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Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:37 pm
by moonlight_fan
Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it? Fine. No, they're not mine. :(

Chapter three

Mick knocked softly on the door to Beth’s room.“Come in."Beth was unpacking her bag, but stopped as soon as Mick entered.

“Hey, how are you doing?” Mick asked as he headed towards Beth.

“I’m ok,” sighed Beth as she locked her fingers around Mick’s neck.

“You sure I can’t come with you?”

“I’m sure”

“Want me to change your mind?” Beth grinned as she trailed her hand down to rest on Mick’s chest.

Mick laughed, “As much as I want that, I have to go…alone.” Beth pouted as Mick was still chuckling to himself.

“Fine, whatever…I bet Josef wouldn’t say no.” With that Beth took a couple steps back, closer to the bed.

Mick did a low growl, until he actually realized she was joking but he still didn’t stop.

“That’s not funny!” he said the clenched teeth.

“Oh, I have to disagree.” Beth was laughing at Mick’s reaction, nearly in tears.

“Sorry. I’ll…..stop….sometime…,” Beth said, still laughing hysterically. She was so close to actually rolling around on the floor in a fit of laughter.

“Ok. I’ve stopped. Don’t worry about me. I’ll stay out of trouble, and I’ll try not to annoy Josef……too much.”

“I’m not sure I believe you.”Beth was wrapped in Mick’s arms, a smile on both of their faces.

“I think Josef can hold his own.”

“Against you?? Yeah, right!” They laughed together until Mick sighed, looking at the time.

“You have to go, don’t you?”

“Yes I do. But I’ll call you every day to make sure you're staying out of trouble. You can call me whenever you want, to talk about whatever you want.”

“Count on it.” Mick gave Beth a lingering kiss, then reluctantly pulled away.

“I’ll call you as soon as I land.” Mick started toward the door then turned back and embraced Beth.

“I guess this is it.” Beth nodded slowly against his chest.

“I’ll see you in a week. Think you can stay out of trouble for that long?”Beth smiled up at Mick.

“Come on. This is me we're talking about.”

“I know. That’s what I’m worried about.” Mick gave Beth one of his adorable boyish grins, and with that he was gone, leaving Beth alone in the doorway.

A/N: On hands and knee's begging for reviews!

Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:58 pm
by draco
“I’ll see you in a week. Think you can stay out of trouble for that long?”Beth smiled up at Mick.

“Come on. This is me we're talking about.”

“I know. That’s what I’m worried about.”
You really have quite a talent for those lines - totally Mick/Beth - Love this sory so far :hug:

Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:09 pm
by tucutecats
loving it so far just as eppy 3 going off to read 4

Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:40 pm
by Luxe de Luxe
"...I’ll try not to annoy Josef……too much.”

that's my girl! :snicker:

I'm enjoying your bite-sized chapters.

Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:00 pm
by Kara
Don't have to ask for reviews. I find this very entertaining so far. Can't wait to see how Beth pushes big bad vamp Josef's button. :giggle:

Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 12:56 am
by jen
Love the classic Mick Beth rapport and that Mick is jealous.


Anxious to see how this will play out.


Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:55 am
by maggatha3
I loooove your fast dialogues, it all seems more intense, no matter what they talk about. :thumbs:

Re: Enemies, chapter 3. G-PG13

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:13 pm
by tucutecats
this is great on to the next chapter.