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Interview With the Vampire Rated PG

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:36 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fan Fiction
Interview With the Vampire
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A reporter hounds Josef for an in depth interview about his life

Cash Tucker had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. He checked his recorder to make sure it was set properly and took a quick sip of the whiskey that was provided for him.
"This is crazy" He said to himself standing up to collect his things.
"You're leaving so soon?" Josef said from behind him. "Forgive my tardiness, but I had a conference call that ran over" Josef explained.
"'re really busy...we c..can schedule this for another time" Cash stammered. Josef leaned up against the wall and gave him a small smile.
"Nah. Let's do it now" Josef said walking to the table and taking a seat across from him. There was something in the way Josef said those words that left no doubt in Cash's mind, that he was not leaving.
Cash slowly sat back down and turned his recorder on.
"So what is it you want to know?" Josef asked. Cash looked down at his notes.
"Well I suppose the first thing I'd like to know is are you happy?" Cash asked. Josef stared at the young man in surprise, kind of stumped by his question. No one had ever asked him if he was happy.
"The answer to that question is what is happiness?" Josef asked.
"For humankind I guess it's love, friends, family......that kind of thing" He said
"I think what you really want to know is am I happy being a vampire" Josef said with a smirk picking up the drink Rosa had quietly sat next to him.
"Are you?" Cash asked. Josef played with his glass and thought for a long time about his question.
"You'd think after all this time, I'd have an answer for that question. I've loved and been loved thousands of times, I've seen things that people just can't comprehend......let's just say...I'll get back to you on that one" Josef said with a chuckle.
"Alright. Next question, how do you truly feel about mankind?" Cash asked.
"I think you should ask a younger vampire who still knows what being human was like. It's been over 500 years....from what I can remember, when I was a child, I loved everything. Flowers, animals, trees! My brother and I loved trees. Just climbing as far as we could and looking down at everything....there was nothing like it"
"Where did you grow up?" Cash asked.
"Ireland. Beautiful Ireland. You know I've been to almost every place in the world and to this day no place compares to Ireland. There's magic in Ireland, that's why so many folktales are based there. Fairies, Leprechauns, witches....they all call Ireland home" Josef said, his eyes beginning to see things from long ago. "I was innocent enough as we all are at a young age. If someone would have told me that one day I would be one of the undead....I would have told them to lay down the bottle. My Da was a nobleman. People looked up to him for everything: jobs, money, livestock......" Josef sighed and waved his hand as if to dismiss the thoughts. "That was a long time ago, but if I ever knew what happiness was it was then. My brother and I roaming the hills looking for the fairy folk. It was idyllic" Josef finished. "Mankind hasn't changed. That is one constant. The robber barons of old are the dot comers of today, but I think you're more interested in my feelings toward mankind now that I'm a vampire?" Josef challenged with a raised eyebrow. At Cash's nod he continued. "I find mankind frustrating because you fail to learn from your mistakes. And after watching you repeat the same thing over and over me when I say, it stopped being amusing eons ago but I've seen some good. Like Mother Teresa. That woman was an angel....." Josef said with a smile.
"You knew her?!" Cash asked in surprise.
"I did. I had food and medicines flown to many of her missions in Africa. She was always filled with compassion".
"Are you trying to follow in her footsteps? The Josef Kostan that sits before me now is little like the Josef Kostan of years ago". Cash responded.
"Hmmm.....I never thought of it that way, but I suppose I am inspired by what she was able to do for others. You get to a certain point in your life when you look back at all the things you've done in life
and wonder if I were someone else, would I like me? Honestly, I didn't think anyone would".

Re: Interview With the Vampire Rated PG

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:27 am
by Ella713
"I don't mean to offend you, but I'm guessing you've killed a lot of people?" Cash asked carefully.
"Yeah I have" Josef agreed.
"May I ask how many?"
"You could, but the number I gave you would be either too high or too low, but let's just say it was a lot" Josef said.
"Did you ever feel guilty?"
"Do you like burgers?" Josef asked. "Of course you do. Most people do. Do you feel guilt towards the cow? Probably not. Now some PETA people definitely do, but everyday people spend no time feeling guilty about where their food came from. When you're a vampire, that's the way you see mankind. As food. You don't care what they feel or what they have to say. And when you think that way, that's when the bloodlust begins. I've laid waste to entire, women and children...and in the beginning, it was a blast. Nothing could stop us! I remember being drenched in blood and licking my hands and arms, sopping up every last drop" Josef said with a sinister smile on his face that made Cash very uncomfortable "but nature has a way of leveling the playing field. Because we slaughtered so many mortals, Hunters came into game. And they were fearless and all had certain skills that could kill any vampire. Then it became a game of hide and go seek. Sometimes we were able to kill a hunter but very often vampires were the ones who were killed" Josef said finally looking over at the young man who had turned as white as a sheet. "Would you like to take a little break?" Josef asked looking at the man try and regain some composure.
" Please continue" Cash said nervously as Josef nodded his head.
"Where was I?....ahh, bloodlust or bloodfever some others have called it. When a vampire is in the throws of bloodlust, nothing can stop him. And I do mean nothing. It used to amuse me to see mortals run to their local clergy or to their church as if that could stop us. Oh and that whole thing about a vampire not being able to enter a home unless they're invited? Hogwash! Vampires can go wherever they want whether you invite them or not! And yes we can see our reflections in mirrors. We are actually quite vain" Josef joked.
"Do you still...: Cash started to say.
"Kill people? No I don't. Vampires have evolved. We don't need to kill to get what we need. Some people simply offer it to us". Josef explained.
"Wait, you're telling me that people just walk up to you and ask you to suck their blood?" He asked in shock.
"It's an erotic thrill for some"
"So, its a sexual thing?"
"It is for them. For us, we're just enjoying a meal. It looks more sensual than it really is" Josef said.
"So women fall in love with.."
"Women fall in love with the myth not the vampire. How could they? To constantly see the man you love in a sensual embrace over and over again with different people. Vampire/Mortal relationships are
frowned upon and very often do not last".
"So have you ever been in love with a mortal?" Cash asked
"Yes" Josef replied but didn't go into detail.
"Did she know you were a vampire?"
"No. Not at first, but she caught on very quickly and when she saw what I was, she didn't care. Even when she saw me taking what I needed from another woman, she still loved me." Josef said, his eyes tearing up as he thought about Sarah. "Let's take a break" Josef said standing up and walking out the room. Rosa was at Cash's side immediately.
"Would you like something else?" She asked looking down at his glass and noticing that it was empty. Cash nodded his head and thought about all Mr. Kostan had told him. Rosa brought him another drink and sat it next to him.
"Mr. Kostan is done for tonight, but would like you to return tomorrow evening at 7pm" She said watching him down his drink.
"Of course...thank you and please relay my thanks to Mr. Kostan" Cash said taking his leave. Before he left he turned to Rosa. "How long have you worked for Mr. Kostan?" He asked. She looked up at young man.
"My story is for myself only" She said showing him to the door and lightly shutting the door.

Josef sat in his office for a while before going upstairs. He found Bridgett in the bathroom lying in an ice bath. He sat on the edge of the tub and stared at her face. She slowly took hold of his hand. She had heard what Josef told the young reporter. It saddened her, but she was under no delusion that Josef was head over heels in love with her.
"You're wrong" She heard Josef say as he kissed her lips and walked out of the room.

Re: Interview With the Vampire Rated PG

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 7:20 pm
by Ella713
Rosa opened the door the next evening and showed Cash into the same room and sat the same drink
beside him as he waited for Josef and like yesterday Mr. Kostan was late again.
"My apologies again" Josef said taking his usual seat across the table.
"I understand Mr. Kostan. Running a multi billion dollar company I'm sure is pretty rough" He said cordially.
"You have no idea" Was Josef's reply. "So where were we?" Josef asked.
"We had been talking about relationships with mortals" Cash began to say.
"No. I'll finish. Sarah Whitley was her name. I met her in New york City, although at that time I was known as Charles Fitzgerald. We met when she asked me for light and I was enchanted almost immediately. She didn't even smoke! She bummed a cigarette from a friend so she'd have an excuse to approach me, imagine that". Josef said with small smile. "She was innocent and intelligent and beautiful all the things that men hope to find in a woman but very often don't. For the first time in my vampire life I was ashamed of what I was. I tried hard to never expose her to that side of my life, because I knew once she found out what I truly was, I'd never see her again. So I made up my mind that I was going to break up with her and go far away from New York so she'd never have to see me again but Sarah had other plans. She already knew what I was, had known for some time and none of it mattered to her. She loved me with all her heart. At the time, I couldn't believe my ears. Here was this
beautiful wealthy young woman who had a bright future waiting for her and she was willing
to give it all up for me". Josef said wiping a tear that fell from his eye.
"What happened to Sarah?" Cash asked quietly.
"She had been begging me to turn her for a long time. We would yell and argue over it until she wore me down. I had never willingly turned anyone before and something went wrong. She wouldn't wake up. No matter what I tried, she stayed in a comatose state, never growing old, just asleep. I hired a full time staff to see to her needs, and I tried to find a way to bring her out it". He said.
"And did you? Were you able to?" Cash asked anxiously.
"Yeah, after 50 years Sarah came back to me, but I was no longer the Charles Fitzgerald she fell in love with. I was Josef Kostan Playboy billionaire. Sarah was too good for a vampire life. Much too good" Josef said.
"But you found love again". Cash stated.
"I don't really know. Isabelle was a mistake. She was a beautiful young woman who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I turned her out of guilt for taking her life, then I turned her over to another vampire for teaching, but she came back to me and never wanted to leave my side.
I think out of all the relationships I've had, my time with Isabelle was the most tragic and in the end all of her memories of us together were taken from her, so she could go on without me. Think about that. The only way she could survive was to never know me" Josef said shaking his head sadly.
"Yet you married again, so that means you haven't given up hope" Cash said.
"I was lucky with Bridgett. Here was a woman who had already seen me at the best and my very worst and still loved and believed in me. Trust me when I say, no woman knows me better than Bridgett" Josef said smiling to himself.
"So true love is possible for vampires?" Cash asked.
"That depends on the vampire but overall I'd say it's rare" Josef replied.
"You have a son..."
"And he is not a topic for conversation!" Josef said in anger with eyes glowing red. Cash nodded his head quickly.
"Uh...sure. No problem" He stammered. "So, are you ever bored with existing? I mean over 500 years" Cash asked in wonder.
"Not really. I do get bored with work sometimes, but overall I find life to be exciting. First of all, I share this life with mortals and you guys are like my favorite television show. I never get tired of
of seeing what you'll do next. Mankind is famous for destroying mankind, whether it be war and politics, or famine and disease. I mean I've killed tens of thousands of people, but you guys kill each other every single day! It's really mind boggling to see the same thing happen each and every time. It's not often that I'm surprised by you" Josef said with a smirk.
"What do you think will happen with man?" Cash asked.
"I think God will come down and try it all again. What he wanted was very simple when you think about it. All he wanted was for man to love each other, but the free will option was the fly in the ointment.
So maybe he'll come back and tweak that one thing so you won't keep repeating the same mistake"
"You sound like you know God Mr. Kostan" Cash said.
"Of course I do. So do you all, you just choose to ignore him" Josef replied.
"How do you think God feels about vampires and what they've done and continue to do?" Cash challenged.
"There must be a purpose for us don't you think?" Josef asked.

Re: Interview With the Vampire Rated PG

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:01 am
by Ella713
Cash took a deep breath. This was some heavy stuff. While he knew Josef Kostan to come across as a
laid back kind of guy, there was something in the way he spoke that made Cash think everything he told him was true. And if all of what he said was true, how did he feel about a God that allowed the undead to roam free feeding on everyone?
"Don't go down that road" Josef said in a warning voice.
"What? You can read my mind as well?" Cash asked becoming kind of ticked off.
"It doesn't take an Einstein to figure out how your mind was working. How can you believe in a God that would serve the human race up as a never ending buffet for vampires"? Josef hinted.
"Well, now that you bring it up....that's a damn good question" Cash replied.
"I don't know. Trying to figure out what God wants is something I'm not able to do. All you can do is trust that everything will be okay" Josef said.
"I think that's the kind of thing that people who have everything find very easy to say" Cash said.
"Perhaps, but it doesn't stop it from being true" Josef replied.
"Alright, let's try this on for size. Say you were to be destroyed and you had to face God and tell him about all the awful evil things you've done, do you still believe that everything will be okay?" He asked
"You honestly think he doesn't know already? Trust me he does" Josef said with a smile.
"Okay, so you're saying God already knows where all the bodies are buried so to speak? So why does he let these things continue"?
"Again, I can't answer that question, I can only speak from personal experience, but it's been said that if you repent and sin no more, he will forgive you" Jose said.
"I'm sorry Mr. Kostan but I just don't believe that's true and I'm actually quite surprised that you do" Cash said shaking his head. "Sometimes people just enjoy the things they are doing to care about what happens when you die." He finished.
"Well they should. You know that as much as I do" Josef said. "I mean, you line of work. You don't just report about the lives of the rich and famous. You report about all the awful things mankind is capable of" Josef said.
"Well, I have to tell you Mr. Kostan, this isn't the interview I thought it would be" He said writing down in a small tablet.
"You were expecting more blood and guts?" Josef asked raising one eyebrow.
"I'm sorry, but vampires have frightful abilities, not to mention strength and speed. If I were a vampire I think I would be tempted to enjoy being at the top of the food chain" Cash said with a chuckle.
"That's only exciting if you enjoy killing people" He said.
"Didn't you?" Cash asked. Josef shrugged his shoulders.
"If they really deserved to be killed...yeah, I enjoyed it, but that's not something I do anymore. Times have changed" Josef replied.
"Changed? I'm confused. I mean, yeah people know about vampires but that doesn't change things for vampires. You still have all that power and well.....the thirst" He said.
"Let me ask you something. How did your first kill feel? If you're like most people, it made you sick to your stomach, but after a couple of more times, it doesn't bother you anymore. That's the way it is for everyone vampire or not" Josef said with a grin. Cash looked up suddenly and quickly stood up.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" He said reaching for his bag.
"Yes you do. I knew you had murdered some people when you were hounding me for an interview" Josef said. "Relax. Sit back down. You think I'm going to get excited because some mortal has done what mortals do? So did you want this interview with the hope that I might turn you and take you under my wing?" Josef asked. Cash didn't say anything. He kept looking around seeing how he might escape. Josef started to shake his head slowly. "Mortals. Always so quick to throw everything away for the preconceived excitement of something else. Being a vampire ain't what it's cracked up to be, believe me" Josef said with a wave of his hand. "But you, there's something different about you. It's the blood that excites you isn't it?" Josef asked. Cash slowly nodded his head. "When was your first kill?"
"I was at camp and it was an accident. I didn't mean to" Cash said.
"Of course you did. You just needed to feel what it felt like to see the life go out of the person. That first rush of adrenaline and fear. The poor chubby schmuck didn't stand a chance" Josef said.
"How do you know this?" Cash asked, looking at the recorder and wandering if he had time to snatch it up.
"You're not that fast" Josef smirked.

Re: Interview With the Vampire Rated PG

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:39 am
by Ella713
"You know when I was told that you were trying to get an interview with me, the first thing I did was check into your publication and into your background. I always like to know who I'm inviting over" Josef said with sly grin. "But when The Father told me all the things you'd done, I didn't know whether I was suppose to turn you over to the police or take care of you myself" Josef said.
"So a killer executes the killer?" Cash said nervously. "Would it help my case, if I told you my dad beat the crap out of me?"
"It would if it were remotely true which it isn't" He said taking a sip of his drink.
"So what happens now?"
"I suppose you could tell me the truth. That might help" Josef said. "How many?"
"11. 8 men and 3 women" Cash said.
"See, you're not being honest. The total is 11 men, 2 women and 1 preteen girl" Josef corrected.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter" Cash said growing angry.
"Of course it matters! You want people to know the full story don't you? How young was she? My files didn't say the age"
"She was 12, but you don't know anything about her!" Cash screamed.
"She was your sister. An innocent. She caught you in your mom's backyard shed hiding some bloody clothes. She kept asking you questions about it and you snapped. You strangled her and buried her body in the woods in back". Josef said.
"She was going to tell our mother about it! She was going to ruin everything!! Little brat!!" Cash screamed standing up and bnaging his fist on the table.
"So you thought, you'd get me to turn you and then you'd be on your murdering way to kill whoever you wanted" Josef said finishing his drink.
"Yes! I admit it! I love killing! I love the hell out of it! And if I were a vampire I would do it day in and day out! Is that what you wanted to hear?" He screamed.
"Oddly yes. That's exactly what I wanted to hear". Josef said calmly as his door flew open the police were standing with weapons drawn. Josef quickly grabbed the recorder.
"I knew there was no tape in it. Vampires have excellent hearing. You should have known that" Josef joked.
"Thank you Mr. Kostan. We've been looking for this guy for a long time" One of the officers said placing Cash in handcuffs.
"Anytime, you know that" Josef replied as he walked over to the bar and made himself another drink.
Rosa appeared at his side.
"You did very good Mr. Kostan. I told you that man was very very bad" She said.
"Come, have a drink with me" Josef said. Rosa nodded her head and fixed herself a drink and sat at the table. "What tipped you off about Cash?" Josef asked.
"He had the eyes of a killer. They look from left to right all the time. That means killer" She said simply taking a sip of her drink. Josef smiled.
"What would I do without you fair Rosa?" Josef sad with a smile.
"We do not want to find out" She said firmly.

Josef finally went upstairs and saw Bridgett tying a ribbon around and beautifully wrapped gift. He smiled and lightly touched her shoulder.
"And what is this?" He asked.
"I made this for your birthday" Bridgett said sliding the package to him. "Go on, you can open it right now if you'd like" She said shyly. Josef quickly peeled off the paper and saw a beautiful photo album.
"What's this?" He asked as he flipped through the book. First he saw photos of him and Sarah at what looked to be a New Year's Eve Party then there were photos of he and Mick together, then Mick, Beth and Gabriel. The next section were lots of photographs of him and Isabelle in front of the White House and finally were pictures of Bridgett holding Gideon and shots of them on their private island.
"I named this The Many Loves of Josef Kostan" Bridgett said with a small smile. Josef closed the book and enfolded Bridgett in his arms.
"I love you so much" Josef said.

The End