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Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:14 am
by cassysj
This is in the Moonlight universe although my OC's. Plum would be twenty-nine in the real world tomorrow so I guess she is on my mind.

Plum Blossom was ranting and raving over the Academy Awards.

“I can’t believe Lady GaGa wore Tiffany! A Tiffany necklace??? It’s outrageous and an insult to you."

Charles laughed. “Plum you need to calm down. It was their turn.”

“Your necklace should be up there with Bradley Cooper. Your diamonds should be caught in the Hollywood lights.

“Plum,….we live in New York now. Our jewelry will be more socialite than celebrity. Ariana Rockefeller over Kim Kardashian.

Plum frowned. “I couldn’t believe that party we were at last night. Rockefellers, Kennedys Astors, Bloomingdales. Everyone you know here has buildings named after them.

Charles looked uncomfortable. “Plum, we had to leave LA. It was time.

“I know it was time. I’ll never be thirty and that gets noticed.”

Charles put his arm around her. “I’m sorry about that but we didn’t have a choice.”

“I know that too. It’s just I would have been twenty-nine this April. I guess it’s just a age you tend to reflect.

Charles nodded. “It’s true. That happens until you pass a hundred. Then, it’s different. You’re working so hard to keep up, you don’t have time to look back.

“Is it hard for you to keep up?” Plum asked.

“It can be hard. You have to keep pushing forward. Keep re-inventing yourself but that also means you have to be current and have a proper past. For example, now that I’m born in 1969 instead of 1959 I have to remember growing up in the 80’s. You know that play we went to last week, Burn This.”


“It was written in 1987, when I heard the song I’m on Fire, it reminded me I have to download 80’s music and stream tv shows. I’m going to start watching Cheers. At least I like Woody Harrelson.

“ You said you can’t look back.

“I can’t but I have to be able to fit in with people my own age. Have common backgrounds, you’ll have to start doing that yourself in a few years.

Plum bit her lip. “I’m glad we have forever, but there are a million little details to immortality that humans can’t dream about.”

Not for the first time Charles wished he could have given Plum more time to prepare. “I know New York is a big adjustment.”

“Adjustment? It's like the moon. Charles, we don’t have a car. It’s not that we don’t each have a car....we don’t have one period.”

“Plum if you want to pay seven grand a year for a parking space I’ll get us on a garage list but a car is a nuisance here.”

Plum sighed. “I don’t want a car. I just want something familiar.

“Why don’t you go see Tangie?”

“She's in Canada.”

“Toronto, is only an hour away.

Plum brightened. “That’s true. We could go see that new horror movie.

Charles chuckled. “You are obsessed with that film.

“Charles….you don’t think any part of that movie could be true? I mean the government really doesn’t experiment on people….do they?

“I’ve never given it any thought.”

“Charles! What about The Handmaid’s Tale? That couldn’t really happen….could it?

Charles wasn't going to open that can of worms. “Plum, terrible things and wonderful things happen in the world every day. The good news is we get to be living historians. When you get to Toronto, spend some time with Josef. He was about your age when he was turned, he may have some perspective that I don’t. I was lucky, I could stand still for fifteen to twenty years. It’s harder for younger vamps, especially in this age of social media.

“I miss when we were all in Los Angeles together.

“We’ll all be together again someday, maybe in the fifties or sixties.

Plum’s jaw dropped. “2050 or 2060?

“It will be here faster than you think.

Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:25 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Really liked this, Carol!


Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 5:04 am
by Lucy
Moonlight logic.... from a real doll!

Always a joyful part of my day to hear from this world :heart:

Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:02 pm
by cassysj
Thank you ladies. Plum has been quiet for a while.

Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:55 am
by Shadow
Really enjoyed this story! I'd somehow never thought before what it would take for an ageless vampire to adjust decade by decade, reinventing their past. It is wonderfully portrayed here with Charles planning to download all those eighties songs and tv shows. Just goes to show that Plum is right about those million little details of immortality. Being a vampire takes some work, doesn't it!

Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 1:30 am
by cassysj
Shadow wrote:Really enjoyed this story! I'd somehow never thought before what it would take for an ageless vampire to adjust decade by decade, reinventing their past. It is wonderfully portrayed here with Charles planning to download all those eighties songs and tv shows. Just goes to show that Plum is right about those million little details of immortality. Being a vampire takes some work, doesn't it!

Thanks, it just hit me that someone particularly like Charles who can hide for fifteen to twenty years in one place would constantly have to reinvent himself

Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 6:15 am
by allegrita
Carol, I love your insight into what it must be like to actually be a vampire. I really think this story is brilliant. And I love your take on the meaning of "forward." Charles is right--vampires need to look forward, not back, or they won't survive.

Poor Plum is having a hard time adjusting to the massive changes that have happened to her. It's like she's grieving for the humanity she's lost, even though she wanted to become a vampire. (Plus, I love your depiction of the differences between her life in LA and her life in NYC.) Charles helps her see that she will need to become more welcoming of change. To a vampire, nothing is ever stable for long. It's a process of constant adjustment, in order to pass in society. I love the way Charles described needing to study music and TV shows from his "youth" in the 80's. It makes so much sense, but I'd never really thought about it. Mick was definitely an anomaly vampire, never moving or changing his name in his 85 years. I'm sure Josef worries about him, being so stubborn. It's a huge risk, staying anywhere for too long.

Speaking of Josef... no wonder he has done so well for himself! He is so good at being a vampire. He's totally adaptable, and not at all afraid of change. It gives new meaning to that "I've been there, I've done that" line, doesn't it? :chin: I hope Plum goes to visit him and Tangie in Toronto. It will be good for her.

Thanks for a great story!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Re: Forever Forward PG-13 Champagne Challenge 177

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:29 pm
by choccyterri
I loved reading this Carol! :heart: I suppose I had never thought of the amount of information that a vampire has to process, remember, not worry about forgetting! But this puts it into a wonderful perspective. And while I'm sure there are parts that hold darkness, I couldn't help but smile while reading. What a beautiful atmosphere you created between the two of them. Thank you so much for sharing!! :flowers: xx