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My Christmas Wish Rated PG Mick POV

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:29 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
My Christmas Wish
Rated PG
By: Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Mick was supposed to be working. The Holiday season had brought him and Carl a boatload of cases. He didn't know why Christmas seemed to bring out the criminal element each and every year. He thought about the case near Christmas time that would change his life forever. Coraline had kidnapped a little girl. He thought about the poor mother who was in tears by the time she finally walked into his office with a picture of her little girl. He remembered the way her tears had soaked through his shirt.
He didn't know what made this case so important to him. Perhaps he already had a small inclination that his ex-wife was behind it. But whatever it was, he found little Elizabeth. Her arms holding tightly around him made his heart explode and he knew right there, he would do anything possible to make sure her life was trauma free.

He watched her enter High School, making sure no harm came her way. Always in the shadows. Having pretend conversations in his head. "So what did you do today at school?" He would ask. And she would breathlessly tell him about how she made the Debate team and how some boy she liked had asked her to Prom and he would delight in it all. And as she got older and he saw that she no longer needed his watchful eye over her, he backed off. And when she became a reporter for Buzzwire, he always made sure no matter what he was doing, he was always back home in time to see her reporting.

Then it hit him. He was falling in love. He had fallen in love a few times in his life but nothing felt like the love he felt for her. He'd stare at her image on his screen and memorize everything about her. The way she held the microphone or tilted her head or gave a half smile when she was signing off. And while he never dreamed or at least could not recall a dream, he always told himself that he dreamed of her.
"Shit! I sound like a stalker" He said to himself as he took a swig of his drink and closed his laptop.
He went upstairs and saw the object of his obsession lying in their bed and he couldn't stop being so grateful of her presence. He thought about how many things he wanted for Christmas over the years but one look at Beth and he knew he had indeed received his Christmas Wish. He got undressed and laid down next to her and closed his eyes.

"I may not dream of her but I have her!" He said to himself.

The End