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Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:36 am
by cassysj
I do not own any Moonlight characters or Star Wars characters, no copyright infringement is intended.

Beth was waiting for Logan to give her the location on her lead.

“Beth I can tell you this email came from a server in Moscow but whether or not your source was in Moscow, I’m not sure. It could just be a hacker hiding his location. Give me some time and I’ll see what I can do.

“Can you have it by tomorrow?

“I’m going out to see Rogue One tonight.

Beth sighed. “All right but can I have it soon? Ben wants to know if Councilman Smithson is embezzling.

“I’ll be back on it at midnight.. I’m going to the 7P show.

Beth nodded. “Well enjoy Star Wars 8”

Logan’s eyes turned silver. “It’s not Star Wars 8. It’s Rogue One

“Beth yawned.”Didn’t 7 come out last year?”


“So this is 8?

Logan shook his head in exasperation. “No, It’s non-numbered. Episode 8 comes out the end of 2017.

“But if 7 came out last year, this is 8 even if they didn’t put a number.

Logan felt his head would explode. “No it’s not!”

“Logan…..Nightmare on Elm Street 7 is still 7 even though it was called Wes Craven’s New Nightmare.

“It’s not the same thing! Star Wars 8 will be a continuation of Star Wars 7. Rogue One is standalone post 3 prior to 4.

So it’s Star Wars 3.5? Beth asked.

“Now you’re just talking crazy. Logan said. After Thanksgiving did I ask if you watched Gilmore Girls Season 8?

Beth hesitated. “Yes, you did.

“No, I asked if you watched Gilmore Girls A Year In the Life?

Beth was frustrated “That’s season 8

“No, it’s a revival movie series not a season.” “I wouldn’t disrespect your fandom, don’t disrespect mine.”

Beth frowned. “Logan, I’ll call you tomorrow and let me know if you like 3.5. Beth stormed out.

Logan shook his head. “I don’t know why I bother.

His freshie Maxine came upstairs. “Logan, we have to get ready to leave for the theater

“Don’t we have reserved seats?’

“Yes, but you want blood and Red Hots in your large Coke so it can be just like 1977.

Logan agreed. “That’s true. “Now, did you watch all the movies so we can discuss them?

Maxine smiled. “Yes.

“All of them? Even the 2008 Animated Clone Wars movie?

“Yes, Logan. I also watched all six seasons of Clone Wars Animated and the first two seasons of Star Wars Rebels. I’m up to date.


“Logan, who do you think Rey’s parents are?”

“Luke of course.”

Maxine frowned. “I don’t know I think it’s Leia and Han.”

Logan disagreed. “No way. They have their Sith son, they wouldn’t abandon a child.”

“Well…..what if Luke sensed that Rey was strong in the force….like Anakin and felt she had to be hidden. You know she grew up on a desert planet like Luke.

“Well yeah…but

‘Also, Luke and Leia were twins separated for their protection.

“Yeah, but…..

“And Rey totally gelled with Han and she is so Force sensitive makes me think…Anakin….Chosen One….HA! Also Kylo/Ben Solo whines as much as teenage Anakin and teenage Luke.” He could be out of sorts because he’s been separated from his other half.

Logan would never admit with all the hours he thought about Star Wars this idea never crossed his mind. If Maxine turned out to be right....he might have to turn in his fan club badge.

“Maxi let’s not mix our universes. We are in SW past, not the future. We’ll find out next year when Episode 8 comes out.

Maxine laughed. "Okay, but I just read that Billy Dee Williams is doing the voice of Lando in an Episode of Star Wars Rebels so at least you'll get some more Lando.

Logan smiled. Maxine was a perfect freshie.

Re: Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:03 am
by allegrita
Beth is so literal-minded. :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: I am very glad Logan has Maxine. She really is perfect for him. :hearts:

Re: Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:03 pm
by Lilly
Carol, I love this! :yahoo: As a fellow Star Wars fan, I can totally relate to Logan. :snicker: Of course, Rogue One isn't Episode 8!! :nonono: Honestly, Beth. :eyeroll: Do your research. :snob:

Maxine is wonderful here. Not only did she catch up on all things Star Wars, she seems to have actually taken a real interest in the franchise. :yes: Her theory is interesting. :chin: I'm not sure I agree, but it'll be fun to see if she's right. At the very least, you'll owe us a follow-up between these two once the REAL Episode 8 comes out. :teeth:

Great take on the Challenge. :twothumbs: :hug:

Re: Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:51 am
by MickLifeCrisis
Oh, I loved this, too! Awesome job, Carol!


Re: Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:32 pm
by librarian_7
I actually had most of this conversation with someone...*sigh*

And if Logan REALLY wants to test her deep SW knowledge, he needs to ask if she's seen the Star Wars Holiday Special. :snicker:

(It's awful, BTW. The first 15 minutes are basically wookiees talking. With no subtitles.)

Re: Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:59 am
by cassysj
Alle - I felt Beth would be literal enough to drive him crazy. I just started watching Star Wars Rebels and Billy Dee Williams really did do an episode as Lando.

Lilly - LOL! After Episode 8 we'll see who is right! Weird idea came to me on the train, not sure if I agree either but had to run with it.

MLC - Thanks, I'm a big Star Wars geek so this was fun.

Lucky - I thought about the SW Holiday was too painful

Re: Logan and Episode 8 PG-13 Champagne Challenge 174

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:56 am
by allegrita
I'd forgotten how many Logan Star Wars stories you've done! :yahoo: This one is awesome. Beth really should respect Logan's fandom. :yes: And Maxine is a darling. :hearts: