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The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:02 pm
by Ella713
Moonlight Fanfiction
The Other Undead
Rated PG
By Ella713

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A vampire comes to Los Angeles in the middle of "Zombie Week" and Mick has hard time finding the vamp among the undead.

Josef awoke to someone pounding on his door. He got up and put on his robe and slowly opened the door for Brian.
"What's going on" Josef said yawning.
"A new vampire has come to Los Angeles. Alma saw him vividly. He is not disciplined and he plans on spilling blood. A lot of blood" Brian said.
"Alright. Does Alma have any other information?" Josef asked.
"Alma said he was turned about a year ago. He's in his early 20's. Tall and what Alma called surfer hair" Brian said.
"Ok. Tall, blonde vampire. That should narrow it down" Josef chuckled. "Have you called your father?" Josef asked thinking Mick should definitely know about this.
"Yes. Right before I came here. He should be here shortly" Brian said coming inside.

"So who was that on the phone and where are you sneaking off to so early in the morning?" Beth said walking to fridge.
"Brian. A new vampire came to town" He said looking for his car keys.
"Does he know who it is?" Beth asked.
"No. But Alma saw what he plans on doing while he's in Los Angeles so finding this vamp is crucial" Mick said walking over and kissing her. "I'll be back as soon as I can" He said walking out the door.

Josef had spread the word out to the community that they had a visitor and for everyone to be on alert.
Isabelle and Katrina assembled the Cleaners and they all decided that they would break into groups and hunt the vampire down.

Logan received the call and was told to be on alert of anyone new coming to him for anything. He hung up the phone and laid back down in bed.
"What's happening in the vampire world?" Lucky said opening her eyes as Logan got back into bed.
"Someone new is in town" Logan said placing his arm around her.
"Is that a big deal or something?" She asked thinking that she knew very little about vampires with the exception to the whole blood drinking thing.
"Yeah. It's a very big deal. If a vampire wants to come into a new city, he's gotta ask permission and promise to spill no blood" Logan said.
"Spilling blood is kind of what vampires are known for isn't it?" She asked.
"It means, you can't kill anyone. Not even for food. It's a pretty serious offense. A vamp could lose it's head over it" Logan said kissing her shoulder.
"I am learning more and more about you Mr. Logan" She said with a smile as she kissed his lips.

Josef got dressed and went to see Darrian to find out if she had any information.
"Come in Josef!" He heard her say before he had reached the door. Josef walked in and saw that Gideon was there.
"Hey Gideon, what are doing here so early?" He asked.
"Darrian promised to let me read these scrolls. The first Druids wrote down their methods and spells on these scrolls" He said still reading.
"You know, if he's bothering you......." Josef began to say. Darrian waved her hand.
"I will always receive Master Gideon. He is becoming quite knowledgeable". She said smiling at Gideon. "But you have come for something else. Derek Glazer is his name. He is quite lovely but he has had very little training. The woman who made him spent just the minimal amount of time. So he knows the basics, but he will ignore all that he was taught, for the hunger really pains this one." Darrian explained.
"We really need to do something about the training of vamps" Josef said with a sigh.
"Yes you do! Times have changed Josef" She said curtly.
"He killed one" Gideon said looking at his father for the first time since he arrived.
"Where?" Josef asked anxiously.
"Chinatown. Captain Carl is going to call you" Gideon said and turned back to reading. Josef's phone started to ring and he picked it up
"Tell me about it Carl" Josef said as soon as he picked up the call.
"I don't even want to know how you knew it was me Josef, but in any case, we've got a dead body in Chinatown. Looks to be one of the members of Wing Yu gang. So once it's reported as a vamp killing, they are going to be in retaliation mode" Carl said.
"Carl, we've got a new vamp in Los Angeles and he's responsible for this killing, but if you could keep a lid on this until Mick finds the bastard" Josef said in frustration.
"I'll try to give you 48 hours, but after that it will be out of my hands" Carl said hanging up, preferring the way vampires handled their own affairs. Sending mortals after a vampire was a suicide mission to say the least.

Mick arrived at Josef's place to see Brian already there.
"Alright tell me about this vamp" Mick said.
"Darrian said his name is Derek Glazer and he's had just minimal training. She also said that the hunger is really strong in this vamp and he can't control it. He's spilled blood already. A gang banger in the Wing Yu clan. So you know how gun happy those young men are. Carl's going to sit on the detail of the case for 48 hours, so that should give you enough time to whack this creep!" Josef said.
"Consider him whacked" Mick said planning on first stopping by Logan's place.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:50 pm
by Ella713
Carl was back at the station fielding the numerous calls they were receiving about zombies. The 10th Annual Zombie Con was this week and thousands of young people were headed to the convention center to play at being the undead. This was going to be a nightmare.

Logan answered his door.
"Hey Mick, you got some work for me?" Logan said holding out his hand for cash.
"Didn't Josef just make you rich beyond your wildest dreams?" Mick asked raising his eyebrows.
"Oh, you heard about that?" Logan asked. "Fine. What can I do for you? Is this about our vampire visitor?"
"Yeah. And I got a name. Derek Glazer. See if you can find anything on him. Anything at all" Mick said.
Suddenly the door opened and Lucky came out of Logan's bedroom completely naked. Upon seeing Mick she placed her arms discretely over her private areas and walked back to the bedroom.
"Did I just see a beautiful naked woman come out of your bedroom?" Mick asked with a smile. Logan smiled.
"Yes you did. She's a hacker friend of mine who is now more than a friend" He said still typing on his computer.
"Well done Logan. Call me when you've got something" Mick said leaving the apartment.

"I have to get back home, but I can come back if you'd like" Gideon said hopefully.
"Yes, do come back in the evening. It is time for us to try again. But you must focus and not let yourself be tricked" Darrian said.
"I will, I promise" Gideon said heading for the door.

Viper Han, one of the lieutenants of the Wing Yu had been told of the murder of Li Huang. So far the police had told him nothing, but when he found out who was responsible they would pay. They would pay big time! He had quite a few contacts in the LAPD. But they had told him that the police weren't releasing any information. Someone had to have information.

Mick went to Chinatown where they had found the body. He closed his eyes and smelled the area around the crime scene. He could smell the vamp and see exactly where the crime took place. The gang banger came from a local mah jong joint and was attacked the moment he stepped out. He looked up and saw that the street lamps all had busted bulbs. So the vamp busted the lights around the business, ensuring him some privacy no matter how brief. He heard someone call out to him.
"Hey!" Mick looked up from the spot he was kneeling and took off before the person could see him.

Gideon was talking to Alexander on the phone.
"What time are you guys leaving for Europe tomorrow?" Gideon asked.
"Our flight leaves LAX at 9pm" Alexander replied. "What are you going to do while I'm gone" He asked.
"Darrian has been letting me read all the scrolls from the Druids. It's really exciting" he said.
"There's something else.........." Alexander said. "What is it that you're not telling me?" He asked.
"The Father talked to me" Gideon said. Alexander said nothing for while, perhaps being stunned at this revelation.
"What did he say?" He finally asked.
"He said that I'm supposed to marry Darrian. Quite soon" Gideon said.
"I can see that. What do you think Josef is going to say? Or your mom?"
"I think my mom will be upset. Very upset. I think dad will understand because he's an angel" Gideon said.
"Do you like Darrian that way?" Alexander asked finally getting to the root of it all.
"I don't know, but I do know that in these circumstances it's just best to do as your told" He said sounding wiser than his age.

Derek was enjoying Los Angeles and couldn't for the life of him understand why he had not come here sooner. This place was really where dreams were made. So far he had met a slew of people who wanted to be in films or on television and they were all passionate about being discovered. But it was the undesirables that held his interests more. Chinatown while exciting for tourists, was a very dangerous place to be after dark. He heard people talking loudly and yelling. It was coming from what looked to be some sort of underground gambling type establishment. He quickly jumped and broke all the bulbs in the street lamps that were surrounding the building. Then he waited. Soon a young man about 25 years old came out of the building with a large roll of money. Derek jumped on the man, muffling his screams with his hand and sinking his fangs into his jugular and drinking until the young man was dead. He quickly pocketed the roll of money and vanished into the night.

Gideon returned to Darrian's apartment.
"Come Master Gideon" Darrian said to him as the door opened. He saw her sitting on her settee. "Shall we begin?" She said holding out her arms to him. Gideon quickly sat next to her and placed his hands in hers and closed his eyes. "Now remember what I told you. Do not fall for tricks" She said. Gideon nodded his head.
"I'm ready" He said. Darrian closed her eyes and the visions came hard and quickly. Darrian was speaking in a language that sounded familiar but Gideon couldn't quite place it. He heard screaming outside of the apartment and it sounded like his mother. He was tempted to pull away from Darrian and see for himself, but he willed himself to stay where he was. And all of a sudden it came. And it made sense. He opened his eyes and stared at Darrian.
"Did you see?" She asked opening her eyes. "Oh my!" She said in surprise.
"What? What is it?" Gideon said standing up quickly.
"Look at yourself" She said pointing at the mirror. Gideon was scared but he walked over to the large mirror and saw himself.
"Oh boy" He said in surprise.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:37 pm
by Ella713
Gideon stared at himself in the mirror. He never noticed how much he truly looked like his father.
"Do you know?" Darrian asked.
"Yes" He said in a voice that did not sound like it used to. Standing in front of Darrian was now the man she would marry.
"Let's speak with your mother and father" She said taking his hand.

Carl was up to to his neck in frantic calls about zombies roaming the streets of Los Angeles. Did anyone in this city ever watch the news? They had been talking about it all week long. At first Carl found the Zombie Con pretty entertaining. I mean these kids went all out for their costumes and looked pretty darn realistic. But now after 7 years of it, he was ready for it to be over before it started. Once elderly woman walking her dog had a heart attack after seeing one of the revelers slowly amble down the street. And now Mick tells him that a new vamp has taken up residence in Los Angeles. Something told him he was going to be working all night.

Mick spent most of the day in Chinatown at the crime scene. He now knew the vamps scent. Now it was time to get back to Logan and find out what he discovered.
"Just in time Mick." Logan said letting Mick in. "Oh, Mick this is Lucky" He said pointing in her direction.
"Pleased to meet you" Mick said. "You got anything?"
"Yeah. Mr. Derek Glazer, son of Dr. Elizabeth Glazer and Martin Glazer Esq. As you can guess he came from a good family. Mom's a doctor dad's an attorney. He started off a good kid, until he met a vamp girl his freshman year at MIT. She probably turned him last year because he's dropped off the grid" Logan said.
"His parents are still in Boston, they called the police to report him missing, but the guy is 20 years old. Cops figured he took off with his girlfriend. Classmates were saying they were pretty intense together" Lucky said.
"Do you know what he was studying at MIT?" Mick asked.
"Quantum Physics" Logan said. "Does that matter?" Logan asked.
"It might" Mick said thinking he should find out a bit more about physics.

Derek wasn't a mean guy, but this new life he'd been given came with consequences. Human consequences. He had met a vamp who was very into eastern religion and he said that meditation would make the hunger much more bearable. He tried it for a while, but he found out that the only thing that would make the hunger more controllable was blood. And Los Angeles had a never ending supply of it, with new people moving here from all over the world! He saw the girl looking at him with interest. He smiled and she waved and slowly walked over to him.
"I think I know you" She said staring at him and tilting her head to one side.
"Do tell" Derek said.
"We went to MIT together." She said. Derek stared at her trying to think who she might be then it hit him.
"Kelly Wang!" He said in surprise standing up from where he sat.
"I thought it was you. Derek Glazer. You were always much too pretty to be in Quantum Physics" She said with a chuckle.
"Curse of my life" He said. "What are doing in Los Angeles" Derek asked.
"Gravity and Quantum Mechanics at USC. It's pretty intense" She said. Derek looked at his former classmate, remembering her as a very driven student who loved to speak of things like Dark matter like she was speaking of the weather.
"Well you know what Professor Bar would say to that?" Derek said with a smile. "Relativity gives nonsensical answers when you try to scale it down to quantum size, eventually descending to infinite values in its description of gravity. Likewise, quantum mechanics runs into serious trouble when you blow it up to cosmic dimensions" He said a whiny voice exactly like the said Professor. Kelly laughed.
"He really disliked Quantum Mechanics." She said laughing. "Hey, me and some co-workers are going out to grab a drink later. You want to come and debate?" She asked with a hopeful smile.
"You know, that sounds great. Where are you guys going?" He asked, his hunger forgotten.
"A bar on Lexington called Gravity, if you can believe that? Be there at 7 pm" She said waving and walking away. He smiled watching her walk away. Looks like he'd have to fine another.

Gideon opened the door to the penthouse and saw his mom coming out of the Library.
"Hello Darrian........"She said then froze, the glass she was holding fell to the floor shattering. Her hands went to her face. "Gideon?" She whispered staring at her son who was in a grown up body all of a sudden.
"Don't be scared mom" He said walking over to her.
"How did this happen?" She said looking up at her son as he was now taller than her own 5'6".
"He had to find his purpose and when a vampire knows what they are supposed to do then it is something they must do immediately". Darrian explained.
"And what is it that you must do?" Bridgett asked.
"I will bring peace. Everywhere. And to do that, I must travel everywhere" He said. Bridgett had tears streaming down her face. She knew that vampire children grew quite fast, but she was not prepared for this. "Don't worry mom. Darrian will be with me. We are to be married" He said. Bridgett's eyes opened wide then they narrowed in anger. She snapped her head around to look at Darrian.
"What do you mean married?" She yelled.
"Mom calm down! This is meant to be happy news!" He said with a bright smile. "I have to pack some things, can you two be kind to one another while I'm upstairs?" Gideon asked.
"Of course Master Gideon" Darrian said with a nod watching him run upstairs.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Bridgett roared. "Gideon is a child!! What kind of a freak are you to prey on children?"
"This was what The Father wanted and as you can see your son is no longer a child, but a man who must do important things." She said. Bridgett walked quickly toward Darrian with her hand balled into a tight fist and attempted to throw a very hard punch, but her arm was stopped in mid air and she was unable to move it.
"What have you done!?" Bridgett yelled.
"It was not I" Darrian said.
"It was me mom" Gideon said from behind her. "You can't hit the woman I must marry. Why do you think The Father brought her back? It was for this very purpose. Our destiny was fulfilled when we first met, surely you knew this?" Gideon said. "Please do not let us part in anger" He pleaded.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:22 pm
by Ella713
At 7pm Derek stepped into the Gravity Bar and looked around in surprise. Everyone in the bar looked like some sort of horrid zombie from a movie. He saw a woman with half a face waving and calling his name.
"Derek! Over here!" She said. Derek recognized the voice as Kelly's and walked over.
"Ok, this is interesting?" He said in a questioning voice.
"I didn't realize that I forgot to tell you about Zombie Con is this week and we always dress up for it! It's a real blast!" She said. "Literally thousands of zombies will be walking the streets tonight". She said.
"Really? I wish I'd known" Derek said getting a wonderful idea of how he could drink his fill while remaining totally unseen.
"Really? You want me to make you up? I brought my kit with me" Kelly said.
"Sure! Make me over, this sounds like fun!" He said with a smile.

It took Kelly 45 minutes and when she was done Derek looked as zombie like as the rest of people sitting at the bar. Derek marveled at how Kelly was able to achieve such amazing results.
"This looks amazing Kelly! So when do we mingle?" Derek asked anxious to get out and start devouring.
"In 30 minutes the zombie walk begins!" She said.

Bridgett called Josef immediately and told him of what had happened to their son and he rushed home.

"Josef, there was nothing I could do!! I don't understand any of this. How could this be God's will?" She sobbed. Josef hugged her then held her hands.
"Honey, I know you don't understand any of this, and seeing Gideon as a grown man, I'm sure was shocking to you, but all of this has to happen. You are dealing with heavenly matters and trust me they won't make any sense to you so don't even try. But you must have faith that all will be revealed in time. Everything will make perfect sense" Josef said to her.
"And Gideon ......h....he did something to me. I was so angry at Darrian...I was going to strike her, but Gideon made my hand stop!" Bridgett said in fear.
"Our son is a soldier for peace, acts of violence simply can't go on in his presence. I think all acts of violence will be halted for all beings. I don't understand all of Father's plan but some of it is becoming clear and I see why Darrian was brought back. She swore her allegiance to Gideon when she first met him and Father must have wanted that to continue or she would have been destroyed. Just think, only one fairy was kept alive all this time. Perhaps it was for this reason?" Josef said.
"But she's marrying a child! Our son is only 5 years old! I thought I'd have more time!" She wailed.
"You have to stop thinking that way. Our son is a grown man with a divine purpose. We must aid him in his mission" Josef said hugging her tight. "Now wash your face and let's go see them and wish them well" He said standing up. Bridgett sighed and went into the bathroom and splashed water on her face.

Mick was standing up against a building watching the kids enjoy themselves, but for the life of him, he didn't understand what was so special about zombies all of a sudden. We're vampires going out of style? He thought to himself. Then he shook his head no. "Like that would ever happen" He chuckled.

"Come in Josef!" They heard Darrian call out before they reached the door as usual. Gideon looked up.
"Hello dad" He said standing up. Josef walked over to him and embraced him.
"Look at you all grown up!" Josef said staring at his handsome son. "And congratulations are in order" He said smiling.
"Mom told you?" Gideon asked.
"Yes and I'm very happy for you" He said hugging him again.
"Thank you. That really means a lot" Gideon said. Darrian was staring at Josef intently, so Josef knew she was going to tell him something.
"Well, that's actually quite clever" Darrian said.
"What is?" Josef asked.
"It seems that tonight is the start of some sort of zombie celebration. Why mortals are so obsessed with animated beings is beyond my comprehension" Darrian said with a wave of her hand.
"Darrian, often times the only way to conquer a fear is to render it ridiculous. So he means to hide himself in plain sight so to speak. That is indeed very clever, but I have complete faith in Mick. He will find that vampire and bring him to justice." Josef said with a smile. "So you two are to be wed, tell me what you'd like" He said with a sincere smile. Bridgett stood behind him trying to be happy for their son, but it was very hard. Even though before her stood what looked to be a young man of 21, in h er heart he was still the little baby who jumped from her arms to slide down the stairs.
"Come!!" Darrian called out as Alma and Brian came through her doors. "Now we shall have a party!" She laughed in delight. Brian looked upon Gideon and walked over towards him.
"Well done Gideon." Brian said giving him a hug.
"Thank you Uncle Brian" Gideon said brightly. Alma however walked over to Bridgett and gave her the comfort she needed.
"You all celebrate. I need to speak with Bridgett privately. We'll be back in a few" Alma said with her arm around her shoulder. "Come with me" She whispered to Bridgett. Josef looked up at Brian with questioning eyes.
"Alma will explain things in a way you could not sir" Brian said knowingly.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:03 am
by Ella713
Alma opened the door to her and Brian's apartment and held it open for Bridgett. When Alma had closed the door, Bridgett let out an ear piercing scream.
"Do you feel better?" Alma asked with a smirk.
"No" She said through clenched teeth.
"I think you need something strong." Alma said going into a side cabinet where she kept strong liquor for guests, poured her a large scotch and handed it to her. Bridgett downed the entire amount and sat the glass down.
"I admit, I'm furious! I feel like Darrian knew this entire time and she said nothing!!" Bridgett yelled.
"Look Bridgett, have a seat." Alma said motioning her to the sofa. "You had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you tied yourself to Josef Kostan. Now, I know you were in love with him and all that and probably had kind of school girl fantasies about what it would be like to be married to him, but the point is, now you are married to him and to put it mildly, you're going to have to suck it up! You are married to an Angel!! That in itself is a major deal, but you are also talking about God and as the saying goes "his will be done" I know this is all scary for you and Josef is expecting a lot of you, but explanation is not an angel's strong suit. For the most part Josef, Brian and Gabriel do what they're told. For them it's that simple. For us its never simple. Now Gideon has an important part to play in this plan from God, and neither he nor Darrian know the full scope of what it entails, they're just following orders and you as his mother have to come to terms with the fact that you're never going to know the full plan, but rest assured because no one else will know either. Just be there for your son. Darrian was brought back for the soul purpose of protecting Gideon and she will do that as long as she exists. Gideon is safe with her. She won't harm him" Alma said. Bridgett fell back back on the sofa.
"I know but it just seems so wrong" Bridgett said shaking her head.
"You're thinking about sex?" Alma asked. Bridgett nodded.
"All this time and you still know nothing about vampires". Alma said shaking her head. "Even vampires that are born are basically grown men and women in underdeveloped bodies. But once the body catches up.........your son is no longer a 6 year old. He is what looks to be 22-25 years old. Right now. That's his age and he will forever be that age." Alma said rubbing her shoulder. Bridgett's face crumpled and she sobbed with Alma holding her in her arms. "It will be alright. Trust me" Alma said soothingly.

Derek was enjoying what seemed to be a new freedom of sorts walking around as another form of the undead. He had managed to feed quite quickly on a lumbering female, tossed her body behind a building and caught up with Kelly before they even knew he had been away from them. Who knew that zombies could be so much fun!! Too bad it came but once a year.

Mick looked at his watch and pulled his ball cap down low on his head. The hoard was approaching his way very slowly. People were gathered on the sidewalks taking photos and videos of the zombies approaching. Mick sniffed the air and knew a vampire was around. He closed his eyes for a moment and felt someone swiftly grab him from behind and pull him with force into the alley behind him.

Mick was thrown to the ground violently. When he looked up he was surrounded by, what looked to be gang members, from the Wing Yu. Viper kicked Mick as hard as he could in the ribs. Mick groaned in pain as he felt his ribs break, but the ribs healed immediately. Viper went to kick him again and Mick pushed him to the ground and jumped up. Viper scrambled up.
"You killed our friend!!" He screamed as the other members of the gang started to circle around Mick. "We saw you in Chinatown checking out your handiwork!!" He yelled. "For that you die!!" He said pulling out a gun and getting ready to fire. Mick quickly broke threw the gang and jumped on top of a neighboring building watching them from above. This was just perfect Mick thought. Now he had the entire Wing Yu clan after him and more importantly, they thought he had killed their friend.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:47 pm
by Ella713
Alma and Bridgett made their way back up to the penthouse. Josef looked at both of them with questioning eyes as Bridgett walked over to Darrian and hugged her.
"Make sure no harm comes to him" She whispered softly in her ear. Darrian gave a small smile.
"And it shall be done" She said hugging her back. Bridgett walked over to Gideon and kissed his cheek.
"My handsome boy.....all grown up" She said beginning to choke up."I love you so much" She said hugging him tightly.
"Thank you mom" Gideon said.

Mick was upset that the Wing Yu had spoiled his plans. He would have to get in contact with Isabelle and Katrina and see if they could keep these idiots out of his way. He had a funny feeling that Derek would have come his way.

Derek had a great time walking around with Amy and her co workers. He had discreetly fed twice and none had been the wiser. And he'd get to it again tomorrow evening, but for now he needed rest and he had to find someplace safe. Derek had taken shelter in a crypt in Evergreen Cemetery amongst bones of those gone before he or his parents had been alive. His girlfriend.......ex-girlfriend had told him that sleeping with the dead was the safest place for a vampire to be. It wasn't his favorite place to take rest, but he knew that no one would look for him here.

Mick woke up to the knock on his door and ran to answer it quickly.
"Isabelle!" He said in surprise seeing her for the first time since her and Josef had split.
"You have problems?" She said sounding very much like the Isabelle he had first met a long time ago.
"Yeah, come in" He said. "A new vampire is in the city and according to Carl he's already spilled blood" Mick said but stopped when he heard another knock at his door. "Josef!" Mick said in surprise. "What are you doing here?" He asked not wanting to open his door wider.
"Darrian has some information......what's up with you?" Josef said pushing his way inside Mick's apartment. He stood frozen seeing that Isabelle was standing in the center of Mick's living room. Isabelle turned to face Josef, her face as unreadable as ever.
"Who is Darrian?" Isabelle asked looking at both of them.
"A fairy with divine gifts" Josef said looking at the woman he once loved with sadness.
"Another Josef Kostan secret". She said. "What would you like me to do?" She asked.
"The Wing Yu are interfering. One of their Lieutenants was drained, so they are out for all vampires. I was close to catching this vamp when they got the jump on me" Mick said.
"Katrina and I will handle the Wing Yu" She said and turned for door.
"Hang on!" Josef said suddenly. "How have you been?" He asked. She turned to look at him clearly not understanding what it was he wanted.
"I am as I am" She said and walked out of the apartment.
"What's up with Isabelle?" Mick asked in confusion.
"She endured a purging" Josef said sadly. "She is aware of me, but doesn't know me. Not like she used to. It was necessary. It had to be done" Josef said. Mick shook his head.
"Damn man." Mick said missing the Isabelle that he had once known. "What does Darrian have for me?" Mick finally said.
"She told me that you would indeed find this vamp but not before he killed again. He's been walking around in the zombie hoards downtown." He said.
"Yeah I know. You remember that scientist that worked for you when you were helping Tesla with the prototype?" Mick asked.
"Kelly something I think" Josef said
"I found out that she went to MIT with Derek Glazer. She found him pretty quickly and had been keeping him knee deep in the Zombie Com scene. The goal last night was to walk his right by me, but the Wing Yu jumped me." Mick explained.
"Now I see where Isabelle fits in" Josef said. "But Kelly is a tiny little thing...don't you think you're putting her in harms way?" Josef asked.
"She's a vampire now Josef. Man, you need to catch up! Fatherhood has slowed you down" Mick joked.
"Speaking of which, Darrian is getting married soon and I'm inviting you" Josef said.
Who's the unforntunate?" Mick asked.
"Gideon." Josef said walking out the door before Mick could ask any more questions.
"Josef!.....W..what..." was all he was able to get out before the door shut.

Derek actually felt bad as he looked down on the old woman who looked to be placing flowers on a loved ones grave, but a man had to eat. And that's what it all came down to. Its like feeling bad that a cow had to die so you could enjoy a cheeseburger. Yeah it sucks, but a man's gotta eat. He kicked the body hard over the graveyard wall feeling refreshed and made his way to meet Kelly for another round of zombie fun! Derek didn't think he would ever leave Los Angeles!

Katrina and Isabelle were on their way to Chinatown to take care of this Wing Yu gang.
"We will have to make sure we are not seen. Gangs in Chinatown always have neighborhood support" Katrina said.
"Mick St. John said he would have caught the vampire had it not been for the meddling of this gang, so we should make a point of them" Isabelle said with a small smile.
"You spoke with Mick St. John? Was he alone sister?" Katrina asked suddenly.
"No. Josef Kostan came shortly after I arrived. He is a most unusual vampire." Isabelle said.
"He is something more than vampire and it is best to keep your distance sister. He can be dangerous" Katrina said hoping that the purging Isabelle endured would not be undone because she came into contact with Josef Kostan! Damn him!! She thought to herself. As it became darker, Katrina noticed that people took more notice of them as if sensing they were not quite alive. Many walked back into their buildings and locked the door.
"It won't be long now. Someone will call and let the Wing Yu know we are here" Katrina said.

Katrina and Isabelle both heard the click of the gun before it was fired and made themselves scarce.
"Damn it!! I hate dealing with these bloodsuckers!!" They heard a male voice say. Karina spoke in non audible tones and and told Isabelle what they should do. Five members of the Wing Yu stood in the middle of the street looking all around for the females they were told were vampires.
"Spread out!! And shoot at whatever moves!!" A man called out. Katrina got the jump on the man giving orders and was able to take him out with the speed of a ninja. Isabelle got one who had moved closer to the spot she was standing and managed to kill him before he uttered a scream. The three remaining gang members saw that they their friends were gone and they took off with Isabelle and Katrina following closely behind them. The gang ran into a warehouse on the outskirts of Chinatown.
Katrina heard them grabbing more weapons and ammunition. Isabelle grabbed and gas hose from the nearby gas station and began to spray the building, while Katrina secured the the door to make sure they would not be able to leave this building. She them lit the match and tossed it at the warehouse which went up in flames immediately. The gang members began to yell and scream with one man jumping out the window. Katrina picked up his body with one hand and threw him back into the inferno. They both waited until the fire department came to put out the fire but they knew the gang members had perished and they faded into the night.

Kelly was doing Derek's make-up again.
"Okay you're going to look really mutilated tonight" She said with a smile. Derek's senses were on high alert. Kelly smelled like him! Derek got up from the chair.
"Shit!! You're a vampire?!" He yelled. Kelly stood looking at him with amusement.
"Yeah, so what? So are you" She said with the make up brush still in her hand.
"But.....but I couldn't tell!" He yelled.
"I didn't want you to know. Look, all vampires can mask their scent so other vampires can't find them. Didn't your sire teach you that?" Kelly asked with an arched eyebrow.
"That's possible? Are you shitting me?" Derek asked in disbelief.
"No, I'm making it up. Of course its possible, I did it!" She said laughing.
"Did your sire teach you this trick?" Derek asked thinking what this could mean.
"Yeah. He said it was ridiculous to have to ask permission to go somewhere new, so he got around it" She said shrugging her shoulders.
"Do you think he could teach me? I didn't ask anyone's permission to come to Los Angeles" He said thinking of it suddenly.
"Sure. He's meeting us here tonight" She said with a smile. "Now sit down so I can finish your face" She said pointing at the chair.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:58 pm
by Ella713
"So it was arson?" Carl said, thinking that Katrina could have chosen a more discreet method of doing away with the Wing Yu.
"Definitely" The Fire Marshall said. "Used something to bar the door shut so they couldn't get out then used the pump from that gas station to douse the place. Not only was this arson, it was murder as well" He finished as he walked back towards his car. Carl had units knocking on every house, apartment and business in the area to see if anyone got a look at whoever did this and he was hoping that Chinatown would choose to stay out of it.

"Captain Davis, we've checked with everyone on this block and they all say they saw nothing at that time" One of his officers said.
"I kind of figured everyone would say that. How many were in the building?" Carl asked.
"The Medical Examiner is up to 27. All males so we'll have to check with the Gang Unit to see what the Wing Yu numbers were" He said.
"Alright, carry on and let me know if find out anything new." Carl said walking back to his car and pulling out his mobile to call Mick.
"Hey Mick, it's Carl. Can you meet me at my office?" He asked.
"Sure thing Carl" Mick said.

"So was your sire your boyfriend?" Derek asked.
"No. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time which is how most turnings happen, but he took good care of me, taught me how to survive on my own and how to mask myself. He's a good guy" Kelly said putting the finishing touches on her creation. "What do you think?" She said holding the mirror in front of him. Derek stared at his image in surprise. Using just makeup, she made it appear as if his jaw was missing! Along with making his eyes look sunken in, he really could pass for a zombie.
"Kelly, you could make millions of dollars on a movie set!" He said with a smile that made his appearance all the more creepy.
"Nah, this is just once a year". She said pulling out her mobile phone to ring Mick St. John.

Mick walked into the police station and saw Carl in his office talking on the phone.
"Hey Carl. What you got?" Mick said taking the chair across from him.
"It looks like Katrina and Isabelle took care of the Wing Yu. They set fire to their.......clubhouse....HQ..whatever gangs call it" Carl said.
"How many?" Mick asked hoping that they got them all.
"The count is at 27 now, but CSI is still going through the building. There may be more". Carl said.

Re: The Other Undead Rated PG

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:58 pm
by Ella713
Kelly and Derek went to the Gravity lounge again to get ready for the Zombie Parade. The streets were literally covered with folks dressed as zombies so Mick stood out like a sore thumb in contrast. Mick walked into the Gravity lounge and spotted Kelly right away.
"There he is!" Kelly said excitedly, bowing her head as Mick approached. "This is my old friend I told you about" Kelly said offering Mick a seat.
"You're really into this stuff?" Mick asked with an amused grin.
"You should try it. Have some fun sometimes." Kelly said. Mick looked at Derek.
"So how long have been in Los Angeles?" Mick asked.
"About 5 days" Derek replied.
"Have you spilled blood?" Mick asked.
"Yeah. Taking just a sip is kind of lame in my opinion" He said.
"Agreed. But enforcement will come for you. Frankly I'm surprised they haven't already sent someone for you, but whatever" Mick said.
"Kelly said you taught her how to mask herself. Can you show me?" Derek asked seeing a brand knew life for himself without repercussions.
"Sure. But you'll have to keep this on the down low. If Dragos here's about what I'm teaching he'll take my head" Mick said in a low whisper.
"Who's Dragos? Head vampire or something?" Derek joked.
"You don't ever want to find out. Trust me" Mick said seriously. "Alright come with me" Mick said standing up.
"Are you going to have us back before the parade?" Kelly asked thinking she would miss her co-workers.
"You can stay Kelly and wait for your friends and I'll bring him back in 20 minutes." Mick said leading Derek to his car.

"So how did you learn to mask yourself?" Derek asked him once they were outside.
"Who sired you? Didn't they explain this all to you?" Mick asked getting real tired of cleaning up what careless vampires left behind.
"I don't think you know her. She was my girlfriend in college" Derek said. "Where are going?" Derek asked getting a little worried.
"What I'm about to do can't be done in public. You'll get us both destroyed!" Mick said in anger. When they got to Mick's car he opened the door and told Derek to get in. Brian was in the back seat waiting and the moment Derek sat down Brian ripped off his head.
"Great job Son!" Mick said taking the body and the head and stuffing them into his trunk. He reached for his mobile and called Carl. "It's over Carl. Go talk to the press". Mick said.

Darrian and Gideon decided to throw a dinner party and waited for everyone to arrive. Josef and Bridgett were the first to arrive.
"Come!" Darrian said from inside. The large three bedroom unit was beautifully decorated with a long dining table that sat 12 people. Within the hour, Brian and Alma had arrived as well as Mick, Beth, Zoe, Gabriel, Carl, and Angela. Carl stared at the Gideon shaking his head in wonder.
"This is unbelievable" Carl said.
"I know. I just can't believe Gideon's getting married." Mick said. Carl turned to stare at Mick.
"Really man? You think that's the unbelievable part?!" Carl asked.
"I'd like to make a toast!!" Josef said to everyone. "I'd like to wish my son and his soon to be bride a very happy life filled with lots of fun, merriment and love beyond all else. I know that whatever Father has planned for you both will be amazing! So please raise your glasses to Gideon Mishka Kostan and Darrian Aine O'Tool!" Josef said. Alexander and Connie came running in just back from their trip to Europe.
"We apologize for our tardiness. Our flight was delayed a bit" Alexander said, walking over to Gideon, gave him a hug and kissed Darrian's hand. "Congratulations to you both" He said stiffly.
"Thanks Alexander. How was Europe?" Gideon asked.
"It was fantastic!" Connie gushed and went on to tell everyone of their trip and all the places they saw.
"Did we miss anything?" Alexander asked.
"No. Just the usual" Josef said nonchalantly. "Mick tried to catch a killer vampire in the midst of Zombie Con." He explained.
"Just a typical month" Alexander said nodding his head.

The End