caused by the silver. Spasms start my hands vibrating and the trembling turns the blood bag into a cocktail shaker. I am so tired. My back aches and my arms are useless weights hanging at my sides. Even the coppery drink doesn’t warm me.
Such a good description of his state.

And it so fits that he would remember the night he saved Beth at this point. The fire imagery, a cleansing fire, freeing him from Coraline, endangering Beth. Now he is the one who endangered her, and it’s killing him. He gave the secret away and is afraid that Beth will be killed by the community. It’s a real danger, but there’s nothing for now he can do.
Poor Mick. You write this so well, I can see him sitting there and brooding.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:22 pm
by coco
bluedahlia3 that was beautifully done. You can really feel Mick's struggle in this. Brooding Mick indeed.

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:25 pm
by one.zebra
Blue, heartbreakingly beautiful...but I choose to believe he left the door open on purpose..I have no proof of that of course, but Beth had come back into his life as an adult.
He had decades of being careful, hiding in the shadows from the humans. She offers him a glimmer of hope of human warmth as she clings to him as a child and when he allows himself to be seen at the fountain. Something about her made him let down his guard, even subconciously.
He was in terrible shape when he got back to his place after Lee Jay. Just enough I think to let the subconcious leave the door unlatched.

In another point...Coraline had other plans for them when she took Beth, but in the end...she brought him his things worked for good, what she had meant for evil (turning a child?!?).

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:19 pm
by pinkiepie230
Valerie this was wonderful!! Thank you for letting me know about it. I am going to read this again and again. One of my favorite scenes played by my favorite actor when he is convulsing and wrenching in pain and you captured his portrayal so perfectly.
Love the click click of the lighter. You my dear are a writer of beautiful pictures. I could feel the pain and the anguish of the vampire. LOVED IT!!!

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:06 pm
by bluedahlia3
I so appreciate everyone reading my fic. Thank you so much.

francis - I'm glad you enjoyed this and all the fire images. I had the most fun weaving them through this story.

coco - Nobody does broody like our Mick. This too was fun. A good dose of self pity is sort of cleansing isn't it?

one.zebra - I get the feeling he was just tired of hiding. He knew he shouldn't let his guard down but he didn't have the will-power to keep going. Thanks so much for commenting.

pinkiepie - I have to admit, the click of the lighter intrigued me. The stopping and starting of the story-line. There were elements here that added so much to ML.

Thanks to all who took the time to stop by and read Forged From Fire. I appreciate it and learn from your comments. It's interesting to see how we each respond to the different elements of ML. :dracula:

Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:07 am
by mitzie
Wonderful story! Loved the way you used the click and flame of the lighter here. I think his subconcious got the better of him here because of his weakened state when he left the door open. You did his brooding very well, I could feel it in my heart. :Mickangel: :bmoon:

Well done!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hankie: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :notworthy:


Re: Forged From Fire - Champagne Challenge #103 PG-13

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:15 pm
by immortalbeloved
Mick and fire. Rather symbolic - isn't it?

And, I like your story btw. :clap: