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The Sweet Taste of Victory (PG snippet)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:58 am
by Catmoon
Note: Okay, Francis asked for it and what Francis asks for, she gets. That being said, this is just a bit of fluff, not even a real story. I wrote it a long time ago on a board far, far away, when everyone was mad at CBS. ;)

Title: The Sweet Taste of Victory
Author: Cat Moon
Rating: PG
Genre: humor
Disclaimer: Moonlight isn't mine. I make no profit and intend no infringing.

The Sweet Taste of Victory
By Cat Moon

“God damnit!” Josef growled into the telephone receiver at his ear, slamming it down hard enough to crack plastic.

“Problem?” Mick said mildly from his place on the couch, drink in hand.

“I just lost money.”

“And we know Josef hates to lose… anything. Bad business deal?” Mick didn’t really care about that stuff – he preferred a good murder mystery to solve, but he was bored this afternoon.

“I wish. I had some stock in—“Abruptly he shut his mouth, looking embarrassed.

Mick leaned forward, now intrigued. “Stock in what? You know I’ll find out on my own, I am a PI,” he added when his friend seemed disinclined to answer.

Josef muttered something unintelligible, even to vamp ears.

“What was that?”

“I said I had some stock in CBS it took a dive and l lost big time.” He said the words in a rush, all blended together, but Mick had no problem understanding this time.

“You had stock in CBS??” Mick threw back his head and laughed.

“I bought it a long time ago, okay? Now ratings are going down, stock plummeting. Forgot I even had it till I got this call…”

Mick was still laughing gleefully. “Those idiots should have known – you don’t piss off the vampires!”

“No, you don’t,” Josef said with steel promise in his voice. He picked up the phone again. “Heads are gonna roll.”

“To the sweet taste of victory,” Mick toasted with his glass of blood- laced whiskey.

“To vampire solidarity,” Josef said, baring his fangs.

“Rah, rah, rah.”

End end

Re: The Sweet Taste of Victory (snippet)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:07 am
by francis
I know that after all this time we fans should be over the grudge, but still, this is hilarious. I laughed so much when I read this the first time, and now snickered again. You could insert anything for CBS that pissed you off, and just see Josef ranting about it.
Thank you for giving this little gem back.
That I get what I want from you, is just a nice way to cope with the blame I get on another thread. :lol:

Now, what do I want you to post next?
How about "Eternity, isn't that a cologne?" Another hilarious snippet.

Re: The Sweet Taste of Victory (snippet)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:17 pm
by wpgrace
Delighted to see the Cat/francis partnership is still going strong!

This is another one I have never seen!

And it is hilarious... and it's got our guys together again... and if only, if only... :mrgreen:

Re: The Sweet Taste of Victory (snippet)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:44 pm
by Fleur de Lisa
I remember this well. Takes me back--and laughed again while reading it!

Re: The Sweet Taste of Victory (snippet)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:47 pm
by one.zebra
I missed this the first time around....very funny...what else do you have in the archive?

Not htat I want you to get lazy or anything and stop updating your current stuff! ;)

Re: The Sweet Taste of Victory (PG snippet)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:17 am
by jen

I love it!

I don't tend to wish bad things on anyone but in this case...they earned it.

Re: The Sweet Taste of Victory (PG snippet)

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:36 pm
by jen
Just reread this gem.

Three things to say:

(1) loved it! Cat you are very, very talented;

(2) Josef should have known better. Would think a 400 year old vampire would have developed more business sense; and

(3) Karma.

