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Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 7:29 am
by allegrita
Hi friends, :wave:

Things are looking up! :blinksmile: It feels like we are finally beginning to find the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. There's still a long way to go, but with more and more people getting vaccinated, it's becoming safer to go out and live again. Life has possibilities again. :cloud9:

Which brings me to Moonlight. (Because it always comes back to Moonlight eventually. :winky: )

On this thirteenth anniversary of Sonata, I'm thinking about Mick and Beth, and the dark tunnel they were in towards the end of the show. Mick had lost the Cure, and had sacrificed his short-lived humanity to save his Beth. Beth had learned a lot more about how very difficult, dangerous, and complicated it was to love a vampire. They had seen the result of a turning gone tragically wrong, and the disastrous end to what had apparently been a happy, and very long marriage. So many pitfalls, so many sad and scary things they faced.

But Mick said "Because I love you" anyway. Their love was the light in all that darkness. And though Sonata was the end for us, it was the beginning for them. We knew they would face the troubles together, and find a way to be together. The next morning, things would seem a lot brighter for them, even though nothing had changed. But... everything had changed. :heart:

Happy 13th anniversary of Mick and Beth's new beginning, everyone! :celebrate:

(And it's still the 16th for me. I finished this post half an hour before midnight!) :teeth:


Re: Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 10:59 am
by Shadow
So strange to think that it has been thirteen years now! Even though this last year has gone on for several decades, it still seems like Sonata was yesterday. I've never quite figured out how that works. It's so lovely to think of Sonata as a beginning though, rather than as an end! Mick and Beth had to drop the idea of normal in order to make their lives work together....I suppose we will likely have to do the same as we come out of the pandemic, crafting a new way to live in this world.

Re: Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 12:50 pm
by MoonMarg
Wow it’s amazing to think it’s been so long since Moonlight left our screens. It’s like a lifetime ago. My daughters were 3,5& 7 back then and I was a stay at home Mum. I’m now working full time with 2 kids at University and my baby will finish high school next year. We in Australia have been relatively unaffected by COVID. We have had very few deaths and no major lockdowns apart from the beginning ( except for 1 state who did get a2nd wave and a 3 month lockdown.) But our international borders remain close and we are unable to leave our country.

13 years since seeing Our Moonlight family. Gone...but never forgotten...

Re: Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 5:03 pm
by Ella713
13 years! Holy smokes! It always feels like it was not too long ago that I was angrier than I ever thought I would be at the cancelling of this fantastic show! It still hurts. :hug:

Re: Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 10:00 pm
by Moonlightsonata
Yes, it is amazing that we are still here so long after then show ended. That you Alle for keeping this open for us.

Re: Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 1:50 am
by cassysj
Wow, thirteen years. In some ways it feels that long and some it's like yesterday. I was actually thinking of doing a rewatch. It's been a while since went back into that world. I'm so glad we have this lovely place

Re: Sonata's 13th Anniversary - May 16, 2021

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:55 am
by MickLifeCrisis
13 years?? Really? Wow. :gasp: The world was so different back then!

But for us here, Moonlight was a game changer. Just 16 episodes, and here we still are, 13 years later. I also like what Alle said about Sonata being an ending and a beginning. And through all the stories here, we have seen Mick and Beth's relationship grow and blossom. :hearts:

All made possible by our fearless leader, Allegrita, who keeps the doors open and lights on for us here in our Moonlight oasis. THANK YOU!!
:flowers: :kiss: :ghug: