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Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 10:59 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
Baby Troubles
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A surprise pregnancy has everyone on edge

Of course she knew the moment it happened and was very annoyed that it had happened at all.
"Oh bother!" She yelled. Gideon ran into the room upon hearing her exclamation.
"What is the bother?" He asked.
"It appears that I am with child" Darrian said rolling her eyes. Gideon stood staring at his wife hardly believing what she had said.
"We're g....going to have a baby?" He stammered
"That is what with child means my love" She said sarcastically.
"I didn't know this was possible.......with us I mean....I mean with you" Gideon said.
"I actually thought this was all behind me" She said with a long sigh. Gideon sat next to her and placed his arm around her.
"Is this something you do not want?" He asked softly thinking that being a dad made him surprisingly
"I can tell that it is something that you want" She replied.
"I didn't think having children would be possible considering our circumstances. I mean....would he allow it" He said pointing his finger straight up.
"I suppose he'll let us know" Darrian said. "I must rest" She said closing her eyes and Gideon knew there would be no more discussion about it, but as he walked into the living room he thought about it and the more he did the more he began to smile. He picked up his car keys and left to get some advice.

Alexander opened the door and smiled.
"Hello Gideon. How are you?" He asked as he allowed Gideon to enter his apartment.
"Darrian is pregnant" He said. He saw Alexanders eyes grow wide.
"How is that possible?" He mumbled to himself. "Is she sure? Has she gone to a doctor?"
"I don't know, but I believe that she is"
"Wow! Are you ready for this?"
"Is he ready for what?" They heard Connie ask. "What's going on?"
"I'm going to be a father" Gideon said.
"How is that even possible?" She asked in shock.
"Through intercourse" Alexander said in all seriousness.
"I know that Alex!!!" She said rolling her eyes at him. "But she's a're a vampire!What will it look like? Will it have wings? Does she have wings?" Connie said firing questions at him rapidly.
"I don't know. Duncan doesn't appear to have any wings so I'm guessing no, but Darrian has never copulated with a vampire before, so this will be unprecedented".
"You better keep Zoe in the loop on this. She's mad about keeping her catalogs in tact" Alexander said, still thinking this was going to be the strangest thing to ever happen to their little community.

Julian was called to their place a week later to check on the mom to be. He pulled out various instruments and sat in front of her.
"I'm going to touch your abdomen, do you mind?" He asked knowing that the fairy hated to be touched in any way.
"If you must" She said. Julian placed both his hands on her stomach and knew immediately that there was life inside her. He closed his eyes and concentrated hard and suddenly felt an electric shock throughout his hands. He pulled them away quickly and started to rub them together.
"The baby has a great deal of power already" Julian said as he pulled out his notepad and began to take notes. "You're going to have a girl" He said.
"Nonsense!I've never had a girl baby in all my life. No fairy has!" She argued.
"Well, this will be the first. Have you ever been in a relationship with a vampire before?" He asked.
"No, but that means nothing. We were designed to only bear male children if we bore any at all"
"I'm sorry, but you will be having a girl". Darrian stared at Julian in disbelief.
"I have no idea what to say".
"I must check in the archives to see if there is any information regarding this. In the meantime, get some rest and stay off your feet" He said then took his leave. He immediately met with Zoe and went over the scrolls with her.
"This is simply mind boggling!" She said. "According to Druid files, Darrian is correct. There is no mention of a girl baby being born to the Fairy Folk. Not one since the's something! In the year 1274, Soabia Funstist gave birth to a baby girl. It reads that the baby had unspeakable power from birth. She set fires, killed livestock and made the heavens pour buckets and buckets of rain until the land was flooded, but the child only lived for 7 months." She said. "Julian...I...I hate to say this, but maybe the baby shouldn't be born. I mean this sounds pretty dangerous for all us mankind included". She said.
"Zoe when I went over to examine Darrian, I placed both hands on her stomach and felt sharp electric shocks in my hands. It was almost like the baby didn't want me touching her".
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm fine but if this baby is capable of that in the uterus, who knows what she will be able to do as time wears on" He said crossing himself.

Gideon walked into his bedroom and saw that Darrian was still resting so he undressed and laid next to her and felt a very strong electric charge run all through his body. He quickly got out of the bed, but his body felt numb. Darrian must have shocked him somehow in her sleep, but how could she do that? That didn't sound in any way possible. He started to get back into bed, when a bolt of electricity came from her stomach and struck him in the chest causing him to fall to the ground.

Darrian awoke to find Gideon naked and lying on the floor of their bedroom. She stood and walked over towards him, but immediately felt queasy and quite unsteady on her feet. She sat back down on the bed and tried to calm herself.
"I see what you are capable of, but he means you no harm for he is the one who has been chosen by the Father himself" She whispered rubbing her stomach with her hand as the the queasiness left her. She tapped Gideon on the shoulder and saw him move suddenly. "I would very much like to know why you are sleeping on the floor? Did you and Alexander run a muck in the wee hours of the evening?"
"I don't remember......" He said sitting up and seeing that he was naked..."I thought I came to bed last night.....perhaps you pushed me out of bed" He said with a chuckle.
"Now that does sound like something I would do" She laughed.
"How do you feel? Is everything alright?" He asked as he sat next to her.
"Yes. You will have a daughter soon and we must make preparations. The boy king will have to expand our living quarters...and we will need..." She began to say.
"I will take care of everything my love. For now you take care of yourself" He said kissing her and feeling an immediate warmth spread all throughout his body.

Re: Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:13 pm
by Ella713
Josef looked up as he saw his son walk into his office.
"Hello Gideon. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" He grinned.
"I have some rather surprising news......I am going to be a father" Gideon said with a shy smile. He watched his father's eyes widen in surprise.
"Uh.....who is she?" He asked thinking that if Gideon was unfaithful there would be repercussions. Awful ones at that.
"Dad, it's Darrian! I would never be unfaithful to my wife!" Gideon said in shock.
"I apologize son, it's just that a fairy birth is not something you hear about....Ever. How do you feel about this?" He asked.
"Well, I was shocked at first. I just assumed that with you know, being a vampire and all that would cancel out all of that and of course I knew that Darrian had given birth in the past, but those were relationships with mortals".
"I have to say I too am surprised by this. I mean this is uncharted territory we're in...Zoe will be thrilled when she hears the is Darrian holding up?"
"I don't know. When she found out she seemed rather annoyed by it all".
"Well fairies are extremely selfish, which is why they always gave their children away to be raised by someone else. In the beginning, they would just toss the babies away or leave them in a patch of grass. In Ireland they had a saying "Féach ar an áit a chéimíonn tú" which means watch where you step because you might step on a wee bun".
"There is something else.....early this morning when I went to lie next to Darrian something happened...I woke up on the floor" He said becoming frightened. "Do you think Darrian somehow?"
"It was most likely the baby. Fairy children have amazing power especially in the womb and they will do whatever's necessary to protect their mother. These little boys are devoted to their mothers" Josef said.
"Darrian said she was having a girl". Josef looked surprise.
"Are you sure? No Fey has ever given birth to a girl. They were designed to only give birth to boys due to their selfish nature, the father did not want the world overrun with selfish fairly folk".
"Has a girl ever been born to a fairy before?" Gideon asked.
"Once and the Father was adamant that it would never happen again. This one female caused enough destruction in such a short period of time that we had to intervene". Josef said.
"Something tells me that this fairy girl was Darrian" Gideon said as Josef nodded his head.
"I'm assuming that Julian has already has paid a visit?"
"Then all we can do is wait and pray" Josef said .
"Dad, I hate to say this but I'm scared. I'm afraid of my wife and the baby that grows inside her" He said.
"Let me speak with Brian" Josef said finally.

Brian and Alma met in Josef's office to hear this incredible news. They both sat in wonder at what they were just told.
"Wow!!! This is unreal" Alma stated as she stared into space.
"Josef, you do remember what happened with the very first fey birth?" Brian asked.
"Enlighten me Brian. Those early days are still a tad fuzzy for me" He joked.
"Ainee gave birth to Darrian in secret. She hid this birth from her elders and thought it so special that it must mean the Father was giving them free reign, not realizing that this was a trial to test their devotion to the Father and his words. She failed, which caused the death of all fairly folk, yet Darrian remained".
"And that was my fault. When we had destroyed the fairy realm, I saw one lost fey. So beautiful she was, that I took her to a family in Ireland to raise and to love but once a fey always a fey" Josef said.
"What if the child is born vampire?" Alma said suddenly jumping into the conversation. "I mean, yeah it's a girl baby, but who's to say it's a fairy at all. Darrian has had other children by mortal men, so of course her gene was the more dominant, but this time she is with a vampire and not just a vampire, but an angel/vampire hybrid". She said.
"Now that is something to think about" Josef finally said.

Julian and Zoe stayed up all night going over every bit of information they had on the beginning times.
"But why a girl baby now after all this time? Is this a test of some sort?" She asked.
"We will never know, but be we must prepare because if there is a lesson to be learned then we must look to the past" Julian said knowingly as someone with his advanced years would.
"I wish Balthazar were here" Zoe said in frustration.
"As do I Zoe, as do I" He said sadly.

"Now listen to me little babe. The Father will not allow any foolish behavior, this is a trial that we must conquer" Darrian said to baby. "You will not bring destruction on the both of us" She said reaching for a brandy, but stopping herself. This time all things must change she thought to herself. "Clothing!" she said and was suddenly decked out in blue jeans, sneakers and white t-shirt. "Now we will walk among the mortals" She said heading out of her apartment. She stepped out onto the busy Los Angeles street and began to walk. "Now this is not too awful is it"? She said to the baby. "Yes I know it is very loud but mortals have exploded. There are so many of them" She said. "No! we cannot do as we've done before! I will take you to somewhere private, where the air is fresh and the flowers are in abundance" She said wishing herself to Ireland and in the middle of a grassy field Darrian and the baby both inhaled and the fresh air and laid down with flowers surrounding them."I can see this calms you. What if we stayed here until you come forth? Would you like that?....Then we shall" Darrian said walking towards the ruins where she once lived.

Gideon stepped into the apartment quietly, not wanting to bother Darrian if she was taking rest. He saw the bedroom door was closed so he quietly walked out of the apartment and locked the door.
"Hi Connie, is Alexander around?" He asked.
"No. He went with Abigail to the labs. You want me to let him know you stopped by?" She asked, but noticed the look on his face. "What's wrong? Has something happened?" She said allowing him to enter. She walked to the kitchen to get him a glass of blood but he waved her off, so she sat down with him and waited. "I know how you feel" She said.
"You do?"
"Yeah. It's scary I mean really scary and hearing about the history of fairies, it's unsettling to say the least"
"I think the baby did something to me last night. I was getting into bed and suddenly it was like I was electrocuted or something" He explained.
"Yeah, I figured something like that would happen"
"How would you know?"
"I spoke for a long time with Darrian when You two were married. I mean I had a chance to speak with with an honest to God fairy! So of course I was going to take advantage of that! She told me how all the fey were so jealous of mortals and the things they would do to try and rid the world of them. She told me about the children she bore. Like over 100! And she never raised any of them. And I don't think it's because she didn't want to, but more like she can't." Connie said.
"But did she tell you why that was?"
"No, but I got the feeling that she was afraid that she'd hurt them if she tried. She did say that it weighed heavily on her mind at times"
"Why didn't she ever tell me?"
"Maybe shame. Who wants to tell anyone that they might hurt they're own child?"

Re: Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 3:48 pm
by Ella713
"You won't believe what I just heard?!" Lisa said to Haley.
"Is it good news or bad news?" Haley responded, hoping it was good news for a change.
"Darrian is having baby!!" Lisa squealed.
"You're kidding! How is that even possible?"
"I'm assuming the way its always been done silly goose! But we should go over"
"To her apartment? Is that a wise idea Lisa? From what I've been told about fairies they're kind of....."
"Dickish" Lisa said.
"Well, yeah"
"She's having a fairy vampire baby!! I'm sure she needs all the support we can give her!"
"Oh, alright!" Haley said not liking the idea. Soon Lisa had coerced Beth, Zoe, Haley and Amy to come along as well. They walked up to the door waiting for it to open on it's own. They stood and nothing happened.
"Now that's strange" Beth said frowning.
"Maybe they're not home" Haley said feeling relived and not knowing why she did. Lisa twisted the doorknob and opened the door.
"Darrian! Are you here?" She said walking inside. Soon Darrian walked out of her bedroom.
"Yes. What do you need?" She said looking at them strangely.
"Is everything okay?" Beth asked walking towards her. Darrian backed away.
"You may not want to walk further, if the baby does not like you, she may...." Darrian began to say.
"I call BS!" Lisa said loudly as she walked right up to Darrian and bent down towards her belly. "Look girl, I know how you feel about dudes and I agree, they're idiots and the world would be better off if women ran things, but that's not the hand we've been dealt. You gotta play the cards you get not knock cards out of everyone else's hand just because your cards suck at the moment" Lisa said then laid her hand on Darrian's stomach. "She's hungry" Lisa said as she stepped back while everyone stared at her. Darrian smiled at the young woman.
"You are a wonder" She said. "She has been quite active and now she feels subdued. How did you know to do this?"
"I was speaking with Connie earlier and she told me of your pregnancy and I thought some strong female power might be what both of you needed, because come on, men are useless most of the time and you certainly can't speak to them the way you would with other women. It's like back in the olden days when all the women in a village would gather around and draw strength from one another. That's how it should be". Lisa said. "So don't fear little one, because you have a strong tribe of women to help you on your way" She said. Darrian smiled at Lisa as tears fell from her eyes. Everyone walked up to her and placed their arms around Darrian.
"We are all in this together" Beth said.
"Thank you" Darrian whispered to them.

"Oh how I miss this! In the beginning all the women would gather to share ideas and bless everything that Father had created. We were strong women with unlimited power. Mortals would consult with us to help heal their family members or help their crops grow properly. Little children would tell their secrets to the tress. It was a beautiful glorious time!" Darrian said. "I was ready to run away. I knew the baby would cause destruction and harm to everyone, so I thought it best to go back to Ireland and raise her alone" She said. Alma came walking in frowning.
"So this is where you all are without me!" She laughed as she walked over to Darrian and embraced her. "We are all here for you" She said. "And you! Please stop frightening the men folk, it upsets them so. They don't know how to handle you, but be patient they'll soon see! They're a tad slow, but they'll come around in the end. They always do" She said pointing at Darrian's belly.
"Drinks!" Darrian called out as everyone was provided with the drink they enjoyed most.
"Would you like me to get you something?" Amy asked.
"No. With this child I shall do things differently. Before I drank and indulged to my heart's content while pregnant but this time I shall try a different course". Darrian said.
"Have you a name yet?" Beth asked.
"Yes. Lillith after the first" She said.
"Whose Lillith? Your mother?" Beth asked.
"Lillith was Adam's first wife. Before Eve. She was a fairy and when Adam wanted her to play a subservient role, she sprouted wings and flew away" Zoe explained.
"No way!! I've never heard of that in the bible!" Amy said.
"It's from medieval Jewish tradition. She makes a solitary appearance in the Bible, as a wilderness demon shunned by the prophet Isaiah. In the Middle Ages she reappears in Jewish sources as the dreadful first wife of Adam. In the Renaissance, Michelangelo portrayed Lilith as a half-woman, half-serpent, coiled around the Tree of Knowledge" Zoe continued.
"Your knowledge is vast young Zoe. You amaze me"
"Wait a minute! So this Lilith is getting all this bad press because she didn't want to cow down to a man? No wonder the little one is pissed!" Lisa said.
"Wow! I've never heard any of this!" Beth examined
"Men never wanted the stories to be told, so they erased her and re wrote her as a flighty, vile woman but after a time a group of strong women reunited practicing the old ways and men burned them at the stake and called them demons and the world believed. And the world still believes" Darrian said sadly
"Yep, in Hebrew text Lillith is described as a night-creature, night-monster or night-hag that stole babies and was sexually wanton. But those were lies created by the elders to keep women in their place and it's still being practiced today. Whenever a beautiful woman who is strong, intelligent and talented, men become scared so they spread that fear far and wide and even turn other women against her." Zoe finished.
"Kind of makes you want to punch every man in the face doesn't it?" Lisa laughed. "But let us start anew. In this room are the strongest women I've ever known and we should strive to make this world a better place"
"Hear Hear!!!" They all said together. Darrian looked up suddenly and knew that Gideon was back.
Gideon slowly opened the door and peaked inside not knowing what he'd find.
"What are you waiting for? An invitation? This is your home" Lisa said finding the look on his face hysterical.
" is everyone?" Gideon asked nervously as he stepped into the apartment but still kept his hand on the doorknob.
"All is well my love" Darrian said with a seductive smile as her apartment kicked all her guest out.
"Are you sure? I don't want to upset you or the baby" Gideon said feeling helpless for the first time in his life.
We are sure" She said taking off her robe and standing naked before him.

The End

Re: Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:35 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
A New Something
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Gideon had to admit that he had it easy compared to what he had heard from others. The constant running out for whatever your wife desired at the time was something he heard from Mick, Carl and his dad, but if Darrian wanted something she simply called it into existence and the matter was solved. But now everyone kept a firm eye on the calendar. Vampire babies grew at an alarming rate with most delivering after 2 or 3 months, but Darrian was now in her 5th month and everyone speculated that she would give birth to very dangerously powerful fairy and no one knew how to handle that. They already had to deal with the baby simply doing whatever she wanted from changing the music that they had playing, to changing the channels on the television. And if she wanted something different than what Darrian was eating at the time, she would cause her to become ill and throw up until she got what she wanted, but Darrian took it all in stride and never got upset which he was afraid she might.
The power that her and the baby possessed was unfathomable.

Julian and Zoe made repeated visits to the apartment to keep track of everything that was going on.
"This is killing me!" Zoe said out loud. "How come know one thought to document fairy births? This is something we need to know about" She said sitting yet another book down after not finding out the information she was looking for.
"Perhaps because the baby did not wish to be documented. The powers that these being possess would certainly be capable of keeping their existence hidden" Julian replied.
"I suppose.....but it leaves us at a disadvantage" She said not liking gaps in the archives.
"Well, it is now the fifth month and a vampire child would have been born by now, so now is our chance to make sure we document everything" He said looking at Zoe nervously and suddenly standing up.
"Julian? What's wrong?"
"Darrian is going to give birth and my services will not be needed. The baby is requesting you to help with the delivery" He said.
"What!!! I've never done anything like that!!!" Zoe yelled out then vanished. Julian shook his head and sighed, thinking he was glad someone else was going to do it.

Zoe saw she was in Darrian's apartment.
"Look, I'm flattered but I don't know the first thing about delivering a baby! My degree is in Library Sciences, not Midwifery!" She yelled.
"You're profession has changed today" Darrian said simply gathering the things that would be needed.
Zoe simply stared at Darrian trying to remember all the things she had seen on TV. "Don't think about the foolishness you've seen. All that is required is that when you see the head, just gently help the baby out without tugging or pulling" Darrian said. "I will lay in the water" Darrian said as Zoe saw a small kiddie pool behind Darrian. "The baby must be born in water" She said throwing off her robe and sitting in the pool. Zoe shook her head slowly and rolled up her sleeves and tried to steady her mind.

Julian called Josef immediately and told him to alert the others and to be prepared. Mick, Gabriel and Brian all appeared at Josef's side.
"So this is it?" Mick said praying that all would alright. "Has anyone heard from Father?"
"Not a peep" Josef said looking at Brian to see if he had heard anything. Brian shook his head no.
"Uncle Josef you're going to have to tell us what's in store for us. I can't recall anything about the fairies" Gabriel said.
"I had hoped it would it be a vampire baby which are much easier to deal with, but a fairy baby is something else altogether. They want what they want and have the neccessary power to achieve it...oh and they fly" He said.
"How soon?" Brian asked.
"As soon as they're out, now imagine how hard it is to contain something like that?! Lucky for us, they can't will themselves anywhere, but when they turn 3 or 4 years old, they can transport themselves to anywhere they damn well please" He said remembering how problematic fairies were.
Josef looked around and saw that Gideon was not with them.
"Has anyone seen my son?" Josef asked looking at Brian who took off to find him and saw that he was at the Police Station working.
"Gideon, you must come quickly. Your wife is giving birth" Brian said. Gideon stood up quickly.
"What? Right now?" He asked. Brian nodded as people began to cheer and shake Gideon's hands.
"I'm having a baby!" He yelled out. The police chief placed his hand on Gideon's shoulder.
"Get out of here! All the criminals in Los Angeles will still be here waiting for you" He said gently pushing Gideon towards the door.

"Uh.....o..okay. Are you feeling the pains....I mean contractions?" Zoe asked nervously.
"Yes" Darrian replied looking straight ahead. "And this part is exactly like you have seen. They are about 15 minutes apart."
" would you like anything?" She asked.
"A very large brandy after this child has left me" she said with a smile.
"Where is Gideon? He should be here!" Zoe said in exasperation.
"I'm right here" Zoe heard from behind her as Gideon kneeled down beside Darrian and held her hand.
"Great! Um....the contractions are about 15 minutes apart, so there's still a little time to get some things done" She said going into kitchen to boil water although she had no idea why she was doing so, but felt that she needed to be doing something other than looking at a fairy's nether regions. The next contraction hit hard and Darrian screamed bloody murder so loud that Zoe thought it could be heard all throughout Kostan Towers, that coupled with Gideon's screams as Darrian easily broke his hand. He pulled it away and waited for it to heal but kept his hands far from her. Darrian screamed again and Zoe saw a tiny head.
"Holy smokes! This is really happening! I see a head.....Darrian, I think you need to push....alot" Zoe said feeling a little faint but willing herself to stay strong. Darrian pushed harder as Zoe reached inside to help ease the baby's shoulders out. "'re doing great Darrian, just two more hard pushes and you're done!" She yelled. Darrian balled her fists together and grunted with all her might and pushed until she could no longer do so. Zoe gently eased the baby from her as it let out a loud wail.
Zoe looked at the beautiful little girl who immediately stopped crying the moment Zoe laid her in Darrian's arms. "Say hello to your mama Lillith". She said with tears in her eyes at the miracle of birth. "I'll have to cut the cord" Zoe said looking all around for something and finding a pair of shears in the kitchen drawer. She dipped them into the boiling water, then rushed to Darrian's side and snipped the cord.
Darrian looked down at tiny baby who just continued to stare at her.
"Hello Lillith" She said and the baby smiled. "This is your father". Gideon looked down upon the baby shyly, a little afraid of what might happen, but the baby simply gazed at him with a half-smile.
"You named her Lillith? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful baby" He said.
"I think you're biased my love" She replied. Baby Lillith seemed to stretch her tiny body and floated out of Darrian arms.
"What the hell!" Zoe yelled out as she saw the wings flutter and hold the baby in the air. Lillith continued to float then let out a loud wail showing small fangs protruding from her tiny mouth.
"Bottle!" Darrian called out and a bottle filled with blood was produced. Lillith slowly began to make her way towards her mother and laid back down in her arms as Darrian fed her.
"Holy smokes! She's a definite hybrid! A fairy vampire mix. This is unprecedented!" Zoe said excitedly.
"The first of her kind. That makes her extraordinary" Gideon said in shock thinking about the implications. "Surely this must be of the Father or he wouldn't have allowed it" He pondered out loud.
"Then we must see what follows" Darrian said looking down at her beautiful baby.

Re: Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:33 pm
by Ella713
Josef had everyone meet at his apartment.
"What we know thus far is that the baby is definitely part vampire as well as part fairy. Now what the baby's purpose is.........let's assume worst case scenario first. She poses a serious threat to mankind. What should we do?" Josef ventured.
"Well, we must protect mankind above all else, but we are talking about 2 beings with unlimited powers. The baby and her mother" Mick said.
"Yeah, they certainly would pack a pretty powerful one two punch" Gabriel said.
"I don't believe that Darrian will defy Father. She just got back into the his good graces, she won't jeopardize that for anything. Although it may pain her, she will do what is right" Josef said looking at them all and noticing Brian hadn't said anything. "Brian, do you have any thoughts? You appear to be mulling something over" He said.
"I agree. Our first priority must always be the protection of mankind. It is for this purpose that we were created, but I do not believe that the baby will pose as big a threat as we imagine. She is only half Fey and the vampire side will be the dominant side" He said.
"He's right. Maybe we're jumping to conclusions and maybe her vampire side will take over as she consumes more blood" Mick said.
"Alright. For now we'll be on standby mode. Let's get Alma and Bridgett to monitor the situation very closely so we can get a better handle on what we're dealing with" Josef said. "What is the baby's name?"
"Lillith" Gabriel said.
"Well Darrian definitely wanted to push some buttons didn't she?" Josef said with a smirk.
"Let's just hope she's not drawing a line in the sand" Mick said seeing trouble ahead.

By the 6th month Lillith was walking and talking and looked to be a very mild mannered child.
"Do I have to eat it?" Lillith asked frowning at the food on her plate.
"I'm told its delicious" Gideon said.
"But I like blood best. Why should I have to eat both?" She pouted.
"Because your mother wants you to try food as well. It will keep you healthy"
"Do you eat food daddy?" She asked.
"No. But not because its nasty or bad tasting or anything. I just prefer blood"
"Well, I prefer blood as well" She said with a nod of her head. Gideon chuckled and kissed the top of her head.
"So let it be done" He joked as he poured her a small glass and sat it in front of her. She drank it quickly and smiled brightly.
"Mommy doesn't like me drinking blood does she?" She asked.
"That's not it. She just doesn't want you to overlook the other part of heritage. You are also part fairy and that is exciting".
"Not as exciting as vampires" She said. Gideon silently agreed with her. "Don't worry daddy, I won't tell her" She said reaching for him to pick her up.
"You wanna go with me to see Mick and Josef?"
"Yes!!!" She said excitedly.
"Okay, let go then". He said making sure to write Darrian a note letting her know where they were. She was sleeping more than ever these days, but he guessed that had to do with giving birth.

"Hey Gideon!" Mick said when he saw him walk into his office. "Hello Lillith!" He said ruffling her strawberry curls as she jumped into his arms. "You're getting heavy" He said with a smile. What brings you by?"
"I needed to speak with Carl, Is he in?"
"Yeah, he's wrapping up a phone call, go right in. I'm going to take this sweet little girl to see Beth" He said heading for the elevators. "Babe! I've got a surprise for you" Mick called out when he opened the apartment door. Beth came rounding the corner and squealed when she saw Lillith.
"There's my favorite little girl!" She said running over to take the girl from Mick's arms. "And how are you doing today?" She said giving her a big hug.
"I missed you" Lillith said.
"I missed you too! You got here just in time! I have some friends coming over in a little bit and we're going to the zoo!" She said. Lillith stared at Beth for a few seconds.
"What's a zoo?" She asked.
"It's a place where you can see lots of different animals"
"Like in books?" She asked with her eyes shining brightly.
"Yes!" Beth said.
"Why are you going to the zoo?" Mick asked.
"Mick I swear, you never listen anymore! You do remember Josef donating all that money for gorilla habitat? Well, it opens today" She explained.
"I forgot about that. Well have fun" He said kissing Lillith's cheek.
"Does Mick not like animals?" She asked.
"Not the way we do, but he's working on a case trying to find a missing girl. Mick is very good at his job and he just doesn't have time to look at animals, but fortunately for you, I have lots and lots of time to look at the animals. Maybe we can even go horseback riding after!"
"I'd like that" Lillith said.

"So how are things going Gideon?" Mick asked.
"Well, I did want to speak to you and dad about seems that Lillith is not interested in eating mortal food. She said she likes blood best and I thought that might mean something"
Mick thought about what he said and remembered what Brian said about her vampire half dominating.
"What does Darrian say about this?"
"She doesn't really know. I'm kind of worried about her. She's been sleeping all the time. I know that the birth was hard on her, but it's been 6 months already"
"Has Darrian ever talked about her other births before?"
"Not in any great detail. She merely said she had bore children you think this could be due to this child being girl?"
"I'd say go up and ask Zoe. If anyone knows it's her" Mick said.

Darrian slowly got up and walked out of the bedroom and saw that both Gideon and Lillith were gone.
She poured herself a large glass of brandy and went back into the bedroom. Something was wrong and she knew it. Her powers were depleted and she knew that this birth had something to do with it.....what if the baby had absorbed all her powers for itself? She felt the anger well up inside of her.
What was the Father planning? She thought. Whatever it was she knew she wasn't going to like it one bit!

Re: Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:28 pm
by Ella713
Gideon made his way to Zoe's apartment and knocked on the door.
"Hi Gideon! Is something wrong?" She asked immediately
"No. Nothing's wrong, but I did want to talk to you about something.....its about Darrian. She doesn't seem to be herself. She's been sleeping a hell of a lot. She's not really eating or doing you think that this birth has hurt her in some way?" He asked. Zoe thought about all the things she'd read.
"Well, I've never given birth but I imagine that it takes a lot out of a person for sure, and the fact that she bore a fairy/vampire hybrid could definitely be the case, at least on the vampire side. I mean I'm assuming that the baby fed in part on Darrian own blood for the whole of the pregnancy so it may take her a while to replenish all that she's lost, but this is speculation on my part. Let's speak with Julian and see what he says, maybe he has something you can give her". She said calling Julian. After hearing everything Zoe said he made a decision.
"I will go see her today" He said kneeling down to pray which he always did before seeing the fairy.

Darrian tried several times to take form but could not do so. She then tried to create a feast and again she could not. After an hour of trying to use her powers and not being able to she began to throw things, smashing dishes, glassware and bottles of booze in frustration. She screamed out so loud that people on the street began to turn around to see where it was coming from. Beth stopped for a moment, but Lillith tugged on her sleeve.
"It's mommy and she's mad" The little girl said.
"Do you know why she's mad?"
"She doesn't have no power anymore"
"How do you know that?" Beth asked in surprise.
"Cause he said her job was done and she have to go back home now" She said. Beth was going to ask who he was but then it hit her. Darrian was going to be taken away from Gideon.
"Oh no!" She said shaking her head.
"She will be alright".
"We should check on her" Beth said but saw that Lillith was shaking her head. "Alright.....let's go get the others and head out" She finally said.

Beth met Lisa, Haley and Zoe in the lobby.
"Did you hear that ruckus?" Haley asked "It sounded like a wounded animal"
"I'll tell you later, but look who's going to be joining us!" Beth said brightly.
"Hey jellybean!" Lisa said holding out her hand for a high five.
"We're gonna see animals!" Lillith said with a big smile.
"I know so let's get moving!" Lisa said taking her hand and walking ahead.
"Ok, what the hell was that?" Haley said whispering.
"It was Darrian. Lillith told me that Darrian doesn't have any more powers and that she would be leaving soon" Beth explained.
"Leaving? But she just had a baby! Where could she possibly be going?" Haley asked.
"I don't know. All I know is she said that God said her work here was done and it was time for her to go home".
"Does Gideon know? This is going to break his heart" Haley said sadly.
"What's going to break his heart?" Zoe said walking closer to them. Beth repeated what she was told and watched Zoe's eyes grow large. "This is awful! Gideon will be left to raise the baby on his own!" Zoe said looking at Lisa and Lillith walking ahead of them but stopped what she was going to say when she saw Gideon jogging over.
"And where are you thieves taking my daughter?" He joked.
"We're going to the zoo. You wanna come with us?" Beth asked.
"That sounds like fun! I'm sure Lillith will love it!" He said walking with them towards the garage. "You know I should have thought of something like this earlier" He said.

Julian walked to the door and saw that it was slightly ajar.
"Darrian! It's Julian!" He called out opening the door to enter. He stopped suddenly when he saw the mess all over the room. "Darrian!! Are you alright?" He said looking around. The entire apartment was destroyed. He opened the door of the bedroom and saw more destruction. "What has happened?" He said pulling out his mobile and phoning Josef. Immediately they were all standing beside him.
"Where is she?" Josef asked.
"I do not know. Gideon was worried about her sleeping so much and thought something was wrong so I came by to check on her and found everything exactly like this" Julian said. "Gideon is safe. Zoe called and they said that he and Lillith were at the zoo with them" He said as Josef looked anxious to hear.
"Do you think someone attacked her?" Gabriel asked.
"No. This was a fairy temper tantrum, but what was it that pissed her off?" Josef said.

"Beth this the last time I meet you at the zoo!!" Sam said crossly finally catching up with them.
"Hey Sam, yeah we should have arranged a meeting point. Sorry about that" Beth said.
"Who's this little angel?" Sam said looking down at the little girl then looking up to see Gideon.
"This little angel is Lillith O'Toole Kostan and I'm her father Gideon Kostan" He said holding out his hand.
"Very n....nice to meet you both" She stammered. Beth watched the interaction with curiosity. Why was Sam looking at Gideon that way? She'd have to ask her when they got a moment alone.
"You're pretty" Lillith said, looking at her father.
"Thanks, but I'm no where as pretty as you" Sam teased back.
"Are you here to see the habitat as well?" Gideon asked.
Yeah....Beth asked me to come along"
"Great!" Gideon said then he felt guilty. Married men weren't suppose to behave this way he thought to himself. "Well, let's get a move on" He said looking down at Lillith who seemed to be studying the situation with a grin. Lillith reached for Beth's hand as they walked towards the gorilla habitat.

When they approached the habitat Lillith's eye's grew wide.
"Look at them!! It's like the Jungle Book! Isn't it daddy?" She squealed as she pulled her hand away and ran up to the edge.
"Lillith be careful!" Gideon yelled but it was too late as he saw her tumble down the embankment. Without thinking Sam jumped over the guardrail and ran down the embankment just as two of the gorillas took notice of the little girl. Sam gathered Lillith in her arms and sprinted back up as Lillith held her tightly.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked trying to catch her breath. "She's okay!" Gideon ran towards her and took Lillith from her.
"Oh my God! Thank you Sam so much" Gideon said throwing his other arm around her.
"You're welcome" Sam said nervously.
"Sam what were you thinking?" Beth asked in shock.
"I wasn't obviously, but I had to get her out of there" She said as they all began to take turns hugging her.
"I'm alright daddy. Sam saved me" Lillith said looking at her daddy as he stared at Sam.
"Yes she did" He said absently.
"I like her a lot too daddy" She said with a knowing smile.
After a couple of hours looking at all the animals. Gideon decided to get back home before Darrian became upset.
"Are you sure Gideon? We were going to grab a bite" Zoe said.
"Can we go please daddy?" Lillith asked. Gideon was confused because Lillith had stated that she didn't like mortal food.
"Are you sure sweetie?" He asked but she adamantly nodded her head yes. "Okay, I guess we're going" He said.

"We should clean this mess up before Gideon get's back" Mick said picking up the broom and sweeping up the broken glass.
"Mick's right. Come on guys. Let's get to it" Josef said and when they finished Josef offered to stay and try to explain things to his son when he returned.
"Do you want me to stay?" Mick offered.
"No. I'll take care of it, but contact Alma and see if she can shed any light on what's going on" He said.

Lillith held both Gideon's hand and Sam's and strategically had them sitting together.
"Sam I can't thank you enough for what you did" Gideon said.
"You're welcome, but honestly I can't believe I did it! I mean it all happened so fast" She said shaking her head in disbelief.
"You were like some some kind of superhero!" He said. "At least that's the way I'm going to tell the story".
"And I left my cape at home and everything" She joked.
"Tell me about yourself" He asked.
"Well, I used to work at Buzzwire with Beth and Steve Balfour, then I got recruited to work at Danvers with Gabriel in their research department with Ted Ferguson and now I work for your dad" She said with a shy smile. "What about you?"
"I'm a consultant for the LAPD" He said. "Kind of like a profiler".
Gideon and Sam talked all throughout the meal and Lillith kept smiling at them the whole time.

Re: Baby Troubles Rated PG

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:35 pm
by Ella713
Gideon and Lillith finally made their way home and saw Josef waiting for them inside.
"Hey dad. What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I was waiting for you to come home to speak to you about something. Darrian's gone and we don't know where, but she was very upset by something because the apartment was in shambles"
"What do you mean gone"? He said standing up.
"She went back to the Father. He said that she had done her part but she had to go home" Lillith said.
"But don't worry daddy. He chose another for you" She said. Gideon stared at his daughter.
"Sam" He said closing his eyes now seeing how his daughter fell at the zoo. "Dad, I think we will need an apartment. I can't stay here without her". He said as tears fell from his eyes.
"It's okay daddy. Don't be sad. She's where she should have been all along" She said sounding wiser each day.
"Ill get you set up." Josef said walking towards the door. "Who the hell is Sam?" He asked looking over his shoulder.
"Samantha Mayer. She works for you with Ted Ferguson"
"Sam?" He said in surprise but as he thought a little more about it he saw how perfect that match was......except Sam was a lesbian he thought to himself.
"Not anymore" Lillith said with a smile. "They will be really happy together"

When Beth and Sam were alone in the parking lot she decided to get down to business.
"Sam what the heck is going on with you?" She asked. Sam placed her hands in her jean pockets.
"I have no idea Beth. You know me. I've never ever been interested in guys, but the moment I saw him, something inside of me just clicked....I can't really explain it....I just really want to be with him" She stammered.
"Wow. I don't know what to say...I mean as far as men go you definitely picked a good one" She said with a small smile. "You know I always thought that it would be Steve you went for if you were going to be into any guy". She said laughing.
"Steve! You've got to be kidding?"
"What are you gonna say to Hannah?"
"Hannah and I broke up 3 weeks ago" She said. And without asking Beth knew that Hannah had cheated. The one thing that Sam could never forgive and somehow she thought that the Father was behind it all.
"You say he's a good man?" Sam asked.
"Yeah he is" Beth answered.
"But, there's something else you're not telling me"
"He lost his wife, so he's a little fragile and he has Lillith to look after, but seeing how you rushed into danger to save his daughter is definitely going to score you all kinds of points"
"I.....have no experience with men you know. I've never kissed one or did the nasty with one...I d..don't know to be romantic with one" She said in exasperation.
"Just take it slow Sam. You don't have to rush into a sexual relationship. Get to know him. Get to know Lillith. When the time is right, you'll know exactly what to do".
"What if I don't like....." She started to say.
"Look, you can play the what if game all day or you can take a chance and see where it leads you" Beth finally said. "But I have an idea! Follow me!" She said walking towards her car.

"Hello, I'm here to see Gideon Kostan. My name is Samantha Mayer" She said as the security guard placed a call.
"He said to send you right up. He's on the 48th Floor apartment 48A" He said pointing to the elevator bank. Sam closed her eyes hoping she was doing the right thing. When the door opened, she saw that his apartment was the only one on this floor. She lightly tapped the door and it was thrown open by Lillith.
"Hi Sam!!" She said with a wide smile.
"Hi Lilly Bell" Sam said. "I brought you a gift!" She said handing her the American Girl Doll.
"This is my first doll! She's so beautiful!" She yelled. Gideon walked up to the door and smiled.
"I come bearing gifts" She said as she handed him the brandy.
"How did you know this was my favorite?"
"A little birdie told me. I also have a movie we can watch" She said holding up the DVD.
"Bedknobs and Broomsticks?"
"It was my favorite movie when I was Lillith's age and I thought we could watch it together"
"What is it about?" Lillith asked.
"It's about a very funny witch taking care of three orphans during the war"
"Well, let's put it on!" Gideon said allowing her to enter as she sat on the sofa and Lillith jumped in her lap.
"We're ready daddy!" She yelled. He placed the movie into the dvd player then took a seat right next to Sam....then he placed his arm around her shoulders and turned to watch the movie.

The End