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Enemies, chapter 5. G-PG13

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:02 pm
by moonlight_fan
What does everyone think of it so far? Let me know. :hug:

Disclaimer: Is this even nessessary? *sigh* Not mine.

Chapter 5

New York

Mick walked down 92nd Street looking for his informant. He found the spot they were supposed to meet in the alley.

Mick stood there and sighed, looking at his watch, He was supposed to be here already.

“Looking for me?” A shaky man stepped out of the shadows dressed in sweatpants and a ripped hooded top, with the hood covering part of his face.

“Got my info?” Mick walked towards him slowly.

“Depends. You got my money?” The man stuttered.

Mick chuckled in front of him.

“Let me ask that question again because I don’t think you understood.” Mick grabbed hold of the front of his sweatshirt and slammed him into the nearest wall.

“What have you got for me.” Mick was right up in the man's face.

I wouldn’t normally take this approach this quickly, Mick thought. But it’s just been such a long week. I found out that Ryder died the other day. I immediately called Josef. He was less than impressed to find out. For 25 minutes, out of the 30 I was talking to him for, he shouted at his security. Something’s wrong. And I’m going to find out what.

“H..h..h..h…here.” He handed Mick a folder.

Mick let go of him and started looking through it.

It didn’t make any sense to him. There were people’s names in it, some Mick knew, some he didn’t.

There were a few humans but they were mostly vampires, their picture next to their name, and numbers.

This just got even more weird. Mick looked at his name, picture and number.

Wait a minute, that’s not my number. Who’s number is that? Mick sighed. What the hell is all this?

This was much bigger than Mick anticipated.

At first he had thought someone was just threatening Beth’s life, and then when Ryder died he thought it could just be a coincidence, but now it looked like the whole vampire nation was in trouble. He needed answers.

“Thanks for this.” Mick started leaving, still looking at the file, when the informant ran a couple of steps towards him.

“Wait? That’s it? You're just going to leave me here? I need protection!” Mick stopped and turned his head slightly towards the man.

“You’ll be safer away from me, and out of this.” And with that Mick left.

In the background arms reached down for the informant and with a petrified look on his face he was dragged like a rag doll up to the roof of the building.

A/N: What does everyone think?

Re: Enemies, chapter 5. G-PG13

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:14 pm
by tucutecats
Oh it' s getting intriguing. on to read the next chap

Re: Enemies, chapter 5. G-PG13

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:44 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
hmmm.... getting more twisty by the minute.... must... read.... on....

Re: Enemies, chapter 5. G-PG13

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:06 pm
by Kara
Ohh. Now I'm really intrigued.

Re: Enemies, chapter 5. G-PG13

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:36 am
by MickBethKiss
Wow!! Scariness!! Very interesting! :biggrin: