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Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:40 pm
by Kelly
Disclaimer: I own no recognizable characters, sets, etc.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Mick, Beth, Josef, Simone, OC
Warning: First fic warning...terribly contrived!

Shadows of the Past

The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it. ~Wendell Berry

Mick sat in his office, hard at work, researching hospital records trying to locate Lauren’s father. However, he was interrupted by the ringing of his cellphone. He answered it to hear Beth’s voice.

“Hey,” she said, “so, do you want to go do something?”

“I’m kind of working right now, Beth,” he replied reluctantly.

“Come on, Mick… for me.” she pleaded playfully.

“Well, what did you have in mind,” he responded.

“It’s a surprise. Just meet me at my place as soon as you can,” she sounded to Mick like a little child with a secret, but it made him smile.

The sky was darkening as Mick drove his car up to the curb outside Beth’s apartment, where she stood already waiting for him. She opened the door and slid in beside him. Mick leaned over and kissed her passionately. “Miss me?” Beth teased.

“, of course not,” Mick teased back, and Beth’s face lit up in a smile. “Honestly…like crazy,” he added gently and kissed her again.

As they drove, Beth gave Mick directions to their destination, and at last they pulled up near the beach. “So, what are we doing here?” Mick asked.

“You’ll see,” Beth answered mysteriously. They walked along the deserted beach until they reached a small alcove, almost hidden from the rest of the coast.

“What are we doing here,” recognizing the the alcove as the place he had seen Beth many times as a child, while he was watching out for her.

“This was my favorite spot when I was little. It was the safest place in the world to me. I would come here all the time and daydream or make up stories about my guardian angel. I haven’t told you this, but I distinctly remember this one particular day. I was sitting right here, and I heard someone behind those trees. I turned, but all I saw was a shadow, which then disappeared. I was only a child…I should have been frightened. I don’t know how, but somehow I knew. It was you, wasn’t it?” she looked at him expectantly, for a reply.

He didn’t say a word, only nodded. Mick had known right away, the instance she was referring to. He had wanted so much to let her see him, to reveal himself to the young Beth. He had come so close to doing so, when he remembered the promise he had made to himself to stay out of her life. He hadn’t known until then that she had seen or heard him.

Mick and Beth sat together in the sand, quietly holding each other. No words were necessary to sense the connection between, to know what the other was feeling.

“So what were you working on when I called you?” Mick was just pulling outside Beth’s. They had remained at the quiet, moonlit beach for some time, happy and content, before beginning their drive home. Niether had said said much while in the car, so Beth’s words took Mick by surprise.

“What?” Mick asked.

“You said you were working,” Beth clarified. During his time with Beth, Mick had almost forgotten the job he had to do.

“A young woman hired me to find her father,” Mick explained.

“Well…,” Beth began, “do I need to be jealous?”

“Oh,” Mick leaned towards Beth, “most definitely.” He lingered a moment, his lips just barely avoiding hers. Beth sighed slightly in anticipation before their lips met.

Re: Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:40 am
by Fleur de Lisa
Sweet scene at the beach. This new little chicky better not get between the 2 of them!

Re: Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:43 am
by Kelly
Fleur de Lisa wrote:Sweet scene at the beach. This new little chicky better not get between the 2 of them!
I'm not saying a

Re: Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:37 pm
by francis
Awww, the beach place is such a nice thing, and Beth is doing all the right things to show Mick what he means to her. He's playful, but I hope that's all there is to this jealousy thing. Off to read more.

Re: Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:34 pm
by coco
Playful Mick is lovely to see. How long will it last? :ysmile:

Re: Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 5:21 pm
by greenleaf9
Mmmm...this chapter was yummy! :drool: I love Mick and Beth at the beach. Contrived is a-okay with me! :thumbs: I sensing an upcoming love triangle? Yikes! :eek2:

I'm liking this story very much Kelly! :clapping: (and I'm still waiting for you to post that friendship fic of yours...or did you already post it and I miss it? :blushing: )

Re: Shadows of the Past: Chapter 3 (PG-13)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:15 pm
by jen
What is Best's surprise? What is Lauren's surprise?

The plot is just being laid out for us.

Excellent, Kelly!



:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: