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100% Freshie Chapter 26 --PG-13

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:11 pm
by librarian_7
Disclaimer: The characters from Moonlight are copyrighted by CBS, and no infringement is intended.

Special note: This work takes place in the world of Moonlight, but your favorite vamps are not the main focus. Sorry about that; try to enjoy the story anyway. You might be surprised.

100% Freshie

Chapter 26

If Danni thought it at all odd that there were no lights on in Will’s place, she dismissed the thought at once. She knew he was developing a tendency to brood alone in the dark. And he’d sounded upset on the phone, so it was a distinct possibility. Besides, with his night vision, maybe he just didn’t think about turning on the lamps.

It had taken longer for her to get there than she’d planned. Tyler, bless his dear sweet undead heart, had insisted on them seeing Cry home. In fact, he’d had Danni drive, so he could sit in the back with his arms around his new conquest. She sighed. He was becoming a proper vamp, all right, she thought. And then, after Cry was safely back in her apartment with instructions and phone numbers, he’d wanted to talk to her about the whole thing. She’d told him as gently as she could that she really needed to get to Will’s place. Could he talk while he drove her there?

She suspected he took the long way around, getting there. It was funny that none of the vamps she’d met seemed to care much for any of the others. Maybe it was the whole freshie thing, the predator prey idea, but she had to wonder. Anyway, he’d finally dropped her off with a quick kiss and a heartfelt thank-you.

As she keyed herself in through the small gate at the end of the drive, she never noticed the Cherokee passing slowly on the street. She was too busy wishing Will would put some lighting along his driveway; a person could get lost out here. Which, she reflected sourly, was probably the idea. Once at the door, she paused to straighten her dress and run her hands over her hair. She half-expected him to open the door for her, knowing that he was completely capable of hearing her heartbeat from wherever he was in the house.

Then she gave herself a mental smack. He probably wasn’t even home yet. That was why the lights were off, of course. No worries, she could let herself in. She punched in the code, and the lock clicked. She didn’t call out as she stepped in; if he was there, he’d already heard her. But she could see some light now, a flickering from the living room. He must’ve lit the fireplace.

Then she heard a crash, and voices crying out in what sounded like pain and anger. Danni rushed forward, a few steps into the room, and then stopped in her tracks.

There seemed to be shreds of clothing everywhere, and overturned furniture. The couch was spotted with dark splashes that glistened dully in the firelight, and showed long gouges in its upholstery, from which stuffing leaked in pale bulges. Will’s carefully arranged artifacts and objets d’art had suffered as well; several knocked carelessly to the floor, and more than one item was scattered in pieces across the room.

And on the Persian rug in front of the fireplace, the elaborate tracery of its intricate pattern marred with random bloodstains, Will rolled naked, limbs entwined with a small dark-haired woman. His back and buttocks were covered with scratches and caked with drying blood. He thrust into her, the woman screamed, and slashed at him with her long nails. As Danni looked on, horrified, the woman bit at his neck, worrying the wound so that his blood flowed unhindered over her cheeks.

“W-will?” Danni faltered.

It was barely more than a whisper, but it was enough. Two heads turned toward her, two pairs of silver eyes found her in the darkness and pinned her against the wall. Two mouths gaped in fanged snarls, before turning back to each other, to meet with devouring intensity.

Danni’s hands flew to her face as she gasped in shock, watching Will thrust his hips again and once more, a sound escaping his lips like nothing she’d ever heard. Then he shook his head as though to clear it, his sweat-dampened hair flying around his face in dark, untidy strings. He disentangled himself from the other vampire and stood. Even by the uncertain firelight, Danni could see his eyes returning to their normal bright turquoise, and while she watched, the scratches on his chest began to heal and fade away beneath the streaks of spilled blood. He seemed unselfconscious of his nudity, and Danni could not avoid seeing the totality of his long, lean figure. She had only seen him this way in dreams, and the reality was more breathtaking yet, even if her dreams had never included the part about him rising blood-covered and sweaty from the embrace of another. Danni wanted to run, but whether into his arms or into the night was beyond her powers of decision.

Will was torn as well. Danger had the worst possible timing. His body was crying out for blood, fresh, living blood, and he knew Serena was in the same need. Probably worse, and Serena had never been one to be patient regarding satisfying her needs. “Danger,” he began, but even then he didn’t fully know if he planned to tell her to run, or to come to him. And he never had the chance to find out; Serena spoke from behind him.

“Will, darling, how thoughtful. You did order in,” she said, brushing by him to circle Danni slowly, flaunting her own nudity and the fading marks of his passion on her body. She seemed unheeding of the blood staining her skin like the patterns of some barbaric war paint. The petite vampire looked the freshie up and down, critically. “She’s a bit of a horse, isn’t she? But I guess that just means more blood for both of us.” Then she moved closer, her face very close to Danni’s throat, and inhaled, taking in the scent off the girl’s skin. Danni had the terrible feeling Serena was about to strike like a venomous serpent, but she seemed unable to move away, afraid that unless she stayed perfectly still, the vampire would attack her.

“I can smell another vamp on her, darling,” Serena said to Will, and inhaled again, smiling wickedly at him. “He didn’t drink too deeply, though. And her natural aroma is—quite appetizing. I think she might do nicely for a little post-coital snack.” She paused, returning to Will to rise slightly on tip-toe, positioning her body and turning her head so that Danni was sure to see her actions. She put out a little cat-like tongue and slowly, delicately licked Will’s nipple, drawing a despairing hiss from his lips. “Remember the last time we shared a freshie between us, darling? I don’t think I’ve ever had anything quite so delicious.”

Will remembered. All too well. The last time…hadn’t been the first. But she was thinking of a particular time, a particular girl, in 1936.

In L.A. in the Thirties, no one worried too much about finding “willing” freshies. They were out there, sure. On the other hand, there were too many girls coming to try their luck on the silver screen, convinced that they were the next great American movie star, and most only communicated home through the infrequent letter. When one dropped out of sight, into prostitution or simply into the shadows, no one cared, much. The local vampires could take a girl, feed on her and dispose of her with no one the wiser. No repercussions. Will probably could have taken one a night without comment, but even Serena conceded there was no point in being greedy. The occasional one sufficed. A treat, as she said.

They had other food sources as well, of a less lethal variety, but that cruel streak Will had discovered in Serena, the need for her to assert her dominance, led her to require him to provide these pretty toys for her, so quickly broken and so soon discarded. He wouldn’t have minded nearly so much, if Serena, ever cat-like, wasn’t obsessed with playing with her food. And if the games she played hadn’t been increasingly cruel. Maybe in her long life—and she’d never really told Will just how old she was—it was necessary for her to be this way to maintain her interest in life, but he hadn’t liked it when he was newly turned, and it was less and less to his taste as the years went on. He had been so intoxicated with Serena that he turned a blind eye to it for as long as he could, but he should have remembered that after the intoxication comes the hangover.

That last freshie they’d shared—there had been no “willing’ to it. It was long ago, and time had mercifully blurred the details of how the girl had been entrapped, what subterfuge had been used to snare her, but the scene he was flashing on now was close to unbearable. A girl, blonde, pretty—he thought she had been pretty to begin with, anyway—stretched taut between them, naked save for the bonds that held her. At that, she wore more than either of her tormentors, who sought to leach the warmth from her, cool skin to warm. She didn’t cry well, and her face was blotched, at least as much as her increasingly bloodless state allowed. After three nights of Serena’s creativity, the hectic roses were fading slowly from her cheeks. Serena had grown weary of the girl’s begging, and gagged her some time before. Some of the others—she’d enjoyed listening to the pleading, the unwilling moans of pleasure as well as pain the attentions of the vampires had elicited.

He remembered her. The multiple fang marks over her body, the other wounds. Serena had a nasty little trick of slicing a narrow gash, and pouring a bit of cognac in the wound before licking the blood away with the liquor, laughing at the steadily weakening flinches and struggles of their victim. At the end, while Serena punctured the carotid with her fangs, he’d held the snifter, and caught the last of the girl’s blood to mix with the cognac. Ever since, as much as he loved the taste of a little blood in his liquor, he could never forget the brandy snifter with the ribbons of heavier blood swirling into it.

Will closed his eyes, sickened, remembering how he’d gazed lovingly into Serena’s eyes, sharing the brandy and blood with her as the girl’s body slowly cooled. In his inner vision, his mind’s eye, he could see the girl as she died, as her heart slowed and stopped forever. Somehow in his memory she had Danger’s face, Danger’s hair.

Without thinking, he moved between Danger and Serena, reaching behind him to pull the freshie close to his back, trying to ignore the shock of her warm flesh against his bare skin. He could feel her hiding her face against the muscles of his shoulders; without understanding it fully, she could feel the unbearable tension in his body. He shook his head slowly. “Not this time, Serena,” he growled. “Not this freshie. She’s mine.”

Whatever Serena’s thoughts, she only smiled. Children. So—emotional. So prone to get unreasonably attached to the wrong things. She licked her lips. The world was starting to take on that red tinge where everything looked like blood. She’d forgotten how good sex was with Will, how all in, no holds barred, completely unchained it was. The problem was, she was getting too hungry. “Will,” she said, blinking prettily, “be reasonable.”

“I’m serious, Serena,” Will replied. “This girl is a willing freshie. Willing. We’re not playing your games this time. Not this time.

Serena pursed her lips and turned her head, cutting her eyes sideways at him. “Oh, come on, darling. I’m famished, and she’s standing right there. I need her blood. It’s calling out to me—to us. Can you really deny me?”

Against his back, Danni moved uneasily. She knew this was bad. She knew this was really bad. Will felt her movement, and it distracted him momentarily. Serena flicked her eyes down, and back up to his face. “I can see you’re—fond of this one. All right, Will. Let me make you an offer.”

“No harm, Serena. I won’t allow you to harm her.”

Serena laughed, stepping forward and raising a hand to run it slowly, softly down his chest to rest against his hip. “You know the customs. I’m hungry, you have a freshie—not an exclusive. You can’t really refuse to let me feed on her, now can you?”

“No offense, my dear, but I don’t trust you.” Will knew he had to exercise every caution. This situation had enormous potential for disaster, and he wanted to keep it from going south if he could.

“Will, darling, I’m wounded. After all this time.” She paused, her caresses growing more insistent. “You really have no choice, you know. You have to let me feed.”

He tried to move back, keeping Danni safe behind him. “If I do, it’ll be on my terms, Serena. Not yours.”

Serena pouted, but the warm, living scent of this freshie had pulled her fangs out, and she knew that at the moment, she’d agree to anything, as long as it got her the blood she craved. “What are your terms, darling?” she asked. “This is quickly becoming unendurable.”

Will tried to force his mind into cleverness. He needed more blood himself, and his defenses had been truly breached. His control was shaky, and he was all too well aware of it. He took a deep breath, trying to center himself, trying to force his needs into the background before anything happened he’d have to regret. He was simply tired of regrets. “I’ll hold her, Serena. You can feed from her wrist. Carefully, and only enough to get you past the blood lust. Then you’re out of here—and you can finish feeding elsewhere. Agreed?”

Serena’s frown this time was not a pretty little moue, but the real thing. “This is hardly hospitality, Will, especially not to someone you just fucked.”

“Take it or leave it, Serena. It’s what’s on offer.”

She nodded shortly.

Will turned his back on her to put his arms around Danni. If she was surprised, or dismayed, to find herself pressed against the length of his naked body, she tried to fight the feeling. She looked up at Will.

“How much trouble are we in, Will?’ she whispered.

“A lot.” He paused. “Danger, do you trust me?”

Danni closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. “Yes, I guess I do.”

He bent over and put his lips against her ear, barely breathing his words. “Danger, listen carefully. Step out of those heels before you sit down. And if I say ‘run,’ you tear your arm away from her and get to the freezer room. Don’t look back. Bolt the door and call for help. Understand?”

She nodded, never taking her gaze from his eyes. Will led her to his ruined couch, sitting down and helping her to settle onto his lap. She tucked her head into the curve of his neck, clinging to him, and he held her close, his cheek against hers. Blindly, she extended one shaking hand to Serena, and despite the awkward angle, the vampire found a spot, licking the skin delicately.

“She does have an exquisite aroma, Will,” Serena said. “But then, I expected no less.” Serena pulled back for a second, and struck, chuckling to herself when Danni gasped under her fangs. Will watched closely, feeling the sensations almost as though he were the biter and the bitten at once. He knew as soon as Serena did when the worst edge of her need was past, and put a hand on her shoulder, distracting her from the thrall of pulsing blood flowing freely into her mouth.

“Serena. Enough,” he said. “Enough.”

She sat up, her lips redder than usual, and Will watched with detachment as a final drop of blood fell from her soft mouth to slide down the slope of her breast. Once he would have found the sight arousing; now it meant nothing. Danger trembled against him, and he knew that even under the circumstances the bite had done its work on her. And that thought, that thought was arousing to him.

“You’ve fed, Serena,” he said dully. “You got what you came for—you proved you can still play me for a fool. Now go.”

Serena looked down, gathering up the blood drip with one finger and sucking it appreciatively. “You used to be more fun, darling. And do you expect me to walk out like this?”

“My closet is down the hallway on the right. Take a shirt,” Will said shortly. “That’ll get you back to wherever your lair is. Take whatever you need to cover yourself.”

As she stood, she leaned over to kiss Will slowly on the lips, making sure he got a good taste of the blood still lingering in her mouth, then took Danni’s face in her tiny hand and turned it to her. “Thank you, sweetheart,” she said to the girl, “I can see why Will likes you so much.” And she pressed those soft red lips, the ones whose pressure Danni could still feel against her wrist, to the freshie’s quivering mouth. Serena’s tongue teased along Danni’s lips, but the girl turned her head against Will’s neck again with a moan. Then Serena straightened, and with a saucy look back over her shoulder, walked away.

Behind her, Will wrapped his arms more tightly around Danni. He could feel her tears starting, and shushed her urgently. He knew Serena was enjoying the vision of him sitting naked, holding this girl, and he didn’t want to increase her pleasure by providing a soundtrack of Danni’s sobs. Once Serena was gone from the house, though, she did sob, crying until she fell into an exhausted sleep, there in the vampire’s arms. For the next eternity, Will ignored the urgings of his nature, and held his freshie closely, protectively, until the dawn.

Re: 100% Freshie Chapter 26 --PG-13

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:32 pm
by francis
A broody vampire facing his regrets – sounds like Mick, but more depressed. I like Danni’s reasoning why she doesn’t call out or expect Will to hear her. Running in on some violent vampire sex is not what she expected. You describe it in a way that I can see it. I think I would have reacted with shock and repulsion. Danni being turned on by seeing Will was surprising to me in that situation. This is very dangerous, Serena has no qualms in taking a freshie beyond their capacity, hurting Danni.

His memory is chilling. That was rape and torture, and Serena hasn’t changed a bit. She has a point in that Danger is no exclusive. I wondered for a moment if Serena wouldn’t have heard what he told Danger, vampire hearing and all that. Did she play along, has she understood she isn’t welcome in his life anymore? Wll there be revenge? I am amazed that Will had enough control to not feed that night.
I really like this story. Because they all are original characters, I am constantly surprised.